giovedì 4 giugno 2009

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ANGUILLA   Caribbean Beacon   11775  1840  English  433  June 1  Dr Gene Scott with a sermon.

AUSTRALIA   Radio Australia-Shepparton   9580  1820  English  333  June 1  YL interviewing an OM on Asia Economics.

AUSTRALIA   Radio Australia-Shepprton   15240  0312  English  333  June 2  Two YL's in a conversation about old computers.

CHINA   The Music Jammer   9865  1834  333  June 1  Drum music jamming RFA. // 11540[333], 11700[333] and 12120[444].

CHINA   China Radio Intl-CRI   11895  1844  Chinese  333  June i  YL and an OM with comments.

COSTA RICA   Radio Exterior Esopana-REE   17850  1858  Spanish  333  June 1  Male vocal music.

JAPAN   Radio Japan-NHK   9835  1823  Japanese  333  June 1  YL ancr with vocal Japanese music. YL with an ID 1830. Then more vocal music.

RUSSIA   Voice of Russia-VOR   15425  0315  English  433  June 2  Two YLs interviewing an OM in the Russia and the World program.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"