CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9790 0426 Chinese 433 Aug 18 YL with comments and interviewing an OM 0427.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 9745 0428 Spanish 444 Aug 18 OM with comments. Time pips 0430 Music 0431.
FRENCH GUYANA Voice of Russia 9735 0433 Spanish 444 Aug 18 Two OMs with comments plus some music in the background. Classical music 0435. OM with comments.
GERMANY Voice of Croatia Relay 9925 0420 Croatian 433 Aug 18 OM with pop music vocals.
RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 13775 0405 English 333 Aug 18 YL with ongoing comments.
UNITED STATES, Greenville Radio Marti 7405 0453 Spanish 333 Aug 18 Freq being jammed. OM with comments plus some music. A YL at 0454.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come