** CHINA. 9750, Aug 25 at 1306, Japanese talk from NHK mixed with what sounded like SE Asian song, but must be NE Asian, as Ron Howard has recently pinned this on PBS Nei Menggu // 7270, with V of Malaysia inactive on this frequency. Still colliding at 1351 when both were talking (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. RHC observations Aug 25: the secretly extended mid-day broadcast at 1501 on 11760, 11690 and distorted 11800, live timecheck as 11 am in Habana, and announcer said this would be on until 5 pm = 2100 UT, and we were invited to listen to as much of it as we could. Strongest 11760 dropped off the air, but back on at 1503 with same signal level. Meanwhile I found it also // 13760, 5965 and 6000. Open carriers from the big transmitters on 13680 and 13780 were still on the air for a few minutes. At 1504, 5965 dropped off during music, but still audible on 6000. Compared to 11760, all of the others were an echo apart, except I did not check 13760 for that. At 1507 plugged RHC website, 1508 Efemérides = this day in history starting with 1871y when a poet was assassinated; 1510 `news` bulletin all about the woes of Obama and the USA, not Cuba. Anyhow, it seems that RHC is no longer replaying wholesale the 11-14 UT Despertar con Cuba show at 1500 (GlennHauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. VOI check Aug 25 at 1303 on 9524.9: S9+18 signal, but very undermodulated; I could just barely recognize the voice of the OM in Banjarmasin with the YL in Jakarta for another of their weekly Tuesday co-produxions. It was also undermodulated the day before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. Tnx to a tip from Gerry Dexter in the NASWA Flashsheet I looked for Furusato no Kaze on 9585 between strong R. Australia signals on 9580 and 9590, Aug 25 at 1352. Tuning between them I could barely hear 5 kHz hets, so knew there was a weak carrier halfway. With BFO on, I could make out some speech which sounded like Japanese. WRTH A-09 update has this clandestine as 1330-1400 via Tainan, TAIWAN, while Aoki says Taipei at the odd timing of 1333-1357 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. The 13775 signal via Khabarovsk, the only VOR English frequency to NAm until 0600*, is beginning to lose out, as darkness grows over this northerly path; poorly audible Aug 24 around 0530. They need to move lower by Sept 1, if they refuse to use a Caribbean-area relay instead.
The RUVR frequency schedule http://ruvr.ru/main.php?lng=eng&w=129&p= is no longer full of asterisks denoting mid-season frequency shifts, so supposedly no changes until October 25, or will they put up a new one in September?
Or so it seemed, but next night Aug 25 at 0426, VG signal again on 13775
concluding Moscow Mailbag, YL and an American-accented guy named John ???, who no offense, is no Joe Adamov. So the signal is getting more variable at least (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also ZAMBIA [and non]
** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Tue Aug 25 at 1514, F-G with fades, in Arabic dialect (doesn`t sound like regular Arabic), mentioning the English phrase ``Sudan Radio Service`` and again at 1516; meanwhile with inserts off phone/internet which sounded condensed/compacted with the pauses removed. This is via Sines, PORTUGAL, 250 kW at 114 degrees, 1500-1700. Aoki shows the first semihour in English daily, but obviously not the case. WRTH A-09 update shows English on this frequency is 1500-1530 Sat & Sun only. Most SRS Arabic broadcasts there are labeled ``Simple`` as opposed to Darfuri (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN. 9735, RTI Japanese service running open carrier between the 11-12 and 13-14 broadcasts when checked at 1247 Aug 25; no spurs audible on 9730 or 9740. 1305 recheck, 9735 had resumed modulating in Japanese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15470-15475-15480, DRM check from IBB/HCJB Greenville, Aug 24 at 2030: yes, it`s still there, weak but plenty to disrupt any possible reception of LRA36 Antarctica 15476. The DRM testers kept to this frequency even after I reminded them of LRA36. They say it will stop at some unspecified time once their tests are completed; it cannot be soon enough for the poor Antarcticans and their would-be DX listeners (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WTJC, 9370v with distorted FM spurs centered approximately 9397 and 9343 with preacher at 0422 Aug 25. Before 1300 Aug 25 I was not hearing 9370, but at 1302 it was on in IRN ``news``, plus spurs around 9395 and 9345. Meanwhile sibling WBOH 5920v with usual big het and collision from Russia around 1230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZAMBIA [and non]. 13590, CVC Lusaka at 1253 Aug 25 in English about the AU, mixed with oriental language at slightly lower level. Per Aoki, it`s VOR in Chinese until 1300, 100 kW 110 degrees from Novosibirsk, followed except Sundays by an hour of Mongolian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. DW Rwanda 15410.0 often has a het on it one side or the other, and Aug 25 at 1339 a carrier was measured on 15408.4 while much stronger DW was in Hausa this hour.
The only reasonable explanation is clandestine V. of Tibet, in Chinese via Tajikistan, known to jump around, and/or ChiCom jamming, but per Aoki Aug 24, VOT is now scheduled only at 1315-1330 on 15415. HFCC has Dushanbe available on 15410 between 1230 and 1400.
However, the VOT schedule in the WRTH A09 update of last May covers what we heard, in Tibetan after 1330:
kHz: 15412, 15422, 17550, 17557, 17560
Summer Schedule 2009
Chinese Days Area kHz
1230-1245 daily CHN 17557dsb±
1300-1330 daily CHN 15412dsb±
Tibetan Days Area kHz
1130-1230 daily CHN 17557dsb±
1245-1315 daily CHN 17557dsb±
1330-1400 daily CHN 15422dsb±, 17550dha
1330-1430 daily CHN 17560mdc
Key: ± Frequency variable.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###