giovedì 18 marzo 2021

DRM Newsletter

This month marked the beginning of our DRM trial in the FM band that All India Radio is conducting in both New Delhi and Jaipur. The trial has a lot of “firsts” which are demonstrating in a practical way the benefits of DRM, shared across all bands, and its efficiency. We also demonstrated the possibility of running multiple digital services in parallel with FM programmes on the same transmitter, without interference. Some of these aspects are also illustrated on our new Instagram account and on Twitter too. Videos and pictures taken during the measurements in India on a whole series of standalone, mobile and car receivers can be viewed on the revamped DRM YouTube channel. An updated receiver leaflet will give you information on DRM receivers for both AM and FM.

The Brazil DRM in shortwave trial has also concluded and you will find more details below about this excellent endeavour, a first for Brazil and Latin America.

DRM shortwave is dealt with in two excellent articles. On the back of the DRM item carried by Voice of America TV channel last month, we have more information in an original article signed by Simon Keens. Another more explanatory article was also penned by Neale Bateman. A new blog and some information about our upcoming General Assembly on April 15th are also included in this newsletter.

The Q@A section of the newsletter has taken off and your questions are much appreciated. Please keep them coming!

Finally, please do not forget to join us on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Flickr. And if you want to join the Consortium please contact

Ruxandra Obreja
Chair, DRM Consortium

For regular news about DRM visit: