venerdì 31 ottobre 2008

Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz

November 1st
Radio Joystick 09.00 - 10.00 UTC
RWI 19.00 - 20.00 UTC

November 2nd
RWI 09.00 - 10.00 UTC
Latvia Today 10.00 - 11.00 UTC

Good listening 73s Tom

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BONAIRE Radio Nederland Relay-RNI 11730 2224 Dutch 433 Oct 26 OM interviewing an OM.

CHINA Music Jammer 2142 333 Oct 26 Jamming RFA Saipan.

CUBA Radio Nacional Venezuela 11670 2218 Spanish 433 Oct 26 Two OMs with comments. OM with an ID. YL with same ID at 2219.

GREECE Foni Tes Helladas 9420 2146 Greek 333 Oct 26 Two OMs in a conversation plus some Greek music.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11665 2215 Japanese 333 Oct 26 OM with comments.

PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 11805 2225 Indonesian 333 Oct 26 YL with comments and some vocal pop music. //15205 [232]Philippines.

RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 9720 2205 Indonesian 232 Oct 26 YL with comments.

VENEZUELA?? Ecos de Torbes?? 9640 2155 Spanish 433 Oct 26 Two OMs ancrs at a sports event. YL with comments at 2400. Heard Venezuela mentioned several times.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 11880 1814 English 333 Oct 25 OM interviewing an OM on African problems in countries like Sudan. YL by 1820 with news.

CANADA Voice of Vietnam Relay-VOV 6175 0247 English 333 Oct 26 YL with health insurance updates in Vietnan.

CUBA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9580 0230 Chinese 333 Oct 25 YL with comments.

EGYPT Egyptian Radio 6290 0238 Arabic 333 Oct 26 OM with vocal music.

GERMANY Voice of Russia Relay-VOR 6155 0250 Russian 333 Oct 26 YL with comments plus instrumental music.

MEXICO Radio Educacion 6185 0245 Spanish 333 Oct 26 Classical piano music and OM with comments at 0247.

PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 12045 1810 Arabic 333 Oct 25 OM with comments.

RUSSIA??? Radio Rossi?? or KYZYL Radio?? 6100 0254 Russian 433 Oct 26 YL with comments and music in the background. OM with accordian folk music 0255. OM with comments 0258. Suddenly off the air at 0300.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

giovedì 30 ottobre 2008

QSL Radio Cartagena

R. Cartagena 1602 KHz - Real 70 - 30201 Cartagena - Spagna con e-mail allegata da in 6 giorni. v/s Pedro Egea Belmonte Dpto. Tècnico y Sistemas. Si 0.70 Euro.

Roberto Pavanello


Da: Pedro Egea Belmonte

Date: 29/10/08 19:14
Oggetto: Escucha Radio Cartagena


Estimado Roberto.

Hemos recibido su carta notificando una escucha de nuestraemisora (Radio Cartagena Cadena Ser), y nos complace confirmarle que laescucha es correcta.

Nuestra emisora está situada en Cartagena, provincia deMurcia, al sureste de España, y en nuestras instalaciones poseemos variasemisoras como la que escuchó (Radio Cartagena 1602 OM), más otras dos, CadenaDial 95.4 y 40 Principales 102.3, ambas situadas en Frecuencia Modulada.

Nos complace decirle que nos llena de satisfacción que aunquesea por un corto periodo de tiempo nos puedan escuchar desde tan lejos.


Pedro Egea Belmonte.
Dpto. Técnico y Sistemas.
Cadena SER, 40 Principales, Cadena Dial

Listado HFCC B-08

Saludos cordiales, ya está disponible el listado de emisiones de la HFCC para el periodo B-08.

Hay que agradecerles la prontitud en publicarlo, normalmente se demoran bastante.

José Miguel Romero

E-qsl RNZI

R. NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL 13840 Khz 26/10 1059 UTC - P.O. Box 123 -  Wellington - Nuova Zelanda con QSL elettronica in 3 giorni. Rapporto inviato via  web form raggiungibile all'indirizzo V/s Adrian Sainsbury, Frequency Manager. La E-QSL è visionabile all'indirizzo (N. MARABELLO)

HRVC La Voz Evangelica,Tegucigalpa

1390  30/10 0530-  HRVC La Voz Evangelica,Tegucigalpa (HND)2
px religioso, lettura, mx e ID alle 0535 "La Voz Evangelica, Honduras"

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

mercoledì 29 ottobre 2008

BCLmedianews 173

La versione telematica del nostro bollettino n° 173 è disponibile in formato PDF su Per riceverlo mensilmente basta inviare un'email all'indirizzo info @, sarai automaticamente sottoscritto alla mailing list di distribuzione

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BOTSWANA VOA Relay 12080 1755 Portuguese 333 Oct 25 OM with comments plus a YL. OM with an ID as VOA 1759.

CHINA Music Jammer 13625 1752 444 Oct 25 The usual Drum style music. //11510 [444].

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 17850 1705 Spanish 333 Oct 25 YL with comments plus an OM with comments. //17715 [333]Spain, 17595 [333]Spain..

FRENCH GUIANA Radio France Intl Relay-RFI 17620 1710 French 333 Oct 25 YL and OM with comments. //13695 [333]France.

PORTUGAL RDP Intl. 15560 1725 Portuguese 444 Oct 25 Vocal guitar music by an OM. A YL vocalist by 1727.

RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 15620 1723 Russian 333 Oct 25 OM with comments.

RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-DW 15445 1732 Arabic 433 Oct 25 Two OMs with comments who mention Iran often plus Iraq.

UNITED STATES VOA 15410 1743 English 433 Oct 25 YL with Encounter on VOA News.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

martedì 28 ottobre 2008


DX MIX NEWS # 544                                           28 October 2008
ALBANIA     Last minutes changes of Radio Tirana:
0000-0130 NF  9345 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, ex 7485 in Albanian Daily
0130-0145 NF  9345 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, ex 7485 in English Tue-Sun
2130-2300 NF  9345 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, ex 7510 in Albanian Daily

LIBYA    Winter B-08 of LJBC Voice of Africa:
1200-1357 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf
1200-1357 on 21695 SAB 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf

1400-1557 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf
1400-1557 on 21695 SAB 500 kW / 130 deg to EaAf

1600-1657 on 15660 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to NoAf
1600-1657 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf
1700-1757 on 11965 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to NoAf
1700-1757 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf

1800-1857 on 11965 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to NoAf
1800-1857 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf
1900-1957 on 11860 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf
1900-1957 on 11965 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to NoAf

2000-2057 on  7470 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to CeAf

NETHERLANDS(non)    Radio Netherlands Worldwide launches Arabic programme:
1900-1957 on 11830 MEY 500 kW / 019 deg to WeAs Mon-Fri
2000-2057 on  7385 SMG 250 kW / 114 deg to ME   Daily
2200-2257 on  5970 ISS 500 kW / 183 deg to NoAf Mon-Fri

TURKEY     Winter B-08 schedule for Voice of Turkey:
ALBANIAN   0700-0725 on  9665
           1230-1255 on 11910
ARABIC     1000-1155 on 11910 13690
           1500-1655 on  6175 11810
AZERI      0800-0855 on 11835 15160
           1500-1555 on  5965
BOSNIAN    1430-1455 on  9525
           1900-1925 on  6055
BULGARIAN  1200-1225 on  7105
CHINESE    1200-1255 on 11750
CROATIAN   1700-1725 on  7180
DARI (new) 1600-1625 on  7155
ENGLISH    0100-0155 on  6165
           0400-0455 on  6020  7240 + 7325 SAC 250 kW / 277 deg
           1330-1425 on 11735 12035
           1930-2025 on  6050
           2130-2225 on  7180
           2300-2355 on  5960
FRENCH     2030-2125 on  5990  6050
GERMAN     1230-1325 on 17700
           1830-1925 on  7205
GEORGIAN   0800-0855 on  9840
GREEK      1130-1155 on  7295  9840
           1530-1555 on  6185
HUNGARIAN  1100-1125 on 13770
ITALIAN    1730-1755 on  6185
KAZAKH     1430-1455 on  9785
KYRGYZ     1430-1455 on  9655
MACEDONIAN 0900-0925 on 11895
PASHTO     1630-1725 on  7155
PERSIAN    0930-1055 on 11795 17690
           1330-1425 on  9585
ROMANIAN   1000-1025 on  9560
RUSSIAN    1400-1455 on  7215
           1800-1855 on  6135
SERBIAN    1630-1655 on  7170
SPANISH    0200-0255 on  9790
           1730-1825 on  7160
TATAR      1600-1625 on  6140
TURKISH    0200-0355 on  7180
           0500-0755 on  9700  9820
           0800-0955 on 11925 11955 15350
           1000-1355 on 11955 15350 15475
           1400-1625 on  5980
           1630-1955 on  5980  6120  6165  7190
           2000-2155 on  5980  6120  6165
TURKMEN    1500-1525 on  6065
URDU       1300-1355 on 11985
UYGHUR(new)0100-0155 on  6000
UZBEK      1300-1325 on 11865

