lunedì 31 gennaio 2022
Glenn Hauser logs January 30-31, 2022
** AUSTRALIA. 2368.43, Jan 31 at 1618, continuous Greek songs segued, no announcements, not even a ToH R. Symban ID past 1700; still 1748+ via SW Sydney SDR which I found already tuned to that exact frequency but no one else using it now, steady S4-S5 but noisy; tnx to WOR iog tips from Brian Powell, Sydney who had not heard it before but found it was indeed on the air at 1023; also reported by Kari Kallio, Finland, and Zacharias Liangas, really in Greece, all using nearby remotes. May be sporadic, but certainly running overnight now. Little chance of hearing it direct even if I were DXing pre-sunrise.
Ron Howard also provided news about this Jan 30: ``Noted this unique posting today -
"AUSTRALIA: today 30 January 2022 18h50utc, weak but Radio Symban heard with the kiwisdr VK2AAK at Near Forster, New South Wales, AUS. According with the stream: Nico (from France)" Very strange! Ron (Calif. - recovering from a bad fall, but making progress!)`` --- but no frequency from Nico (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 6660 RCUSB, Jan 31 at 0715 UT, CHU pips JBA on 2 x 3330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA [and non]. 7365, Jan 31 at 1445, S8/9+20 Chinese music and excited talk, CNR1, presumably live simulcast of CCTV New Year celebrations, as warned by Ron Howard were expected on many frequencies around 12-16 UT. Also similar but not sure if // on 9390, huge collision, i.e. jamming RFA Cantonese via Tinian; and 9605, vs VOA Chinese via Philippines.
I also looked for WOOB CNR1 jammers, if not Firedragon, above & below 11 and 13 MHz, but nothing. Have these diminished, or is it just lack of propagation and/or scheduling. I think a lot of them used to close at 1400; but it will take the imposition of DST here to get me up that early (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ETHIOPIA. 7110, Jan 31 at 0418, R. Ethiopia quite blatantly INTRUDING with a big S9+20 signal fading to S7 in an Ethiopian language; nothing on 7140 or 7180 from Eritrea (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** MADAGASCAR. 11824.96 approx., Jan 31 at 0424, S4-S7 medical discussion about strokes, as MWV vies with VOHA for the Christian-subjected early audience. I suppose it`s African Pathways Radio, but this broadcast does not appear in WRTH 2022 page 485; in so-called ``winter`` schedule, the only English is at 03-04 on 13760. We are referred to ALASKA for more, but page 462 does not show any `KNLS` programming via Mad! The English at 18-19 on 13670 and 20-21 on 11965 are absent from both. Seasonal nomenclature smax of hemispherism or northern temperatism (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925 AM, Jan 30 at 2303, pirate music; 2343 ballad, 2346 maybe `When A Man Loves A Woman`. 0024 January 31, S8-S5 of classic rock. 41 posts here say it`s Mix Radio International which started as unID long before by 1751 on 6875, moving to 6925 at 2229:,92341.0.html and finally went off at 0132 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 517 MCW kHz, Jan 31 at 0721 UT, a second JBA NDB under my strongest `local`, 515 PN Ponca City OK, where I am tuned USB. Tough copy but maybe RN. Fortunately, PN makes long pauses. DXinfocentre roster shows most likely it`s FN, 517, 25 watts at Clinton / Hills, Iowa. Only one dit difference. Previously I had also pulled on 515, OS at the other OSU, in Ohio (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2123 monitoring: Also confirmed Sunday January 30 at 2100 on AM Italia, 1323 kHz, but with QRM into UTwente; usual nearby Noale SDR offline. Tuned in before at 2058 something in English about carbon monoxide detectors, UK phone.
Also confirmed Sunday January 30 at 2330 on WRMI 5950, good direct.
Also confirmed UT Monday January 31 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, VG direct.
Also confirmed UT Monday January 31 at 0230 on WRN N America webcast.
Also confirmed UT Monday January 31 at 0401 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6159.94, S9; preceded by coughing fit at 0358-0401 interrupted by WBCQ ID at 0400 and a different one just before WOR. Per A51 sked the coughing fit is from W.D.C.D. Radio at 0330. Next:
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Michael Beu, Austin TX for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at and says: ``Hey Glenn: Thanks for all of the timely DX/RF technology info that WOR provide this year. WOR/Club bulletins more important than ever with demise of WRTH.``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 7780, Jan 31 at 0416, S9+6 of dead air from this WRMI. 0400* is the scheduled closing. I missed all the excitement but WRMI and apparently much of Florida had power failures early Sunday due to frigid weather, as described on disgraced FB; I guess the juice froze in the power lines. Transmitter 14 is the one on 5010 which I was hearing with a poor signal early UT Jan 31:
``WRMI Radio Miami International 16 hrs ·
Regresó la electricidad a la planta transmisora de WRMI en Okeechobee después de un apagón de aproximadamente tres horas y pico durante la noche. Todo está funcionando normalmente otra vez, excepto el transmisor número 14 que necesita algunas reparaciones. Esperamos tenerlo en el aire esta noche si todo va bien. La causa del apagón fue el clima; tuvimos temperaturas debajo de 0 centígrado.
WRMI Radio Miami International 16 hrs · [ago, how precise!]
Power is back on at WRMI -- It has been a brutal night and morning (Jan 30) here at the WRMI transmitter site in Okeechobee. Electrical power was out for about three and a half hours due to an extreme freeze in this area. And when the power returned, we had many problems with computers and one transmitter damaged. At this time everything is working normally again, except that we have a problem with transmitter 14 that we hope to have resolved in time for this evening's transmission.
WRMI Radio Miami International 20 hrs ·
Power is out at WRMI! At approximately 0745 UTC Sunday 30 January, we lost all electrical power at the WRMI transmitter site in Okeechobee, Florida. This is the reason that all transmitters and our Internet stream are off the air. Florida Power & Light is dispatching a team to our site to try to restore power as soon as possible. The power outage is caused by the near-freezing conditions at our site tonight, which is a very unusual situation here in South Central Florida.
Author WRMI Radio Miami International
Gracias Osmany y todos. Ahora la compañía de luz estima que debemos tener electricidad a las 10 de la mañana hora de Miami (1500 UTC), pero eso puede cambiar mientras están haciendo las reparaciones.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Another follow-up on the WOR iog to my WCLV report; yes, I now recall it had been on 95.5, and I believe originally a commercial classical station before joining the Ideastream empire:
``My father has older reel to reel airchecks of WCLV clearly announcing its frequency as 95.5 MHz back in the older days. I remember growing up in Cleveland falling asleep to the radio on sleep timer tuned to WCLV. The 7-way swap in 2001 saw them picking up the former WAKS in Lorain on 104.9 which is where their signal is found now with very little channel separation from country station WKKY in Geneva. Ideastream added the station to its stable of properties in 2011.
WKSU was the latest acquisition by Ideastream and was announced last year. It has a translator network blanketing most of the northeastern quarter of the state. WCPN would join WKSU and the rest of the network.
Ideastream owns WCPN-FM, WVIZ-TV, WKSU-FM (and translators), and WCLV-FM plus a stake in the “Ohio Channel” television channel it runs in partnership with Ohio Government Telecommunications.
Northeast Ohio is still a shifting media market. Stephen Michael Kellat, Ashtabula, Ohio`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ZAMBIA. 9680, Jan 31 at 0421, American English with Bible story about Jacob and Rachel, S6-S9: I bet it`s V of Hope Africa this early: yes, immediately // 11680 which sounds quite louder but reads slightly less, S5-S8. WRTH 2022 shows both at 0400-0800 for the so-called ``winter`` 2021-2022 season; the Bible is speaking (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Oceanic JBA MW carrier search, Jan 31 at 0719 UT: only 9-kHz ones detected are 846, surely Kiritimati; and surprise 1458: lots of Pacific rim area stations but biggest is 200 kW from somewhere in China; or remnant of 125 kW ethnic R. Lyca from the other London, UK? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 12000, I had not found a DX reference listing the single-letter beacon Z that I heard, but tnx to Ron Howard for this:
``Letter beacon - According to D.W. Schimmel, in 1986 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the following HF direction finding results for single letter beacons, all of which indicate locations in the USSR . . . . Z Mukachevo, Ukraine``
Where is Mukachevo? ``Mukachevo is a city located in the valley of the Latorica river in Zakarpattia Oblast (province), in Western Ukraine. Wikipedia`` --- so not in Soviet/Russian occupation zone now; perhaps no coincidence the oblast starts with 3 = Z (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1752 UT January 31
Propagation outlook from SWPC
:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2022 Jan 31 0335 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
24 - 30 January 2022
Solar activity reached moderate levels due to a long duration M1
flare observed at 29/2332 UTC from Region 2936 (N17, L=116,
class/area Ekc/720 on 30 Jan). Associated with this event was a 10cm
(320 sfu) radio event and assymetric full halo CME, first visible in
LASCO C2 imagery at 29/2336 UTC. Forecaster analysis/WSA Enlil
modeling determined this CME to arrive at Earth late on 01 Feb.
