lunedì 30 novembre 2009

Concorso sul 50° anniversario delle trasmissioni in lingua italiana di RCI

Concorso sul 50° anniversario delle trasmissioni in lingua italiana di RCI e sul 40° anniversario dell'allacciamento delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Cina e Italia
Cari amici, per la Cina, il 2009 è stato un anno da celebrare, corrispondendo al 60° anniversario della fondazione della Nuova Cina. In merito, il primo ottobre la sezione italiana ha trasmesso in diretta online la parata e la sfilata di massa del 60° anniversario. Nonostante il fuso orario, non pochi amici italiani hanno seguito in rete l'intera trasmissione in diretta.
Il 2009 è stato un anno molto particolare anche per la Sezione italiana: da aprile a luglio abbiamo organizzato il concorso "Amo studiare la lingua cinese", in cui abbiamo ricevuto molti scritti di alta qualità sia dai nostri vecchi ascoltatori che dai nuovi amici che stanno studiando o lavorando con la lingua cinese.
Il 15 settembre a Roma è stata scoperta la targa dell'Aula Confucio CRI-Associazione Italia-Cina, che basandosi sui mezzi multimediali e sull'insegnamento nella madrelingua, intende facilitare lo studio del cinese con lezioni via radio, radio online e in rete.
Il 23 ottobre, in occasione del secondo Forum sullo sviluppo del Tibet in corso a Roma, la Sezione italiana ha organizzato un dialogo online bilingue sullo sviluppo della regione. Per l'occasione, il direttore dell'Ufficio stampa del Consiglio di Stato cinese Wang Chen, il vice presidente della Regione autonoma del Tibet Duo Tuo, una giornalista dell'agenzia stampa italiana Agi, alcuni famosi tibetologi italiani, l'esperta della sezione italiana Gabriella Bonino, che ha visitato 4 volte la regione, ecc., hanno risposto a decine di domande degli internauti. L'attività ha ottenuto degli ottimi risultati.
Il 27 ottobre la Sezione italiana ha organizzato il dialogo video online in diretta sulla cooperazione sino-italiana nella promozione della lingua cinese, collegato alla cerimonia di premiazione del concorso "Amo studiare la lingua cinese". Si è trattato della prima trasmissione in diretta video dal sito italiano di RCI. Per l'occasione, il vice direttore di RCI Wang Yunpeng ha conferito il premio speciale al vincitore, la dott.ssa Stefania Stafutti, direttrice del CASCC di Torino, mentre gli ospiti dell'Ambasciata d'Italia in Cina, di Hanban, dell'Associazione Italia-Cina e del CASCC hanno discusso come rafforzare ulteriormente la cooperazione bilaterale nell'insegnamento del cinese.
Il 2010 sarà un anno ancora più ricco di speranze e di attività! In aprile festeggeremo il 50° anniversario dell'inizio delle trasmissioni in lingua italiana di RCI, mentre il primo maggio si aprirà l'Expo universale di Shanghai. Nel 2010 ricorrerà anche il 40° anniversario dell'allacciamento delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Cina e Italia, e si terrà l'Anno della cultura cinese in Italia. Per celebrare il 50° anniversario dell'inizio delle trasmissioni in lingua italiana di RCI e il 40° anniversario dell'allacciamento delle relazioni diplomatiche tra i due Paesi, dal primo dicembre 2009 al 31 gennaio 2010 la Sezione italiana organizza un concorso in merito.
Periodo di invio delle risposte:  1 dicembre 2009--31 gennaio 2010 (fa testo la data del timbro postale del luogo di spedizione). Scadenza dell'invio online: ore 24:00 del 31 gennaio 2010
Data di pubblicazione dei risultati: 1 marzo 2010
Domande del concorso:  
1.  Quando sono iniziate le trasmissioni in lingua italiana di RCI ?
2. Attualmente quali sono i programmi specifici in lingua italiana trasmessi da RCI ?
3.  Quando sono state allacciate le relazioni diplomatiche tra Cina e Italia?
4.  Nel 2009 la Sezione italiana di RCI ha organizzato tre dialoghi online in diretta, quali?
5.  Quali sono le vostre proposte e suggerimenti sui programmi radiofonici e sul sito in lingua italiana di RCI?
Potete leggere le informazioni collegate visitando il nostro sito web ed inviarci gli scritti via email agli indirizzi: oppure
L'invio può anche essere effettuato per via postale o fax.
Indirizzo postale:
Sezione Italiana, Radio Cina Internazionale, Beijing, Cina
CAP: 100040
Telefono: 0086-10-68891736 
Fax: 0086-10-68891749 
1. Il vincitore del premio speciale sarà invitato a compiere un viaggio gratuito in Cina di una settimana nel mese di ottobre, e riceverà un certificato apposito.
2. Il concorso prevede anche due primi premi, tre secondi premi e cinque terzi premi, ai cui vincitori andranno dei premi e certificati, mentre a tutti i partecipanti saranno spediti dei premi ricordo.
Sezione italiana di RCI

Glenn Hauser logs November 30, 2009

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 30 at 1525: 11300, 10210, 9000, 8400, all // around S9+10, but sounding slightly stronger on the lower (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 13710, AIR GOS to SE Asia, Monday Nov 30 at 1444, mailbag show, final call to someone who has been listening since the 1970s, mentioned this very frequency and will send QSL. Gave quick address once so I couldn`t catch it all, along with Box 500.

Better signal on 13710 than hummy // 9690, except 13710 faces the DentroCuban leapfrog, 13770 RHC over 13740 CRI relay, producing Spanish audio and fast SAH, 1446 to music. Calling the mailbag ``Faithfully Yours`` hints they are not interested in hearing from the non-targeted USA, where no one uses that expression in closing a letter.

FY appears at several times during Monday broadcasts including 1430 on these plus unchecked 11620; next chances to hear it: Mon 1830 on 11935 9445 7550 7410 6180; 2120 on 6180 7410 7550 9445 11620 11715. Those need to be confirmed as AIR publish no programme schedule. Are there any other airings, e.g. in the 2245-0030 broadcast? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, R. Educación was granted almost 25 minutes of freedom from QRM, Nov 30: tune in at 0624 with ``Pennies from Heaven`` and then several other great songs from the Thirties, all performed in English. After YL DJ back-announcement, RNA Brasil cut on at 0644, covering XEPPM. Kept cutting on and off a few times, then stayed on, ruining next song, ``Ghost Riders in the Sky`` by Vaughn Monroe.

I am counting the days until February 15 when Brasília goes off DST and RNA signs on an hour later (except 24 h on UT Sundays). Then we shall have a full four weeks until March 14 when USA goes on DST unlike Mexico, whence we would have to stay up an hour `later`, to benefit from this expanded window 0620-0745v UT. Of course, if Vatican is not too strong, we may still listen to XEPPM before 0620, in day-to-day variations, and once over the hump in early January, Vatican steadily weakens with earlier sunrises in the North. Sunsets will already start inching later from early December.

BTW, lists the following mostly western and northern states as NOT observing DST this summer: Amazonas, Pernambuco, Bahia, Sergipe, Pará, Paraíba, Ceará, Amapá, Alagoas, Rondônia, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí, Maranhão, Acre, Roraima, Tocantins --- Amazonas??? Doesn`t matter, RNA really comes from Brasília, where they care nothing about what time it is in their service area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 15385, REE Sephardic service on Mondays only from 1425, caught closing Nov 30 at 1454 with echo, longpath? YL finally has correct frequency announcement for this, 15385 instead of 15325 as claimed for months! But now she says repeat at 0115 UT Tue to South America is on 11795; 0415 Tue to North America on 9650. Original B-09 schedule UT Tue 0115 was for 11780, and previously announced as such, ignoring clash with Brasília, so maybe have really shifted to 11795. If not, they should have (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13845, WWCR-2 missing again Nov 30 at 1443, tho propagating sufficiently on 15825. Possible scenario: TUN/DGS/PMS no longer can afford/want to buy out that transmitter 24/7, so WWCR offered part of the time to Brother Scare. He`s currently buying 4 hours a day at 1500-1900, but now TUN wants even less, so it`s off the air part of the time. Except: at 1529 Nov 30 it`s still off the air during the BS portion, and Israel in Persian 13850 unperturbed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7275, het of about 100 Hz at 1528 Nov 30, between two carriers with no detectable modulation; the stronger one went off at 1529:30, as if intentional end of transmission, but no schedules show anything ending around that hour on 7275, just CNR1 Beijing thruout; KBSWR is also non-direxional on 7275 extensively, but supposed to be in a break from 14 to 16. Of course, one or both could have really been N American AM hams (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 15106, very weak carrier, Nov 30 at 1450. At 1521 was getting het from 15105 BBC in English, weak with some audio, 7 degrees via SOUTH AFRICA. Can`t find anything to account for the 15106 carrier. I also heard some much stronger SSB Spanish 2-way around 15102 but never got a fix on it, distracted by this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

DDH47 - Trasmissione Speciale

Un interessante news che ho trovato nella newsletter dell'Ari di Milano
Il 10 dicembre 1909 il Prof. Ferdinand Braun e Guglielmo Marconi hanno ricevuto il Premio Nobel per la Fisica a Stoccolma. Entrambi gli scienziati sono stati premiati per i loro sviluppi nel campo della comunicazione senza fili. Nel 100° anniversario di questa occasione la stazione tedesca dedicata al Prof. Braun Day (DL0PFB) avrà l'opportunità di effettuare una serie di trasmissioni speciali dal sito della DDH47, trasmettitore a onde lunghe su 147,3 kHz , del National Weather Service - Deutscher Wetterdienst Nella notte che precede l' anniversario, cioè il 9 Dicembre 2009, tale trasmettitore sarà disponibile per DUE ore (dalle 23:00 UTC del 9 dicembre 2009 alle 01:00 UTC del 10 dicembre 2009) e tutti sono invitati ad ascoltare le trasmissioni telegrafiche che saranno effettuate da DDH47. Inoltre tutti gli OM potranno contattare sulle bande radiantistiche la stazione DL0PFB che opererà solo in CW sulle frequenze 3565, 7025, 14052 kHz +/- QRM (talvolta le due emissioni, onde lunghe e onde corte, saranno in parallelo). Durante i periodi di silenzio (ai minuti 15÷18 e 45÷48), utilizzati in passato dal servizio radio marittimo, verrà effettuata una trasmissione QRSS (CW ultra lento: 1 punto in 3 secondi) per le prove di lunga distanza. I nomi di famosi pionieri delle comunicazioni senza fili saranno trasmessi in quei periodi e varranno come dimostrazione dell'avvenuto ascolto! I rapporti di ascolto saranno bene accolti. I contatti con DL0PFB - Prof. Braun Day verranno confermati con una QSL speciale, che potrà essere richiesta tramite bureau DARC oppure via diretta con SAE + 2 US $ al seguente indirizzo: Prof. Braun Day, c/o J. Gerpott - Rebhuhnweg 21 - 22880 Wedel (Germany)

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Radio pirata greche in Drm ?