UKRAINE   Additional B-08 txions of Radio Ukraine International:
0300-1500 on  7285@SMF 100 kW / 004 deg to RUS Ukrainian
0600-1400 on 15635 LV  600 kW / 096 deg to AUS En 0600,1000,1100
1500-0200 on  6020#SMF 100 kW / 004 deg to RUS Ukrainian
1900-0300 on  9785^SMF 250 kW / 245 deg to SAm En 2000,2200,0100; Ge 2100,0000
@ co-ch 0500-0530 DWL in English
        0900-0957 CRI in Romanaian
        1130-1155 Polish Radio in Polish
        1300-1357 CRI in Mongolian
        1400-1457 CRI in Urdu
# co-ch 0000-0157 CRI in English
        1800-2257 CRI in Bulgarian/Albanian/Polish/Spanish
        1930-2030 PAB in English Fri-Sun
^ co-ch 1900-2000 VOA in Special English

First Channel of Ukrainian Radio in Ukrainian:
0330-2300 on  5970*KV  100 kW / non-dir to UKR
* co-ch 1400-1500 WYFR in Kannada
        1600-1757 CRI in German
        1700-1900 WYFR in Russian
        1800-1957 CRI in French
        2030-2055 Polish Radio in German
        2100-2200 WYFR in Arabic
        2200-2257 RNW in Arabic Mon-Fri

YVRZ Venezuela a Sedico

1500  28/10 0540-  YVRZ, R.Dos Mil Cumaná (VEN) 2/3
Px mx con salsa scatenata e vari ID in S dalle 0546

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 6145 0338 English 232 Oct 25 Two OMs discussing the worlds economic situations, YL with comments 0342 plus an OM. //6005 [333]Ascension.

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton 15515 0303 English 333 Oct 25 OM with comments on local sports events. YL with comments on Indonesia and Pakistan.

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl relay-RNI. 9590 0325 Spanish 444 Oct 25 YL interviewing an OM.

BRAZIL China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9665 0316 Spanish 433 Oct 25 YL with comments. Venezuela Politica mentioned several times.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 9630 0320 Spanish 333 Oct 25 YL and OM with comments plus anothetr OM at times.

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15720 0258 English 444 Oct 25 YL with ID 0259. YL with item on trading in the stock markets world-wide.

RUSSIA Voice of Russia via Petropavlovsk-VOR 9435 0328 English 232 Oct 25 An OM with comments.

UNITED STATES WYFR Florida 17885 1700 French 333 Oct 25 IS and ID by an OM followed vocal music. Then a YL and OM with comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Aggiornamento su HF Archive

Segnalo un aggiornamento "svizzero" sul sito HF Archive, tre nuove pagine con foto e info di questi centri radio:

> Centro trasmittente onde medie di Sottens

> Centro Radio HBD del ministero affari esteri MFA di Berna

> Stazione Costiera HEB Bern Radio - Sito di trasmissione di Prangins e di ricezione di Riender

L'indirizzo e' sempre:

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

lunedì 27 ottobre 2008

NDB qsl

AT-384khz , Aerodrome D'ANNECY/MEYTHET, 31gg letter v7s Jaques SASSIOT-TALABOT- Service de Navigation Aerienne Centre-Est Aerodrome D'ANNECY/MEYTHET, 74370 Metz-Tessy France

Cioa e good dx!
/- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics -- BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
-Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-/

VLF station SAQ on the air 24th December

SAQ is next planned to be on air on Wednesday 24th December 2008 at 08.00 UTC and 08.15 UTC. The frequency is 17.2 kHz CW. Running up an tuning of the transmitter begins about 07.30 UTC.

Correct reception reports will be acknowledged with a QSL card.

SAQ Website

Alexanderson alternator

UNID del 24

Dai files dell'SDR-14 della mattina del 24/10 ho ricavato altre due possibili colombiane, mancano però ID sicuri:

1460 24/10 0530- UNID probabile HJJW Em. Nuevo Continente, Bogotá (CLM) 1/2
Px religioso con predica agitata in S; no ID

1500 24/10 0537- UNID probabile HJUW Radio Maria, Manizales (CLM) 2
Santo Rosario recitato in latino con Papa Giovanni Paolo II; no ID

Buona settimana
Saverio De Cian


QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

domenica 26 ottobre 2008

Ascolti con il Persus

Ciao, alcuni ascolti effettuati da Milano Labrate con il nuovo Perseus; ho sfruttato la formidabile possibilità di registrare simultaneamente tutta una banda (fino a 1.6 MHz), per identificare le stazioni a cavallo dell'ora.

11550 2000 25/10 WEWN Birmingham, ID and Jingle, SS. Poor.
11730 2000 25/10 A.W.R., ID, // 11755, FF. Poor.
11755 2000 25/10 A.W.R., ID, // 11730, FF. Poor.
11855 2000 25/10 W.H.R.A., "Bible answers", EE. Good.
11895 2000 25/10 W.Y.F.R., ID, female TK, FF. Fair.
11930 2000 25/10 R. Martì, male TK, SS. Poor.
12160 2000 25/10 W.W.C.R., mx, religious show, EE. Good.
15195 1529 25/10 W.H.R.A., religious prg, EE. Very good.
15225 1230 26/10 R.Veritas Asia, TK, ID, Philipino. Very good.
15310 1230 26/10 BBC via Nakhon Sawan, sport, EE. Fair.
15330 1600 26/10 R. Martì, mx, ID, political TK, SS. Good.
15410 1531 25/10 Voz Cristiana, Cile, ID, Jingle, PP. Good.
15540 1230 26/10 HCJB Australia, religious TK, EE. Good.
15825 1230 26/10 W.W.C.R., religious TK, EE. Good.
17510 1000 25/10 All India Radio, India, ID, news // 17895. EE. Good.
17630 1350 25/10 Africa No. 1, Gabon, afro mx, TK, FF. Fair.
17830 1000 25/10 BBC WS, via Ascension, ID, news, EE. Fair.
17895 1000 25/10 All India Radio, India, ID, news // 17510, EE. Fair.

73, Michele IZ2EAS

Technical details of the equipment:
- Receivers:
    Modern:  Perseus, Drake R8E, Icom IC-R72 and DE1103
    Vintage: BC348R, Satellit 210
- Antenna: just a random peice of wire, 7 metres long

Pavanello's last log

  684   20/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Sevilla SS NX reg. Andalucia buono
  729   21/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Valladolid SS NX reg. Castilla y Leon suff.
  774   22/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Caceres SS NX reg. Extremadura
  801   23/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Lugo SS NX reg. Galicia suff.
  855   24/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Murcia SS NX reg. Comunidad de Murcia buono
  873   24/10 20.58 R. Zaragoza - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
  990   22/10 17.40 R. Bilbao - SS ID e NX locali buono
 1215   26/10 08.30 Absolute R. - London EE ID e MX buono
 1287   23/10 22.05 R. Galei Tzahal - Ramla Ebraico MX // a  6975 KHz suff.
 1494   26/10 12.10 France Bleu Frequenza Mora - Bastia IT Mediterradio // 1404 KHz buono
                    (replica del programma in onda al mercoledi alle 11.10 UTC )
 1602   22/10 21.55 R. Ontynient - Valenciano ID e NX locali suff
 1602   23/10 20.58 R. Cartagena - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 1655   25/10 23.30 R. Napoleon -
Dutch ID e MX buono
 3340   25/10 04.05 R. Misiones Int. - Comayaguela SS predica suff.
 3905   18/10 23.30 R. Fox 48 - EE MX buono
 4799.8 25/10 04.10 R. Buenas Nuevas - S. Sebastian SS MX suff.
 4915   25/10 04.15 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono
 4985   25/10 22.25 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX buono
 5005   25/10 22.30 R. Nacional - Bata SS MX afro buono
 5770   25/10 15.20 Defence Force BC - Taunggyi Birmano MX suff.
 6035   25/10 22.20 Voz del Guaviare - S. Joseè del Guaviare SS MX buono
 6210   26/10 09.50 R. Saturnus -
EE ID e MX buono
 6302   26/10 09.30 R. Dr. Juice - EE ID e MX buono
 6305   26/10 10.10 R. Boenmerang -
EE ID e MX buono
 9610   26/10 10.00 AWR Europe - Firenze IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
 9675   25/10 23.10 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP MX buono

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia

Escuchas / Escutas / Logs

9525 Star Radio, Ascension, transmission to Liberia, 0720-0725, October 18, English, talk or report by male, 24222

9525 Cotton Tree News, Ascension, transmission to Sierra Leona, 0731-0740, October 18, English/Vernacular, IS, Identification & announcement and ID by female, news At 0736 announcement by male as: "....the news in....language...", 34333/24322

5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2040-2045,October 18, French, news by male & female, music, 24332

4935 Radio Vitoria, Capixaba, ES, 2140-2144, October 18, Portuguese, religious talk by male, 25332

15650 Voice of Oromia Independence (t), 1703-1707, October 18, Vernacular, news by female, 25422

9950 Open Radio for North Korea, Gavar, Armenia, 2100-2105, October 18, Korean, s/on and identification by female, very nice korean song, music, news by female, jammed, 24432

6300 RADS, 2115-2122, October 18, Vernacular, talk by male, 24332

6115 Nikkei R. Broadc. Corp, Nagara, 0725-0730, October 18, japanese, sport transmission (beisball?, football?),34333//6055 Khz

4845 Radio Mauritania, Nouackchott, 2124-2130, October 18, Arabic, very nice local songs, 25332

OMAN, Sultanate of:
15140 Radio Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, 1720-1730, October 18, Arabic, very nice local songs, programme conduced by male, 25442

Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina

Listado emisiones en español B-08, versión preliminar.

