lunedì 29 marzo 2021

CNR Cross-Strait Radio A21 formal schedule

China National Radio & Television Administration announced on March 26 the formal A21 schedule of the China National Radio’s 5th program “Cross-Strait Radio”, which started on March 24, as follows.

2055-2300 7385
2055-0000 5925 9665
2300-0900 11935
0000-1000 9685 11620
0900-1705 7385
1000-1705 5925 9665

2055-1705 549 765 837
2055-2130 1116(May-August)
2055-2200 1116(March/April/September/October)
0955-1705 1116(March/April/September/October)
1100-1705 1116(May-August)

102.3 (Fuzhou 104 transmitting station 3kW, for Mazu Island)
94.9 (Amoy 203 transmitting station 3kW , for Quemoy Islands)

Original article is at

Shortwave frequencies are all listed in A21 HFCC as Beijing 100kW 163degrees.
Mediumwave sites are all located in Fujian province;
549kHz Podia 824 transmitting station 1200kW
765kHz Fuzhou 552 transmitting station 600kW
837kHz Quanzhou 641 transmitting station 1000kW
1116kHz Nanping 751 transmtting station 600kW

URL is at

Takahito Akabayashi
Tokyo, Japan

(via WOR io group)