Forse ci dobbiamo preparare a ricevere una radio pirata dalla grecia in DRM, oggi ho scoperto che un greco vende su Ebay dei trasmettitori DRM per le onde medie, ecco il link:

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION Voice of Germany Relay-DW 9775 0029 German 444 Nov 28 OM with comments 0030. YL and OM with comments 0043. //9655[444]via Rwanda.

BONAIRE China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9745 0036 Spanish 333 Nov 28 Two OMs with comments.

CANADA China Raio Intl Relay-CRI 6190 0450 English 333 Nov 26 Two OMs with comments on oil imports to China are needed.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 9640 0044 Spanish 444 Nov 28 YL and OM with comments.

EGYPT Egyptian Radio 6290 0448 Arabic 232 Nov 26 Two OMs with comments.

HAWAII WWVH 10.000 0018 English 444 Nov 28 YL with ID via Hawaii then an OM IDing as WWV and giving the time for the USA.

PORTUGAL RDP Intl 9455 0048 Portuguese 333 Nov 28 Pop music vocals.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9535 0045 Spanish 333 Nov 28 OM with comments plus some music vocals.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

domenica 29 novembre 2009


L'Alto Adige è veramente un posto a sè in Italia. Andato per visitare i mercatini di Natale a Bolzano, vi ho trovato un negozio di prodotti elettronici la cui unica vetrina era (almeno sabato 28) piena esclusivamente di ricevitori DAB+, tutti i modelli della Pure dai più economici ai più costosi.Ho comprato un modello sulla cui scatola originale c'era solo la dicitura DAB, ma su cui erano state apposte etichette con codici a barre che riportavano DAB+; mi sono fidato e in effetti sono ricevitori DAB+, evidentemente upgraded, sto già ascoltando tutte le 29 stazioni RAI/Eurodab/AerantiCorallo presenti a Bologna.

Vi scrivo l'indirizzo, nel caso qualcuno fosse interessato e si trovasse a passare di là:

Via Museo 22

Stefano Valianti

Glenn Hauser logs November 29, 2009

** CUBA. 15120 et al., Sunday Nov 29 at 1335-1350, En Contacto, RHC`s Spanish DX program which I find a lot more enjoyable than DXers Unlimited featuring Coro`s limited obsessions with homebrewing, etc. Mid-feature this week was Para los Principiantes, answering question from one of their many DentroCuban listeners, what are DAB and BLU and is a special receiver necessary to receive them? Answers were unsatisfactory. Just pronounced ``digital audio broadcasting`` without explaining what it is and that not only do you need a special receiver, but have to be in a country where that mode is in use, on VHF, not HF, such as UK. BLU defined as SSB but not really explained nor answering the receiver question. See also SPAIN.

The usual jumbled-up situation later on Sunday morning, tnx to the sporadic Aló, Presidente relays. At 1509 found big open carrier on 13750, a frequency used only for Hugo, so they were QRX for him, but after no modulation except weak phone ringing, it finally cut off, giving up at 1540*. While 11760 was in Esperanto as scheduled at 1509, RHC Spanish frequencies were missing: 11730, 11800, and I think 13680: in skirt of CRI via Canada 13675, something there but unseemed // RHC music on 13770. Also open carrier on 11690. Nothing on other A,P channels 12010, 17750. At 1540, when 13750 went off, 11690 still open carrier. At 1545, 11760 had reverted to RHC music // 6110, but 11730 and 11800 still absent; as was 11680 which other days carries RNV during this hour. But: see VENEZUELA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI still there, Nov 29 at 1304, but just barely modulated, sounded like English but cannot be positive (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. Nothing extracontinental making it on 60 m, but 75, 90 and 105 m had fair signals from here at 1325-1331+ Nov 29: 3985, 3912, 3480 with noise jamming against S Korean clands; 3320 and 3250 in Korean; 2850 in non // Korean (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Checking out the English programs from XEDA, Imagen, the best or only way to hear English from the DF, online: Program grid at indicates several time shifts, now updating our MONITORING REMINDERS CALENDAR:

The weekly LIVING IN MEXICO is now Sat 1300-1400 and Sun 1600-1700 UT.
IMAGEN NEWS Con Ana María Salazar: Mon-Sat 1130-1200; UT Mon, Tue 0500-0530; UT Wed-Sat 0430-0500.

Direct link to audio stream; don`t forget the final / ---

If you hear Spanish at first, don`t give up: most of the commercials, PSAs within the English shows are in Spanish! I listened to Living in Mexico on Nov 29; it`s really a weekly roundup of material previously aired on the daily show. WTFK? This is a webcast-only `log`.

Also two months` audio available on demand:

Ana María Salazar`s original Facebook page is filled up to 5000 capacity, but said she has opened another, with lots of discussion.
Also: amsalazar on twitter (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. After listening to RHC`s En Contacto [see CUBA], I tuned on to 17595, and there was the tail end of REE`s DX program, Amigos de la Onda Corta on 17595, Sunday Nov 29 at 1352 with propagation outlook for December, wrapped up by 1355. This reminds us that in an incredibly stupid move, REE rescheduled that show this season so it conflicts with RHC`s DX program every Sunday morning. No excuse, since EC has been at that time forever. The only other airing left on REE, UT Saturdays 0605, is also inconvenient in Europe and the Americas, except Baja California Norte, Alta California and Yákima, where it`s 2205 local Fridays, if they can get any frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. VOA Spanish service, Sunday Nov 29 after 1300 was presenting the Billboard Top 20. Since all(?) these songs are in English, what`s the point of doing this on the Spanish service? Very good on 9885; recheck 1332 as I hit 13715, just dead air, then after a good many sex, both started playing some jazz, to fill the hour? Also on weak // 15590. VOA gets serious about real programming in Spanish only on weekdays.

VOA English is still active on 7575, Jazz Hour, fair Sunday Nov 29 at 1311. During this hour it`s TINIAN at 279 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370, WTJC, at 1305 Nov 29 mentioning WHGT Christian Radio and its website, That`s an FBN affiliate on 1590 in Pennsylvania ``operating on very low power``. NRC-AM Log 2009 shows it with 15000, 5000, 1000, 500 or 58 watts, depending (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9385, WWRB already on with Brother Scare, Nov 29 at 1306 tuneby, only fair as not yet built up to huge daytime signal. So the transition from 3185 to 9385 can occur as early as 1300, or as late as 1530, depending on when Dave gets around to it. Make that as early as 1200, the ``official`` change time per FCC and HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Sunday Nov 29 looking for Aló Presidente, which RHC B-09 schedule claims is on the air between 1400 and 1800 on 11690, 12010, 13680, 13750 and 17750 --- see CUBA, 13750 was on with nothing but phone ringing at 1509-1540*. Did not check again until 1800 and found all five of those frequencies now running with YL speaking at the moment rather than Hugo; 13750 best by far, 12010 a distant second and the others weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Tips Roberto Pavanello

  252   23/11 22.15 R. Algerienne - Algeri FF commento politico buono
  603   22/11 17.30 FIP - Lyon FF Notre Dame des Ondes buono
 1566   23/11 22.30 T.W.R. - Parakou Vern. Predica buono
 3900   27/11 20.30 Continental R. - Dutch ID e MX buono
 4760   28/11 16.45 T.W.R. - Manzini Ndau predica buono
 4845   23/11 20.45 R. Mauritanie - Nouakchott Arabo MX buono
 4955   28/11 23.00 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS ID e predica buono
 5035   28/11 23.05 R. Aparecida PP predica suff.
 5580.3 28/11 23.20 R. San Josè - S. Josè de Chiquirtos SS Rosario suff.
 5910   28/11 05.00 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
 5995   26/11 23.00 R. Mali - Bamako FF NX buono
 6170   28/11 15.30 R. New Zeland - Wellington EE NX suff.
 6200   27/11 22.40 R. Bulgaria - Sofia EE Calling DXer ottimo
 6205   29/11 09.30 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono
 6265   29/11 09.45 R. Geronimo Shortwave -
EE ID e MX buono
 6373   29/11 10.15 Flux AM -
EE ID e MX suff.
 7125   26/11 23.10 R. Conakry - FF MX afro buono
 7175   24/11 18.45 Voice of Broad Masses - Asmara Arabo talk su Barcelona-Inter buono
 7200   27/11 18.45 Sudan BC - Ondurman Arabo talk OM buono
 7280   28/11 16.00 Voice of Vietnam - Hanoi EE NX buono
 9445   24/11 22.15 A.I.R. - Delhi EE NX economiche ottimo
 9535   24/11 20.30 R. Thailand - Bangkok EE ID e NX buono
 9575   23/11 12.00 R. Medi 1 - Tangeri Arabo NX ottimo
 9580   24/11 22.30 R. Africa 1 - Libreville FF talk su Angola buono
 9610   29/11 10.00 A.W.R. - Firenze IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
 9645   28/11 23.10 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP MX buono
 9675   28/11 23.15 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica buono
 9695   22/11 20.30 R. Rio Mar - Manaus PP calcio suff.
11690   27/11 12.00 KFBS - Saipan Russo ID e predica buono
11735   24/11 20.45 R. Tanzania - Zanzibar Swahili afro MX buono
11760   24/11 21.10 R. Habana Cuba - EE DX Unlimited suff.
11815   24/11 21.30 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP NX suff.
11920   24/11 23.00 HCJB - Quito PP MX brasilera buono
12120   26/11 12.00 KSDA - Agat Mandarino predica buono
13590   26/11 18.30 CVC Int. - Lusaka EE ID e MX suff. 
15225   25/11 12.00 R. Veritas - Manila Karen predica buono
15295   28/11 11.45 Voice of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Cinese MX buono
15300   28/11 13.45 Voice of Turkey - Ankara EE DX Corner ottimo
15400   23/11 12.00 HCJB - Melbourne EE ID e commento su Irak buono