Emisiones en español para el periodo B-08
Efectivo a partir del 26 de octubre del 2008
Versión preliminar.

BBC, Bible Voice, CVC La Voz, ERT Radio Filia, EWTN, HCJB, KBS World Radio,
KVOH Rancho S., NHK Radio Japon, Radio Argentina al Exterior, Radio Austria
Radio Bulgaria, Radio Cairo, Radio Canadá Int., Radio Damasco, Radio
Eslovaquia Int,
Radio Exterior de España, Radio Francia Int., Radio Habana Cuba, Radio Int.
de China,
Radio Martí, Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Radio Nederland, Radio Praga,
Radio Rebelde, Radio Rumania, Radio Serbia, Radio Taiwán, Radio Vaticano,
Voz de América, Voz de Corea, Voz de Croacia, Voz de Indonesia, Voz de la
Rep. Isl. de Irán,
Voz de Rusia, Voz de Vietnam, WYFR.

José Miguel Romero

sabato 25 ottobre 2008

Radio Gloria International this Sunday

Date 26th of October 2008
Time 1300 to 1400 UTC

Channel 6140 KHz

The transmissions of Radio Gloria will be broadcast over the transmitting station Wertachtal in Germany.

The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts, and we will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).

Good listening 73s Tom

QSL RDP Internacional

11.905 kHz, RDP Internacional
Escuchada el 23-08-08 a las 1413 UTC en portugués
Recibida Tarjeta QSL, acompañada de carta personal, esquema de programación A08, encuesta y calendario de liga portuguesa de fútbol
Datos completos.
V/S: Christiane
Informe enviados a:
Demoró 44 días

Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) – España

Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz

October 25th
Latvia Today 09.00 - 10.00UTC

October 26th
Latvia Today 14.00 - 15.00UTC

Good listening 73s Tom

venerdì 24 ottobre 2008

Pirate olandesi

Anche stasera ci sono attive tre stazioni pirate, penso olandesi, che trasmettono musica folk (abbastanza orribile in verita'), in in onde medie, sui 1633, 1655 e 1670 khz. Il segnale di tutte e tre le stazione' basso ma con l'antenna L-101 si riceve decisamente bene. Sono le 23.36 locali.

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Log Saverio De Cian

1400 24/10 0505-0550 HJKM Emisora Mariana de Bogotà, Santa Fè de Bogotà (CLM) 2/3
Px musica lirica con presentazione alle 0537: musica di Manuel Fernandes
Ramiro e la cantante soprano Maria Teresa ? segue mx vallenata

1390 24/10 0500- WEGP, Presque Isle, ME (USA) 2
ID "WEGP", notizie e commenti in E (si alterna a WPLM)

1390 24/10 0500- WPLM, Plymouth, MA (USA) 2/3
ID alle 0502, slogan vari in E

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

giovedì 23 ottobre 2008

Navtex #2

Seconda serata di ascolto Navtex, questa sera con i consiglio di Angelo IK1QLD e il software Frisnit Navtex Decoder (ver 2.1.5) le cose vanno decisamente meglio :-) Allora questo e' l'elenco delle stazioni che ho ricevuto:

A - Corsen Radio - Francia
T - Ostende Radio - Belgio
W - La Garde - Francia
P - Der Helden Radio - Olanda
S - Pinnemberg - Germania
R - Roma Radio - Italia
Q - Split Radio - Croazia

Il software oltre che visualizzare tutti il traffico "raw" ricevuto memorizza i singoli bollettini identificandoli secondo la tipologia:  Satnav - Navigation - Met Warning - Met Forecast e Nav warning. L'antenna e' sempre il loop L-101 e il ricevitore e' un ICOM IC-756 Pro3. Da segnalare che per ricevere al meglio il segnale uso in filtro in DSP stretto 1 khz.

Ecco alcuni bollettini ricevuti:

IGHTBUOY VL-4  53-32.N 004-49.E

WARNING NO. 233  231810UTC OCT

231200 UTC OCT V
51-14.260N 002-8.63
51-38.9N  002-3.9E
51-3.11N 002-38.9PNQAWOMQYN  002-36.12E
51-29.04N  002-34.65E
51-33.28N  002-24.54E
51-36.11N  002-27.69E
51-42.40N  002-36.37E

151143 UTC OCT 08
4310,0N -00536,03
4310,0N -00500,0E
4300,0N -00500,0E
4300,0N -00534,0E
4307,0N -00546,0E.

231542 UTC OCT 08

220400 UTC OCT 08


Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Sito Aggiornato: ricevitore SDR & Antenne Stealth

Ho aggiornato il mio sito con due nuovi articoli:

1) Due kit per realizzare un ricevitore HF SDR multibanda

2) Esperimenti di antenne "invisibili" con l'accordatore SGC-237

L'indirizzo del sito e' sempre

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008

Pirata dall'olanda

Sempre dagli ascolti di stasera vi segnalo due stazioni pirata olandese attive in onde medie:

1670 khz 2110 utc - Parlato e musica folk. Il segnale ogni tanto sparisce e poi ritorna. Simpo 22222

1638 khz 2100 Utc - Musica Folk. Penso sia Radio Farmes, segnalata su molti siti e blog. Simpo 32333

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK


Stasera, dopo le 21 locali, ha fatto i primi esperimenti di ricezione Navtex sui 518 khz utilizzando l'antenna loop amplificata L-101 di Claudio Re e come ricevitore un Icom IC-756 pro3. L'antenna e' montata in modo provvisorio in casa, lontana una paio di metri da Pc e dal ricevitore. Ho ricevuto diverse stazioni, tra quelle identificate  con sicurezza c'e' Ostenderadio, poi un stazione che si identificava come Toulon e ha trasmessso i bollettini di Meteo-france, poi una stazione italiana non identificata e una stazione che ha trasmesso il bollettino meteo di meteo algier. Per essere il primo tentativo mi sembra molto interessante, nei prossimo giorni montero' all'antenna all'esterno e mi ci riprovo. Ecco qualche frammento dei segnali ricevuti:

zczc ta95\par
210730 utc sep =\par
oostenderadio - info 217/08 =\par
spout up works will be conducted in\par
the port of oostende near the northsea\par
yachtclub from september 21st till\par
further notice. shipping is requested\par
to pass at very slow speed.+\par

zczc wa33\par
151144 utc oct 08\par
ttt avurnav toulon 050/08\par
from 20to 21oct 08from 00ppz to 2359z and\par
from 25to 26oct 08from 0000z to 2359z.\par
underwater operations by tug ship ''fioupellan''or ''martegal''with\par
platform ''cetravim''in the area :\par
4318,0n -00518,0e  nw corner \par
4309,0n -00528,0e  se corner\par
radius circle 1000meters around platform and tug.\par
wide berth requested.\par
cancel this msg 262359z oct 08.\par

weather f~recast over mediterranean areas issued by rome meteorology
of 18 22/10/2008 \par
and valid up to 06 utc of  23/10/2008 \par
1. warnings:\par
thunderstorms under course:over ligurian sea, corsican sea,\par
sardinian sea and channel, central and southern tyrrhenian west\par
side, sicily strait, alboran sea, south baleari sea, libyan sea and\par
levantine basin sea.\par
thunderstorms forecast:over ligurian sea, corsican sea, sardinian\par
sea and channel, tyrrhenian sea, sicily strait, southern jonian sea,\par
western mediterranean sea, libyan sea and levantine basin sea.\par
gales under course:-northerly 8 on north baleari sea,\par
-northerly 7 on aegean sea.\par

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

martedì 21 ottobre 2008

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI 9590 0332 Spanish 433 Oct 18 Two OMs with comments plus a YL.

BRASIL China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9665 0326 Spanish 333 Oct 18 YL and an OM with comments.

CANADA Voice of Turkey Relay-VOT 7325 0338 English 333 Oct 18 OM with comments then instrumental music. Also some vocal music.

CANADA Voice of Vietnam Relay-VOV 6175 0354 Vietnamese 433 Oct 18 YL and OM singing in Vietnamese. YL and s/off at 0358. Back on the air at 0400 by a YL and into Spanish by a YL.

CUBA China Radio Intl-CRI 0306 English 333 Oct 18 OM and YL with comments on publishing book companies in China. OM with CRI ID at 0314.

ECUADOR HCJB Global 9780 0317 German 444 Oct 18 Childrens Choir music. YL ancr 0318 with comments.

ECUADOR HCJB Global 9745 0323 English 433 Oct 18 Teacher comments on educating students.

SOUTH AFRICA Trans World Radio-TWR 7215 0330 Amharic 333 Oct 18 Music and OM with comments. Suddenly off the air at 0345.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

OZN qsl NDB from GREENLAND!!!!!!

