mercoledì 2 marzo 2022

1700-1725 UT 5940 kHz ORF/ORS Moosbrunn Austria - Radio OE1 - International additional special broadcast to Russia's war area

AUSTRIA re 1700-1730 UT 5940 kHz ORF/ORS - Radio OE1 - International in German, til 17.25:05 UTC ORS Moosbrunn transmitter switch OFF, when 'Wednesday Panorama Journal' ended.

5940even kHz excellent frequency selection of frequency management engineer Ernst Vranka OE1EVA / OE3EVA from ORS Moosbrunn bcast center in Austria.

At same time some other 49 mb channels are also totally free of usage, like 5880, 5885, 5925, 6060 and/or 6180 kHz.

Formerly choosen 5990 kHz channel suffers by neighbour 5985 kHz channel of CRI Beiing RTC #572 site in Swahili language to East Africa, and 6000 kHz of CNR1 program in Chinese Mandarin from CNR1 Beijing mainland China site, both S=9+15dB.

Also nearby noted a very strange BUBBLE 'more tones signal' like UTE or even WARTIME military signal in range 5934 - 5939 kHz, S=8 at 17.27 UT.

read news on ORF/ORS - Radio OE1 - International two additional bcasts in Austria on 70 degr azimuth towards RUS/UKR/BLR of Putin war area:

1100-1200 UT 13730 kHz; 1700-1730 UT 5 9 4 0 kHz. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

5940even kHz noted as S=9+10dB signal on Perseus SDR units at Warsaw Poland and in UA4CC Saratov Russia remotedly. 10 kHz broadband audio block visible.

S=9+15dB signal strength in eastern Finland at Mauno's installation place, thanks Mauno Ritola for service !

Radio OE1 - International in German. Great report of Vladimir Putin's invasion war into Ukraine soil:

"CRASH of the ruble exchange rate and devaluation of the ruble against the EURo and the $_dollar.

No spare parts maintenance in the future from Boeing and Airbus industries for the huge rented aircraft fleet of Russia. Large detours for vacationers flights from Varadero Cuba island or Cancun Mexico to Moscow airport via far north Narvik - Murmansk coastline in Arctic area.

Future Euro Bruxelles/Strassbourg/Luxembourg aid for 42 million Ukrainians, when fled to other European countries.

Two years of FREE RESIDENCE in Western Europe, without lengthy complicated UN refugee status visa procedures, - guaranteed. FREE ACCESS to the labor market, totally free health insurance benefits, free schooling for children and students.

Failure of wheat harvest and export of wheat grain this year 2022.

On Tuesday destruction of the premises infrastructure of the FM and TV Tower in central Kiev capital with a powerful Russian missile explosion. Nearby destruction of the anti Nazi Holocaust 'Shoah memorial Babyn Yar' damaged.

Call to the world public:
Demand immediate withdrawal of Russian invasion army troops from Ukraine soil."

Tip for German language audience:

Putin's traumata, in Putin's mind head: long-term logic in Putin's head.and what Putin thinks his philosophy - touches around the Great Russia Tsars-history since 1920. A would-be tsar, an imperialist? He is a bit of everything: a tsar, if you look at the span of his reign - an imperialist, if you look at the way he does politics.

this SWISS tv program talk in German interested me very much:

even talked about the Russian philosophers bible books on the night table at Putin's house.

Summary: At the 2014 New Year's reception, Vladimir Putin gave his 5,000 most important officials three philosophical works. At last, what Putin's unpredictability still conceals is becoming discernible in outline: on the basis of a backward-looking world view, a Eurasian empire is to be created under Russian hegemony. If one reads the obscure philosophers on whom Putin and his highest officials rely, it becomes clear that Vladimir Putin cultivates a dangerously backward-looking world view: In the 21st century, he wants to establish 19th-century hegemonic politics. Having gambled away modernization and social balance, he dreams of a Eurasian world empire with national conservative to reactionary Russian philosophers. It is to stretch from Vladivostok to Warsaw, but may also reach as far as Paris. Under the gentle regime of Vladimir the Great, the "flawless democrat" (Gerhard Schröder, SPD Germany)

ARTE Film "Putin - The Return of the Russian Bear" seen, which can also be found until 16 March 2022 under

and which will be repeated on Sunday 6 March 2022 3:00 - 3:55 also via DVB-T2 and Astra 19 E satellite.

This film (which ARTE Strassbourg has already produced in 2021) shows Putin's activities
2007 in Munich,
2008 in Georgia,
2014 in Ukraine (Crimea island),
2015 in Syria,
2017 in Libya,
2019 in all-Africa and
2020 in the Caucasus.

UKRAINE 549 kHz MW Mykolaiev Luch S=9+15dB signal in Finland at 17.28 UT, report talk of Putin's invasion war, cause great sorrow to the brother people. March 2nd.

73 wb df5sx