Roberto Pavanello

sabato 28 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 27-28, 2009

** ALBANIA. 7435, R. Tirana in Albanian music at 2153 Nov 27: quite distorted modulation as happens too frequently from Shijak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANGUILLA [and non]. Caribbean Beacon is normally later than nominal 2200 switching from 11775 to 6090, but Nov 27 at 2159, DGS already audible on 6090 mixing with VOR IS and DRM from both sides, quite a squeeze job, Ismaning, Germany from 6085 and Junglinster, Luxembourg, also in German, from 6095, while VOR is 285 degrees from ``Armavir`` at 21-23 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. While a few days ago I found RA incoming well after 1600 on 11980 via Darwin, it was barely audible Nov 28; instead, 9710 via Shepparton was best, on 30 degree beam toward Alaska, 1605 opening Margaret Throsby interview show, but first playing Greensleeves (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 15700, R. Bulgaria, Nov 28 at 1430 ID in Bulgarian and into folk music show called ``Chardota`` or something like that, sounded Roma. Much better than // 11700. I was going to keep listening to it, but first a bit more bandscanning, which sidetracked me to another music feature on R. Martí; see CUBA [non]. The Sat 1430 semihour on RB is worth a weekly revisit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 28 at 1427: good on 9000, better on 8400 and just barely audible on 10210. Why does relative reception of the big 3 FD channels vary so much? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 5910, Nov 28 at 0634, timecheck for 1:36 and Marfil Estéreo ID; this time had to strain to make it out, weaker than usual; also the area can get desensitized by super signals from WWCR on both sides, 5890 and 5935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC anomaly survey Nov 28: at 0610, 6140 in English, Ed Newman (not Noonan as Ken Zichi guesses), phone ringing audible in background. Much stronger // 6060 and 6010 with no phone audible, and at this time 6060 did not have Spanish service audio mixed in either!

Cuba does its best to make enemies, not just of the US but of other Latin Americans --- like jamming the innocuous media/DX show La Rosa de Tokio produced in Argentina, UT Sat Nov 28 at 0614. Strong rapid jamming pulses were disrupting this on WRMI 9955, altho not a wall of noise. Try again when it`s scheduled 24 hours later, UT Sunday 0600-0700.

6110 had been missing before 1500 the last few days, but Nov 28 it was back as early as 1357 in music show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. I axually listened to R. Martí on Saturday morning for more than an hour and conclude it`s getting a bum wrap as merely ``la emisora propagandística norteamericana`` as R. Nederland always calls it along with RFE/RL. 15330 was inbooming as usual Nov 28 at 1436, well atop the DentroCuban jamming, tho as time went on the relative jamming level built up.

RM was telling the story of ``Doña la Negra``, a Veracruz washerwoman with a wonderful voice discovered by Agustín Lara, and went on to be a big singing star. It seems the Mexicans had no qualms about nicknaming people by their race. A string of at least a semidozen names made up her birth monicker; I never caught them all, but started with Marieta. It also seems she was too pre-Internet to get any significant Google hits.

Excerpts of her singing were playing continuously along with the narrative, but we never got to hear a complete song uninterrupted. She was obviously Mexican, Jarocha to be specific, but show also dealt with Cuban influence upon her music. After a scandal-free life, she died on 19 Dec 1982.

At 1452 moved on to another singer, a sonero, whose 90th birth anniversary is current, Bartolomé Moré (sp? a.k.a. Benny, or Barto). 1459 cut to R. Martí theme and ID, as if the program were interrupted, and the name of it was not outroed.

1500 starting Resumen Semanal, this week on a Thanksgiving theme, with interviews made at the Miami International Book Fair; at 1535, when I tried 13820 but found jamming worse there, while 11930 was buried, it was Robert Fleming, ``an enormous gringo`` who wrote a book after walking from one end of Cuba to the other, to get to know the common people and found them very hospitable, tho wondering why he didn`t hire a car. After 1600 continued with more from the MIBF.

All this was very well-produced and enlightening, not hard-line exile propaganda at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 11040-11065, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Nov 28 at 1417. Please keep them this far out of SWBC bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 6270, R. Cairo, English to Europe but also USward beyond at 330 degrees, Nov 27 at 2203 sufficient modulation, YL talking about schools in Congo, recipe, 2209 on an Egyptian film director. No QRM a tall (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, AIR GOS in English, Nov 28 at 1422, talking about air pollution in Indian cities. This frequency always has a hum on it, not so bad as to drive away listeners, but wouldn`t a little filtering take care of that? Site listed for this 1330 sesquihour to SE Asia is Bangalore (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. KGYN 1210 Guymon: Nov 27 at 2046 UT caradio was at one of the regular hotspots for AM reception in western Enid. At first, nothing but very weak traces on 1210, then KGYN fades in with ``US Country 1210 KGYN`` ID and then fades back down. Never reached normal sufficient level when on 10 kW non-direxional daytime groundwave, so this was skywave, at reduced or direxional-west power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [non]. 11715, Tagalog talk with music bed, Nov 28 at 1524; RVA via VATICAN; low rumble het KJES off-frequency but well atop it until latter started gaining at 1530, with chorus audible. Catholix via Catholix vs Catholix! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. VOR WS in English to NAm check Nov 28 at 0615: 9840 tho with some co-channel under from R Rossii, better signal than // 9855, and no signal this time from 12030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. 6100, Nov 27 at 2154, presumed Balkan music making fast SAH with RCI Viva in French which was on top. Still same mix at 2204 when International Radio Serbia should have been in English, and RCI was changing to Mandarin. Not to be confused with CRI in Chinese, also scheduled at 2200 from Kunming. Going by the `book` rather than reality, CRI and RCI may pretend IRS is not there since it does not participate in HFCC, to everyone`s detriment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SEYCHELLES [non]. WEWN inaudible and presumably off the 12050 air (it did have a fair signal in Spanish on 11550), facilitating hearing something on 12045, Nov 28 at 1413, YL in English mentioning meter band more than once, then apparently reading a Bible story with extra expressiveness. Poor signal with flutter. Must be FEBA via UAE as scheduled 14-15 in several S Asian languages, per Aoki, except Saturday it is supposed to be a quarter hour each of Malayalam, Konkani, Urdu and Kashmiri, but this was in English, a very rare language for this station, supposedly only on Sundays at 1400-1430. Of course one gains nothing about the world of reality by hearing them in English, whenever that may be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. WWCR`s pdf program guide for November still shows Brother Scare 7 days a week at 1500-1900 on 13845, but Nov 28 at 1515 there was DGS instead, and at 1540 PMS; only fair signal with no Es help from this direxion. Too bad, as it`s Sabbath when BS would have wanted as many outlets as possible, such as WBCQ on 15420-CUSB earlier than usual other days of week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [non]. The Tamil Tigers` specials expired Nov 27, as nothing heard on 11510, Nov 28 at 1418 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Sudan Radio Service via PORTUGAL, Sat Nov 28 at 1505, M&W discussion about the importance of registering to vote, with usual heavy echo imposed on speech but not on music bits interspersed. Sounds like something out of Washington. O, I said that before, but so did they about registering to vote, an obsessive topic with SRS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWV loud and clear on 20000, Nov 28 at 1513, so it has to be sporadic E opening at less than 800 km. Not enough to inbring KOA aux on 25950, however, quickly sought (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 11525, VOA World News Now, Nov 28 at 1521 about Black Friday; poor signal, not noticed here before, a recent change? Listed as Tinang, PHILIPPINES, 283 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) R. Martí: see CUBA [non]

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, Nov 28 spanning the 1401 minute, 8GAL V/CQ marker just barely audible under Chinese radio war on 6075. BTW, just before the hour as I was intuning, noticed some other CW circa 6085, not just a marker (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Due piccoli TIPS!!!

questa mattina due belle sorprese....

1700khz 06,37 1700 KVNS TEXAS, Brownsville-USA   px classic hits +id  taped BUONO( in allegato la registrazione dell'ID)

8658khz 06,50utc Fukushima Pref., Fisheries Radio Station/JFW-  FAX Saury Market-Suff

- Mauro - Swl 1510 - IK2GFT-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 7255 0442 English 333 Nov 26 YL and OM with comments. This frequency was a noisy one at my location.

ASCENSION BBCWS 7205 0445 Portuguese 333 Nov 26 OM with comments plus some vocal pop music.

CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9790 0408 Cantonese 444 Nov 26 A YL with comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 9600 0412 Spanish 444 Nov 26 Two YLs with comments.

RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 7335 0430 Spanish 444 Nov 26 YL with comments. Mentioned America Latino often. ID 0438 as Voice of Russia by a YL.

UNITED STATES, Florida AFRTS 7811 usb 0357 English 333 Nov 26 YL with comments in Sports Hilight program. OM with comments about the Thanksgiving Holiday plus a YL.

UNITED STATES, Greenville VOA 9885 0403 English 333 Nov 26 OM with notes on a Pilgrimage to Mecca. Also comments on the soft war in the Middle East.

UNITED STATES Radio Marti 7405 0420 Spanish 333 Nov 26 OM with comments plus some music plus a jammer in the background. //7365[333] also a jammer here too.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

venerdì 27 novembre 2009

Ascolti AM

Domenica 8 novembre 2009
18.17 - 1233//1215 kHz
Manningtree+Kings Heath (UK)
EE, mx pop e tk OM/YL.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
1. QRM Bulgaria 1224+temporali
2. IDs @18.40 registrati!
3. Lieve eco tra i 2 txs per la distanza.


Sabato 21 novembre 2009
*09.00 - 9510 kHz
R. CITY/IRRS - R. Sobota (Slovacchia)
EE, IDs OM e mx country.
Segnale molto buono
Ogni 3° sabato.


Domenica 22 novembre 2009
08.03 - 6215.8 kHz
EE, annunci OM e mx rock.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente


Martedì 24 novembre 2009
06.50 - 1305 kHz
Spagnolo, nxs regionali OM/YL.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
*12.00 - 11560 kHz
R. FREE CHOSUN - Kamo (Armenia)
Coreano, annunci YL.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
*12.30 - 12085 kHz
R. FREE CHOSUN - Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
Coreano, annunci YL.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
1. Programmazione leggermente diversa
da 11560. QRM R. Rossii 12075.
18.06 - 1287 kHz
SER R. LLEIDA (Spagna)
Catalano, nxs locali.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
SER R. CASTILLA - Burgos (Spagna)
Spagnolo, intervista su Burgos.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
In sottofondo tracce di Galei Zahal.