E-mail confirm 30gg, from OZN-372 khz Prins Christian Sund GREENLAND - See beatifull picture from GREENLAND

Ciaooooooooooooooo!! and GOOD DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Mauro Giroletti IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
- JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150 -
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
- Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band - Loop LFL1010
- Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° - Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

----- Original Message -----

From: Stationsleder Prins Christians Sund
To: mauro.giroletti
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 11:12 PM

Dear sir.
Thanks for your letter concerning our NDB OZN.
The beacon is used flight navigation and is placed at the east side off south Greenland where the sound Prins Christian Sund is crossing the land.
The beacon is part of different communication system placed at the station which is placed 80 km from the nearest city and served by helicopter once a mont.
There is 4 peoble and 3 dogs at the station.
A picture off the beacon antenne mast and house is incerted.
Sorry but we dont have QSL card.

Regard from

Poul Erik Hansen
Prins Christian Sund telestation


Cari Amici Italiani,
con la presente vi comunichiamo le nostre nuove frequenze invernali applicabili da domenica 26/Ottobre/ 2008. Saremo molto grati di ricevere i vostri rapporti d'ascolto e le vostre informazioni sulla qualità di ricezione delle nostre nuove frequenze. Con amicizia vi salutiamo dall'Iran e rimaniamo in attesa di ricevere le vostre notizie.

Il responsabile della corrispondenza di Radio Italia
Ali Azizmohammadi

Email :

Orari e frequenze (New) : dal 26 OTTOBRE 2008




06:30 - 07:30



19:30 - 20:00



VOIRI - Radio Televisione della Repubblica Islamica dell'Iran, Servizio oltre frontiera,
Redazione Italiana - P.O. Box 19395/6767 - Teheran - Iran.


DX MIX NEWS # 543                                           21 October 2008
FRANCE/TAIWAN    Winter B-08 schedule of Radio Taiwan International via TDF
0200-0258 on  9800 GUF 500 kW / 195 deg to SoAm Spanish
1400-1458 on 15430 ISS 500 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Russian
1600-1658 on  9785 ISS 500 kW / 085 deg to SoAs English, 11995 from March 1
1700-1758 on  6120 ISS 500 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian,  9840 from March 1
1700-1758 on 11850 ISS 500 kW / 160 deg to SoAf English, 15690 from March 1
1800-1858 on  3965 ISS 250 kW / 345 deg to WeEu English
1900-1958 on  9365 ISS 500 kW / 190 deg to NoAf French,  11875 from March 1
2000-2058 on  3965 ISS 500 kW / 215 deg to SoEu Spanish
2100-2158 on  3965 ISS 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu German

ROMANIA   Winter B-08 schedule of Radio Romania International:
ARABIC    0730-0756 on 11710 11905 15155 15330
          1500-1556 on  9655 11730 11880 15235
AROMANIAN 1530-1556 on  6105
          1730-1756 on  6015
          1930-1956 on  6110
CHINESE   0500-0526 on 15160 17870
          1400-1426 on  9660 12005
ENGLISH   0100-0156 on  6145  9515
          0400-0456 on  6115  9515  9690 11895
          0630-0656 on  7180  9690 15135 17780
          1300-1356 on 15105 17745
          1800-1830 on  5875or5895 DRM via KVI 065 kW / 220 deg
          1800-1856 on  7215  9640
          2130-2156 on  6030  6115  7145  9755
          2300-2356 on  6015  6115  7105  9610
FRENCH    0200-0256 on  5975  9515
          0600-0626 on  7170  9610
          1100-1156 on 15150 15255 17790 17845
          1700-1756 on  7135  9690
          2100-2126 on  6030  7120
GERMAN    0700-0726 on  7175  9690
          1200-1256 on  9690 11940
          1700-1730 on  5875 DRM via KVI 065 kW / 160 deg
          1900-1956 on  7125  9525
ITALIAN   1500-1526 on  7160
          1700-1726 on  9855
          1900-1926 on  6180
ROMANAIN  0100-0156 on  5910  9640
          0200-0256 on  5910  9640
          0500-0556 on  6055  7220 new txion
          0800-0856 on 11730 15370 15430 17775 Sunday "Curierul romanesc"
          0900-0956 on 15380 15430 17745 17775 Sunday "Curierul romanesc"
          1000-1056 on 15260 15380 17780 17825 Sunday "Curierul romanesc"
          1300-1356 on  9610 11940 15170
          1400-1456 on  9610 11940 15170
          1600-1656 on  9700 11870
          1700-1756 on  7335  9595
          1800-1856 on  7140  9590
          1900-1956 on  7140  9590
          2000-2056 on  7125  9565 new txion
RUSSIAN   0530-0556 on  6175  7210
          1430-1456 on  9535 11905
          1600-1656 on  6025  7190
SERBIAN   1630-1656 on  6025
          1830-1856 on  7130
          2030-2056 on  5970
SPANISH   0000-0056 on  5960  9525  9665 11960
          0300-0356 on  6140  9635  9765 11825
          2000-2056 on  7140  9620
          2200-2256 on  6070  9575
UKRAINIAN 1600-1626 on  6130
          1800-1826 on  7160
          2000-2026 on  5960

USA(non)   Frequency change of WYFR Family Radio in French from Oct.16:
2000-2100 NF  7235 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg to WeEu, ex 12060

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia Shepparton-RA 15515 2140 English 333 Oct 14 OM ancr with Country Western music.

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI 15315 2134 Dutch 333 Oct 14 YL and OM with comments. National Anthem and off the air 2157.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 15330 2138 French/Dutch 444 Oct 14 Two OMs in a conversation. Suddenly off the air 2157. Back on the air 2159 on 17605 in Dutch.

CANADA China Radio Relay-CRI 13700 2205 Spanish 444 Oct 14 YL with comments.

CUBA Radio Nacional Relay 13680 2120 Spanish 333 Oct 14 OM with comments. YL with comments 2121 and mentions Venezuela often.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2115 Japanese 333 Oct 14 YL with comments plus instrumental music 2116. OM with comments 2118.

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15270 2145 English 444 Oct 14 YL interviewing an OM on various events in New Zealand.

RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 15205 2125 English 433 Oct 14 YL with comments on Illegal Immigrants. Then DW ID. OMwith comments on the usage of the Internet. //11865 [333]Rwanda, 17810 [333]Bonaire and 17605 [333]Bonaite.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

lunedì 20 ottobre 2008

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION ISLAND BBCWS Relay 17885 1730 French 333 Oct 13 YL and OM with comments.

CHINA CPBS 11750 2235 Chinese 333 Oct 12 YL and OM with comments.

CUBA Raio Nacional Venezuela Relay 11670 2257 Spanish 444 Oct 12 OM with an ID and IS. Suddenly off the air at 2258.

ENGLAND Radio Solh 17700 1735 Arabic 232 Oct 13 Pop music vocals in Arabic.

GREECE Foni Tis Helladas 15630 1745 Greek 232 Oct 13 YL with comments.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11910 2247 Japanese 333 Oct 12 YL talking to an OM. //13680 [444] and 15265 [333].

MOROCCO VOA Relay 15410 1753 English 333 Oct 13 OM with Inquiry program followed by pop music vocals.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 17595 1740 Spanish 433 Oct 13 YL with pop music and an ID. Then an OM at 1742 with comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

domenica 19 ottobre 2008

La magia delle onde medie

Oggi pomeriggio ho viaggiato da Torino a Ginevra, e dopo aver superato il tunnel del monte Bianco intorno alle 17.30 ho acceso l'autoradio in onde medie per per tutto il resto del viaggio (circa 100 km) mi sono ascoltato in condizioni ottime i segnali di Radio Gold sui 1548 khz.. ottimo segnale che veniva degradato solo quando passavo sotto conduttori di alta tensione.

Ascoltandola riflettevo sulla magia delle onde medie, anche se per solo un'oretta mi sono ascoltato nel cuore dell'Europa i segnali di una radio Inglese e a quell'ora con l'inizio del tramonto arrivavano decine di altre stazioni da tutto il continente. Ormai la tendenza inarrestabile e' quella di chiudere questi impianti e usare i soldi per le reti Dab e nuovi standard digitali. A proposito di Dab.. giovedi' scorso ero in un centro commerciale nel centro di Ginevra e ho trovato sugli scaffali un bel ricevitore FM/DAB delle Pure.. visto che era collegato all'alimentazione e che Ginevra' e' coperta dal servizio DAB (un multiplexer con 11 emittenti) l'ho accesa e l'ho messa in scansione automatica. Ebbene non prendeva nessuna stazione.. ho chiesto il commesso che mi ha spiegato che per ascoltare il Dab avrei dovuto provare la radio fuori dal centro commerciale, che all'interno degli edifici funziona male.. ho pensato che il futuro dell a radio digitale e' messo decisamente male..

Saluti e 73 de Andrea IW0HK

p.s. da oggi ho anche un nominativo svizzero HB9EMK
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Radio Sweden B-08 schedule

Radio Sweden B-08 schedule. Time UTC.