Region 2936 also produced numerous (31) C-class flares. Regions 2939
(S15, L=37, class/area Cso/120 on 30 Jan) and 2940 (N17, L=37,
class/area are unkown due to foreshortening at the east limb) also
produced C-class activity during the period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit during the
highlight period.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached
high levels on 24 Jan due to recurrent CH HSS influences. Normal to
moderate levels were observed on 25-30 Jan.
Geomagnetic field activity reached active levels on 28-29 Jan due to
influences from a positive polarity CH HSS. Quiet to unsettled
levels were observed on 24-27, and 30 Jan.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
31 January - 26 February 2022
Solar activity is expected to be at very low to low levels, with a
chance for islolated M-class flares on 31 Jan - 05 Feb due to the
flare potential from Region 2936 (N17, L=116, class/area Ekc/720 on
30 Jan). Very low to low levels are expected on 06-26 Feb as Region
2936 rotates to the far side of the disk.
There is a slight chance for a proton event at geosynchronous orbit
while Region 2936 is on the visible disk (31 Jan - 05 Feb). No
proton events are otherwise expected during the outlook period.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to reach high levels on 03-05 Feb, 12-14 Feb, and 18-20 Feb
all due to influences from recurrent CH HSS activity. Normal to
moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the outlook
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to reach G1-G2
(Minor-Moderate) storm levels on 02 Feb due to the anticipated
arrival of the full halo CME from 29 Jan. Active to G1 levels are
expected on 05 Feb due to influences from a recurrent CH HSS. Active
levels are expected on 06, 10, 18, and 25 Feb all due to recurrent
CH HSS activity. Quiet to unsettled levels are expected on the
remaining days of the period.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2022 Jan 31 0335 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2022-01-31
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2022 Jan 31 132 5 2
2022 Feb 01 132 12 3
2022 Feb 02 135 45 6
2022 Feb 03 135 10 3
2022 Feb 04 135 5 2
2022 Feb 05 125 20 5
2022 Feb 06 125 12 4
2022 Feb 07 125 5 2
2022 Feb 08 125 5 2
2022 Feb 09 128 5 2
2022 Feb 10 128 12 4
2022 Feb 11 128 8 3
2022 Feb 12 128 5 2
2022 Feb 13 125 5 2
2022 Feb 14 125 5 2
2022 Feb 15 120 5 2
2022 Feb 16 120 5 2
2022 Feb 17 120 10 3
2022 Feb 18 128 12 4
2022 Feb 19 128 8 3
2022 Feb 20 128 5 2
2022 Feb 21 128 10 3
2022 Feb 22 125 8 3
2022 Feb 23 125 5 2
2022 Feb 24 125 8 3
2022 Feb 25 125 12 4
2022 Feb 26 128 8 3
Sweden - World Radio Day - Special Program - February 13
Swedish DX Association
By Christer Brunström
January 19, 2022
February 13 every year is World Radio Day, an initiative of the UN and UNESCO. Of course, the Swedish DX Association also wants to be part of the celebration. It will take place with a special broadcast on Sunday, February 13, 2022 according to the following schedule: 12.00-13.00 UTC on 9670 kHz with replay at 16.00-17.00 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292 in Germany.
As usual, there will be interviews with famous people in the Swedish DX world, nice music and various other short features. The program has been compiled by Göran Lindemark.
We hope for a good reception!
(via Mike Terry via WOR io group)
Solomon Islands shortwave update
I have been in dialogue with Martin Hadlow who has been the WRTH collaborator for Solomon Islands.
At my request he has been in touch with SIBC and he has just advised:
Have had a response from the SIBC in Honiara.
Their MW transmitter is on and working OK. The problem is with the Japanese manufactured transmitter on shortwave. (I think the one TX runs both 5020 and 9545 frequencies). The SIBC technical team is getting advice from the Japanese manufacturer. The equipment came back on-air briefly a few days ago, but is off again now. They are working as hard as they can to get it fixed.
(Bryan Clark via WOR io group)
2 minutes silence by AIR stations
As every year, a 2 minute silence was observed by all stations of AIR (including External Services) to mark the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation yesterday 30 January 2022 at 11.00 am IST (0530 UTC). The programs in progress were stopped and only blank carrier was on...
Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
Agenda DX 31/01/2022
Akaki Radio Station, Addis Abeba, Etiopia (1935)
CKLG, British Col., Canada 730 Khz (1955)
Radio Diario de Manha, Florianopolis, Brasile 740 Khz (1955)
Radio Nacional del Perù 6095 Khz (1937)
Radio Sargento Cabral, Argentina (1953)
domenica 30 gennaio 2022
Glenn Hauser logs January 29-30, 2022
** CANADA. 328 MCW kHz, Jan 30 at 0719 UT, dash and YTL, 1000 watt ND beacon at Big Trout Lake, Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6940 USB, Jan 29 at 2303, surprised to hear a pirate in Dutch, commercials? S7-S8 and surely intracontinental. 2305 jingle as --- something Radio, music. 2312 playing ``Downtown`` by Petula Clark, in English. Then I notice a stronger pirate on 6935, but when back on 6940 at 2318, it`s off. These say it`s Sky Radio:,92273.0.html and Big Badfish Al quotes this from somewhere: ``Sky Radio is a Dutch commercial radio station playing non-stop Adult Contemporary pop music, owned by Talpa Holding. The target audience is men and women between 25 and 54 years of age. It is programmed according to the AC format`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6935 USB, Jan 29 at 2306, S9+5 hard rock and omodist = overmodulated and distorted, yet does not QRM 6940 Sky Radio as I had hit first on a downtune. 2318 SSTV; 2319 live? DJ still distorted says ``Imagine that``, and ``Alice? Radio``. Drama about Mars lander leads into another song; 2323 another Alice Radio ID. Well, it`s really OUTHOUSE Radio per all these; enunciate!,92274.0.html with three noisy SSTV captures, a pierced tongue outstuck, a privy, and a full-bearded guy (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. 5960, Jan 29 at 2302, no signal from VOT direct. Unknown if it might have come on later. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2123 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday January 30 at 0053 the 0030 on WRMI 7730, S9+12 into Knoxville SDR.
Also confirmed starting at 0445 UT Sun Jan 30 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+15 into nearby SDR but with multi-pitched very fast robotic CW QRM -- must be another 160m A1 contest encroaching on this A3 broadcast.
Also confirmed Sunday January 30 at 1350 the 1330 on WMRI Europe, via Channel 292 Germany 9670, S9+20 into UTwente reading +7 Hz, modulation surges up and down a bit, but receiving artifact? Also checked Carlow, Ireland SDR at 1355, S7-S9 and not surging, +6 Hz carrier offset. Both have lite ACI from music on 9665, presumably CRI Russian via x-site rather than Korea North. I happened to awaken an hour earlier than I would have preferred. Not knowing this, tnx also to Alan Roe, Teddington UK: ``WOR 2123 confirmed on WMRI Europe Sun 1330 UT on 9670``. Where is Teddington? ``a suburb in south-west London in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. In 2021, Teddington was named as the best place to live in London by The Sunday Times. Historically in Middlesex, Teddington is situated on a long meander of the Thames between Hampton Wick and Strawberry Hill, Twickenham. Wikipedia`` Next:
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy & 207?
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Michael Beu, Austin TX for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at and says: ``Hey Glenn: Thanks for all of the timely DX/RF technology info that WOR provide this year. WOR/Club bulletins more important than ever with demise of WRTH.``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5850, UT Sun Jan 30 at 0101, excellent classical music show `Encore` has started on this WRMI; while `Texas Radio Shortwave` had started on 5950 this week to play 14 songs from SXSW festival - but I have to prioritize classical. Beyond me why TRSW would choose a time up against not only Encore but The Giant Jukebox, and TOUTA, the Saturday evening music-glut hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (5085), UT Sun Jan 30 at 0047, `Theater Organ Under the Arch` is already underway on WTWW-2 webcast. Must have started way earlier than usual? Since it`s chopped off without any formal closing at 0059 for Bible verse, CQ, WTWW canned ID treating our national anthem as a produxion jingle, and then a ham radio show. Something`s always loco at Lebanon (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Prompted by announcements preceding and following `Weekend Radio`, webcast at 0300 & 0400 UT January 30: classical WCLV Cleveland OH will soon be changing from 104.9 to 90.3; this is because of a merger of sorts with WKSU at Kent State, and realigning those stations; some years ago WCLV lost its original better frequency, I believe it was 90.3, and had to move to 104.9 where the power can be only 6 kW ERP. 90.3 has been occupied by another Ideastream station, 47 kW, WCPN with NPR news/talk programming, and WCLV banished to HD2 on that frequency. WKSU originates on 89.7.