Venerdì 27 novembre 2009
14.30 - 9540 kHz
R. VERITAS ASIA via S. Maria di
Galeria ex 9585 (now only VOIRI)
not heard. Just QRDRM by DW 9545.
*15.29 - 13800 kHz
R. DABANGA - Talata V. (Madagascar)
Arabo, IDs OM e jingle.
Segnale buono-molto buono
16.34 - 1359//1548 kHz
GOLD - Chelmsford (Regno Unito)
EE, oldies e annunci OM/YL.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
RNE s/on 16.54 in *analogico*
(da circa una settimana).

Luca Botto Fiora

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)
R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig
ATS909 Sangean
DE1103 Degen
VR500 Yaesu
Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)
Ampli RF K0LR per loop ACA modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW e dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)

Glenn Hauser logs November 27, 2009

** BIAFRA [non]. V. of Biafra International, another Friday still on 15665 via WHRI, Nov 27 at 1901 in opening anthem, VG signal for the weekly one-hour broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 11815, R. Brasil Central singing ID as soon as I intuned, Nov 27 at 0620, then TC for 4:22 at 0621, song, fair signal and similar one from R. Bandeirantes 11925v.

Looked for other 25m Brazilians, and on 11895, a rippling SAH between two weak signals. At 0631 one of them was identifiable as REE in Spanish, so the other is likely as listed in Aoki: ``11895 R. Legião da Boa Vontade, 0700-0200 1234567 Portuguese 1 336 Porto Alegre RS B 05109W 3003S`` perhaps on air an hour earlier due to DST. 1 means 1 kW, and 336 means its azimuth, USward so helping the low power a bit.

11780, RNA popped on mid-song at 0636 with huge 250 kW signal compared to the others. This station shows no finesse about proper sign-ons. By 0700, 11815 and 11925 had improved considerably (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also UNIDENTIFIED 11735

** CHINA [non]. 11855, at 0658 Nov 27, CRI prélude music, 0700 opening in Chinese, good signal. Figured it was direct, but really via Cërrik, ALBANIA, 310 degrees, same azimuth as R. Tirana via Shijak site to NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. RHC Nov 27: at 0544, 6140 in English this time, phone ringing audible in background, but not so on // much stronger 6060 or 6010. At 0650 science editor Arnie Coro ending Breakthru, still phone ringing on 6140. Altho not so an hour earlier, now 6060 has Spanish service mixing in as it did 24 hours earlier.

11760 very strong at 0640 in Spanish also with the big hum it develops around this time. Equally huge signal with hum and whine on 11532 from spy(?) transmitter overriding and hetting WYFR 11530. 11532 was mixing with 11760 to produce a leapfrog on 11304 which included RHC audio, fading in and out.

49m things had changed at 0711: 6140 now in Spanish // 6150, 6120 with news sounder. Least hum on 6150. 6010 off, audibilizing LA music, presumably Mil rather than Conciencia; 6060 still on in prolonged English and still with Spanish crosstalk under. 0614 Isabel García (is she still also head of RHC English?), talking about the current military exercises, ``Bastión 2009`` to be prepared for US invasion, admittedly not on a very big scale this year due to current economic situation.

6110 missing again at 1422 Nov 27 --- nothing to separate the best and the worst of US international broadcasting, VOA 6105 and Harold Camping 6115. Maybe 6110 is not opening now until 1500, for there it was at 1508 with Cuban music.

11600, free of jamming at 1510 Nov 27 when weak signal from presumed Prague in Spanish was there, but DCJC noise wall was back at next check 1630, evidently against nothing. More jamming news at USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. 11830, often hearing Portuguese between 06-07, which is RFI via SOUTH AFRICA, in Luso accents, so not confundible with the Brasilians on band; a regular since it`s 330 degrees also USward. But Nov 27 at 0700 there was rapid SAH and double audio echoing in another language; mentioned Allah al-Akbar until one of them went off at 0702.

What`s RFI doing promoting any particular religion?? Charitably, it may have been a clip of someone interviewed during newscast in scheduled Hausa, as the pious have to make that clear before saying anything secular. Explaining the overlap: Meyerton stayed on beyond its scheduled 0700 close, when 11830 reverts to Issoudun, 500 kW at 170 degrees until 0730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. VOG again on 15650 instead of excursion to clear 15630, Nov 27 at 1500 atop Miraya FM for Sudan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [non]. 12005, Nov 27 at 1437, one-word-at-a-time missionary haltingly speaking unknown language, kinda reminds me of HCJB`s Kulina, but this is for S Asia, one of numerous unknown languages on the Gospel for Asia schedule via Wertachtal, GERMANY at 1330-1530. Per Aoki, Thursdays and Fridays at 1430-1445 it is Konyak.

Per EiBi`s exhaustive language list at --- ``KNY Konyak Naga (India - Assam, Nagaland: 0.1m)``. If only all the Konyax in OK knew about this opportunity to convert to Christianity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JORDAN. 11960, Amman presumed, Nov 27 at 0623 with Arabic discussion, fair. Scheduled 0500-0715, 500 kW, 350 degrees, but so is CNR Beijing at 00-09, 100 kW, 37 degrees, unheard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via JSR JAPAN, in English this Friday, Nov 27 at 1402, M reading numerous headline stories from Kyodo about North Korea, relations therewith, etc. He has a very heavy accent; if I could not speak a foreign language any better, I would not put myself on the worldwide air with it, but probably a volunteer for the cause. No QRM, and signal at least as good as NHK with its much better English on 5955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. Since the Tamil Tigers were no longer audible on 11510, at 1455 Nov 27 I tuned up to 11530 for V. of Mesopotamia via Ukraine, for some neat Kurdish music, which was cut off abruptly without apology or announcement at 1500 sharp, time to QSY to 7540, unchecked; and do they expect the Kurds to know where to tune next? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 4800, Nov 27 at 0720, very weak music with CODAR, then YL announcement, too weak to be certain it was Spanish. Presumably sporadic XERTA operating at very low power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI absent from usual good AM signal on 11725, at 0619 Nov 27, while DRM was roaring 13725-13730-13735, but 11725 was back at next check 0633 with Victor Borge misplaying scales and other musical comedy bits, the discussion topic apparently being music education.

6170 atop annoying VOR in Chinese, Nov 27 at 1416, woman reading steamy story of seduxion involving a butterfly-like woman, Clara, set in Manáus, Jan. 7, 1904 as in outro at 1421, ``Scent of Butterflies``, with fado music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Check of VOR WS in English to NAm, Nov 27 at 0556, story being told expressively, so Audio Book Club? No, the grid at shows ``VOR Treasure Store`` and no A.B.C. anywhen on the schedule anymore [BTW, MS Word spell checker approves anymore as one word, but not anywhen, before any modification on my part]. 12030, 9855 and 9840 all // and synchronized from DVR sites. 12030 marred by CODAR pulses at the rate of two per second; some nights 12030 is not propagating at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [non]. 11510, the ``IBC Tamil`` transmission, Nov 27 at 1423, fair and fluttery, somewhat weaker than 11530 V. of Mesopotamia for Kurdistan. 11510 had music with a heavy bass drum double beat, 1429 brief announcement in presumed Tamil and more music. Next check at 1455, it was already gone.

Jaisakthivel in Chennai was also monitoring this but tells DX Listening Digest that it lasted until 1458, then 6225 from 1500. He says it was really Voice of Tigers, Pulikalin Kural, with revolutionary songs dedicated to LTTE head Prabakaran, i.e. the overtly clandestine service revived, despite, or rather because of, LTTE`s defeat. The earlier frequency today, 17560 at 1202-1258 was just film songs without any announcements.

Sites are unclear, but had been registered at same or nearby times as: 6225 Tashkent, 11510 Almaty, 17560 Dushanbe. This was the final day for these special broadcasts, not for testing, so will they lead to more such transmissions? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15580, VOA English news of Africa at 0602 Nov 27, 0605 into Daybreak Africa. Good signal, normally none at this hour. It`s Botswana at 03-07, 350 degrees.

VOA`s Korean service plays some good old American music, such as Stephen C. Foster, Nov 27 at 1443 on 9555, 21 degrees from Tinang so also USward, Old Folx at Home, O Susannah, My Old KY Home to 1451, then explaining what Kentucky is, I assume (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WRMI`s NW antenna still out of commission. Nov 27 at 0550, weak Spanish on 9955, presumed Praga as scheduled, and no jamming audible. However, at 1440 nothing but jamming on frequency during scheduled Happy Station Friday repeat in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. Since WBCQ had anomalies on Nov 26, I checked again on Nov 27: 15420-CUSB with NM preacher, before 1900 usual big collision with BBCWS in English via South Africa, then in the clear, and no second rock music audio from WBCQ today.

9330 checked shortly after 1800, BCQ not on yet but a weak signal, presumably Syria. At 1859 WBCQ was again on 9333-CUSB instead of 9330! ID and 1900 infomercial, VG signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Have not been hearing R. Nacional de la RASD lately in the 06-07 hour as previously, altho did get 6297.1 at 2056 Nov 26. Seems they are now signing on an hour later, if not just a Friday thing: Nov 27 at 0708, Qur`an in their inimitable style, and VG S9+20 signal, incomparable to Cairo since 6290 thence closed around 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, a day without 8GAL, Nov 27 at 1359-1402 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11735 with unbroken tone test, Nov 27 at 0556 continuing past 0600. It`s on both sidebands, so not two stations hetting. Nothing scheduled here per Aoki, EiBi, HFCC. North Korea is taking a break from 11735 between 04 and 07. R. Transmundial, Brasil, Aoki shows with an 0600-0630 broadcast Sat & Sun only but this is Friday, otherwise off between 02 and 08. Whatever it was, gone at 0618 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTFIED. 11901, 2-way Spanish SSB intruding, Nov 27 at 0627, distracting me from Brazil/Spain on 11895 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Glenn Hauser logs November 26, 2009 part II

** ALBANIA [and non]. R. Tirana English at 1945 check Nov 26: about equal signals on 11635 and 7465, both in clear but undermodulated, 1947 news. The next English at 2100: Klara Ruci finishing standard 2-minute opening reciting entire English transmission schedule until 2102, then OM with news: 7430 clear but undermodulated, while // 9895 was sinking into the noise level, exacerbated by overload from PPP on WWCR 9980. I assume in Laporte it`s the same way and he is proud of all the trouble he causes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA [non]. Is LRA36 off the air again from 15476? The last report I have seen of it was Oct 29 heard in Brasil, as in DXLD 9-079, and it`s been even longer since Maurits Van Driessche in Belgium has reported it in BDX, mid-September? But he`s mainly into MW. I strained to detect even a carrier, Nov 26 at 1937, but nothing; nor 15345 from Bs As, so anyway, propagation not favorable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 26 at 1412: about equally fair on 8400, 9000, 10210. Not heard on 11300, where we heard it months ago, despite being on an important aero comms frequency, which was again being reported by UDXF monitors Nov 25-26 around 2320-2430, -1004, 1420, tho they didn`t know what it was. Don`t blame us, the ChiCom will say --- we just jam Sound of Hope wherever it appears. Yeah, right (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 9355 with a deep mix of YFR and Chinese, Nov 26 at 1954, first the YFR IS mixing with ads(?) in hyper Mandarin, then a bit of classical music. 1959 YFR introducing Romanian hour, and tried to make out the Chinese ID, but no go.