Arabic to Middle East
1730-1800 7465 125° (Monday-Friday)

Assyrian/Aramaic to Middle East
1600-1630 9360 125° (Thursday-Friday)

Belarusian to Europe (Saturday-Tuesday)
1830-1900 6065 (100°)
2100-2130 5840 (100°)

English to Europe, Africa and the Middle East (daily)
1430-1500 9400 (70°)
1530-1600 9360 (125°)
1730-1800 1179
1830-1900 1179
2000-2030 1179
2030-2100 9895 (320°) via Madagascar
2130-2200 7395 (280°) via Madagascar
2230-2300 5850 (140°-240°) + 1179

English to Asia and the Pacific (daily)
0230-0300 11550 (50°) via Madagascar
1330-1400 7465 (40°)
1430-1500 9400 (70°)

English to North America (daily)
0230-0300 6010 (268°) via Canada
0330-0400 6010 (277°) via Canada

Farsi to Middle East
1600-1630 9360 110° (Wednesday-Friday)

Kurdish to Middle East
1630-1700 9360 140° (Monday-Friday)

Romani to Middle East and Southern Europe
2130-2200 5840 145° (Saturday-Sunday)
2200-2300 5840 145° (Saturday-Sunday)
2300-0000 1179 (Saturday)

Russian to Europe and Asia (daily)
1400-1430 9530 (55°)

Russian to Europe (daily)
1500-1530 5850 (55°)
1730-1800 6065 (70°)
1930-2000 6065 (70°) + 1179
2030-2100 5850 (85°) + 1179

Swedish to Europe, Africa and the Middle East
0500-0600 P1 9490 (125°)
0600-0800 P1 6065 (140°-240°)
1400-1430 RS 9490 (125°)
1500-1530 RS 9360 (125°)
1645-1715 P1 5865 (140°-240°)
1700-1730 RS 7475 (70°) + 7465 (140°)
1800-1830 RS 5865 (140°-240°)
1900-1930 RS 5865 (140°-240°) + 7465 (220°)
2000-2030 RS 5850 (140°-240°) + 9895 (320°) via Madagascar
2100-2130 RS 7395 (280°) via Madagascar
2100-2200 P1 5850 (140°-240°)
2200-2230 RS 5850 (140°-240°)
1400-1430 RS 9490 (125°)
1500-1530 RS 9360 (125°)
1645-1715 P1 5865 (140°-240°)
1700-1730 RS 7475 (70°) + 7465 (140°)
1800-1830 RS 5865 (140°-240°)
1900-1930 RS 5865 (140°-240°) + 7465 (220°)
2000-2030 RS 5850 (140°-240°) + 9895 (320°) via Madagascar
2100-2130 RS 7395 (280°) via Madagascar
2100-2200 P1 5850 (140°-240°)
2200-2230 RS 5850 (140°-240°)
1400-1430 RS 9490 (125°)
1500-1530 RS 9365 (125°)
1645-1700 P1 5865 (140°-240°)
1700-1730 RS 7475 (70°) + 7465 (140°)
1800-1830 RS 5865 (140°-240°)
1900-1930 RS 5865 (140°-240°) + 7465 (220°)
2000-2030 RS 5850 (140°-240°) + 9895 (320°) via Madagascar
2100-2130 RS 7395 (280°) via Madagascar
2100-2200 P1 5850 (140°-240°)
2200-2230 RS 5850 (140°-240°)

Swedish to East Asia
1200-1215 RS 7420 (40°) Monday-Friday
1200-1230 RS 7420 (40°) Saturday-Sunday
1315-1330 RS 7465 (40°) Monday-Friday

Swedish to South-Eastern Asia and Australia
0200-0230 RS 11550 (50°) daily via Madagascar
1215-1230 RS 11550 (70°) Monday-Friday
1300-1315 RS 11675 (80°) Monday-Friday
1300-1330 RS 11675 (80°) Saturday-Sunday
1400-1430 RS 9400 (70°) + 11540 (95°) daily

Swedish to South America
0000-0030 RS 9490 (163°) via Canada
0030-0100 RS 6100 (227°) via Canada

Swedish to North America
0200-0230 RS 6010 (240°) via Canada
0300-0330 RS 6010 (277°) via Canada

Swedish to Europe on 1179 kHz (Soelvesborg, Sweden, 600 kW)
0455-0700 P1
1645-1730 P1
1800-1830 RS (P4 on Sundays)
1900-1930 RS
2100-2200 P1
2200-2230 RS

P1 - Swedish Radio 1st channel
P4 - Swedish Radio 4th channel (Sport)
RS - Radio Sweden (External Service)


Aleksandr Diadischev, Dniprorudne, Ukraine

The German program audio files of Radio Damascus are now effectively online and ready to download

Great news. The German program audio files of Radio Damascus are now effectively online and ready to download at the following link :

("Deutsches Programm" at the end of the page) .

I just downloaded the program of Friday (Freitag) and yesterday, Saturday (Sonnabend).
Download was slow but when the download was finished, I was able to listen to the program in excellent digital quality with the VLC-mediaplayer on a Mac OSX system.

Let's hope the English program and other language departments will follow soon now!

Greetings from Belgium.

Kris Janssen

Tips Roberto Pavanello

  612   16/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Lleida Catalano NX reg. Catalunya suff.
  621   17/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Palma de Mallorca Mallorchino NX reg. Baleares suff.
  738   15/10 05.50 R.N.E. R.1 - Barcelona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
  828   15/10 21.55 R. Terrasa - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale suff.
  882   12/10 16.58 COPE - Alicante SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 1224   13/10 21.30 R. Popular - San Sebastian SS intervista buono (dominante sulla COPE)
 1287   17/10 20.58 Cadena SER - Burgos SS ID e NX locali buono
 3904   12/10 20.25 R. Blue Star - EE MX buono
 4319USB 18/10 15.35 AFRTS - Diego Garcia EE NX suff.
 4746.9 18/10 23.35 R. Huanta 2000 - SS avisos buono
 4750   18/10 15.50 R. Bangla Desh Dacca Bengalese talk OM buono
 4790   18/10 04.00 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica buono
 4865   18/10 23.40 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP gospel buono
 4955   18/10 23.30 R. Cultural Amauta - Huanta SS predica buono
 5910   18/10 23.10 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
 6241   19/10 08.50 R. Perfekt - EE ID e MX buono
 6250   19/10 08.45 R. Victoria - EE ID e MX buono
 6280   19/10 08.40 Orion R. - EE ID e MX buono
 6300   19/10 09.10 R. Shadowman - EE ID e MX buono
 6310   19/10 08.30 R. Paardenkracht - EE ID e MX buono
 6400   19/10 09.25 R. Scotland Int. - EE ID e MX buono
 8000   18/10 15.30 Voice of Broad Masses of Eritrea - Asmara Tigrino talk OM buono
11735   18/10 15.25 R. Tanzania - Zanzibar Swahili talk OM buono

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CHINA   Music Jammer   7355  1820  333  Oct 11  Jamming RFA via Taiwan. 9455 [333] Jamming RFA via Saipan.

CHINA   Music Jammer   11980  2242  444  Oct 12  Jamming BBC via Thailand.

MALI   China Radio Intl Relay-CRI   11975  2245  Chinese  333  Oct 12 YL with comments.

SOUTH AFRICA   Radio Sondercorense   3320  0338  Afrikaans  333  Oct 11  Continuois vocal music.

UNKNOWN   Unknown Station   12035   2233  Chinese  333  Oct 12  YL with comments plus some choir hymn music 2235.    MacKenzie-CA.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee   WWCR   3215  0343  English  333  Oct 11  YL interviewing an OM on the Wall Street Meltdown of the Stock Markets.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee   WWRB   3185  0346  English  333  Oct 11  OM preaching about the Bible.

VIETNAM   Voice of Vietnam-VOV   12020  2240  Chinese  333  Oct 12  OM with ongoing comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

sabato 18 ottobre 2008


En el programa de Amigos de la Onda Corta de REE del pasado sábado 11 de octubre 2008, nos informa su director, Antonio Buitrago de lo siguiente: "La pasada semana Amigos de la Onda Corta entrevistó a la directora de REE, Josefina Benéitez, la nueva responsable del Canal Internacional de RNE, y nos señaló varias novedades, principalmente en cuanto a contenidos. Habrá bloques de programación de mañana, tarde y noche, a lo largo de los cuales se intercalarán algunos programas, y sobre todo, la actualidad. Por lo que respecta a nuestro espacio les diré que hay buenas noticias, pese a que nos habían dicho que íbamos a cambiar de nombre al programa, Amigos de la Onda Corta sigue como tal, y por cierto, damos las gracias a quienes nos ofrecieron nuevos títulos para este espacio, pero la verdad, muchos pensábamos que era muy difícil encontrar un nuevo nombre al programa. Por otra parte, seguimos con el mismo espíritu y las mismas intenciones de siempre, ser testigos de lo que ocurre en el campo de las telecomunicaciones, y en especial de la radio y el diexismo. Pero también a nosotros nos van a afectar los cambios, y son significativos, en parte. Amigos de la Onda Corta durará 55 minutos, así será, pero con un cierto matiz, como nuestro propio nombre indica, los amigos de la onda corta, va a aglutinar a todos los amantes de la radio, los radioescuchas y oyentes que tienen en nosotros a esa emisora amiga. Por tanto, cuando llegue el cambio de programación, a partir del 26 de octubre, también sumiremos el compromiso con aquellas personas que demanden alguna información sobre Radio exterior de España, que deseen hacer alguna consulta, intercambiar direcciones postales, etc., en definitiva, seremos también el buzón de Radio Exterior de España, o el correo del oyente de Radio Exterior de España. Contestaremos también la correspondencia de todo tipo que llegue a la emisora.
Link para escuchar este y otros programas:
Link de la página del programa en REE:
José Bueno
Córdoba, España

