venerdì 6 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 6, 2009

** ANGUILLA. Ho, hum, no hum, since DGS/PMS missing again from 6090, Nov 6 at 0640 check; 11775 on at next check 1330. See also CUBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 6 at 1341: fair on 8400, poor on 9000, very poor on 10210. See also unID [non] 6074 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. RHC 49m check at 0640 Nov 6: English on 6140, 6060 and 6010; Spanish on 6150, 6120. However, 6060 was really splattering, bothering CFRX 6070 which it usually does not; and due to overload? even could be heard on 6090, vacated for the moment by Anguilla, q.v.

Nov 6 at 1330: still lacking two dozen spurs from 11760; 6110 still on at 1353 check. At 1407 was hearing the opening march from Voces de la Revolución on 13710, then Fidel speech from long ago mentioning that he was being heard on CMQ, atop something weaker and only AIR GOS from Bengaluru is listed. 13710 is ex-13720, the leapfrog of new 13770 ex-13760 over CRI relay 13740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. Strong OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Nov 6 at 1409 covering 15762-15788 or so, obliterating IDF station on 15783.1, but not the BBC Arabic service from Cyprus on 15790. These neighbors must be doing a bit of coördination, tho non-selective receivers in the Mideast might still have trouble separating them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. 15285, Gospel for Asia, 250 kW due east from Wertachtal, Nov 6 at 1413 giving address in Hyderabad (which one? No country mentioned), mixing in some numbers in English, in unID S Asian language, a bit of music, and 1415 switching to another language, putting a good signal into OK where I can confidently say they have 1 listener, but he is immune to evangelism, plus disunderstands either language.

Fortunately we have all the details in the Aoki list: the language change at 1415 on Fridays is: Gondi to Kukna. For future reference, the others:
Sunday,    Kupiya to Banjara
Monday,    Soura to Kui
Tuesday,   Soura to Kui
Wednesday, Bondo to Gamit
Thursday,  Bhili to Gamit
Saturday,  Yerukala to Banjara
I wonder if these are grouped together as related and somewhat intercomprehensible, or totally not? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR Aligarh blobcheck Nov 6 at 1332: today it`s varied down to 9415-9425 and a really strong, distorted mess, QRMing the // frequency via Bengaluru, 9425! Now will they finally notice and fix it? Of course not! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. 4750, hoping for Bangladesh, but usual dominator RRI Makassar with M&W Indo talk, laughing, Nov 6 at 1346, the only significant extracontinental signal on 60m besides China 5030.

Fifth day in a row with VOI missing from 9525/9526v, Nov 6 at 1347.

However, RRI domestic relay on 9680 from same Cimanggis site was on at 1353, YL & OM conversation in Indonesian vs DRM noise. That would be VOR Moscow on early, scheduled 1400-1800 on 9670-9675-9680, one hour each in Russian, English, German, French to Europe, 35 kW, 260 degrees from Taldom site, per DRMDX schedule, altho HFCC thinks it`s 100 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL. Galei Tsahal varied to 15783.1, Nov 6 at 1409; unfortunately, it`s buried right smack dab in the middle of strong OTH radar pulses, presumably from nearby Cyprus [q.v.], covering roughly 15762-15788. All I could do was measure the carrier frequency. Recheck at 1452, GZ clear of that QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. Nov 6 I was lucky enough to tune in XEPPM on 6185 when it was QRM-free, at 0636, operatic aria. So I stayed with it to find out exactly when Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasília, would cut on the 6185 air: two minutes later at *0638 and modulating by 0640 with PSA, ID, usual rumbling het with the off-frequency Mexican, a nasty mixture; RNA // 11780 clear also on by now.

In the past, RNA has shifted to 6180, altho for some other excuse than being coöperative and compassionate with México. They could do so again, but are probably not motivated since their 250 kW surely prevents any significant QRM from XEPPM in the Amazon, unlike here. And 6180 would clash at various times with Cuba altho otherwise it seems to be in use only to and from the Eastern Hemisphere.

The real solution would be for XEPPM or RNA to move to a completely different frequency, at least during the night hours when Radio Educación funxions, currently 0000-1200 UT, but knowing how unlikely that would be, I am not going to waste any time looking for one that would work. Instead I will rail periodically against this injustice to the superb Mexican noncommercial, cultural outlet and its would-be listeners at home and abroad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. I keep looking for third harmonics from US MW stations on 60 meters, but no luck since my 4740 Spanish WTTN Wisconsin and 4800 unID English/Texan? catches; however, Nov 6 at 1345, the fifth harmonic of my local KGWA 960 is audible on 4800 where I had not heard it before, interfering with CODAR, the unmistakable intonations of morning newsman J. Curtis Huckleberry (pseudonym?) who gets all his news, word for word, from the Enid News & Eagle, never heard credited. If they failed to go to press for any reason, he would be U.S.C. Sometimes, when everything clix, including physical transport of the tape, a video of his morning newscast plays back at local noon on local cable access Pegasys channel 12. The studiocam is permanently aimed such that we can never see him axually holding the newspaper, nor ever any of his in-studio guests; interrupted by Fox `news` from the network (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN [and non]. R. Oman doing about as well as it ever does on 15140, i.e. a weak and somewhat readable signal, instead of inaudible, Nov 6 at 1416 with western pop music, no comparison to the much stronger Russian sidebars, 15150 BBC via Rampisham, and 15130 R. Liberty via Lampertheim, the latter mixing with WYFR Spanish about 3 Hz away.

1430 Oman YL starts news in English, but hard to copy; eventually somethings about Pakistan, Blair. By 1438 she was mixing in music with the news, 1440 just music, which by 1445 was somewhat better in jazz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA has made some schedule changes after B-09 officially started. 13m not propagating Nov 6, but I was hearing a weak Sawt ul-Buzz at 1453 on 17895, a frequency which had been abuzzous, so ex-21505 transmitter? This went off at 1456* so I retuned to 15435, and that cut on about a minute later *1457 with huge signal and buzz overwhelming its own Arabic modulation JBA underneath. Still waiting for Allah to get `em for that (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [and non]. Startled to hear Swedish on top of big 11550 signal from WEWN, Nov 6 at 1326. Must be Sveriges Radio. Listed as 350 kW, 95 degrees from Hörby at 1300-1330 only, but can this really be aimed eastward? // much weaker 11600 in the clear which is 350 kW, 55 degrees from Hörby. Something does not add up: difference in azimuth should not make that much difference in strength here, so suspect 11550 was really on wrong antenna aimed more or less USward. Both went off at 1329* in mid-word, as studio and transmitter site also fail to coördinate scheduling. Hello, Teracom??? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. Listened intently until 1405 for 8GAL, V/CQ marker on 6074 CW starting when R. Rossii was closing 6075 at 1400 Nov 6, but no trace of it; just the far-our-of-synch timesignals from RR and CNR1 jammer and/or RTI starting up at that hour. Ron Howard has heard 8GAL, confirming that it is back in business like last B-season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###