sabato 20 marzo 2021

Wolfgang Bueschel: North American remote SDR monitoring

North American remote SDR monitoring, March 20 at 01.00 - 02.30 UT
at Cape Canaveral FL, Detroit MI and Edmonton, Alb-CAN installations:

4765even CUB R Progreso from Bejucal site, 50kW, at this 01.00 UT
hour, mostly political talk, than Latin music px observed.
4839.996 USA WWCR Nashville TN, English male pastor sermon. 01.20.

two Brazilians on same channel:
4885.010 low level; and much stronger 4885.025 kHz at 01.30 UT.

4939.992 CLM tentativelly, Spanish of 'La Montana Colombia', at
01.32 UT March 20, S=4 or -99dBm signal poor and tiny.
5010even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, weak signal though at 01.34 UT,
very weakened final stage power of S=5 -96dBm tonight.
5024.996 CUB Radio Rebelde in Spanish language.
Seldom odd Bauta tx unit fq, here in 60 meterband,
20 kHz bandwidth audio block, S=9+25dB or -51dBm power.
5040even CUB RHC Bauta - tx on air, but EMPTY CARRIER at this
01 - 02 UT hour only. S=9+10dB or -58dBm signal FL state.
5085even USA WTWW full station ID given at 01.41:25 UTC, pop mx
program, S=9 or -73dBm proper signal in Florida state.

5829.985 USA WTWW little low modulation to mention, phone-in
program in English language at 01.44 UT, S=9+10dB -67dBm
5930even AUT BBC London in Dari towards AFG; & IRN border area,
via ORS Moosbrunn Austria relay site near Vienna,
at 01.48 UT at S=9 -78dBm backlobe signal path into NoAM.
5980.004 IRN VoIRIB Sirjan program in Spanish language, at 01.51
on S=9+10dB or -64dBm level.
6159.933 USA Much odd fq transmission of WBCQ on Canadian border,
phone-in talk from NY listener connect, S=8 or -83dBm
Vaccine theme 'Genetic Modified Human ...'. 01.54 UT.
6184.972 MEX XEPPM Radio Educación Mexico D.F., Sp radioplay at
01.57 UT, S=7 or -87dBm in peaks.
6000even CUB RHC En from Quivican San Felipe TITAN at 01.58 UT.
6060even CUB RHC Bauta, TERRIBLE 120 Hertz apart BUZZ audio tone
signal at 02.00 UT in Spanish. 12 x 120 Hertz apart
distance BUZZ audio strings visible on either sideband !
6069.987 CAN CFRX Toronto, En, Vaccine Corona theme, hospital
report read by female program presenter. S=7 or -85dBm.
6180even CUB CRI Beijing in Chinese, 02.00-02.57 UT via RadioCuba
relay site at Quivican San Felipe TITAN, 250 kW unit.
S=9+15dB or -66dBm level, little low modulated.
No Brazilian at this hour, rather on 11780.009 instead.

9699.997 CUB RHC Bauta in English sce at 02.08 UT March 20,
(formerly on 6145 kHz usually in past decade).
Nice signal though tonight.
11670even CUB RHC Bauta Spanish transmission towards Buenos Aires
Lat AM, S=9+5dB backlobe into Alberta-CAN at 02.12 UT.
11760 CUB RHC Bauta NOT ON AIR, at 02.13 UT.
11780.009 BRA R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 17 kHz wideband
audio, fluttery S=9+30dB powerhouse. BrasPort 02.15 UT.
11815.011 BRA ZYE440 R Brasil Central, Goiania, 02.17 UT weak
and tiny, JBA S=4-5 fluttery.
11850even CUB RHC Spanish sce via Quivican San Felipe TITAN site
at 170degr azimuth to Chile, western South America
target, likely on NoAM DST schedule at ? 22-05 UT ?
13740even CUB RHC Bauta tx #5 sometimes irregular on air, Sp, at
160degr azimuth towards Buenos Aires, eastern South AM.
Backlobe S=8-9 signal into Alberta-CAN remote Perseus
SDR unit, noted at 02.20 UT on March 20.
13750.008 THA Radio Thailand Bangkok in English scheduled, at
02.23 UT, S=8 fluttery into western Alberta Canada area.
Broadcast via US AGM relay site at Udorn Thani Ban Dung
in northeastern corner of Thailand South East Asia.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 20)