Increased propagation conditions now, at least from Far East and Central Asia:
9275even PHL FEBC Boceau, Mandarin, S=9+20dB at 15.18 UT on Dec 17.
9315.179 TJK RFA Orzu relay site, Tibetan sce, powerhouse S=9+40dB,
bad audio mixture of co-channel
9315even CHN CNR1 jamming sce to avoid
AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM), 15.10 UT
9330even USA WBCQ WLC En program, but weak S=6 or -94dBm at 15.20 UT
maybe work on different azimuth.
Backlobe ! - not main Ampegon Thales darling, at present
towards southern Germany.
9344.974 PHL FEBC Manila via Iba, Chinese sce, S=9+20dB proper signal
into Germany at 15.23 UT.
9619.815 IND AIR Delhi, likely via Khampur, due odd frequency
performance, usual bad technical sce at AIR Delhi site.
Perseus Userlist says Baluchi language sce. At 15.27 UT
some typical SoAS/Hindi singer program heard, at
proper S=9+25dB in southern Germany.
Seldom heard an outlet from India on shortwave now.
Somehow the entire society of the India state radio service
to abroad is being reorganized.
Bad audio mixture noted on
9650even GUI Radio Guinea of WeAF, and co-channel
9650.037 ARS R Saudi Arabia 1st program in Arabic from Riyadh site,
S=9+35dB here in southern Germany. 14.00-17.55 UT.
9800.007 IRN VoIRIB Sirjan in Arabic, S=9+10dB at 15.36 UT.
9919.981 PHL FEBC Manila from Iba site, 15-16 UT Russian, weekends
partly Ukrainian language, S=9+15dB at 15.40 UT.
9984.980 MRA US AGM RFA Korean service, from Saipan Agignan Point
site, S=6 sidelobe into Germany, Korean talk program at
15.46 UT on Dec 17.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 17)