YVZA ed Emisora Mariana a Sedico (BL)

1390 18/10 0525-0535 YVZA, R.Fé y Alegria Caracas (VEN) 2/3
Px mx locale, ID "Radio Fé y Alegria", "Caracas Caracas"

1400 16/10 0540- HJKM Emisora Mariana de Bogotà, Santa Fè de Bogotà (CLM) 2
Px musica vallenata, Id in S

... ringrazio per l'aiuto gli amici friulani Comuzzi, Groppazzi ed Henrik


Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz

October 18th 

Radio City 09.00 - 10.00UTC

Latvia Today 10.00 -11.00UTC


October 19th 

EMR 13.00 - 14.00UTC


Good listening      73s Tom

giovedì 16 ottobre 2008

QSL speciale 60° anniversario da Radio Canada International

R. CANADA INTERNATIONAL 15235 Khz - Sackville - con QSL speciale 60° anniversario nel 2005 "Maple Leaf Mailbag" in 10 giorni. Rapporto inviato via Web form all'indirizzo V/s Bill Westenhaver. La cartolina QSL è visionabile all'URL:

Nino Marabello
Treviso - Italia

Dia del Radioaficionado Argentino

Para conmemorar el "Día del Radioaficionado Argentino" el próximo 21 de octubre, el Radio Club Grupo DX Bahía Blanca (LU3DXG) pondrá en el aire un CERTIFICADO ESPECIAL GRATUITO a 5 contactos, que se prolongará durante una semana, desde ESTE SABADO 18 al SABADO 25 de octubre inclusive, que podrá trabajarse en todas en las bandas en SSB, pero fundamentalmente en 20, 40 y 80 metros y se aceptarán los contactos en cualquiera de ellas.

La particularidad del este certificado es que se deberá comunicar con las estaciones de 5 (cinco) reconocidos colegas radioveteranos que siguen disfrutando del hobby mas allá de los años de permanencia dentro del mismo, quienes como referentes y ejemplo para los jóvenes, demuestran que la radioafición se construye con presencia en las distintas bandas y modos, encendiendo a diario sus equipos.

Las estaciones a contactar son:

- LU1YU (Hellmut Stillger, 84 años, de Neuquén capital.)
- LU8DJF (Alejandro Navone, 79 años, de 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires.)
- LU3HBO (Pedro Buonamico, 76 años, de La Francia, Córdoba.)
- LU3HR (Fernando Tamiozzo, 75 años, de Río Cuarto, Córdoba)
- LU5CAB (Juan Luis Costa, 73 años, de Capital Federal.)
- Estación comodín LU3DXG (R.C.GDXBB), que servirá para completar

los 5 contactos para quienes no puedan comunicar con alguna de las estaciones que otorgarán el contacto válido.

La impresión del certificado gratuito será en tamaño A4 en fotocromía, incluirá la foto de los 5 invitados especiales, y llevará en laser el nombre y licencia de cada solicitante. Se remitirá junto a las tarjeas qsl de las estaciones incluidas en el presente certificado.

No será necesario enviar sobre autodirigido. Los interesados junto a un log y sus tarjetas qsls deberán adjuntar 4 (cuatro) pesos en estampillas del Correo Argentino para el gasto de franqueo.

La correspondencia deberá enviarse a la dirección postal del Radio Club Grupo DX Bahía Blanca, Casilla de Correo 709, (8000) Bahía Blanca. (Via Carlos Almiron, LU7DSY)


QSL Radio 538

R. 538 891KHz - Koninginneweg 31 - 1217 KR Hilversum - Olanda con lettera + info + adesivi + biro in 16 giorni. v/s Rene van de Kolk Broadcast Engineer. No rp (0.70 Euro restituiti)

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia

Radio Santa Rosa cumple 50 años en Perú. 6045 SW, 1500 AM y 105,1 FM

LIMA, 15 Oct. 08 / 07:58 pm (ACI).- Radio Santa Rosa, la emisora católica más antigua de la Iglesia en el Perú, celebró medio siglo de existencia este miércoles con una Misa de Acción de Gracias presidida por Mons. Lino Panizza, Obispo de Carabayllo, y concelebrada por su director, el P. Juan Sokolich O.P.; así como por los religiosos dominicos, que han impulsado esta iniciativa.

La Conferencia Episcopal Peruana se ha sumado al homenaje a Radio Santa Rosa mediante un acto que se realizará el viernes 17 de octubre durante la ceremonia de premiación del concurso de periodismo "Cardenal Juan Landázuri Ricketts".

El sábado 18 de octubre la radio brindará un homenaje al Señor de los Milagros, cuya procesión pasara por el frontis del convento.

Del 20 al 22 de octubre tendrá lugar el seminario "Responsabilidad Social de los Medios", organizado por la Universidad Particular de San Martín de Porres, como un homenaje a la radio.

Radio Santa Rosa fue inaugurada el 15 de octubre de 1958, con la finalidad de transmitir el rezo del Santo Rosario y la Palabra de Dios.

(via Jose Miguel Romero)

AWR B08 schedule

AWR B08 schedule is available on

mercoledì 15 ottobre 2008

RAE Audio clip

Listen to my new audio clip of RAE, Argentina, on 15345 KHz in French language with int. sig.

WEB-controlled RTX station
Yaesu FT-840
Automatic antenna tuner MFJ-994B
Kelemen short (22 mtrs.) dipole 80-10 mtrs
Origlio, southern Switzerland, 416m a.s.l.
46° 01' N / 8° 58' E
Local QTH in Fribourg, central-western Switzerland

Trasmissione della SAQ

La stazione SAQ trasmetterà il 24 ottobre 2008, giornata delle Nazioni Unite, a partire dalla 0900 UTC sulla frequenza di 17.2 kHz in CW. Per questa trasmisisone non è previsto l'invio di QSL per i rapporti di ricezione. La prossima trasmissione per il 2008 è prevista per il 24 Dicembre dalle 0730 alle 0815 UTC. Eventuali rapporti di ricezione potranno essere inviati all'indirizzo o al numero di fax: +46-340-674195 o via bureau al servizio svedese, oppure direttamente a: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, S-430 16 ROLFSTORP, SWEDEN

Giovanni Lorenzi IT9TZZ


Anche questa sera Romano Martinelli della RAE quasi a fondo scala sui 15345.13 kHz con il "Giornale radio", lo sport con la nazionale argentina in trasferta in Cile e gli annunci alle 2134z e poi segue la musica.

Saverio De Cian
Sedico (BL) - Italia

martedì 14 ottobre 2008


DX MIX NEWS # 542                                           14 October 2008
ALBANIA    Correxion in B-08 of Radio Tirana in Italian Mon-Sat:
2001-2030 NF  6155 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to Italy, ex reg. 6120

BULGARIA   Winter B-08 of RADIO BULGARIA from 26/10/2008 to 28/03/2009:
MW: Petritch  (G.C: 41N28/023E19):  747 kHz, 300 kW / non-dir
    Vidin     (G.C: 43N50/022E43): 1224 kHz, 300 kW / 205 deg
SW: P=Plovdiv (G.C: 42N23/024E52): 2 x 300 kW, 3 x 170 kW
    S=Sofia   (G.C: 42N49/023E11): 2 x 100 kW, 2 x 020 kW
    V=Varna   (G.C: 43N09/027E52): 2 x 100 kW

ALBANIAN / e-mail: albanian @
0630-0700 Mon-Fri Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
0700-0800 Sat/Sun Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
1200-1230 -daily- Balkans            6000 P170/248
1700-1730 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747
2000-2100 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747

BULGARIAN / e-mail: bulgarian @
0100-0200 -daily- North America      5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
0100-0200 -daily- South America      7200 P170/245,  7300 P170/258
0530-0600 Mon-Fri Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
0530-0600 Mon-Fri East Europe        5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
0530-0600 Mon-Fri West Europe        5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
0500-0600 Sat/Sun Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
0500-0600 Sat/Sun East Europe        5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
0500-0600 Sat/Sun West Europe        5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1100-1130 -daily- Balkans            6000 P170/248
1100-1130 -daily- East Europe       11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1100-1130 -daily- West Europe       11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1300-1500 -daily- Balkans            1224
1300-1500 -daily- West Europe       11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1600-1700 -daily- Balkans            1224
1600-1700 -daily- Middle East        7200 P300/115
1600-1700 -daily- East Europe        7200 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
1600-1700 -daily- West Europe        7400 P300/295
1600-1700 -daily- South Africa      15700 P300/185
1900-2000 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747
1900-2100 -daily- West Europe        5900 P170/330
1900-2100 -daily- Middle East        6000 P170/115

ENGLISH / e-mail: english @
0000-0100 -daily- North America      5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
0300-0400 -daily- North America      5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
0730-0800 -daily- West Europe        5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1230-1300 -daily- West Europe       11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1830-1900 -daily- West Europe        6200 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
2200-2300 -daily- West Europe        6200 P300/306,  7400 P300/295

FRENCH / e-mail: french @
0200-0300 -daily- North America      5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
0700-0730 -daily- West Europe        5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1200-1230 -daily- West Europe       11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1800-1830 -daily- West Europe        6200 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
2100-2200 -daily- West Europe        6200 P300/306,  7400 P300/295

