** CUBA. 6060, March 21 at 0619, RHC English with huge humbuzz and spreading out plus/minus 15 blocking 6070 CFRX; 6100 still on but S9+10/20 of dead air. 6000 is off, but by 0632, 9700 is still on VG S9+30. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 13376 trace, 13491 S2, 13506 S3 vs CODAR, 13571 S8, 13635 S8; 13765 S9, 13830 JBA, 13895 S3, 13960 trace, 14026 trace: March 21 after 1418, FMish spurblob panoply out of fundamental 13700-AM S9+20. All approx., at ~65 kHz intervals with F-natural tones, on the fringes the only reveal. Not in the order tuned. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** GUATEMALA. Reply received March 20 from Dr Madrid at Radio Verdad, not including a QSL per se:
``Thank you, Glenn, for your concern about Radio Truth. We are on the air already with only 250 watts. We plan to fix another module very soon, in order to increase power. May God bless you and keep you on a good health.
Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid
General Manager and Director
Radio Truth
Chiquimula, Guatemala, C. A.
Please download the attachments.``
The 5 attachments are:
1) one-sheet 2021 calendar with portraits of station people
2) Same calendar expanded to 8 pages pdf, enlarged month by month with events, slogans; not including start of spring --- too pagan? Or negligible in the tropix?
3) Pennant; I have several real ones
4) Bumper sticker, ditto
5) Huge 18-page pdf listing all reports received from 2000 to 2020 by countries, departments, 938 towns in alfabetical order including #251 Enid (if anyone would like to see this I can forward, or ask him). (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** IRAN. Iran quitting SW as of today - Happy New Year
>From new foroDX iog: ``LV De la República Islámica de Irán deja la OC
--- AER, 14 marzo 2021 22:22 22:22,
Según este audio difundido por el Whatsapp de La Voz de la República Islámica de Irán y mandado por Dario Gabrielli, la emisora dejaría la onda corta el próximo día 21 de marzo, pasando a solo emisión por Internet. Debemos recordar que ya hubo un supuesto comunicado por correo electrónico hace unos meses que decía que también dejaría la onda corta, y no fue así.``
And from March 20: ``Hola, Al final del programa de hoy 20/03/2021 de LV de la Rep. Islámica de Irán en español, Pars Today, han anunciado que dejan de emitir en onda corta desde el día 21. Curiosamente, hoy dia 20 de marzo es el último día del año persa. Un saludo -- Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España``
``Juan Ignacio Gutiérrez Marí 11:34am #18 --- Bueno, otra emisora que desaparece de la Onda Corta. Veremos si aumenta sus oyentes, a través de Internet. Habrá que comprobar la calidad del streaming.``
``Hola, En teoría continuan en la web de Hispan TV, no en la de Pars Today, es decir, https://www.hispantv.com/ aunque si haces clic en el enlace superior de Radio, no pasa nada. Debes situar el ratón sobre TV en Directo y entonces sale lo de la Radio en Directo; vaya chapuza. la web es https://www.hispantv.com/directo-radio Un saludo, Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España``
``Juan Ignacio Gutiérrez Marí 11:42am #20 --- Lo lógico es que emitieran desde la web de Pars Today. Si hay que ir a otro sitio y está escondido el acceso, les auguro poco éxito. Un saludo a todos. Asociación Española de Radioescucha``
>From Célio Romais, Brasil, March 20: ``El viernes fue la última edición del programa Conversando con Nuestros Oyentes y la despedida de los locutores de Voz de Irán en la onda corta! Este domingo es la última transmisión. Sigue el audio que grabé.``
To the WOR iog: ``Spanish still on the air this Sunday, as scheduled (0723 on 15200 and 17630). Jean-Michel Aubier, France``
I post at 1518 March 21: `Célio Romais heard IRIB in Spanish announce that their last SW broadcast would be today Sunday. Maybe that also applies to English. Check it right now: English has been scheduled only: 7300 at 1520-1620; 6040, 11880 at 1920-2020. Glenn``
``At 1520 into UTwente, China/Taiwan radio war is raging on 7300. Iran is aimed 105 degrees for this English. New Delhi SDR gets nothing on 7300. Maybe better luck at 1920 when 6040 is 313, 11880 at 198 degrees. Glenn``
Jean-Michel AUBIER, Framce: ``Tehran heard on English at 1545 on 7300 with a feature about spring in Afghanistan mention on parstoday.com``
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, at 1732 UT:
7310 1430-1730 IRN VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN Ara Zahedan
7310.004 S=9+40dB in Europe
9800 1430-1730 IRN VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN Ara Sirjan
9800.007 S=9+15dB in Europe
7290 1650-1750 IRN VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN Rus Sirjan
7290.007 S=9+35dB Russian, sonor lady announcer excellent audio.
6110 1720-1820 IRN VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN Bos Sirjan
6110.004 S=9+35dB National Anthem hymn heard 17.24 UT around.
5940 1720-1820 IRN VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN Ger Sirjan
5940.004 S=9+35dB 17.26 UT German annmt. 73 wb``
gh: Here`s the full registered B20 schedule to keep checking: http://www.hfcc.org/data/schedbyfmo.php?seas=B20&fmor=IRB
By Monday, presumably all will be silent, not yet today Sunday.
Roberto Scaglione, Sicily at 1757: ``Italian is on air today....``
That would be 5930. At 1840 into UTwente, still Albanian on 7305, 5925; presumed Hausa on weaker 9475.
6040 last? 1918:10 carrier cut on briefly and off again. English is just starting, cut on air to stay at *1920:45. Good into UTwente. But JIP some program is closing?? Says 1920-2020 on 6040, 11880, FM 91.5, satellites, internet, phone; music not IS. Program feed may have really started an hour earlier due to DST confusion? We`ll see what follows. No, 1929 ``This is IRIB English radio; coming up is the news``. 1930 chimes and news starting with nuclear deal, Yemen vs Saudi Arabia, anti-coronavirus restrixions. Music keeps playing during headlines. Hmm, American accents but a bit of an anti-American slant ---. Right into an interview (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1940 UT March 21