>From a detailed press release at
``Between January 1 and April 1, 2022, the following changes are expected to take place:
WKSU will become the region’s NPR news and information station, with repeater stations in Ashland, Mansfield, New Philadelphia, Norwalk, Thompson and Wooster continuing to serve their local markets. Ideastream Public Media will reformat 104.9 FM to serve an additional repeater station for WKSU programming, bolstering coverage in the Cleveland area. The call letters associated with 104.9 FM will change from WCLV to WCPN.
Those who love the classical programming provided by WCLV at 104.9 FM will have access to that programming at the new WCLV at 90.3 FM. There, they can continue to enjoy locally hosted performances by local artists and ensembles, including The Cleveland Orchestra, Apollo’s Fire and Lés Delices, along with student and faculty ensembles from the Cleveland Institute of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, Baldwin Wallace Conservatory and Cleveland State University. Reflecting the intent to serve its new expanded coverage area, 90.3 FM programming will spotlight more performances by musicians in Akron and Kent as well...`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 12000- CW, Jan 30 at 1552, letter Z sent over and over, JBA fading in and out; unsure if some other letter or number interspersed. First time noted despite bandscanning across here every day. One of those Russian one-letter beacons? I have not deliberately sought any of them out. Other letters on other frequencies, but not Z, have been logged by Harold Frodge, MARE Tipsheet. They are never on exact even frequencies. My Z was slightly on the minus side but too weak to measure (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1936 UT January 30
Logs in Friol and Lugo, NW of Spain
ERITREA, 7140, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1553-1610, 29-01, Vernacular, comments, East African songs. Ham QRM. 21421.
ETHIOPIA, 7110, Radio Ethiopia, 1745-1757, 28-01, Vernacular comments, East African songs. 35433.
DENMARK, 15790, World of Radio, Randers, 1525-1547, 29-01, pop and other songs, id. “World Music Radio. // 5930. 25322.
6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, 1651-1710, 29-01, songs in English, oldies, “California dreamin” by “The Mamas & The Papas”, id. “Mi Amigo”, English, comments, “This is Radio Mi Amigo International”. 35433.
6150, Europa 24, Datteln, 1533-1540, 29-01, pop songs in English, at 1530 time signals en news in German. 24322.
KYRGYZSTAN, 4010.2, Kyrgyz Radio, Bishkek, 1713-1726, 29-01, Kyrgyz songs. Very weak. 15321.
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0733-0748, 30-01, Radio Mali, Bamako, Vernacular, comments. 35433.
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1642-1655, 29-01, Vernacular, comments, African songs. 45344.
5955, Sunlite Radio, Overslag, 0750-0758, 30-01, pop songs, id. “Sunlite…”, Dutch, comments. 35433.
6020, Radio Delta International, Elburg, 0702-0712, 30-01, pop songs, oldies, id. “This is Radio Delta International”, program “Finish Hour”. 35433.
6185, Radio Classic Sunday via Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, *0759-0815, 30-01, “This is Radio Classic Sunday on Sorthwave…”, special program “Radio Luxembourg”. 35433.
NIGERIA, 7254.9, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja Lugbe, 0650-0710, 22-01, Vernacular, comments, at 0658 interval signal, id. “Voice of Nigeria, more Vernacular comments. 25322.
TIBET, 7385, PSB Xizang, Lhasa, 1610-1625, 29-01, English, news, comments. // 4905. 34433.
4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1807-1821, 28-01, English, religious comments. 25432.
5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1715-1733, 29-01, Vernacular, comments. 15321.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Friol and Lugo, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters
Wolfgang Bueschel: Cuba observations
CUBA RHC Bauta in English checked today Sunday Jan 30 at 07.26 UT,
6060even kHz exact fq, and much clean audio, no buzz at all today to state, S=9 noted in eastern states like NY, NJ, MA, also \\ at
9699.996 kHz channel in 31 meterband, also from Bauta site (ex6145/6165 kHz in B20 season), much clean audio too at 07.28 UT.)
But on western US tate parts CA / WA, or Alberta-CAN, Masset BC-CAN the Cuban and Florida signals much poor and tiny this Sunday, only S=3 to S=6.
The antenna in Masset BC province pointed to East Asia ? The Japanese Nikkei R1 Nagara signal on 6055 kHz arrived with S=9+15dB instead, path over Alaska and the Pacific at 07.40 UT.
When tuned-in and checked again both RHCuba Bauta signals at about 08.18 UT, heard RHC in Esperanto language in progress, the half hour program only on Sundays at 08.00 and 08.30 UT,
S=9+10dB again noted in Rochester, NY state, and \\ 9699.996 kHz - Bauta in 31 mb - same strength too - and surprise, surprise an extra treat for the North America and Europe listener of the Bauta transmissions: empty signal carriers appeared still on air on both 6060 and 9700v, between 08.30 UT - and 22 minutes longer, until switch-off exact at 08.52:30 UT much late - ended the sleep of the RadioCuba local Bauta technician.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 30)
Ascolti AM Treviso 30 gennaio
3995 30/1 0610 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Mx Px rel. D 25522
4840 30/1 0611 WWCR NASHVILLE, Nashville Px rel. E 35533
5025 30/1 0614 Radio Rebelde, Bauta Mx Px Es 35533
5040 30/1 0615 Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta Px Es 35533
5085 30/1 0617 WTWW, Lebanon TN Px E 25522
5905 30/1 0618 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg Px meteo D 45544
5955 30/1 0619 Sunlite Radio, NL-Overslag Mx E 25532
5995 30/1 0620 Radio Mali, Bamako Px F 25522
6155 30/1 0622 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn Px D 45544
6165 30/1 0623 NHK World R. Japan, F-Issoudun Px A 45544
6180 30/1 0625 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg Px meteo D 35533
7505 30/1 0627 WRNO, New Orleans Px rel. E 45544
9400 30/1 0628 The Overcomer Ministry, BUL-Kostinbrod Px rel. E 55555
9410 30/1 0629 BBC WS Radio, STP-Pinheira Px E 45544
9420 30/1 0630 Voice of Greece, Avlis Px Mx Gr 55555
9510 30/1 1030 IRRS- Living The Bible, Tiganesti jingle ID Px rel. E 55555
9610 30/1 1031 AWR Europe, Nauen Px <RVS Magazine> It 55555
9610 30/1 1100 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat infp ID E Px rel. M 45544
9750 30/1 1101 NHK Radio Japan, Ibaraki-Kog Px Nx J 25522
9910 30/1 1102 KTWR GUAM Unlimited Grace, Agana TX6 Px rel. E 45544
9965 30/1 1103 Hope Radio Christ's Church PLW-Palau Medor Px rel. E 35533
11690 30/1 1104 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat infp ID E Px rel. M 45544
11725 30/1 1105 Radio New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki Nx E 45544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri
Log Roberto Pavanello
558 27/1 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Valencia SS NX reg. Comun. Valenciana buono
576 28/1 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Barcelona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
927 26/1 23.50 R. Lorestan - Dorud Farsi MX suff.
972 24/1 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Cabra + Melilla SS NX reg. Andalucia buono
1130 27/1 23.55 WBBR - New York EE talk suff.
1152 25/1 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Zamora SS NX reg. Castilla - La Mancha suff.
1224 25/1 18.50 COPE - Mallorca SS NX reg. Baleares buono
1251 25/1 00.15 Smooth R. - Great Barton EE MX suff.
1280 28/1 09.05 CFMB - Montreal Hindy MX suff.
1287 25/1 18.10 R. Lleida - Catalano NX reg. Catalunya suff.
1350 28/1 00.20 R. Buenos Aires - SS MX suff.
1395 25/1 00.00 R. Seabreeze - Grou Dutch NX suff.
1458 26/1 23.25 Lyca R. - Londra EE MX Indiana ottimo
1467 24/1 23.15 R. Paradijs - Utrecht Dutch MX suff.
