AUSTRALIA Radio Australia Intl-Shepparton 15560 2315 English 333 June 15 YL interviewing an OM on the Taliban terrrorists in Pakistan. Weather Report 2329.
CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9790 0334 English 444 June 13 Two OMs with Mail Call program reading letter from listeners. //9690[444]via Spain.
CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay-RNV 13790 2320 English 433 June 15 YL with comments on South America countreis. //13680[333]via Cuba.
CZECH Radio Praga 9870 0325 English 333 June 13 OM with comments and off the air 0328.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 12040 2325 German 433 June 15 Choir music plus a YL ancr.
NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15720 2312 English 333 June 15 YL interviewing an OM on current economics in New Zealand.
PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 9825 0330 German 433 June 13 Two OMs with comments. YL at 0332.
PORTUGAL RDP Intl 9715 2334 Portuguese 333 June 15 OM ancr with comments followed by vocal music.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9790 0334 English 444 June 13 Two OMs with Mail Call program reading letter from listeners. //9690[444]via Spain.
CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay-RNV 13790 2320 English 433 June 15 YL with comments on South America countreis. //13680[333]via Cuba.
CZECH Radio Praga 9870 0325 English 333 June 13 OM with comments and off the air 0328.
ECUADOR HCJB Global 12040 2325 German 433 June 15 Choir music plus a YL ancr.
NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15720 2312 English 333 June 15 YL interviewing an OM on current economics in New Zealand.
PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 9825 0330 German 433 June 13 Two OMs with comments. YL at 0332.
PORTUGAL RDP Intl 9715 2334 Portuguese 333 June 15 OM ancr with comments followed by vocal music.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"