mercoledì 26 agosto 2009

Glenn Hauser logs August 25-26, 2009

** ECUADOR [non]. Monitored the Aug 22 DX Partyline via WRMI, 9955, Wed Aug 26 at 1429-1444 atop the DentroCuban Jamming Command`s pulsing [see also USA]. This edition produced from Loja consisted of the monthly JSWC DX report; some items from Sheldon Harvey`s Radio HF Internet Newsletter; and some logs of Aug 18 from Stewart MacKenzie.

It seems that Allen Graham makes no effort to check out those logs, as the second and third ones read were completely wrong: ``CRI in Spanish via Brazil on 9735 and 9665 at 0433.`` In reality, it is VOR in Spanish via Guiana French on 9735 and via Moldova/Pridnestrovye on 9665! The next item also wrong with ``RHC at 0414 on 11960``, not their frequency but really on 11690 at this hour.

As soon as Stewart posted those logs, I replied with these correxions on a few listserves and directly to him, but he never followed up with correxions to his entire mailing list. The correct identity of the Spanish broadcasts and the relay sites used are readily available in accurate online references Aoki and EiBi, for starters. All you have to do is consult them. It would also not hurt to listen long enough to tell whether it is China or Russia, and proofread for transpositions.

I cannot understand what the point is of circulating, and even broadcasting worldwide, routine logs which have not been vetted for accuracy, nor corrected later, once errors comes to light. This happens again and again. I am NOT happy about pointing out fellow listeners` easily avoidable mistakes, and I have overlooked MANY others, but someone has to stand up for accuracy, especially when they get quoted on a major broadcast. It appears the host is not an SWL himself, or he might know better. Nor am I happy about criticizing fellow DX programs. And it`s really not my job to make sure DXPL is accurate. Listener, beware, as I resume overlooking!

At first I thought there was no `Tip for Real Living` on this edition but it`s there in the middle when I recheck the audio file: I mentally tuned it out without even trying (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 17725, Aug 26 at 1400 in Swahili with strange accent, presumably Libyan-Arabic. Supposed to be in English. Finally at 1408 ID as ``Voice of Africa, from the Great Jamahiriyah``, drumming, opening English bihour. Signal was fading in and out, peaking only fair, and coupled with accents, undermodulation, hard to follow.

I should like to have heard their take on the Lockerbie bomber controversy, if they ever deal with current events. Another brief reception peak around 1430. At 1445, riff from Beethoven`s Ninth introducing ``MQ`s Green Book``, still fading in and out. Beethoven had no use for Napoleon so he certainly would not approve of another megalomaniac co-opting his music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. 9675, IRS loud and clear UT Aug 26 at 0030 with IS, which ran for a sesquiminute before opening English broadcast, ``on 6100 to Europe and 9675 to the USA``. Not only do they dis Canada, but the IS has changed from what it used to be; still a synthesizer tune, but the IS and opening theme are no longer the catchy music I used to enjoy. Why change it; some political significance obscure to the non-Serb? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955 has made another unexpected schedule change: WORLD OF RADIO no longer appeared Aug 26, UT Wed at 0500 but instead ``Your World, Your Way``, one of the `Cheetah Radio` infomercials, and another one at 0530 instead of Frecuencia al Día.

So the first airing of new WORLD OF RADIO 1475 was Wednesday at 1530. Before then we were checking 9955 and observed: at 1425 no jamming as R. Prague`s yesterday program in English was upwrapping with a report from Rosie; 1427 into usual off-topic RP schedule announcement in French and then could hear DentroCuban jamming pulses building up! Looks like RHC has it in for competing DX programs, even those in English as at 1429 DX Partyline Aug 22 edition followed, above the jamming but still audible [see ECUADOR [non]], 1445 Aventura Diexista (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, KVOH already on at 1451 Aug 26, despite being authorized by FCC to start at 1500; norteño-style hymn, ``rezamos, señor, con todo corazón`` followed by applause. Fundamental signal yet too weak to audiblize its parasites around 17921 and 17631 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. We have been sitting on the edge of a huge tropospheric DX opening across the Midwest the last few days, with FM/TV DX reported in the 800-mile range between Ontario/New York and Missouri/Oklahoma.
See the maps at

This explains the enhanced area reception I have been getting, despite antenna pointed at OKC, from Wichita`s RF channel 19, virtual label says 33, KSCW. I noticed it first on analog B&W set as `brighter snow` on ch 19, then switched to DTV. I get it only by punching in 19 which remaps to `33`, while on RF 33 itself we see OKC`s KOCB `34`. Aug 25 at 1521 UT during Wendy Williams show, KSCW decoding in and out, including at 1556 a promo for sibling station KWCH-12. Again 24 hours later, Aug 26 at 1520 during WW show, and after 1600 Dr Phil.

This is very confusing, as checking the Kansas listings at
we find several entries for KWCH, the CBS affiliate, listed under Hutchinson on both channel 12 and 19, while KSCW, the CW affiliate, is under Wichita on channels 12, 19 and 31! (NOT 33). Multiple listings for each are because of different application and license status.

Even further confusing is the recent news as in DXLD 9-062, that channel 31.1 is now on the air for Wichita from Derby with Univisión, KDCU, and RF 31 is occupied by Enid`s only local DTV KXOK-LP. W9WI also has that one listed on channel 31 at Derby KS. It seems that W9WI does not specify any virtual channels, which we really need to know to help unravel all this! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. On Aug 22 at 0036, Liz Cameron in MI was hearing a religious broadcast in Spanish on 15780 where nothing is scheduled. Kept meaning to check this but did not manage to do so until Aug 26 at 0030 and heard: nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. After hearing LIBYA on 17725, I made a routine check for the listed // 21695, which occasionally pokes thru here, but 13m dead today Aug 26 at 1446. However, I did hear a buzz around 21735, at the same familiar pitch heard after 1500 from BSKSA Saudi Arabia on 15435! SA is not scheduled on 21735; only one probably wooden registration for ADM/UAE. It`s not a periodic noise peak from one of my household devices, as nothing like it heard anywhere between 21 and 22 MHz, but as it was a steady unfading S6, most likely still of local origin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###