Message published by Siddarth Bhattacharjee, India
Very dear listener
Receive cordial greetings from the Foreign Voice of the IRI, we hope you are well, as are your loved ones
We are writing to you to inform you March 29, 2021, the Spanish Redaction of the Foreign Voice of the RII, as a short wave station, said goodbye to the dear listeners who have accompanied us for more than 40, following the programming and encouraging us with your friendly messages and letters.
We hereby announce that Iran's shortwave radio as of the same date, was joined the Iranian television channel in Spanish HispanTV, from which he will continue his work as an Internet radio station.
We also assure you that we record all the reports of our listeners who have sent us up to the same date, and after reviewing them based on our table the QSL cards, in the event that the number of reports reaches the quorum, the card QSL will be sent to your postal address.
We hope that, in this new radio phase, which we will continue to broadcast the realities of the world, you will continue to listen to our programs through the web and will not deprive us of your support.
Without anything in particular, waiting for your next contacts, we say goodbye to you, wishing you the best.
Spanish Radio