16,00utc 10000khz TS BPM-CHINA id in CW
16,10 utc 4780khz R.diff TV de Djibouti Arta DJI pxmx Buono
16,53utc 3912khz Voice of the People -KRE Cland //6600-6518khz Buono
16,59utc 5765khz AFRTS -Barrigada -GUM feeder"CNN Report"
- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-