Segnale molto debole audio appena udibile ma sufficente da comparare con lo streaming via internet , 189khz 23,00utc RUV/RAS1 Gueskalar ISL-
PS: E' dura ascoltare a Milano...rumore...rumore ...etc......
- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
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