1521 27/1 23.34 R. Castellon - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1566 25/1 00.10 BBC R. Somerset - Taunton EE NX suff.
1602 25/1 00.05 R. Ontynient - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1629 29/1 22.55 R. Blauwe Koe - Dutch MX buono
1635 24/1 23.15 R. Pandora - Dutch MX buono
1636 28/1 23.45 R. Mi Amigo - Dutch ID e MX buono
1640 25/1 23.25 R. Vonkenboer - Dutch MX buono
1670 24/1 17.35 R. Digital - Dutch ID e MX buono
3915 25/1 23.50 BBC - Singapore EE NX buono
3915 27/1 17.20 R. Batavia - EE MX buono
4775 25/1 23.45 R. Tarma - SS talk suff.
4870 23/1 17.30 R. Mystery 21 - EE MX buono
4885 23/1 22.50 Echo of Hope - Seoul Coreano MX suff.
4885 23/1 22.55 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP talk suff.
5015 23/1 21.30 R. Deltrack - EE MX buono
5140 23/1 14.55 Charleston R. Int. - EE MX ottimo
5770 26/1 17.20 R. Sovereign - EE MX suff.
5780 23/1 15.05 Harmony R. - EE MX suff.
5830 23/1 15.10 R. Iran Int. - Farsi talk suff.
5990 30/1 09.30 R. Blackstone - EE MX suff.
6130 30/1 09.50 R. Casanova - EE MX buono
6140 30/1 09.25 R. Onda - Bruxelles PP MX buono
6160 30/1 09.35 Shortwave Gold - Wietze IT Scorribande suff.
6185 30/1 09.40 R. Classic Sunday - EE MX suff.
6210 29/1 17.25 R. King SW - EE MX buono
6280 28/1 17.30 Triple L R. - EE ID e MX buono
6290 29/1 14.30 R. Blauwe Panter - EE MX buono
6295 30/1 09.45 R. Cuckoo - EE MX suff.
6300 23/1 15.00 R. Monique Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6380 23/1 15.25 R. 319 - EE MX buono
6931 29/1 23.15 Indy R. - Sevilla SS ID e MX buono
6950 29/1 17.30 Zenith Classic Rock - EE MX buono
6955 27/1 17.30 R. Zeppelin - EE MX suff.
7280 29/1 14.15 Shiokaze - Tokyo Giapponese talk suff.
7290 23/1 15.15 Furosato no Kaze - Tokyo Coreano talk suff.
7390 27/1 15.00 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE NX buono
7510 27/1 15.10 KTWR - Guam Coreano talk buono
7590 29/1 14.25 North Korea Reform R. - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
9345 27/1 15.05 FEBC - Pasig City Cinese talk buono
9380 23/1 15.20 Voice of Wilderness - Seoul Coreano talk buono
9610 26/1 17.45 Voice of the Oromo Liberation - Nauen Amarico talk buono
9610 30/1 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
9645 29/1 14.10 KSDA - Guam Coreano talk buono
9720 28/1 17.00 R. Erena - Arabo talk buono
11825 27/1 14.30 Reach Beyond Australia - Kilsyth Birmano talk suff.
15150 27/1 15.15 R. Tamazuj - Talata Arabo talk suff.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
A cuore aperto: Geloso Super G110 (1953)
Oggi ho pensato di dedicare la rubrica "A cuore aperto" ad un piccolo e modesto ricevitore, costruito dalla GELOSO come classico apparecchietto da comodino. Si tratta del piccolo ma ben funzionante SUPER G 110, supereterodina 5 valvole RIMLOCK. Risalente al 1953, questo esemplare, venuto in mio possesso nel 2001, ha rischiato di finire in qualche cassonetto dell'immondizia a causa di una spaccatura del mobiletto, in senso orizzontale, che lo rendeva, di fatto, un oggetto inservibile ma, con collanti epossidici, stucchi a base metallica e tanta, tanta pazienza, ho ricostruito le parti mancanti, ricucito la spaccatura ed il piccolo G110 è tornato ad essere un bell'apparecchietto, ben funzionante.
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Classico circuito supereterodina, questo apparecchio, costruito in economia e con il numero di componenti strettamente necessario, impiega una serie di 5 tubi rimlock: UY41 raddrizzatrice, UL41 finale BF, UBC41 amplificatrice BF e CAV, UF41 amplificatrice di MF e mescolatrice, UCH42 convertitrice ed amplificatrice AF. Realizzato su telaio metallico, denota una costruzione comunque accurata e ben realizzata, il cablaggio è fatto con filatura di buona qualità, in modo razionale ed essenziale.
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I componenti, tipicamente Geloso, sono disposti in modo ordinato e di facile sostituzione, nel caso di riparazione.. L'alimentazione è garantita da un autotrasformatore di generose dimensioni che provvede ai 39 volts di accensione per la raddrizzatrice ed alla tensione anodica mentre le rimanenti valvole sono alimentate in serie, come era tipico in questi apparecchietti che sfruttavano le tensioni di accensione delle valvole per accendere i filamenti in serie, facendo risparmiare il rame usato per gli avvolgimenti del secondario a bassa tensione.
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L'amplificazione di BF è affidata ad una generosissima UL41 che con i suoi abbondanti 4 watt, garantisce un volume pieno ed anche eccessivo, date le piccole dimensioni del ricevitore. L'alta tensione, presa dal primario a 160 volts dell'autotrasformatore, viene rettificata dalla UY41 ed inviata alla cellula di livellamento, costituita da due elettrolitici da 32 microfarad e da un'impedenza di filtro che è anche trasformatore di uscita, come era tipico, all'insegna del risparmio.
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Caratteristica saliente di questo piccolo ricevitore e tipico stile GELOSO, è quella di avere un vero e proprio gruppo di alta frequenza, il Mod. 2661, che gli permette di ricevere ben 5 gamme d'onda; onde medie e quattro gamme di onde corte: 49, 31, 25, 19 e 16 metri il che, per un apparecchietto così piccolo, non è poco. La sensibilità è buona, considerato l'impiego di questa radio ed anche la selettività, è nei giusti parametri; con qualche metro di filo, si ricevono molte emissioni in onda corta e qualche stazione, di quelle rimaste, in onda media.
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Il mobiletto è realizzato in galalite, di colore bianco ma da me riverniciato, dopo il restauro, con colore avorio. Esistevano quattro versioni dello stesso apparecchio: per l'Europa, per i paesi del bacino Mediterraneo, Stati Uniti e sud America ed Oceania, tutti con diverse scale parlanti ed a ben guardare, si può notare che la scala sia intercambiabile, proprio per questo motivo.
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Alla prova, il nostro piccolo amico si rivela ancora molto efficiente, garantendo una buona ricezione sulle onde corte e sulle medie, con ottima BF e buona sensibilità. Invece di finire in discarica, è ancora con noi e fa ancora un ottimo servizio. Spero che sia interessante anche questo piccolo e modesto apparecchietto. Non mi è stato possibile prendere altro apparato ma credo che anche questo "GELOSINO", meriti attenzione.
[pdf-embedder url="" title="41 SCHEMA G 110"]
Alla prossima settimana!!
Paolo Pierelli
Radio Luxembourg op Radio Classic Sunday
What radio and music lover has not listened to it for hours, the famous Radio Luxembourg. The principles could already be heard on the long wave in 1929. In 1933 they really got off to a good start at 1193 meters. The great success came from 1952 when she switched to the 208 meter 1440 KHZ, The Station of the stars. With 1200 kilowatts, the range was enormous in Europe and far beyond.
There were broadcasts in many languages, even programs aimed at the Netherlands with Dutch radio presenters. Peter van Dam, Felix Meurders, Stan Haag, Peter Koelewijn were the big names in the Dutch department.
My first radio discoveries go back to 1973. As a 7-year-old male, my father gave me a Sony pocket radio as a gift. In bed under the covers in the dark I listened in with my earplug to the broadcasts of Radio Luxembourg. I thought it was magical, all those voices and music from such a box. For many years I regularly tuned in to Luxembourg, I thought the presentation was great and then those Jingles, I loved it and thanks to those broadcasts my radio love started.
Not only was Radio Luxembourg a party for me, but for millions they were the medium to get information beyond your own borders. And don't forget all the music from all those different countries, for many that is how the love for French and Italian music originated. You heard the pictures there that you would only hear much later within your own national borders.
If you ask an average radio or music lover about his radio teens, Radio Luxembourg is mentioned first and the eyes start to shine again and the warm sentimental feelings of that time come back to the surface.