GERMAN / e-mail: german @
0630-0700 -daily- West Europe        5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1130-1200 -daily- West Europe       11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1730-1800 -daily- West Europe        6200 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
2000-2100 -daily- West Europe        6200 P300/306,  7400 P300/295

GREEK / e-mail: greek @
0600-0630 Mon-Fri Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
0600-0700 Sat/Sun Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
1130-1200 -daily- Balkans            6000 P170/248
1730-1800 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747
2100-2200 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747

RUSSIAN / e-mail: russian @
0000-0100 -daily- Central Asia       6200 P170/045
0400-0500 -daily- East Europe        5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030,  1224
0600-0630 -daily- East Europe        5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
1130-1200 -daily- East Europe       11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1500-1600 -daily- East Europe        7200 S100/030,  7400 S100/030,  1224
1500-1600 -daily- Central Asia       7200 P170/045
1700-1730 -daily- East Europe        7200 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
1900-2000 -daily- East Europe        6200 S100/030,  7400 S100/030

SERBIAN / e-mail: serbian @
0700-0730 Mon-Fri Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
0800-0900 Sat/Sun Balkans            6000 P170/248,  1224
1230-1300 -daily- Balkans            6000 P170/248
1800-1830 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747
2200-2300 -daily- Balkans            1224, 747

SPANISH / e-mail: spanish @
0000-0100 -daily- South America      7200 P170/245,  7300 P170/258
0200-0300 -daily- South America      7200 P170/245,  7300 P170/258
0200-0300 -daily- Central America    7300 P170/295
0700-0730 -daily- South Europe       7200 P170/258,  7300 P170/260
1200-1230 -daily- South Europe      13600 P170/260, 15600 P170/260
1730-1800 -daily- South Europe       5900 P170/260,  7200 P170/258
2230-2330 -daily- South Europe       5900 P170/260,  7200 P170/258

TURKISH / e-mail: turkish @
0600-0630 -daily- Middle East        6100 P170/115,  7300 P170/140
1100-1130 -daily- Middle East        6100 P170/115,  7300 P170/140
1830-1900 -daily- Middle East        6000 P170/115,  1224, 747

2200-0400 Sun-Mon Black Sea          6000 V100/ND

DX MIX in Bulgarian:
1445-1500 Sun on  1224 11700 15700
2045-2100 Sun on  5900  6000
DX MIX in Russian:
1545-1600 Sat on  1224  7200  7400
1715-1730 Sat on  7200  7400
1945-2000 Sat on  6200  7400
0045-0100 Sun on  6200
0445-0500 Sun on  1224  5900  7400
0615-0630 Sun on  5900  7400
1145-1200 Sun on 11600 13600
0615-0630 Mon on  5900  7400
1145-1200 Wed on 11600 13600

NEW ZEALAND    Schedule of Radio New Zealand International from Oct.19-25:
0259-0458 on 15720 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg AM  Samoa
0259-0458 on 11675 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg DRM Samoa
0459-0658 on  9615 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
0459-0658 on  9890 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
0659-1058 on  7145 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
0659-1058 on  6170 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
1059-1258 on  9655 RAN 050 kW / 325 deg AM  NWPac,Bougainville,PNG,Timor,As
1059-1158 on  6170 RAN 050 kW / 325 deg DRM NWPac,Bougainville,PNG,Timor,As
1259-1550 on  6170 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
1551-1850 on  7145 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg AM  NEPac,Tonga,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Isl
1551-1850 on  6170 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg DRM NEPac,Tonga,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Isl
1851-1950 on  9615 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg AM  NEPac,Tonga,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Isl
1851-1950 on  9890 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg DRM NEPac,Tonga,Fiji,Samoa,Cook Isl
1951-2050 on 11725 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
1951-2050 on 11675 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
2051-2235 on 17675 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
2051-2235 on 15720 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific
2236-0258 on 15720 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg AM  All Pacific
2236-0258 on 17675 RAN 050 kW / 000 deg DRM All Pacific

UKRAINE   Correxion in B-08 of Radio Ukraine International in Ge/Ukr/En:
1800-2100 NF  7510 KHR 100 kW / 290 deg to WeEu, ex reg. 5840

EMR - 19th of October 2008 with Radio Jackie

Time Programme Channel

1229 to 1259 utc - Paul Graham - 6140 khz

1300 to 1400 utc - The Radio Jackie History - 9290 khz

Part 2 with Colin King

The Radio Jackie book can be bought from

The price in the UK is £10 + postage & packing.

Good Listening 73s Tom

Onde medie americane a Sedico (BL)

... all'alba del 14 ottobre un canale affollato tra le 0420 e le 0540 UTC:

1660   14/10  0420- WCNZ, Marco Island FL (USA) 3
Parlato in E, ID "Relevant Radio"

1660   14/10  0420- WFNA, Charlotte NC (USA) 3
Commenti sportivi e vari ID "ESPN Radio", "WFNA"

1660   14/10  0420- WGIT, Canóvanas PR (PTR) 2
slogan, mx e ID "La Gigante Cadena Radio ..."

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

lunedì 13 ottobre 2008

Perù morning...

... all'alba del 13 ottobre tutto Perù:

4790  13/10 0400- R.Visión, Chiclayo (PRU) 3/4
Px religioso in S

4949.8 13/10 0410- R.Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado (PRU) 3
Musica locale, ID, px religioso

4974.8 13/10 0415- R.del Pacifico, Lima (PRU) 2/3
Px religioso in S, interviste

6019.45 13/10 0419- R.Victoria, Lima (PRU) 3/4
Px religioso in S, lettura e commento passi della Bibbia //9720.1 kHz

9720.1 13/10 0422- R.Victoria, Lima (PRU) 4
Px religioso in S, lettura e commento passi della Bibbia //6019.45 kHz

Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

domenica 12 ottobre 2008


Un piccolo log di ascolti DSC di oggi pomeriggio (frequenza 8.414.5)

SCHIPPERSGRACHT,PCGR-HOL (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test ACK [08-10-12 18:15:41]
!# PANAM FLOTA,V7FI4-MHL (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test [08-10-12 17:39:28]
!# PANAM FLOTA,V7FI4-MHL (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test [08-10-12 17:39:28]
PANAM FLOTA,V7FI4-MHL (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test ACK [08-10-12 17:35:02]
!# PANAM FLOTA,V7FI4-MHL (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test ACK [08-10-12 17:35:02]
ANNENKOV,UCVC-RUS (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test ACK [08-10-12 17:17:15]
! JASMINE KNUTSEN,LAEA6-NOR (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK  test ACK [08-10-12 17:11:04]
[Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from ?224584000-E  test REQ [08-10-12 16:56:56]
!# [Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from ?224584000-E  test REQ [08-10-12 16:56:56]
[Capetown Radio]-AFS (safety) from JOLLY INDACO,IBHI-I  test REQ [08-10-12 15:58:46]
!# [Capetown Radio]-AFS (safety) from JOLLY INDACO,IBHI-I  test [08-10-12 15:58:46]
[Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from MERIDIAN ACE,H3GM-PNR  test REQ [08-10-12 15:38:25]
HIGH CENTURY,VRBX3-HKG (safety) from [Olympia Radio]-GRC  test ACK [08-10-12 15:33:34]
[Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from BAEK YEON,DSDX7-KOR  test REQ [08-10-12 15:30:22]
!# [Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from BAEK YEON,DSDX7-KOR  test REQ [08-10-12 15:30:22]
[Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from ?256856000-MLT  test REQ [08-10-12 15:22:57]
! [Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from ?256856000-MLT  test REQ [08-10-12 15:22:57]
!# FEDERAL KATSURA,3EAC9-PNR (routine) from ORION HIGHWAY,ELJT7-LBR  J3 posn N25° 22' W032° 00' [08-10-12 14:46:08]
ORION HIGHWAY,ELJT7-LBR (routine) from FEDERAL KATSURA,3EAC9-PNR  J3 posn N25° 22' W032° 00' REQ [08-10-12 14:45:14]
[Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from JEWEL I,SXHP-GRC  test REQ [08-10-12 14:34:52]

Da segnalare che la nave italiana JOLLY INDACO ascoltata in questo log, e' un cargo portacontaier delle dimensioni 158m X 24m e stazza 12290 tonnellate.

Tra l'altro vi segnalo il mitico sito che visualizza il traffico marittimo mondiale in tempo reale grazie ai ricevitori AIS amatoriali sparsi per il pianeta.

Andrea Borgnino HB9/IW0HK

Tips Roberto Pavanello

  810    9/10 21.55 R. Madrid - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
  954    6/10 21.58 Onda Cero R. - Madrid SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 1260    8/10 20.58 R. Murcia - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
 1341    7/10 21.58 Onda Cero R. - Ciudad Real SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 1383   11/10 23.25 Pirata Greca - ??? Greco MX buono
 1584   10/10 21.55 R. Gandia - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 4865   11/10 23.30 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP MX suff.
 5025   11/10 23.10 R. Rebelde - Habana SS " Born in the U.S.A " !!!!! ottimo
 5990    9/10 21.30 R. Senato - Brasilia talk su commercio internazionale buono
 5995   11/10 22.50 R. Mali - Bamako Vern. MX afro buono
 6039.6 11/10 22.45 R. Clube Paranaense - Curitiba PP talk OM suff.
 6250   12/10 08.50 R. Altrex - EE MX suff.
 6281   12/10 09.01 R. Dr. Juice - EE S/OFF buono
 6310   12/10 08.30 R. Paardenkracht - EE ID e MX buono
 7125   11/10 22.55 R. Guineè - Conakry FF NX suff.
 9630   11/10 23.15 R. Aparecida - PP S. Messa buono
 9645   11/10 23.20 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP talk OM suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia

QSL Radio Neumarkt

Radio Neumarkt, the German language service of Radio Targu Mures Romania) acknowledge a electronic report from February 2008 on 1323 khz with a electronic letter in WORD.

