giovedì 4 marzo 2021

Glenn Hauser logs March 1, 3, 2021

updated March 3

** CURACAO [and non]. 18133-USB, March 3 at 1908, PJ2/N1ZZ with rapid pro-forma contacts as he says he`s trying to make as many as possible during his stay. Mostly weak US & Canadian, but now one with stronger XE1C, Jean-Paul en Guadalajara. Still going at 1941 check tho he says the band is dropping out. Here, no other phone activity noted except on this frequency. I hope he is OK, since he pronounces / as ``stroke``. I prefer ``slant``, not ``slash`` either as too violent.

Is he from New England? Not any more. ``My direct mailing address is: Daniel Gravereaux, N1ZZ, 1221 Seminole Drive, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937, USA. Email is 73, N1ZigZag``

As for XE1C, Jean-Paul Gütter is apparently semi-Canadian, with a huge photogallery including lots of radios, cruise ships where he worx, and a few of his beloved anonymous wife compared to classic cheesecake: (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. XE1C: see CURACAO [and non]

** POLAND. 85th anniversary of Radio Poland --- I listened to the March 1 1900-2000 English via WRN Europe webcast. Quite interesting about its history for most of the hour except for a middle segment. Maybe is available on demand? 73, (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, WOR iog)

Dr Hansjoerg Biener replies, ``Maybe this helps --- Special anniversary edition of our current affairs magazine to mark 85 years of Radio Poland

The Anniversary Gala A celebration of Polish Radio's External Service Kind regards, Hj.``

``I think this is the podcast of their 1st March special:,News-from-Poland-Anniversary-Special-01032021 73, Alan`` Pennington, bdxc-news iog (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2075 monitoring; missed checking March 3 the Wed 1030 on WRMI 5850 and 2100 on WRMI 7780; did anyone hear them?

Confirmed Wed March 3 from 2200:22 on WBCQ 7490.205v, S5-S7 to KB0FX.

Also confirmed Wed Mar 3 at 2300 on WRMI 9955, S9+15/30 to Pardinho, Brasil SDR, well atop Cuban jamming. Next, and last:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
financial support: thanks this week to Chuck Ermatinger, now in
Eureka! Missouri, who has sent two contributions via PayPal to woradio
at - not necessarily US funds

One may also contribute via MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, USA.

Next WOR 2076 should be ready by early UT Fri March 5 for first SW airings at 0130 on WRMIs 5850 & 7780 (Glenn Hauser, WOR)

** U S A. Re: ``9330, March 3 at 0112, no signal from WBCQ WLCR; nor on 9333. G1 storm and K index of 5 may have propped it out, but you`d think at least a smidgin of its 500 kW would be detectable; all gobbled up in the ionosphere; or serving International Vacuum (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)``

We had a snow with high winds yesterday in New Brunswick. Lost commercial power for six hours at my house. Eastern Maine may have had issues, too. (— Richard Langley, later March 3, WOR iog)

Earlier, Feb 28, Richard posted this:

``[WOR] WBCQ Power Supply? Blame Canada --- The northeastern part of Maine gets a lot of their electricity from Canada -- New Brunswick to be exact. Maine's electricity network north of Houlton is not connected to the rest of the network in Maine. Yes, there are a couple of small power stations in the region on the Maine side of the border but a lot of power is imported. This was one of the many dependencies of the U.S. on Canada that had to be made clear to the Trump administration when they were attempting to "punish" Canada with duties on alumin[i]um, etc. I hope Angela and Allan Weiner realize that whenever they criticize Canukistan. -- Richard Langley``

Ironically, Angela herself is also Newbrunswickianne. Still/again, March 3 at 1933 & 2010 chex, zero signal on 9330/9333 altho WBCQ-6 is always weak at this time, in German to Europe. It`s not an electricity issue now, as at 1936, WBCQ-1 is JBA with BS on signature off-frequency 7490.192V. Richard Langley, too:

``9330 kHz is still off as far as I can tell (checked at 2000 UT today, 3 March) using my own receiver and the U. Twente SDR receiver. -- Richard Langley`` WOR iog.

``They had a wind storm with very cold temperatures for a few days. Winds over 50 MPH and wind chills around -40 degrees F. Peter W Hansen`` -- WOR iog.

The WBCQ-6 White Elephant ``Super-Station`` keeps breaking down for some reason or another. Perhaps AW will mention it on next WW. Once again there`s a hiatus in his twitting, not since Feb 20, altho almost all of those were generic ``free speech`` promotions (Glenn Hauser, OK, March 3, WOR)

** U S A. Hey Glenn: 1630 KKGM TX, does play UC (music) as a break between news segments - the station is very strong in Austin. Receiving Equipment: Drake R8B, Terminated Delta Antenna (17ft apex and 28ft base), northeast, Mini-Flag Antenna (7ft by 15ft), southeast. 73, (Mike Beu, KD5DSQ, Austin, Texas, WOR iog)

This report despatched at 2322 UT March 3