Since this is the same frequency where WYFR has previously been heard mixing two of its own programs in the 06-07+ UT period, Italian/English and Portuguese/Spanish, first suspicion was that RTI programming via WYFR had suffered the same fate. No SAH, as signals were zero-beat as far as I could tell, also making them seem from one transmitter, like the WBCQ case on 15420, see USA.

At 2029, still the mix but Chinese definitely on top, more so than earlier, a clue that it`s not all from one transmitter. At 2057 tried again to unravel this. Chinese even more atop, and very slight fading which could be slight difference in frequency, or propagational.

At 2100, 5+1 timesignal and clear ID we abbreviate as ``CJKT``, or ``ZRGD`` if you prefer, so it`s CNR1, and thus separate from Okeechobee! So strong and steady, could it be via Sackville? No, it`s another of their damn jammers, as the only Mandarin really scheduled on 9355 at 17-22 is RFA via Saipan at 300 degrees, of which nothing at all was audible here, unlike, we can only hope, in xenophobic China, where any words at all from its largest co-dependent trading partner must be blocked from the delicate ears of the people (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11600, there it is again, heavy DentroCuban jamming noise against nothing detectable at 2033 Nov 26. I am rather sure it was not there earlier in the hour when I tuned by the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 11965, Nov 26 at 1944 hilife music, // 11860, undermodulated, 1948 talk in presumed Hausa as B-09 scheduled from V. of Africa, instead of 11995 where we heard it well into November in prolonged A-09 schedule usage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. RNW can`t afford one frequency in English for NAm, but Nov 26 at 2107 it`s on two frequencies in Dutch, 17605 and 17810, running one or two words apart, depending on the length of the words, in a deliberate asynchronism of modulation peaks to even out electrical consumption at Bonaire. How does that convert to savings on the power bill? This makes it impossible to employ frequency diversity with two receivers, unless you are an echo-enjoyer.

These semihours are at 170 and 90 degrees respectively, so for quite different targets, tho about the same very good level here, far offtarget from both (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [and non]. Altho it was close to 15121 earlier on Nov 25-26, VON apparently back to 15120.0, as very weak carrier was measured Nov 26 at 1941, like another very weak carrier on 15190.0 from Equatorial Guinea, unfavorable propagation today.

Per Aoki, nothing else scheduled on 15120 at this time, and I also see that the DRM I heard previously around 15120 was not Nigeria testing, but WAZ-Nachrichten from Nauen, Germany scheduled at 15-16 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. The continuing saga of KGYN 1210 Guymon: Once again the afternoons of Nov 25 and 26, no signal here on groundwave, unlike the day before, so once again either off the air, very reduced power, or on night pattern with eastward null in the daytime (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 18770, WWRB second harmonic with Brother Scare broadcast, reported earlier Nov 26 at 1510 under USA heading, still/again propagating by sporadic E at 1926 check, fading in and out from S2 to S7 peaks. Two frequencies for the price of one might compensate for coming on the air one sesquihour late (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 9925, with S Asian music, Nov 26 at 1952, quite strong but with heavy flutter. Turns out to be R. Farda via Iranawila at 324 degrees, 1930-2130; however not much was audible by 2030; MUF got `em? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [non]. 9490 at 2028 Nov 29 in Swedish, so very likely R. Sweden. Yes, then from 2030 in English, news by Bill Schiller at 2032, magazine of several feature reports including 2046 toxic denims. Loud and clear, might as well be a North American service, but really only for Africa, 320 degrees from Madagascar.

Hey, it really is a North American service too tho they will never say so: the 320 azimuth from Talata exits Africa where Algeria and Morocco meet the Mediterranean, across Iberia, ultimately transiting our continent from Blanc Sablon to Superior to Cheyenne WY, i.e. only 7 degrees away from Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17580, VOA French, 1928 Nov 26, with heavy long/short path echo; 94 degrees from Greenville at 1830-2000, but almost twice as far as Nashville or Vandiver, LP is closer to only 38 Mm than 39, but I`ll take it.

No such problem with Greenville 15580 tho also directly off the back, in English at 2105 starting VOA Music Mix hour, on Thursdays dedicated to Top 20 with Ray McDonald for the week ending Nov 28 --- but, but, how does he foresee the future of how things will rank on Nov 27 and 28?? Before any music, recitation of pop stars` birthdays this week, including septuagenarian Tina Turner.

Since the current Top 20 are of no interest to me whatsoever, I then tuned to equally excellent 7465 WWCR for the rest of the hour, Rock the Universe, from the doo-wop era (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Some serious problems at WBCQ Nov 26, possibly because it`s a holiday and no one is paying attention:

15420-CUSB at 1931 had not only the preacher on CUSB, but equal mix with rock music, such as Ringo at 1936. Might have been clash from another station, except the rock was also on CUSB only, so mixing in from the single WBCQ transmitter.

Did not listen continuously but on repeated chex heard only music, no announcements or IDs as to original source of it. Could be studio op had it playing for his own pleasure, unaware it was going on the air along with the gospel huxter whom no one in his right mind would want to pay attention to. Same situation at 2027 when the preaching had switched to the anapaestic Fence Lake NM one. 2104 ditto, and presumably lasted until 2200*

As soon as I first heard this, checked 9330 and 7415 for WBCQ to see if the music was from there, but not: a different preacher in // at 1935. Except it was not 9330, but exactly on 9333.0, CUSB! Finger slipped on frequency keypad? Figured the old transmitter might be analogically tuned. At 2000, 9333 still on the air starting WORLD OF RADIO 1488, // 7415. But they cut it off sometime between then and next check 2027 when 9333 was gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13570, WINB, Nov 26 at 1942 with Musical Memories, the same one I heard several days ago on WWCR, and now it really is Thanksgiving. QRM de CODAR swishes, and also persistent ute beeping 2-3 kHz on low side. Usual slightly unstable carrier from WINB itself. WINB schedule shows Martha Garvin`s MM Tue at 8 pm and Thu at 2:30 pm EDT. But there is no EDT now, duh! Must mean EST as that fits for 1930 UT Thu, the other meaning 0100 UT Wednesday when on 9265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. How low can you go and how early and still expect to propagate to Europe? 5745, WYFR 44 degrees in Arabic from 1900, just barely audible here at 1951 Nov 26; maybe it`s better there as we are close to 90 degrees offbeam (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA [and non]

** VATICAN. 7435 with mass in Latin, Nov 26 at 1939, fair. That means it has to be WWCR, WEWN or Vatican, but it`s VR scheduled on this frequency, only at 1940-2030, to Egypt and Turkey to Oman and Yemen. EiBi shows 1940-2000 portion is Rosary to ME, then Italian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Altho R. Nacional de la RASD was missing in the morning of Nov 26 at 0600-0645, 6297.1 had some music in the evening at 2056, much weaker than Cairo on 6290 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZANZIBAR. 11735, RTZ, Nov 26 at 1946, very nice regional music, good modulation and audio frequency response too unlike so many other third-world transmitters. Strong enough to muscle Cuba 11730 aside with no problem. Recheck at 2002 in case English news appear at this alternate time to 1800, but just heard a mention of habari and back to music. Tempted to keep listening instead of bandscanning, but duty called (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Un ascolto LW

ALA1530S+ indoor, direzione Est
QTH Friburgo, Svizzera

Glenn Hauser logs November 26, 2009

** AUSTRALIA. RA better on 13630 than 13690, Nov 26 at 0632, and on 19m better on 15160 than 15240 with Future Tense show about audiences turning their backs on Aussie films, causing a decline in its movie industry. 13630 is 50 degrees from Shep, while 13690 is 353; 15160 is 65, 15240 is 30 degrees, so those azimuths fit with observation.

Enid is about 70 degrees, just a bit beyond the Samoas, so these are the ideal RA transmissions to Oklahoma, and cutting right across the USA from Nogales to NYC: 00-02 17715, 02-05 15515, 08-14 9580, 17-20 9580, 20-22 11660, 22-24 15560 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. No sign of China on 19m, just Australia, Nov 26 at 0636, so expected 16m to be dead, but instead found good signal on 17740 with exotic repetitive music, at 0639 announcement in Chinese; also slightly weaker 17710 with CRI English, Voices of Our World, the Thursday feature interviewing a Westerner who teaches MBA courses in Beijing.

Seems quite a selective opening, but these two are listed from quite different sites: 17710 Beijing, 500 kW at 193 degrees; 17740 Xi`an, 500 kW at 190 degrees, with CRI Chinese.

Searched for other signals on 16, and found much weaker Chinese conversation on 17550, which is CNR1 from Beijing, 100 kW, 251 degrees. And a trace of something on 17880, likely CNR1 jamming of RFA via Saipan.

Interesting that at 0643 I found 17710 coincidentally synchronized with same program via Sackville on 6115 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. As soon as I mention that 6140 has been consistently in English at 05-07, RHC switches it to Spanish, just to keep us on our toes: Nov 26 at 0611, interviewing some Brazilian guy speaking Spanish with quite an accent, // 6150 and 6120.

Meanwhile, English on 6060 and 6010, except on 6060 only, heavy audio mixture from the Spanish service, slightly under, but about 65-35 percent. At 0612 English announcer mentioned Sen. Feingold`s call for the abolition of RTV Martí --- that should get him a lot of DentroCuban votes. To confuse matters further, at 0621 the Spanish service was translating someone speaking in English. The 6060 mix was still going at 0644. It`s always something.

