sabato 7 novembre 2009

Vegas Outdoor DXing for November 5, 2009

Pueblo Park Las Vegas

Thursday 05.11.09

11550 EWTN (WEWN, USA) at 2048 Spanish, YL ancr. G-VG signal.
11565 FAMILY RADIO (WYFR, USA) at 2052 German, OM ancr. G signal.
11655 R. NETHERLANDS (via Madagascar) at 2054-2057* English, YL ancr reporting Nx. F signal.
11910 R. JAPAN at 2106 Japanese, OM ancr. G signal.
12025 UNIDENTIFIED at 2110 Music only. Hrd serene instrumental music (guitar & strings) on a tape loop. Keep rechecking until 2149 at which time the signal was gone. Continued monitoring to TOH but did not hear any sta ID. Could this have been HCJB testing via Sackville? G signal.
12040 R. PORTUGAL INT at 2111 Portuguese, OM announcing soccer match. G signal.
12095 BBC (via Ascension Island) at 2115 English, OM ancr. Talk of African massacres. P signal.
7255 V. OF NIGERIA at 2128 English, YL (with French accent) reporting Nx. The "Taliban" was mentioned. At 2130 hrd OM broadcasting in French. F signal with CW co-channel interference.
15365 R. CANADA INT at 2140 French, YL and OM ancrs. F signal.
16630 R. AUSTRALIA at 2146 English, YL and OM ancrs reporting Nx. F-G signal.
13640 R. JAPAN at 2152 Japanese, OM ancr. F-G signal.
11845 R. CANADA INT at 2154-2159* French, OM ancr. F signal.
15315 R. NETHERLANDS (via Neth. Antilles) at 2210 Dutch, YL & OM ancrs. F signal w/ QRM.

Richard Bianchino, Las Vegas, NV USA. Kaito KA1103, 20' wind-up antenna.

Before the world wide web there was World Band Radio.