Peter Vaegler

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA Voice of Turkey Relay-VOT 7325 0320 English 433 Oct 7 YL with comments and some Turkish music. //5975 {333]via Turkey.

CANADA Voice of Vietnam Relay-VOV 6175 0330 English 433 Oct 7 YL and OM with VOV ID's. Then comments on making connections with Israel.

CHINA The Music Jammer 11640 0258 333 Oct 7 Jamming Radio Taiwan Intl.

ECUADOR HCJB Global 9780 0303 German 333 Oct 7 Choir vocal music.OM with comments at 0305.

KOREA, North Voice of Korea-VOK 13650 0245 English 333 Oct 7 YL and an OM with comments plus Korea music.

KOREA, South KBS World Radio 11810 0255 Japanese 333 Oct 7 YL and an OM with comments.

RUSSIA Voice of Russia 9435 0312 English 433 Oct 7 YL and OM with comments on Pushkin History.

SPAIN China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 9690 0308 Spanish 333 Oct 7 An OM with comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

sabato 11 ottobre 2008

BlueStar Radio is on this Sunday

On the 12th of October 2008
At 1159 UTC

On 6140 KHz

Blue star Radio is on the air from the transmitting station in Wertachtal.
We will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).

Good Listening 73s Tom

Ultimas escuchas

5.965 kHz, WYFR Family Radio, 04-10-08, 2239-2241. Locutor con comentarios y referencias a Cristo y Dios, en francés. SINPO 55454

9.895 kHz, Radio Nederland, 04-10-08, 1356-1433. Música, identificación emisora, noticias y comentarios con referencias a Cuba y Fidel Castro, en holandés. SINPO 55555

6.280 kHz, Firedrake Jamming, 04-10-08, 2247-2249. Música china contra Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, en chino. SINPO 55444

6.290 kHz, Radio Cairo, 04-10-08, 2249-2252. Música y comentarios de locutor, en árabe. SINPO 34433

6.973 kHz, Galei Zahal, 04-10-08, 2253-2302. Música "American Pie" y noticias, en hebreo. SINPO 33333

4.845 kHz, Radio Mauritania, 04-10-08, 2206-2220. Música son identificaciones, en árabe. SINPO 44343

11.715 kHz, Radio Rumania Int., 05-10-08, 1900-1957. Noticias, Radio Domingo, Club de oyentes y Rincón Diexista, en español. SINPO 44333

9.790 kHz, Radio Liberty, 04-10-08, 1433-1436. Locutor con comentarios, en tajik. SINPO 44333

6.195 kHz, Voz de Turquia, 04-10-08, 2244-2247. Música e identificación emisora, en inglés. SINPO 55544

5.840 kHz, 04-10-08, 2233-2237. Música y comentarios de locutora, en idioma no identificado. SINPO 54433

9.440 kHz, Radio Eslovaquia Int., 05-10-08, 2000-2030. Noticias, cartas de oyentes y música, en español. SINPO 55454

Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante)
Sangean ATS909
Ant. Telescópica

Nuevas QSL

Nuevas QSL:

11.600, 15.710 kHz, Radio Praga
Escuchadas el 12-08-08 y el 07-09-08 a las 0800 UTC en español.
Recibida Tarjeta QSL (una para los 2 informes), acompañada de esquema de programación y una muñequera.
Datos completos.
V/S: Ilegible
Informes enviados a:
Demoró 22 días

9.460, 11.600/9.440 kHz, Radio Eslovaquia Int.
Escuchadas el 17-02-08 a las 2103 UTC y el 11-08-08 a las 1432 UTC en español.
Recibidas 2 Tarjetas QSL.
Datos completos.
No V/S
Informes enviados a:
Demoraron 223 y 20 días (El informe de febrero fue reenviado con el de agosto)

17.435 kHz, Brother Stair - Overcomer Ministry
Escuchada el 21-08-08 a las 1523 UTC en español.
Recibida Tarjeta QSL, acompañada de carta personal y material religioso.
No datos completos.
V/S: Brother Stair
Informe enviado a: brotherstair@overcomerministry
Demoró 8 días

Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) - España


venerdì 10 ottobre 2008

Log Saverio De Cian

... questa mattina:

1520 10/10 0505- WWKB, Buffalo NY (USA)3/4
Show scherzoso, slogan, vari ID "CNN Radio News", "KB Radio".

1700 10/10 0505- WEUP, Huntsville AL (USA) 3
Px mx gospel e ID in E (dalle 0527 probabile KVNS)

1660 10/10 0505- WCNZ, Marco Island FL (USA) 3/4
Nx in E, ID "Relevant Radio" (presente anche WWRU)

1650 10/10 0505- WHKT, Portsmouth VA (USA) 3
Px mx, ID "Radio Disney"

1600 10/10 0505- probabile WWRL, Mew York NY (USA) 1/2
Parlato in E, si menziona New York

1570 10/10 0505- XERF, Ciudad Acuña (MEX) 2
Px parlato in S, ID "La Poderosa"


Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: JRC-535, SDR-14

giovedì 9 ottobre 2008


328Khz HIG (ndb) Lettera in 15gg vs. Miguel Angel Elias (Jefe de Mantenimento de Navigacion Aerea) AENA AEROPUERTO DE SAN SEBASTIAN c/Gabarrari,22 20280 Hondarribia-Guipùzcoa ESPANA

- Mauro Giroletti IK2GFT - Swl 1510 -
- JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150 - Filter PAR Electronics - BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF
- Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
- Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° - Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk -

Relays this weekend via 9290kHz

October 11th
Latvia Today 1000 - 1100 UTC
Radio Casablanca 1100 - 1200 UTC

October 12th
Latvia Today 1300 - 1400UTC

Good Listening
73s Tom

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 6145 2310 English Oct 4 YL and OM with news items from China.

CANADA Radio Japan Relay-NHK 6145 0000 English 444 Oct 4 YL with comments in Whats Up Japan program. YL singing 0006 in Japanese. YL interviwming an OM 0008. //13650 [333]via Japan.

ENGLAND Radio Japan Relay-NHK 5960 0010 Japanese 333 Oct 4 YL with comments.

GREECE Voice of Greece 9420 0015 Greek 232 Oct 4 Vocal music heard otherwise a noist frequency.

KOREA, North Voice of Korea-VOK 13760 0240 Spanish 433 Oct 7 YL and OM with comments. YL with an ID at 0245. //15180 [333] and 11735 [333].

LITHUANIA Radio Vilnius 7325 2354 English 333 Oct 4 YL with comments and some vocal music and suddenly off the air at 2357.

RUSSIA, Vladivostok Voice of Russia-VOR 13775 0233 English 333 Oct 7 YL ancr with some folk music in the Music Tales program.

RUSSIA, Petrovlovsk Voice of Russia-VOR 13635 0238 Russian 333 Oct 7 OM with comments plus a YL with comments then some more pop music. // 7125 [433]Moldova.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Trasmissione speciale di SAQ

There will be a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17,2 kHz on "United Nations Day" October 24 2008 at 09:30 UTC. Start up and tuning from about 09:00 UTC.
This time we do not require any QSL-reports and will not verify.
P.S.We intend to continue with our annual transmission on Christmas Eve (morning), Dec 24, at 08:00 UTC with tuning up from 07:30 UTC. D.S.

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK

BBC relay Ascension Island

Station: BBC relay Ascension Island
Khz Frequency: 15400
Local Date: 09/10/2008
UTC: 08.10
Details: News
SINFO: 45233

Fabio IW9FQJ

Listening condition:
Receiver: Sangean ATS 818
Antenna: random wire + MLB
Locator: JM77km

mercoledì 8 ottobre 2008

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 7160 0338 English 333 Oct 4 YL interviewing an OM.

ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 6145 0347 English 444 Oct 4 YL comments on Italy's usage of Euros within Italy.

CANADA Voice of Turkey Relay-VOT 7325 0327 English 444 Oct 4 YL on Turkish wedding culture. Turkish music 0328. Bells at village weddings culture by a YL.

CANADA Voice of Vietnam Relay-VOV 6175 0344 English 444 Oct 4 YL interviewing an OM, then a music interlude followed by a YL with comments.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE 6040 0353 Spanish 444 Oct 4 YL and OM with ongoing comments.

ROMANIA Radio Romania Intl-RRI 5960 0357 Spanish 333 Oct 4 Two OMs with comments.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 6055 0352 Spanish 4444 Oct 4 YL interviewing an OM.

UNITED STATES, North Carolina Radio Marti 7405 0320 Spanish 444 Oct 4 OM with comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come