Also checked 25m, and 11760 Spanish was inbooming as it has been lately in the nightmiddle, with MUFs holding up, 0629 in ``Revista de la Noche, de lunes a sábado, una manera de saber``, i.e. one way to find things out --- yeah, just what the Commie government wants you to know, like topic-A, the Five Heroes, yawn. S9+25 but along with it a big hum. Then at 0647 rechecked 6150 and 6140 and they were hummy too, but not this bad. Narrowband audio on 6120 made hum less noticeable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 11670-11695, loud OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Nov 26 at 1421. Also 13885-13915 at 1426; 12050-12075 at 1533, vs WEWN on one edge, 12050, Russian on 12070, i.e. DW via Woofferton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. Rats: tho VOG was on 15630 the day before, clearing 15650 for Miraya FM via Slovakia to Sudan from 1500, on Nov 26 VOG was back on 15650 at 1437, and making usual fast SAH atop Miraya after 1500. 15630 must have been an error rather than ERA finally coming to its senses.

John Babbis notes 15650 resumed too, and has translated a VOG program schedule showing that at 14-15 weekdays on 15650 and 9420, the Greek music show is called ``Hello, Patriots`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 15410, R. Farda not too enjoyable Nov 26 at 1439 due to heavy long/shortpath echo. Three different sites are scheduled for this at 11-16: 14-16 is Skelton, UK, 300 kW at 95 degrees. I wonder if the German sites earlier would have had LP echo: 11-12 100 kW, 85 degrees from Biblis, 12-14 100 kW, 77 degrees from Lampertheim. Echo could also be caused if two sites were simultaneous by mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEQM, 6104.8, audible at peaks as it faded up and down, Nov 26 at 0619, music with Motown flavor, 0623 DJ with someone on phone in Spanish. The het from something on 6105.0 was even weaker, fortunately; and far enough away from big signals Anguilla 6090, CRI Sackville 6115 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, BuzzSKSA, Nov 26 at 1531, now with some talk barely audible under, presumably Arabic. Same buzz pitch weaker with no audio on 11785 at 1536 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. VOT, 12035, fair with IS at 1424 Thu Nov 26, end of English transmission. A semihour earlier, reception was too poor to copy Live from Turkey, and // 15300 is a loss colliding with France. But here it is for 24 hours only, starting 23 minutes into the file:
Just a few characters would have sufficed for a unique file name. This time it was just the announcers conversing about life and stuff, avoiding overeating tho not a Thanksgiving special per se (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 13740, CRI English relay via Habana, with considerable QRM at 1427 Nov 26; heard mentioned in Asian language. CRI modulation conveniently lost for a minute but squeal continued, during ululating music from the understation. It`s VOA Kurdish via Wertachtal, GERMANY, 250 kW, 105 degrees at 14-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13845, WWCR-2 back on the air this morning, Nov 26 at 1426 with PMS, VG Es-enhanced signal audiblizing the whine. Also VG on 15825 with black gospel music show. Ergo, see WWRB harmonic log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. With HF sporadic E causing WWCR to inboom on 13845 and 15825, it`s time to look for 18770, the second harmonic of neighboring WWRB, Nov 26 at 1433 --- but nothing there, since 9385 is not yet on the air. Wake up, Dave! Sleeping in late for Tnxgiving? Checked night frequency 3185 but inaudible there too. At 1509 noticed that 9385 was finally outsending TOM, so checked 18770 again, and there it was, at 1510 with Alex Scourby`s ponderous Bible reading on the Brother Scare broadcast. Bookkeeping the adjustments for airtime lost vs paid for must be a hassle (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. R. Nacional de la RASD isn`t always there on 6297: no sign of it Nov 26 at various chex between 0600 and 0645; meanwhile Cairo`s distorted Arabic still strong on 6290 at 0645. Now scheduled until 0700, 315 degrees USward from Abis, and with latest sunrises imminent, holds up all the way till 9 am local (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, tuned in late and feared had missed 8GAL V/CQ marker on CW, Nov 26 at 1400, but it did not start until about 1400:40 and lasted about half a sesquiminute, vs Chinese broadcasters on 6075 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Besides Australia on 19m, one other very weak signal measured on 15121.1, JBA modulation, Nov 26 at 0635, suspect V. of Nigeria which was heard around 15121, some 11 hours earlier. New transmitters and antennas have been installed at Abuja and should be testing on air shortly; but it`s hard to believe brand-new equipment would be ~1 kHz off. Ron Howard measured it at 1706 Nov 25 on 15120.95, but this was definitely on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

giovedì 26 novembre 2009

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ALBANIA China Radio Intl-CRI Relay 5985 0643 Chinese 444 Nov 23 OM with comments plus some music.

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl-Relay-RNI 6165 0617 Dutch 444 Nov 23 Two OMs in a conversation. //6120[444].

CANADA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 6115 0630 English 444 Nov 23 YL on govt raising energy costs. YL with wx report. Also updates on the recent mine explosion.

COLOMBIA Marfil Estereo 5910 0645 Spanish 333 Nov 23 Vocal band music.

MEXICO Radio Universidad 6045 0640 Spanish 333 Nov 23 YL with Musica YL vocals.

PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 6075 0635 German 433 Nov 23 YL with comments plus music. YL with vocal music 0636.

SAO TOME VOA Relay 6080 0632 English 433 Nov 23 OM with VOA News from the Middle East.

UNKNOWN Unknown Station?? 5865 0648 Arabic 333 Nov 23 OM with Koran vocals.

A Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to everyone celebrating this day!!
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 24-25, 2009

** AUSTRALIA. 11980, Nov 25 at 1603 news in English about violence in Thailand, Hajj underway at Mecca, AMA enticing in new doctors; Oz accent which fits since it`s R. Australia, ID at 1605 and ``Fora Radio`` from ABC Radio National and RA. Recent new frequency? New to me, anyway, and our best bet for RA during the 16-17 hour only, 317 degrees via CVC Darwin. After 17 we can go back to Shepparton 11880, 50 degrees more USward. 11980 had rapid clix on hi side believed from DCJC 11930 jamming spur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11815, R. Brasil Central, Nov 25 at 0633 ID making it unnecessary to check // 4985, but did so anyway as on my way to there on second receiver; Goiânia much better on 11815. The best/only Brazilian on 25m as 11780 had not cut on yet, and not much from 11925v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 7400, Nov 25 at 0635, ME music with repetitive chanting, making me wonder if it`s something other than R. Bulgaria, the only thing scheduled here, in German during this semihour. Well, my characterization must be misguided, as program schedule at shows ``Bulgarische Volkskunst`` after the Nachrichten (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 15190, very weak mentioned at 1454 Nov 25, // and synchronized with 15230 via Sackville, so presumably a spur from that strong signal about to sign off. On 15190 mixing with open carrier producing SAH of approx. 4.5 Hz, presumably R. Africa; it sped up momentarily as one of them must have varied. See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, all over the place between 5 and 7 MHz, Nov 24 at 1411-1413, approximate ranges:
5360-5410 - higher pitch than all the others, from different site?
6550-6580 - weaker, making bandwidth seem narrower than 50 kHz
Axually I was tuning from the higher to the lower ones (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. CNR1, mostly as jammers, Nov 25 at 1424 in // on 7295, 7365, 7385, 7525, 7535 playing ``Exodus`` theme on piano. Not to give the DentroChinese any ideas about escaping from a horribly overcrowded and human-rights-abusing nation.

Asia-Pacific on R. Australia today at 1525 on 9590 concluded with a report on how Falun Gong adherents are persecuted, imprisoned, killed and their organs harvested; some have been granted asylum in Australia, organs intact. Think of this whenever you hear Firedrake jamming Sound of Hope; it`s not just nice idle entertainment.

Firedrake, Nov 25 at 1417: good on 8400, nothing on 9000, poor on 10210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Have stopped noting RHC 6140 language usage every night, as lately it has been consistently in English at least until 0700, as Nov 25 0644 check during music, but much weaker and undermodulated compared to 6060 and 6010; while 6150 and 6120 were in Spanish.

Nov 25 at 1407, RHC missing from 6110 amid all the Asians, and still missing at 1428 when I confirmed all three 25m channels were running, so not a blanket power outage; but at 1609 check 6110 was back, with usual weak and isolated daytime signal.

The heavy DentroCuban-style noise jamming is back on 11600, Nov 25 at 1601. Again we have no idea what they could possibly need to jam there, following Spanish from Czechia and Slovakia during the previous hour. Of course, if R. República snuk in a new transmission, it would not be on any public schedule. Not checked again until 1912, and the jamming is *still* running, against nothing else audible. If the DCJC ever heard anything suspicious on frequency, that would be enough to set off jamming forevermore (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, weak carrier producing a SAH with Sackville spur from 15230, Nov 25 at 1454; see CANADA. 1518, no carrier on 15190. 1546 open carrier, and still at 1558. Presumably R. Africa failing to modulate, as nothing else known here at these times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. VOG on 15630 instead of scheduled 15650, with Greek music, Nov 25 at 1436. Have they finally caught on to the clash with Miraya FM via SLOVAKIA after 1500 on 15650?? Or was this just a mistake? VOG has always registered both 15630 and 15650, one of them necessarily wooden, so it`s easy enough for them to shift. What would happen at the previous switchover time from 15650 to 15630, circa 1555? Nothing: kept right on going on 15630. See also SUDAN [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR VBS, 9870, Nov 25 at 1421, two men demonstrating a laughing duet, then discussing it in Hindi, VG signal unlike 9425 National Channel, just barely audible and even less so Aligarh 9470 which still seems normally unblobby. 9870 and 9425 are both 500 kW Bengaluru, at 335 and 18 degrees respectively, making all the difference (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via JSR Tokyo, Nov 25 at 1404 with English as usual on Wednesdays, starting with the case of Kazayuki, born 8/22/51, abducted on 3/9/70 at the age of 18. YL talking over sad piano bed, no QRM at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. Tnx to tips from Ron Howard and Harold Frodge, VON on 15121, Nov 25 at 1935, poor signal in accented English M&W discussion of something. Nothing to het on 15120 at this time, but makes two different hets against REE/CR 15125 and WYFR 15115. Would this be VON`s brand-new transmitter, since the old one did not shift off-frequency like this? This English transmission is 17-21 per EiBi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. What I reported Nov 23 about these two stations is no longer operative. It remains to be seen whether they will keep changing from day to day or whether I will try to keep up with them.

