ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon 11775 1840 English 433 June 1 Dr Gene Scott with a sermon.
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 9580 1820 English 333 June 1 YL interviewing an OM on Asia Economics.
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepprton 15240 0312 English 333 June 2 Two YL's in a conversation about old computers.
CHINA The Music Jammer 9865 1834 333 June 1 Drum music jamming RFA. // 11540[333], 11700[333] and 12120[444].
CHINA China Radio Intl-CRI 11895 1844 Chinese 333 June i YL and an OM with comments.
COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Esopana-REE 17850 1858 Spanish 333 June 1 Male vocal music.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1823 Japanese 333 June 1 YL ancr with vocal Japanese music. YL with an ID 1830. Then more vocal music.
RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 15425 0315 English 433 June 2 Two YLs interviewing an OM in the Russia and the World program.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 9580 1820 English 333 June 1 YL interviewing an OM on Asia Economics.
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepprton 15240 0312 English 333 June 2 Two YL's in a conversation about old computers.
CHINA The Music Jammer 9865 1834 333 June 1 Drum music jamming RFA. // 11540[333], 11700[333] and 12120[444].
CHINA China Radio Intl-CRI 11895 1844 Chinese 333 June i YL and an OM with comments.
COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Esopana-REE 17850 1858 Spanish 333 June 1 Male vocal music.
JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 9835 1823 Japanese 333 June 1 YL ancr with vocal Japanese music. YL with an ID 1830. Then more vocal music.
RUSSIA Voice of Russia-VOR 15425 0315 English 433 June 2 Two YLs interviewing an OM in the Russia and the World program.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"