On January 30, 2022, Radio Classic Sunday pays attention to that magical radio station, where it all started for many. For 3 hours the Radio Luxembourg hits of the past interspersed with the most beautiful Radio Luxembourg jingles.
A morning of sentiment on 6185 KHZ, you can't miss it.
sabato 29 gennaio 2022
Glenn Hauser logs January 29, 2022
** ANTARCTICA. 15476 RCUSB, Jan 29 circa 1450 UT, no LRA36 signal into Pardinho, Brasil SDR this Saturday as usual while it continues to appear on Wednesdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 6660, Jan 29 at 0155, CHU-like pips, but with uteblatt QRM and cannot make out an ID before top of next minute. Second harmonic of 3330 is often reported by Harold Frodge, better positioned in Michigan, and I keep seeking it, but need to continue checking this WOOB frequency oftener. Remember when their ex-frequency 7335 was exactly half of 14670? Now 15700 would be the spot (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ETHIOPIA [non]. 15400, Sat Jan 29 at 1614 JBA signal into Kenya SDR, even less into Kuwait, but scheduled now at 1600-1629 is a new, or reactivated clandestine which must not be reaching target effectively, as discussed in the WOR iog:
Arthur Pozner, near NYC, Wednesday Jan 26 at 1610 UT: ``[WOR] Unknown program on 15400 kHz at 16:00 UTC --- Not listed, seems to be heavily jammed. Sounds to my ears as one of the Ethiopian languages``
Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, 1643 UT:
``Language is Afan Oromo Mon-Wed, Fri, Sat probably via Galbeni from NEXUS IRRS SW from January 21. Registered today in HFCC Database``
Arthur Pozner at 1644: ``ID as "IRRS Milano". Music interval from Carmen (Toreador).``
Ivo, Observer, Bulgaria:
``ROMANIA New clandestine broadcast of NEXUS IBA IRRS Shortwave via RADIOCOM Galbeni:
1600-1629 on 15400 GAL 300 kW / 140 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Mon-Wed/Fri/Sat from January 21
1600-1629 on 15400 MIL 150 kW / 135 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Mon-Wed/Fri/Sat in HFCC is wrong
Weak/poor signal of this unknown clandestine broadcast via SDR Tambov Russia on January 26``
Kai Ludwig:
``Oromia National Media – Arraata Biyyoolessa Oromiyaa.
Based in Toronto:
IRRS had already transmitted them, circa summer 2020 til spring 2021, from Kostinbrod. Seems these guys have found some new money...``
The NEXUS program schedule does show this on Mon, Tue, Fri, not on Wed or Thu; Sat & Sun refuse to load (Glenn Hauser, Jan 29, WOR)
** SPAIN. 12030, Jan 29 at 1643, REE is yet again in dead air, S7-S9 into Maryland SDR. Recheck at 2022, OFF the air while the other three frequencies are good to very good: 11940, 11685, 9690. Something`s always nonsensical at Noblejas (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. 6125, Jan 29 at 0423, VOT English now on the squealy transmitter, unlike the previous emission at 23 UT Jan 28 on 5960. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 338 MCW kHz, Jan 29 at 0644 UT, RYN, 400 watt ND beacon at Tucson / Ryan AZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2123 monitoring: confirmed UT Saturday January 29 at 0230 on WRMI 9395, S9+10/20 direct instead of almost faded out as often happens with this.
Confirmed Sat Jan 29 at 1700 on WRN North America webcast.
Also confirmed Sat Jan 29 starting at 2033 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM,
Wentzville MO, S9+12 into nearby Warrenton SDR. Next:
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy & 207?
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Michael Beu, Austin TX for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at and says: ``Hey Glenn: Thanks for all of the timely DX/RF technology info that WOR provide this year. WOR/Club bulletins more important than ever with demise of WRTH.``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 700 kHz, Jan 29 at 0700-0705+ UT, I`m checking WLW exactly 24 hours after the deadair newshole, but it keeps modulating tonight with ``Queen City`` local news rather than ABC. CCI under from a music station. Should that be ``Sin-city``? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Jan 29 at 0429: 738, 837, 1089, 1107 --- and 1665 kHz. Where Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal has reported numerous pirates from Holland, Greece and Balkans, but also all over the X-band. Probably something closer I get (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search Jan 29 at 0638: 603, 684, 837-2, 909, 999, 1044, 1089, 1107-2, 1215 kHz. Axually logged from top down. 603 is unusual, but at this late hour more likely lower-powered Spain than Romania, Cyprus, Oman (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 830 kHz, Jan 29 at 1845 UT, I`m making a low-noon MW bandscan just after local mean noon at 1832; on caradio by Box 1684, not much unusual on frequencies with low enough noise level, but here there is a JBA talk signal and a SAH from a second station. Sky- or ground-wave or a mixture? Main one is presumably WCCO. The other could be in WY, LA or TN (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 4030 AM, Jan 29 at 0237, JBA carrier registers S9 but so does the noise level. Ball Smacker Radio was reported here exactly one week before. And also tonight:,92219.0.html I guess now her regular weekly Friday-night-at-8-pm-CT schedule, ex-6960 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6920- AM, Jan 29 at 0235, JBA carrier presumed pirate; nonesuch reported at HFU (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6925 USB, Jan 29 at 0158-0228*, S9 big-band-era songs, instrumental or crooners, continuous segués with no announcements until chopped off mid-song. At 0201, duet ``Don`t Know Why I Love You Like I Do``; 0226 ``Ordinary People``. More pirate logs as unID just before and after I was hearing it:,92215.0.html,92217.0.html
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 2110 UT January 29
QSL Radio Digital
QSL Radio Digital 1670 KHz con QSL elettronica allegata in 15 minuti. (R. PAVANELLO)
Iran radio TV hacked
Images of Massoud Rajavi and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi Broadcast
This afternoon, Thursday, January 27th, the Iranian regime’s state television Channel 1 and the Quran Channel were disrupted. A crossed-out image of Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, followed by images of Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance, and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI. The images were accompanied by audio slogans “Death to Khamenei!” and “Viva Rajavi”!
Radio Tehran, Radio Eghtesad, and Radio Talawat were also hacked, and slogans of death to Khamenei and greetings to Rajavi were broadcast on them as well.
“Given that the security infrastructure was designed to protect the broadcaster, this is not an easy task and it is very complicated,” said Reza Alidadi, technical director of the state’s Radio and Television. “Only those who own the technology can damage the systems. We are currently investigating to determine the source of the issue and the problem.”
Tasnim News Agency also reported the incident, stating that the possibility of “human element infiltration” should also be considered and called for the necessary investigation in this regard.
“More than 400 TV and radio servers were offline and completely destroyed,” according to sources providing reports from inside Iran’s TV and radio networks.
“Footage related to the MEK were suddenly aired at 3 pm Tehran time on 14 TV and 13 radio stations, and we were caught off guard,” according to reports from inside the regime.
State Networks Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, Channel 4, Channel 5, Jam-e Jam 1, Jam-e Jam 2, Jam-e Jam 3, Al-Alam, Quran, Salamat, Sports, Education, and Culture TV stations, along with the following radio stations witnessed the mentioned disruptions: Culture, Payam, Quran, Sports, Eghtesad (Economy), Ava, Iran, Health, Talavat, Tehran, Radio Musemi, Radio Reserve, Radio Javan.
Security forces associated with the regime’s state broadcasting networks prevented people from entering or leaving the state networks’ buildings.
“Our colleagues are investigating the incident. This is an extremely complex attack and only the owners of this technology could exploit and damage the backdoors and features that are installed on the systems,” said Ali Dadi, deputy chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), told the state TV channel IRINN on Thursday.
According to reports from inside Iran, security and intelligence agents’ squads have closed all entrances and exits of the premises belonging to the state’s broadcasting corporation, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), and conducted hastily arrests and interrogations of innocent employees of IRIB.
Akharin Khabar (Latest News) Telegram group reported this afternoon: “How did the Monafeqin (meaning the Hypocrites, the pejorative term used by the Iranian regime’s for the Mojahedin-e-Khalq) reach the radio and television antennas?! The technical and broadcasting systems are completely isolated, they are equipped with acceptable security protocols and are not accessible via the Internet. Detailed information on the various dimensions of the sabotage has not yet been released, and IRIB officials are investigating the case, but sabotage seems to have been the most likely scenario.”
