** CANADA. Another anomaly from Radio Canada Internal: 9515, June 29 at 1440 in Spanish and French with kids` voices, 1443 announcer identifies this as ``Francés hablado para niños, de Radio Canadá Internacional``, texts somewhere at http://www.rcinet.ca O, here it is:http://www.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/courslangues/
The trouble is, per RCI`s online schedules, the 1405-1505 hour is supposed to be in Russian, 7 days a week! Repeated inquiries to RCI asking for an explanation or correxion have gone unanswered.
1505 recheck found 9515 in correct language, English. Like so many American newscasters, she had no clue how to pronounce ``Manuel Zelaya`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake check June 29: at 1310, fair on 13970, nothing on 13500 or 14420; at 1214 JBA on 8400, trace? on 9000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. Further RHC observations Sunday June 28:
The DentroCubans are convinced the CIA --- now Obama`s CIA --- is behind the coup, immediately drawing parallels with Guatemala and Chile. Geez, give the República Bananera de Honduras some credit for being able to stage its own coups without the US necessarily being involved! That`s what Manuel Zelaya gets for trying to reform the constitution so he could remain president-for-life, à la Hugo Chávez. So he lands in Costa Rica --- wonder if the ex-University for Peace, converted into a university for war, had anything to do with it?
At 1655 UT the Mesa Redonda adjourned for lunch, to resume at 2 pm (1800 UT), music fill until 13750 went off without further announcement at 1700. Since it`s a domestic radio/TV program, RHC may or may not resume the SW relay at a time when it is not normally on the air at all, but check the usual suspect frequencies.
At 1818 UT, we find all three A,P frequencies back on, now with Hugo Chávez talking about the Honduran situation: 17750 with 1.2 Hz SAH generally atop WYFR, 13750 somewhat better, also audible on 13680, 12010, 11690. These leftists would not be so outraged if the oustee were a right-winger. I wonder how long this broadcast will be prolonged under the circumstances as it`s usually upwrapping about now.
Maybe it was live or maybe it was a clip of Chávez, but by 1840 his voice was replaced by someone in Cuba, and at 1842 the RHC announcer listed frequencies 9600, 13750, 5965, 6180, 15360. Not in order, fading in and out on 13750, so I may have missed something. Then at 1847 I checked, and did hear it on 9600 and 15360, but still on the original 5 too; not expected to be audible here at midday on 49m, and it was not, at least not on the portable in the yard. Looks like RHC is pulling out all the stops for this special event, so we`ll see if regular external languages get disrupted this afternoon and evening too.
Announcer also plugged TV coverage streaming at http://www.cubavision.cubaweb.cu/ which when I checked a bit later had mostly frozen or jerky video, but the audio was OK altho very low level. Bug for CV in the upper left, TeleSur in the upper right. Running about a sesquiminute behind SW.
At 2008 both on RHC and CV, a live press conference with Zelaya from the San José airport was on.
At 2020 checked all the SW frequencies again: per http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/c_frecuencia/frecuencias.htm at 2000-2030, RHC French is supposed to be on 11760, 5965 and Portuguese on 11770, but both were missing.
In fact, 11770 was not even on the air, 11760 was in Spanish, and 5965 too weak to copy. However, 6180 could be detected now in Spanish. In the meantime since last check, 9600 was also off the air, as were 13680 and 13760.
The special coverage in Spanish was still audible on 17750, 15360, 13750, 12010, 11800, 11760, 6180. RNV 2000 relay was on as usual 17705.
At 2041, when the press conference was over, and TV coverage switched to yelling crowds, 13750 cut to RHC IS and ID, and local announcer, summarizing events, mentioning that Mesa Redonda was still running on domestic radio and TV, and went in and out of that from time to time.
SW check at 2044 to see if 2030 RHC English on 17660 has survived the coup in Honduras: no, it`s in Spanish too, weakly audible. Reconfirmed // 17750, 15360, 13750, 11800, 11760. 11770 still AWOL, and I assume the strong signal on 13750 is that transmitter. 12010 is also off now. Note that 15360 and 13750 are normally used only in the morning hours.
No SWBC from Honduras, of course {in the daytime above 90m, I mean, and those are only gospel huxters}, but has anyone been getting live audio or video streaming from there? There were reports earlier that communications had been disrupted.
It is quite amusing to hear calls for the rule of democracy in Honduras, from Cuba, a country where there never has been any such thing since the Revolution by force a semi-century ago. Democracy is just great if that can get you into power legitimately, but never give it up voluntarily.