Nov 24 at 2030 UT, KGYN-1210 Guymon back up to usual good groundwave signal level, instead of inaudible. Nov 25 at 1915 seems gone again.

Nov 24 at 2054 UT, KEOR-1120 Sperry is again IDing as `Hot 1340` KJMU Sand Springs; SAH from KMOX skywave already showing up. It must cut considerably into KEOR coverage area long before LSS this time of year (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. 11905, Nov 25 at 1430, PRES IDs in English and Polish, then into Slavic language; quite good signal but with echo. Scheduled as Belarussian via Woofferton, UK, 125 kW at 75 degrees, but could just as well serve all the White Russians in Oklahoma, if they only knew about it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL. RDPI back to normal Nov 25, around 0640, only fair on 7345, rather than super-signals on erroneous 9455, 9855 as 24 hours earlier; see RUSSIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. RDPI managed not to transmit 3-4 hours beyond schedule Nov 25 on 9855, re-clearing Vladivostok for V of Russia, 0627 with Jews` harp music feature. // 9840 Petropavlovsk/Kamchatskiy. Conveniently only one sesquidekaHertz apart, it`s easy to compare the two signals. This time they were almost same level, but 9855 maybe a few dB stronger, offset by being slightly distorted compared to 9840, which was quite atop R. Rossii Moscow site co-channel. At 0638 this UT Wednesday both were in slow clearly-enunciated Russian, evidently language lesson within the English service, making it even more Russians vs Russians on 9840.

EiBi et al. show one other frequency for VOR English to NAm until 0700*, 12030, but nothing audible there around 0630, tho English neighbors BBC 12015 and DW 12045 were well heard, via Ascension and Rwanda respectively.

Just try finding the VOR English frequency schedule on their website, now that they have messed with it again! All I could find was the program grid at
confirming that Russian by Radio airs during the 0630 semihour Mondays and Wednesdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 15435 already on the air at 1457 Nov 25. Quite a big signal at start, and it`s so bad now that no Arabic can be heard mixing underneath as used to be the case. Bothering Farda via Skelton as far away as 15410, and also, but less so, BBCWS English via Cyprus on 15420 at 1516, which altho weaker than Farda, must be in a lesser pocket within the non-linear Riyadh noise envelope. By 1547, 15435 had faded considerably.

Now it`s certain two of those transmitters are suffering this terrible malady, yet will not be put out of their misery by the incompetent Saudi engineers(?), as exactly same pitch buzz heard on 11785 at same time 1457. Earlier in the 1400 hour I had searched 13m for Saudi signals including ex-buzz on 21505, but nothing but Spain, Libya audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 15650, Miraya FM via IRRS Milano via Rimavská Sobota, SLOVAKIA, fortuitously in the clear Nov 25, as ERA Greece [q.v.] was using its alternate 15630 instead of 15650 as early as 1436. Remains to be seen if deliberate change to avoid the collision ongoing for weeks, or just a mistake at Avlis. We outpointed long ago that such a shift would benefit everyone, but IRRS has not been concerned about 15650 causing any trouble in target Sudan.

Unfortunately, this date Miraya too weak to make anything out of it here. Listened intently for the sesqui-minute-late timesignal at 1501:30, but not heard altho weak talk could be detected. At 1514, Miraya had improved a little as could hear a YL in seeming English, and Greece remained on 15630 for the rest of the hour; we hope thru 1800 as it previously had after 1555. SRS was much better on 17745 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. After finding Miraya FM in the clear altho hardly audible on 15650, wanted to compare it to Sudan Radio Service which competes for Nubian audience at same time: much better on 17745 via Sines, PORTUGAL, Nov 25 at 1502, non-English, sorta-Arabic, with usual annoying produxion echo to impair readability. Hmmm, perhaps EDC computed that if they broadcast each word twice, even if overlapping, they would be getting double their money`s worth? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Seems WRMI is having antenna problems again on 9955. UT Wednesdays supposed to be on NW antenna, but nothing audible at 0630. Very weak at 1530 with DX Partyline, and 1630 new WORLD OF RADIO 1488, which should have first aired at 0800 whether anyone could hear it. At 1606 could barely tell if Jack van Impe was preaching. Then Jeff White replies to our inquiry:

``Glenn: Yes. The transmitter was kicking off, and we discovered it was because of the northern antenna. It works fine going south. Not sure why yet, so we're back to using just the southern antenna while we investigate. They're working on it today. Jeff`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7575, no signal at all Nov 25 at 1416 despite good conditions from E Asia on many other 7 MHz channels. 24 hours earlier this had borne VOA Cantonese(?), and same hour days before that, in English. No English channel replacement found now in the 7.3-7.6 MHz range; we know VOA is pressured to cut back airtime for this useless language which hardly anybody understands. Perhaps IBB is following my suggestion to jump frequencies around unpredictably trying to escape ChiCom jamming, but it`s also a good way to lose desired listeners.

17895, at 1512 Nov 25, contemporary American YL singer (which one? I don`t keep up with that genre), poor signal; better at next tuneby 1549 when VOA Border Crossings host was greeting Christopher Lewis in England --- he is getting to be quite a well-known worldwide SWL entity via several stations as he takes the trouble to participate in mailbags, request shows and call-ins. Then hello to someone in Ghana, and playing a request from Indonesia.

VOA starts 17895 as soon as Saudi stops, at 1500. Current usage, all in English is, but very much subject to change without notice:
1500-1600 100 degrees from São Tomé
1600-1700 350 degrees from Botswana
1700-1730 276 degrees from Thailand [why not just keep it Botswana??]
1730-1800 350 degrees from Botswana
1800-2000  90 degrees from Bonaire
This produces four opportunities for VOA to interfere with itself by overlapping transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WEWN in English, 13835, Nov 25 at 1433 with heavy quick echo, as in long/short path simultaneously, the former being some 39 Megameters. I don`t see how backscatter could explain it instead.

Next WEWN English frequency, 15610, exhibited the same at 1515. Also noted from WWCR 15825, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR missing again another morning from 13845, Nov 25 at 1432 altho 15825 was propagating well enough. Just the WEWN 13835 spur mushing up 13845. Still no WWCR on 13845 at 1556 check. But on with PMS at 1902.

At 1446 paid more attention to 15825, with long/shortpath echo, ad something about inspirational money, back to black gospel music show which replaced Tony Alámo as soon as he was convicted last summer. About the same distance as WEWN, another 39 Megameter long-path catch vs 1 Megameter short-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. KVOH, 17775, Nov 25 at 1551 at S9+22 level, distorted hymnsinging in Spanish. That explains why its extremely distorted spur circa 17920 was already heard when I bytuned at 1549; 1554 faded up audiblizing whine and could make it // 17775 music. 17920 intermittently overridden by much louder utility bursts in some digital mode, as if to say, ``Get offa my frequency!``. Matching spur on 17630 weakly detectable at 1552 hashing up CRI English via Mali // 13740 Cuba during Chinese pop song. Looked for another KVOH spur 145 kHz up but 18065 not making it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, 8GAL making a nice showing Nov 25 at 1400-1401 with usual V/CQ marker on CW, beating against slightly unstable Russian 6075 carrier, and the Chinese radio war (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6500-7235, very wideband pulsing noise Nov 25 at 0641, unlike anything heard before, possibly local but not the time to go traipsing around the neighborhood with the portable. No new household devices have been installed. Could be an OTH radar gone wild; anyone else notice? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9560, Nov 25 at 1521, discussion in English about power of women vs men, voiced-over in Chinese; good, but perpetual het from off-frequency Ethiopia. Figured it would be easy to uplook later, but the trouble is, two Chinese broadcasts are scheduled during this hour:

CRI via Kashgar, East Turkistan, 100 kW at 174 degrees, and
RCI via Yamata, Japan, 300 kW, 240 degrees. Judging from subject matter, more likely the latter. If both are really active, I bet there is a nasty collision in south Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 17757.5, Nov 25 at 1444, 2-way Spanish SSB intermittent, much too close to big WYFR 17760 signal in English. Perhaps these intruders are in its skip zone, and/or hoped WYFR would mask them from detexion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Ascolti LW/SW

Un po' di ascolti in SW e LW

BBC, 198 kHz, 0500 UTC, 25.11 (questo ascolto con Wellbrook ALA 1530S+ indoor)

Voce della Russia, 9480 kHz, 1800 UTC, 22.11

Radio Tirana, 7390 kHz, 0900 UTC, 22.11

RTT Tunisia, 7275 kHz, 0600 UTC, 22.11

Accordatore Yaesu FC-902
Amplificatore MFJ-1020C
Random wire sul balcone
QTH Friburgo, Svizzera


Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon 6090 0450 English 444 Nov 19 YL preacher reading the Emails sent to her.

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI 6165 0353 Spanish 444 Nov 19 YL with comments. OM with comments 0356. Suddenly off the air 0357.

CHINA CPBS 9675 0045 Chinese 333 Nov 20 Two YLs with comments. Then an OM with comments.

RUSSIA, Petropavlovsk Voice of Russia-VOR 12030 0425 English 444 Nov 23 YL with comments about the USA and Iran. YLwith comments on going on the internet. //12040[333], 13735[333].

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 6055 0345 Spanish 433 Nov 19 Two OMs in a conversation. //9675.

UNITED STATES, Florida WRMI 9955 0440 Spanish 333 Nov 23 YL with pop music and also being jammed at 433.

UNITED STATES, Greenville Voice of America-VOA 9885 0443 English 333 Nov 23 Two Oms with comments on conditions in Iraq. //6080[333] Greenville and 4960[232] site unknown.

UNKNOWN Station Unknown 11980 0410 Chinese 444 Nov 23 Two OMs with comments. Two YLs at 0420 with comments.

To All in the United States a Happy Thanksgiving Holida!!
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BRAZIL Radio Brasil Central 4985 0025 Portuguese 333 Nov 19 YL with comments followed by vocal male music.

BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria 5900 0042 English 333 Nov 19 YL and OM with comments. //7400[333].

CANADA Radio Sweden Relay-RSI 6010 0336 English 444 Nov 19 OM with comments on a treaty between Sweden and Russia.

CANADA Vatican Radio-VR 6040 0342 Spanish 444 Nov 19 OM with comments. YL with comments and mentioning "Papa" several times.//7305[333].