Hesamoddin Ashna, a former deputy minister of the regime’s intelligence ministry (MOIS) and Hassan Rouhani’s press adviser tweeted: “You can expect anything from this hypocritical organization.” (
CW morse jamming against Shortwaveservice 6085 kHz
CW morse jamming against Shortwaveservice Kall Eifel 6085 kHz shortwave outlet at 10.57 UT:
CW morse code and automatic pips sound jumped up and down on channel lower flank around 6083.750 jump to 6083.800 kHz forward and back, similar bubbler jump of German 60 x Stasi MWs in former GDR in 60ties against US RIAS/VoA station in Berlin-Britz 989 and 6005 kHz.
Jammer at 11.08 UT now on upper flank on 6086.300 kHz S=9+10dB playground of the small hobby pirate program shortwave scene in central Europe.
73 wolfie df5sx
Iran / China observations
13820 0830-1030 38,39 Ara SIR 500 288 ARABIC-West target
also on air, when checked at 08.40 UT in Delhi, Kuwait, Greece and Portugal remote SDR's,
BUT seldom proper to decode audio in AM mode with AGC switch on/off, extreme strong carrier to state at S=9+30dB or -43dBm powerhouse,
and real Holy Prayer audio to decode ONLY in LSB- or/and USB-mode. <<<<<<<<<<<<< !
Better - audio like - signals in 22 mb at 08.20 UT : 13669.957 kHz XJBS PBS Xinjiang Uyghur CNR13 music program from Urumqi NoWeChina broadcast center;
the other CNR13 Lingshi #725 bcast center outlet on 13700even exact fq contain different program.
also 13740even perfect audio to decode in AM mode signal in Dari language regular in 08.30-09.00 UT time range via Al Seela Oman ENC bcast relay center.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 29)
Wolfgang Bueschel: Iran observations
IRAN IRIB but on air around 06-07 UT, both from Sirjan and Zahedan bcast center sites, 3 transmissions in 22 meterband. Jan 29.
13690.009 VoIRIB Dari to AFG/PAK SoAS subcontinent via Sirjan site, 06.20 UT, S=9+20 in Delhi Perseus remotedly. 05.53-08.20 UT
13710.008 VoIRIB Hausa language to West Africa via Sirjan site, 06.25 UT, S=8-9 in Delhi Perseus remotedly. 05.53-06.50 UT.
13820.005 VoIRIB Arabic to ME, NE, NoEaAF, WeAF continent via Zahedan site, 06.30 UT, S=9+20 in Delhi Perseus remotedly. 05.30-07.30 UT.
CHINA mainland, some Chinese jammer programs of CNR1 heard at 05.10 UT: 21530.027 Oddly !, 21700.007, 21760.002, 18969.886 Oddly!, 18900even kHz noted in Delhi, Hiroshima, Tokyo remotedly.
Two programs on January 30 will kick off Texas Radio Shortwave’s Fifth Sunday lineup. Every fifth Sunday in 2022, TRSW introduces two new programs featuring music by Texas artists. These programs will air on January 30, May 29, July 31, and October 30.
Programs begin at 0100 UTC on 5950 kHz, with 100 kW from Okeechobee, Florida. Times will change in March following the switch to US Daylight Time.
Although December 26 is the fifth Sunday, Texas Radio Shortwave has scheduled its Texas Christmas program on that day.
The artist lineups have been set. The first name for each date is TRSW’s Fifth Sunday Special program at 0100 UTC; the second is for TRSW’s Fifth Sunday Prime program at 0200 UTC:
January 30: A Touch of South by Southwest and Texas Jazz
May 29: Meat Loaf and ZZ Top
July 31: Early Texas Rock and Asleep at the Wheel
October 30: Texas Psychedelia and The Old 97s.
Texas Radio Shortwave will release two specially-designed electronic verifications each weekend.
Listeners should send detailed reception reports covering at least 20 minutes of a broadcast to Reports must include song titles and times heard, times and subjects of announcements, an SIO or SINPO report, information on the listener’s receiver and antenna, and thoughtful comments on the program. Reports should go to
Glenn Hauser logs January 28-29, 2022
** AUSTRALIA. 2368.5, Jan 28 replies to my non-reception of R. Symban:
``Hi Glenn, I may try this evening local time to see if I can receive them on 2368.5. As you said, they haven't been on SW for many years and their current licensed transmitter location is near their studios in inner-west Sydney.
Radio La Manamea Samoa, who "borrowed" the licence for a short time after Symban left the airwaves, is also gone from that frequency. Radio LMS's owner got into a fair amount of trouble a few years back in relation to allegedly pocketing advertising money from local businesses and failing to deliver. IMO, he's also using frequencies/locations that he isn't licenced for by the ACMA.
Both Symban and Radio LMS (now known as Samoa FM) are on the 151 MHz "narrowband area service" band in Sydney but not on ~206 MHz, which is the DAB+ frequency and neither Symban nor Samoa FM are in the DAB+ station lists.``
[Later at 1033 UT]: ``Zero signal from Symbian on 2368.5 at the Tecsun Radios Australia kiwiSDR (Araluen NSW) and VK2ARI KiwiSDR which is just around the corner from the licensed transmitter location.
Its all a ruse!!
However there is another licensee on the same frequency in Western Australia. I will check their closest SDRs now.
VK6QS KiwiSDR has nothing either on 2368.5 at this time (1040 UT), however there is a remnant of local rfi on 2366.15 approx.
This was done as a check on the other ACMA licensed station on 2368.5 which may be a work-in-progress (like Dave Hacko, who I’m really keen on hearing when he’s completed his setup). -- Regards, BRIAN POWELL, VK2XBP, Sydney, Australia`` on the WOR iog (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 351 MCW kHz, Jan 28 at 0648 UT, dash and YKQ, 500 watt NDB at Fort Rupert / Waskaganish, Quebec. No problem separating from 350 RG OKC, tuning in USB.
258 MCW kHz, Jan 28 at 0652 UT, dash and ZSJ, 1000 watt NDB at Sandy Lake, Ontario. Only one on 258 listed by
Higher up still blocked by noise peaking around 395 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. Re: ``UNIDENTIFIED. 6920.0 AM, Jan 16 at 0714, S6-S8 rock music with heavy bass. Extremely unusual for a N American pirate to be on so late; and I had not heard any on this band during `prime` Saturday evening time. No reports in HF Underground, except this unrelated? 7 hours later on 6920.6 with various IDs including Partial India Radio, Pirate Radio Boston, Captain Ganja, Radio Free Euphoria:,91736.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)``
Chris Lobdell replies Jan 27: ``Hi Glenn, Your later reception on 6920 was actually partial India radio with their 25th anniversary show and you heard audio clips from various stations as part of the program`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, Fri Jan 28 at 2300, VOT succeeds today as heard via UTwente, only +16 Hz carrier offset, VG modulation, no squeal! SimulSpain on 9690 via Virginia is VG too, but topic seems familiar, interview about an exhibition of American art --- rather offputting since none of it is to be seen, so I stick with TRT. After news, press review, a commentary by an academic about Turkey`s interest in defusing the Ukraine/Russia situation just across the Black Sea, offering to mediate; and 2322 `Feeling Supreme/Health Line`, this time about natural cures for nasal congestion, such as apple vinegar. Since 2310 there has been CCCCCCI way under the Turksig but gradually increasing; after 2329 mostly music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2123 monitoring: confirmed UT Friday January 28 at 0130 on WRMIs: 5850 VG direct; at 0149, 7780 S9+10 into UTwente.
Also confirmed UT Fri Jan 28 at 0330 on WRMI 5985: S5 to Maryland SDR, S9 to Knoxville SDR and JBA direct. NO signals at new Aguadas, Colombia SDR; still streaming but antenna disconnected?
Also confirmed Friday January 28 at 1530 on WRMI 9955, S9/+10 direct, no jamming.
Also confirmed Friday January 28 from about 1915 on IRRS via Bulgaria 7290 into UTwente, and AM Italia 1323 kHz into Noale SDR. During my lunch hour, both signals into one recording. But tuning first at 1854 on 1323, nothing on 918 or 207, it`s Jeff White talking about TWR, so must be `Wavescan` perhaps only a fragment. NEXUS/IBA program schedule for Friday now shows only 1323 kHz added to streaming at 1800 UT, but nothing about `Wavescan`, while WOR does show at 1915. Did not follow exactly what went on in the 1900-1915 period, but at 1913 live check, 7290 has ME music presumably IRRS fill, no trace of 14580 harmonic, and 1323 has QRM in German, i.e. the minority service from Romania. This continues to be a problem for the rest of the hour. Distance from Târgu Muresh in central Romania to Noale, Italy, SDR location is 969 km = 602 stmi, yet it overcomes AM Italia only 53 km = 33 stmi away, city-to-city distances. 1915 IRRS ID on 7290 and WOR, while on 1323 we are underneath the German. At 1925 I check how 1323 is making it to UTwente: JBA mix of WOR and Romania. Still going past 1930 until 1944, altho in last few minutes of recording I am hearing only one of me, not sure from which.