Had enough of checking this for a while, but did so again at 2348, mainly to see if the 2300 English broadcast on 13790 had also been blown off. Yes! 13790 not on the air, and 13750 instead still on in Spanish with Honduras special, along with 15360, 11800 and 9600. Nothing on 11690 or 11760. Did not take time to track all possible frequencies.
When I said ``no SWBC from Honduras``, I was referring to anything audible in the daytime above 90 meters. The only two active SW stations on 3250v and 3340 are both gospel-huxters, so it`s doubtful they would dare say anything or take sides, much less be in a position to broadcast any real news of the world today rather than yesterday and tomorrow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
RHC observations morning of June 29:
At 1307, 13760 again with echo audible during fades, but this was just after much stronger 13780 came on, and did not hear any echoes before it did, so I conclude this is indeed receiver overload cross-modulation, and not long-path; besides, conditions are quite poor for LP to be happening.
At 1316, 6000 which nominally runs until 1400, was open carrier with a trace of modulation while the DRM roar from RA Brandon, Australia, 5995 was much louder, despite supposedly being only 10 kW at 5 degrees, two hours after sunrise here.
At 1450 the news as usual on 13780, nothing on 13750 like the day before, so suspected RHC was back to normal scheduling in day two of the Honduran coup.
But once again the usual 5-hour siesta from 1500 is broken. At 1510 found VG signal on 13680, obviously on the antenna aimed usward, with hum and Honduran special coverage in Spanish, ``for the truth at first hand``. It seems the military, the oligarchy and the media are now getting the blame rather than the CIA, since Secretary of State Clinton did denounce the coup yesterday, but suspicions no doubt remain.
This led me to tune carefully for any and all other RHC frequencies that might be active; just as I intuned 11760 it dumped off the air at 1512*. Rechecked at 1518 it was back on with a stronger signal, so apparently switched transmitters/antennas in the break. But audio was cutting on and off, mostly off, and when on was barely audible. 1522 check seemed OK.
Also detected with // programming but much weaker signals were 11800, 13760 and 6000, all an echo apart from 13680. Tried 15360 and found a very weak signal, from something else. Also a trace on 17750, couldn`t be sure it was RHC. 13680 had a semi-minute transmitter failure until *1526.
So it looks like another long day of coup coverage, much of it originating from Bolivarian Venezuela, asserting solidarity. The only other Cuban frequency I found was 11680 with usual RNV relay in the 15-16 hour.
Is there anything on the RHC website about these special transmissions with times and frequencies? Not that I can find; must be quite ad-hoc and not identical to usage the day before, altho there is plenty about Honduras, such as:
``La Habana, 29 jun (RHC) Cubavisión, el Canal Educativo, Cubavisión Internacional, Radio Rebelde y Radio Habana Cuba transmitirán hoy, desde las cinco de la tarde, la mesa redonda informativa Condena internacional al golpe de Estado en Honduras, con informaciones y análisis sobre los acontecimientos en el hermano país centroamericano y la repulsa mundial al golpe contra el presidente Manuel Zelaya.``
So there will be a Round Table special Monday at 2100 UT on RHC and all the other radio and TV networks, an earlier sesquihour than usual 2230; WTFK?
Kept listening to 13680, and at 1603 IS, ID and frequency announcement:
13680, San Francisco
11760, Chicago
11800, América Central
11690, Caribe
6000, Nueva York
13760, Buenos Aires
The only additional one is 11690 so I check and hear that weakly too. What a bold move, broadcasting to New York midday on 6 MHz; is it making it that far by brute force against the absorption? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAIPAN. Radio Free Asia, 17880, June 29 at 0530 with ``Palladio`` theme and Chinese discussion, theme heard again at 0541, a regular around this time, daily? As usual, 17880 stronger than // 17615, 15615 via Tinian. 22-second sample of another version of the music, used in diamond commercials: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Palladio.ogg (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAIPAN. KFBS, 11650, June 29 at 1300 in Russian with Radio Teós program,
giving mailing address backwards, starting with Rossiya and ending with
Radio Teos, fair, then M&W discussion. 323 degrees from Marpi.
KFBS, 9920, slow Vietnamese music, woman vocalist at 1321 June 29, S9+18
here tho beamed 278 degrees. BTW, KTWR takes over 9920 at 1400 also in
Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###