CUBA Radio rebelde 5025 0028 Spanish 333 Nov 19 OM with ongoing comments.

CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 5990 0048 Spanish 444 Nov 19 OM singing in Chinese. YL ancr in Spanish. Then more vocal Chinese music.

SRI LANKA Radio Farda 5860 0036 Arabic 333 Nov 19 YL and OM with Arabic vocal music.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee 5070 0030 English 444 Nov 19 Two OMs on a drama sytory on Gang Killings on the Golden Age of Dramas program.

Hope that everyone will have a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday in the U.S.A.!!

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

martedì 24 novembre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs November 24, 2009

** AUSTRIA. 17610, AWR Afar service via Moosbrunn at 1430-1500 continues to be a regular here, far from the target; Nov 24 at 1448 with heavy quick echo which I can only assume was longpath/shortpath simultaneously. It`s aimed 145 degrees, which is close to oppositewards, so a lot of signal is pushed the far way round, while plenty of the 300 kW signal also reaches us off the back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. Looking for R. Cultura, São Paulo, reported active on 9615 after 1500 a week ago by Richard Bianchino, NV: Nov 24 at 1355 no trace of a carrier, nor at 1455 when 9610 has big splashy signal from RCI in Chinese. Skeds indicate 9615 itself is free of major broadcasters at 14-16, but there could be even more opportune windows without the adjacencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RNA vs XEPPM: see MEXICO [and non]

** CANADA. Something strange on 11232.0, Nov 24 at 1509: seems like a repeater, with intermittent 2-way conversations on AM, carrier stays on in between. Sounds like US military net, discussing GPS devices. One side IDed as ``radar maintenance``, and the other sounded like ``Century`` something.

Short transmissions in lingo, always asking how copy? Copy. 1514 something about clearing RAM, PPI screen. One of them has background noise as if in a craft. From the FRG-7 I switch to the DX-398 and find the voices are on USB only, so what really must be happening is that another transmitter is running open carrier zero-beat, to assist demodulation??

At 1519 interrupted for an unrelated contact, Atlas 341 calling Trenton Military which said to change (not `QSY`) to 9007, so now we know it`s Canadian, not American, I beg your pardon. No tell-tale Canadian accents had been detected.

1519-1525+ more contacts between ``Century Art(?)`` and ``radar maintenance``, the latter being weaker, with instruxions on jumping antenna modules, or something like that. Probably a training exercise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 7650-7700, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Nov 24 at 1411; no broadcasters harmed in this range. I know this is rather boring, but feel this stuff should be documented; yet I admit there are a lot more instances I don`t bother to log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 24 at 1412: fair on 8400, nothing on 9000 or 10210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Yet another instance of rapid clix above a DentroCuban Jamming Command frequency, which I believe to be jammer spurs: Nov 24 at 1416 on 13882, i.e. 62 kHz above Martí jamming on 13820, and this one interferes with RHC leapfrog spur on 13880, i.e. 13680 over 13780, DentroCubans vs DentroCubans!

Others have been about 52 kHz apart, which seems to be a favorite offset in Cuba, also for the two dozen spurs generated by the 11760 transmitter, now in its twenty-first day of not doing so, i.e. almost as long as the period they were doing so thru Nov 3.

BTW, the DentroCubans are celebrating Thanksgiving Nov 26-29 with war games in anticipation of the next US invasion, per press reports via Yimber Gaviría; might make for some interesting utility if not spy and broadcast DX listening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR blobcheck Nov 24 at 1333: very poor reception today on both 9425 and 9470, weak plus adjacent QRM, but listening on two receivers finally decided they were // but offset by a few Hindi words. In any event, modulation seemed normal, and no blob instead from 9470 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525.9, checking VOI Nov 24 whether they are still excursing Tuesdays to Banjarmasin? Just as I tuned in at 1344, ``Welcome to another show from RRI Banjarmasin``, then YL talk seemingly about royal succession 1251 years ago (or was it in year 1251?). Fair modulation but still requires extreme concentration to try to follow.

Recheck at 1457 when CRI comes on 9525.0, but only producing a very weak het today from Kashgar, East Turkistan, and could still listen to the end of the Malay hour on VOI, music from which ran thru hourtop, 1502 restarting English, and just barely got a ``sound of dignity`` slogan out before cut off the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL. As I was outchecking the WEWN spur on 13845 instead of WWCR, Nov 24 at *1446 continuous tonetest started on 13850, presumably Kol Israel`s Persian service from 1500, with 250 kW to burn an additional quarter-hour. BTW, Kol is not an acronym or an initialism, but simply the Hebrew word for Voice, so should not be in all-caps (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, XEPPM check Nov 24 vs RNA Brasil: at 0630, XE in the clear with Spanish announcement and soft guitar music, but quite undermodulated. Confusingly, at *0649 guitar music became loud as RNA cut on the air, coincidentally playing similar music, then Portuguese announcement // 11780 also on by then. This time RHC 11760 not strong enough to desensitize up to 11780, tho plenty signal on 11760 itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL [and non]. RDPI really screwed up: with big signals on two unscheduled frequencies, 9455 and 9855, first heard on the latter Nov 24 at 0613 giving full schedule for this hour, but only SW frequency mentioned was 7345, normally on the air 06-07 only, to Europe, but nothing there now; plus all those satellite channels, which do we really need to hear about on SW?

9855 was blocking one of only three VOR English to North America frequencies, the one via Vladivostok, with a SAH of approx. 215/minute, while the Russians themselves were blocking another (see RUSSIA and previous reports), 9840.

RDPI programming mostly music, then at 0621 found // 9455 fortuitously not colliding with anything. But 9455 transmitter was putting out a noisy spur on 9430 interfering with CVC Zambia which is now scheduled there from 04 to 07 instead of just one hour previously. At 0627 the FRG-7 metered 9455 at S9+25 and 9855 at only S9+20.

Recheck at 0659, still nothing on 7345 as per their announcement they were moving from there to 9815, where nothing heard either after 0700, while 9455 and 9855 continued, the latter now clear of VOR which had just closed.

Now, when is RDPI REALLY supposed to be on those two frequencies?
9455 is registered as 00-03 Tue-Sat to NAm, also 17-20 M-F, 17-21 Sat/Sun to Europe. And 9855, 00-03 Tue-Sat for Mexico down to western Brasil and northern Bolivia.

So a theory: the transmitter op fell asleep and failed to turn them off at 0300, oops! Or can we blame the automation if no human was really present? In that case, we blame a human somewhere in charge of the automation. Let`s hope this was a singular event.

Was also listening to RDPI on 15690, Nov 24 when it suddenly dumped off the air at 1442, and not back in next couple minutes. This one eastward is supposed to run 14-16 weekdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Poor VOR, or rather poor would-be English listeners in North America, favored with only three weak direct frequencies instead of one strong French Guiana relay like the Latin Americans get, until 0700*. As previously noted, 9840 collides with R. Rossii in Russian, this time making a SAH of about 105/minute at 0613 Nov 24, but even worse, 9855 was totally blocked by PORTUGAL [q.v.] which was running slightly overtime past 0700 instead of ceasing at scheduled 0300*. Also VOR listed from Pet/Kam until 0700 is 12030, which may or may not be propagating.

6075 check Nov 24 until 1400* for 8GAL CW marker on 6074: nothing from that, but did note that R. Rossii, Petropavlovsk/Kamchatskiy transmitter has been cleaned up, no longer a big rumbler, but with BFO on, still slightly unstable carrier. Jazz right up to timesignal; they never say good-night, or anything, at sign-off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11785, buzz Nov 24 at 1415. Still can`t detect any Arabic mixing, and this time no Chinese audible underneath either. At 1450, 13m was barely open and could hear Qur`an very poorly on 21460, a carrier on 21640, the other Riyadh frequencies, but no signal on 21505 which used to be the big buzzer until 1500. As I have previously outpointed, BSKSA did use 11785 in the B-08 season but it is yet to appear on any B-09 schedules (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9355, WYFR in Italian, Nov 24 at 0625, again with Harold Camping in English audible underneath. While I am convinced the previous 3-day run of this I monitored was produced at Okeechobee, this time it was produced at Enid, i.e. receiver overload from the very strong WYFR English frequency 9680. Unlike previously, I could get rid of it by attenuating or detuning the preselector. Just an example of how a seemingly same fluke can happen for totally different reasons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Eleven days after being sentenced to 175 years in prison for child sexual abuse, ``Tony Alámo`` is still welcome to ``evangelize`` on WINB, 9265, Nov 24 at 1340. Perhaps he has an ironclad contract for airtime? More likely WINB doesn`t give a damn what creeps they put on the air, much less serving the public interest in any way whatsoever.

At the moment he was rambling, ``didn`t go to the beach and get a corn dog today,`` which would seem slightly off-topic, to Amens from a YL apparently named Susan --- one of his victims? No telling how old this recording is. She then read mail from an alleged fan in London who wanted a CD of something Alamo said to listen to over and over. Then quoting Mark IV:20, interrupted for annotations by Bernie LaZar Hoffmann.

O, Susan must be his long-embalmed wife, Susan Lipowitz, as in the incredible long story here,
who died in 1982, so a fairly old show, unless another Susan has come along since.

It`s not all over yet; various associates are facing charges, and the above story says: ``Alamo must return to court on January 13, 2010, for a hearing to determine whether five women who testified about sexual abuse will be paid up to US$2.7 million in restitution." (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. One WWCR transmitter was down on Nov 23, and another one on Nov 24: nothing from PMS/DGS audible on 13845 around 1430 tho 15825 was propagating, and 7490, 9980 inblasting as usual. At 1445 switched on BFO and confirmed that WEWN 13835 spur now had 13845 to itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. VOA on 7575 per latest schedules is supposed to switch from Tinian to Thailand at 1400, but remain in English. I think this has truly been the case on recent occasions, but not Nov 24: at 1410, good S9+18 signal on 1410, but in Chinese – didn`t sound like Mandarin, tho, so probably Cantonese. Same at 1451 recheck. Per the VOA A-Z language schedule, Cantonese is at 13-15, but the only 7 MHz frequency is 7390, while Mandarin is supposed to be on 7525. A mixup in program feeds, or deliberate site/language-switching to confuse the ChiCom jammers, not to mention the would-be listeners? Too, signal level now makes Tinian or Tinang site more likely than Thailand (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###