Also confirmed at 2139 the 2130 replay on 1323 kHz, now much better into Noale, S8/12 and no CCI; while to UTwente, 1323 is S9+10 with some deep fades, and lite CCI under, language uncertain. Also a very lite squeal audible via both remotes. There are two very low powers in UK; more in Iran and Tanzania if on at this hour, but language could be Chinese, i.e. PRC where there are 8 stations totaling 1360 kW, led by a 600 and a 500. Anyhow, WOR plays to completion 2159, then IRRS ID, FSN and UN news, 2208 still on with music. Next:
0230 UT Saturday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy & 207?
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Michael Beu, Austin TX for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at and says: ``Hey Glenn: Thanks for all of the timely DX/RF technology info that WOR provide this year. WOR/Club bulletins more important than ever with demise of WRTH.``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (7490.1v), UT Sat Jan 29 at 0100, WBCQ webcast starts `AAAWWW` but it`s immediately obvious that it`s another repeat of last week which was a repeat of January 8 with all the Happy New Year stuff. So never mind. If you wonder what a lot of radio tubes, Allan, and the gorgeous Angela look like, many photos appear on his feed at disgraced Twitter: (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 700 kHz, Jan 28 at 0703 UT, S9 of open carrier dead air from WLW! Is this a Fox-hole? No, news network is apparently ABC per NRC AM Log. 0706 cuts back on with `Red Eye Radio`. Obviously nohuman paying attention at WLW, one of our `great` radio stations. Meanwhile I hear traces of other signals; KHSE TX is the normal #2 here on 700, but the Log now shows 8 other US & Canadians at night; and IRCA Mexican Log shows three there. Try subsequent nights for 700 DX in case the hole be programmed into automation (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 1130 kHz, Jan 28 at 2047 UT and still after 2100, KLEY Wellington KS is modulating! Pop music, on caradio. With KLEY, dead air is the norm and mod the anomaly, so to be heard how long this may last (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Jan 28 from 0655 to 0702 UT: 774-2, 837, 846-TP?, 855, 882-2, 909, 999, 1044, 1053, 1098-2, 1107, 1134, 1215*, 1413. *strongest no doubt UK. -2 means at least two carriers beating (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0134 UT January 29
Agenda DX 29/01/2022
ZK2ZN, Niue Island 594 Khz (1973)
Radio Federacion Shuar, Ecuador 4960 Khz (1968)
Swazi Commercial Radio 9705 Khz, Swaziland (1972)
venerdì 28 gennaio 2022
The K7RA Solar Update
Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: A new sunspot group appeared on January 20 and another on January 24, followed by two more on January 25 and one more on January 26. But, overall solar activity declined from the previous week, January 13 – 19. Average daily sunspot number dropped from 94.4 to 39.6, and average daily solar flux went from 112 to 97.6.
On January 27 the daily sunspot number was 85, much higher than the average of 39.6 of the previous 7 days — always a good signal for increasing activity.
Predicted solar flux is 105 on January 28 – February 4; 108 on February 5 – 6; 110 on February 7 – 8; 108 on February 9 – 10; 106, 105, 103, 101, 100, and 95 on February 11 – 16; 92 on February 17 – 18; 90 on February 19 – 21; 88, 87, 92, and 94 on February 22 – 25; 96 on February 26 – 28; 98 and 100 on March 1 – 2; 105 on March 3 – 4; then 110 on March 5, and 108 on March 6 – 7.
Predicted planetary A index is 5, 12, and 10 on January 28 – 30; 5 on January 31 – February 3; 15 and 10 on February 4 – 5; 5 on February 6 – 9; 12, 15, and 12 on February 10 – 12; 5 on February 13 – 19; 8 on February 20 – 23; 5, 12, and 10 on February 24 – 26; 5 on February 27 – March 2; then 15 and 10 on March 3 – 4, and 5 on March 5 – 8.
Here’s the “Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth’s Ionosphere — January 27, 2022,” from F.K. Janda, OK1HH:
Since the end of last November, fluctuations in the level of solar activity within the 27-day periodicity have been more regular, which contributes to the success of the forecasts. This also applies to the occurrence of coronal holes, so predictions of Earth’s magnetic field activity are also more accurate (including the next recurrent geomagnetic disturbance, which we expect on or about February 4). The overall level of solar activity is rising faster than long-term forecasts suggest, so it can be assumed that the maximum of the current 11-year cycle will be higher than the previous one.
Here’s the geomagnetic activity forecast for January 28 – February 3:
Quiet January 28, January 31-February 3
Unsettled January 29-31
Active January 28-29, February 3-4
Minor storm February 4
Major storm 0
Severe storm 0
The geomagnetic activity summary:
Friday, January 28, we expect quiet conditions. Then, starting Saturday, January 29, we expect an unsettled – to – active period ending by January 31. At the start of February, we expect quiet conditions until Thursday, February 3. Around February 3 – 4, we expect a new active episode, which could reach a minor storm level. — Tomas Bayer, RWC Prague, Institute of Geophysics of the ASCR, Prague, Department of Geomagnetism, Budkov Observatory.
On January 16, a ham in Seattle reported:
“Amazing auroral opening on 10 meters Friday at 2100-2230 UTC, CW and SSB. Northern Europe only, GM, DL, SP, UA1, EW, OZ, LA, SM, and best signals were from OH. Very unusual and first time Western Washington [saw a] big opening to EU in years, and it was worked by several W7s. DX Maps showed lots of lines over the North Pole, very late night in Scandinavia.
I often ignore stories from British tabloids, but this one seems not to be overly alarmist.
Regarding rising activity vs forecasts, back in ARLP002 we included this link.
WA7AA responded (edited):
“They went on to say sunspot counts exceeded predicted values for 15 straight months, and the monthly value at the end of December 2021 was the highest in 5 years and more than twice the value forecast by the NOAA/NASA prediction panel.
“This isn’t the first place I’ve seen this claim from the NOAA/NASA prediction panel, and I am wondering if you have any contacts in that group to ask them for some clarification and explanation. There are several problems with this ‘over – performance’ claim in the link above. The first is that the graph on that link places the last solar minimum several months after the actual minimum that occurred in November 2019. That alone can skew any subsequent analysis and make it prone to a misinterpretation.
“The next thing is the graph shows the length of their predicted cycle 25 as 14 years long! This is nowhere near any cycle length in recorded history that, as we all know, averages to around 11 years. No one can even predict a cycle length, so where did they get this from?
“And finally, their predicted cycle graph is a smooth one – peak cycle (slow rising slopes as a result), while most cycles so far have been dual peak cycles (steeper slopes and a sort of a plateau as a result).
“Once you add all three of these errors into the observation, it is easy to make a claim that the Cycle 25 is over – performing the predictions (‘twice the value’) made before it started, that generally placed it in the same strength as Cycle 24 within the 5 – 10% margin.
“However, when the curve is adjusted to start in November 2019, when it’s compressed to the average 11 years length and tweaked to a double peak graph (in other words, more or less carbon copied the Cycle 24 graph), it quickly becomes obvious that the Cycle 25 is so far following the last cycle curve almost exactly, insignificantly higher at 3 – 4 spots per month. A recent cycle comparison confirms this observation. I am by no means an expert in propagation predictions, but it just seems weird that anyone connected to NOAA and/or NASA would make such an error and proceed to stick to it for so long. Am I missing something here? Was this a bad case of wishful thinking on their part? I would like to know what their explanation is.”
Jon, N0JK, reported:
“A major sporadic-E opening on 6 meters took place in the 2022 ARRL January VHF Contest on Saturday afternoon January 15. Starting around 2100 UTC, stations in Florida appeared in Kansas. The opening grew and spread, and by 2300 UTC 6 meters was open to the entire southeast. I received a PSK flag from ZF1EJ and logged XE2X (EL06). The opening then spread east to Ohio and north to Minnesota (N0JCF, EN35). KF0M (EM17) worked Cuba and almost completed with HI3AA. The opening faded at 0046 UTC with K3VN (EL98) last in my log. I was operating single-operator portable 10 W with an MFJ-9406 and a two-element Yagi. Cold and windy! The next morning, a short 6 meter Es opening to Mexico with XE2YWH (DL92) worked at 1435 UTC. All contacts FT8.
“The sporadic-E was a real treat for the January VHF Contest.”
Here’s a link to a video report from Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW.
Sunspot numbers for January 20 – 26 were 60, 23, 22, 22, 26, 53, and 71, with a mean of 39.6. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 99.3, 97.3, 95.2, 93.5, 95.2, 100.9, and 101.8, with a mean of 97.6. Estimated planetary A indices were 5, 8, 10, 8, 4, 13, and 10, with a mean of 8.3. Middle latitude A index was 5, 5, 7, 7, 3, 10, and 8, with a mean of 6.4.
For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read “What the Numbers Mean…,” and check this propagation page by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA.
A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.
Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL bulletins are on the ARRL website.
Share your reports and observations. (
Propagation News – 30 January 2022
It’s good news this week as it looks like we might get some more sunspot activity. Last week was characterised by relatively low sunspot numbers and a solar flux generally in the high 90s. We had quite a bit of solar flare activity, but luckily any associated coronal mass ejections tended to be away from Earth. Nevertheless, the solar wind remained strong, with speeds over 450 kilometres per second being commonplace. The solar wind density remained low though, and the Bz was mostly positive, which probably explains why the Kp index never really got above three.
Critical frequencies often got above 7MHz during the day bringing short-skip contacts around the UK on 40m at times. Maximum Useable Frequencies over a 3,000km path often touched 28MHz, especially around lunchtime.
NOAA predicts that the solar flux index may increase this week and may enter the range 100-110. While this is not as high as we would like, it is a step in the right direction! Geomagnetic conditions will remain mainly calm, until the 4th of February when the Kp index is forecast to hit five. Two active regions can be seen in the STEREO Ahead spacecraft imagery and are due to become visible from Earth in the next day or so. Let’s hope they develop into decent sunspots.
And a reminder that we are now entering turbulent times. More sunspots mean more chance of solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which are both detrimental to HF propagation on the whole.
And finally, some good news. The data feed to the Propquest website is now fixed so you can see near-real time readings of the critical frequency and predicted MUFs over varying path lengths again.
VHF and up:
It’s a case of “Negative Waves” for propagation this coming week, with a change to more unsettled weather. With pressure falling rapidly as this report was prepared on Wednesday evening, the high has been taking quite a knock recently and it’s now displaced to the south and west. This allows a series of lows and frontal systems to move southeast across the UK, affecting the eastern side more than the west.
Whatever else it means in terms of rain or snow and stronger winds, it has already dismantled the UK-wide Tropo conditions and it’s going to be hard to find much cheer in that department, except perhaps from southwest England to France and northern Spain.
Unsettled conditions like these may offer some rain scatter, but not a strong chance in the winter months.
That leaves us with occasional auroral moments and any random meteors that happen to pass by. But as we pointed out last week, we are in the annual low period of meteor activity, and random meteor scatter will be hard going unless you stick to the pre-dawn period.
Moon declination is at its minimum this weekend, so Moon windows are at their shortest. We are at perigee, meaning path losses are at their lowest; good for GHz bands EME, but Moon time will be very limited and all at peak elevations below 30 degrees until Friday.
For VHF EMEers, 144MHz sky noise is low throughout the week, but of course the low elevation means high horizon noise. (
Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril - Playlist, Times, Frequencies, RTTY
11:00 - 12:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 7780 & 5850 kHz WRMI to Europe US and Canada
17:00 – 18:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
22:00 - 23:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
03:00 - 04:00 UTC Monday 5950 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada
13:00 - 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and Iceland. RTTY continues to spoil 15770 in some areas. Suggest listening using USB or notch filter in LSB if available.
20:00 – 21:00 UTC Friday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
Some additions to the website:
The Encore website is where you will find:
Important information about funding of Encore - Radio Tumbril.
Up to date transmission times and frequencies
The playlists for the most recent programmes
An email link
Informal reception reports as well as those requesting eQSL cards welcome.
You can help keep Encore on the air:
Encore is a one-man operation. WRMI and Channel 292 are very generous with their air-time but Encore still costs around 200 Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
If you can - send a small contribution to help Encore keep going.
There is a PayPal donation button now on the homepage of the website - - which folks can use if they want to. If PayPal is no good for you then send me an email and we'll sort something else out.
Thank you.
A big thanks to the folks who have donated already - It's enough to keep Encore going for another few weeks.
This week's Programme - First broadcast this coming Saturday on Channel 292 - starts with the Pizzicati by Delibes from his ballet Sylvia. After that we'll have a clarinet and piano sonata from Jean Françaix, Rondes de Printemps by Debussy, and a couple of sacred motets composed by Anton Bruckner.
A modern piece next - A vision of the Sea by David Matthews, followed by some Boccherini with castanets, and the Serenade in E Flat by Joseph Suk.
Channel 292 can be pulled live off the internet if the reception is poor in your location. Easy to find their site with a google search.
A very good site for online SDR receivers all over the world is: Click the 'Map' button in the top left of the screen.
Thank you for spreading the word about Encore - Classical Music on Shortwave on Radio Tumbril.
Brice Avery - Encore - Radio Tumbril -
Wolfgang Bueschel: TAIWAN/CHINA observations
TAIWAN/CHINA mainland Some Sound of Hope Taiwan and CNR1 program jammer, logged Friday Jan 28 at 07.45 to 10.45 UT in Hiroshima and Tokyo Japan and India's Perseus server units remotedly.
21800even kHz MARKER SET by China's jamming authoritiy noted at 07.45 UT. no SOH TWN signal traced on any nearby frequency at this hour.
also some transmissions in 13 meterband too - at this Jan 28 hour -
21530even CHN CHNR1 jammed channel at 07.55 UT, S=9+10dB in Tokyo-JPN likely schedule at 23 - 10 UT. no SOH TWN signal traced nearby at this hour.
21670.025 ARS Radio Saudi International, in Bahasa Indonesia, poor S=4 at 09.00 UT. Scheduled 09.00-11.57 UT from Riyadh.
18969.943 TWN SOH in Mandarin at 08.04 UT. and co-channel accompanied
18970 kHz CHN CNR1 program jammer, checked \\ 17890 kHz Beijing outlet.
18179.924 TWN SOH in Mandarin at 08.01 UT, S=5 at 09.11 UT on Jan 28.
18149.844 TWN SOH in Mandarin at S=5 at 09.16 UT on Jan 28.
17440.060 TWN SOH in Mandarin at poor S=3-4 at 10.00 UT on Jan 28.
17149.929 TWN SOH in Mandarin at tiny S=3-4 at 10.02 UT on Jan 28.
16789.881 TWN SOH in Mandarin at poor S=3-4 at 10.04 UT on Jan 28.
16160.090 TWN SOH in Mandarin at poor S=3-4 at 10.06 UT on Jan 28, but
16160even CHN CNR1 program jammer, checked at S=8 level, 14 kHz wideband
16100.017 TWN SOH in Mandarin at poor S=3-4 at 10.08 UT on Jan 28, but
16100even CHN CNR1 program jammer, poor signal level in Japan SDR unit.
15969.775 TWN SOH in Mandarin at S=8 level on 10.10 UT hour on Jan 28.
15940.303 TWN SOH in Mandarin at S=7 level on 10.12 UT hour on Jan 28.
15919.890 TWN SOH in Mandarin at 10.14 UT, and
15920even CHN CNR1 program jammer, poor signal level in Japan SDR unit.
15890.020 TWN SOH in Mandarin at S=7 level on 10.16 UT hour on Jan 28.
15799.712 TWN SOH in Mandarin at S=7 level on 10.18 UT hour on Jan 28.
15760.018 TWN SOH in Mandarin at poor S=3-4 at 10.20 UT on Jan 28, but
15760even CHN CNR1 program jammer, poor signal level in Japan SDR unit.
15665even CHN CNR1 program jammer, 10-11 UT meant to QRM interference at 10.24 UT against
15664.996 MRA RFA Tibetan program via US AGM Tinian Island relay center
15500.036 GUM KSDA AWR Agat Guam in Mongolian, S=5-6 in Japan, 10.30 UT.
15420.013 GUM KSDA AWR Agat Guam in Chinese Mandarin, S=5-6 in Japan, at 10.33 UT on Jan 28.
15360even CHN CNR1 program jammer, 20 kHz wide audio block powerful noted at 10.35 UT, at 10-11 UT meant to QRM interference of
15359.950 TWN SOH in Mandarin at S=7 level on 10.40 UT hour on Jan 28. Two strings visible on this channel visible at 10.45 UT:
15150.010 THA Likely US AGM VoA Chinese via Udorn Thani Ban Dung, S=7-8
15150even CHN CNR1 program jammer, equal signal level at 10.45 UT Jan 28
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28)