domenica 20 dicembre 2020

Glenn Hauser logs December 19-20, 2020

** BRAZIL. 9665.107, Dec 20 at 0213, JBA carrier, no doubt the always-skewed RVM, but which for several weeks had parked on the minus side circa 9664.8 or .9. The other offfrequency of R. Voz Missionária also varies slightly, currently 5939.610, VP. They run 24 hours, often noted around 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA. 11520, Dec 19 at 2330, Chinese S9/+10 --- RFA Chinese via Tinian is scheduled this hour, ergo CNR1 jammer, really strong, so will more be audible circa 11 MHz? Only // 10820, vs Sound of Hope, S1-S2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13680 // > 13740, Dec 19 at 2335, RHC Spanish still on both, as I expected the `European` frequency to be off by now, but Aoki shows till 2400, while 13740 starts at 2200. 13740 is S9+10/20, while 13680 is stronger and steady S9+20 but with some squeal; as if aimed thisaway instead of off the side if really toward Europe. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** INDIA. 11560, Dec 20 at 1448, S Asian music but with split-second breaks in carrier so consequently also in modulation, extremely irregular but maybe averaging once a second. Soon into talk equally marred, then relents somewhat. This is AIR Pashto service at 1415-1530, one of the few external service transmitters still active, listed by Aoki and Jose as Bengaluru, which used to be their #1 high-power SW site; WRTH and Jose show all 5 are nominally 500 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TAIWAN. 9745, Dec 19 at 2320, S7-S9, chimes remind me of HSK9, then tonal SE Asian language. But Aoki/NDXC shows this hour is RTI in Vietnamese via Paochung site (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 344-MCW kHz, Dec 20 at 0728 UT, mix of two NDBs, rather confusing, JL and weaker JA. roster shows indeed JL as 25 watts in nearby Joplin, Missouri; and JA as 400 watts from farby Jaxonvile FL. I was tuned to 342-USB. Earlier Dec 19 radar showed there was a storm front across Mississippi, but now the only lightning is along a different front in the central Gulf of Mexico, per Blitzortung, accounting for an occasional crash on LW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 293-MCW kHz, Dec 20 at 0738 UT, mix of two NDBs: UI which is 30 watts from qUIncy, Illinois; and TOR, 50 watts from TORrington, Wyoming; I was tuned to 291-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2065 monitoring: confirmed Saturday December 19 ending at 2113.7 UT on WA0RCR 1860-AM, MO, via nearby KB0FX SDR; tuned in just in time, so started circa 2043 UT.

Also confirmed Sat Dec 19 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, VG S9/+20 to UTwente SDR, while at 2316 check here off the side, only S6-S8 JBA.

Also confirmed UT Sun Dec 20 starting at 0426:25 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM via Warrenton MO remote. Next:

2300vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW [new, ex 0400 Mon]
[last week, SW not on before 0000; webcast only]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE; also WRN webcast
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Doug Brown, London, Ontario who sent a generous check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA, and comments: ``Thanks for another year of great programs, in what has otherwise been a dark year full of bad news``

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to:
woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Checking disgraced FB where one must look for any new or special programming info from WRMI, finds this:

``WRMI Radio Miami International
December 18 at 8:41 PM ·

Mundo Sorprendente

Sintoniza WRMI para dos programas muy especiales de Navidad y Año Nuevo. Los dos se llaman “Mundo Sorprendente,” y son producidos por el abogado y juez Berny Solano en Costa Rica, Centroamérica, hogar de “Pura Vida.” Dice Berny: “Nuestro lema es ‘Para no perder la capacidad de asombro’ y en esta oportunidad tendremos dos programas especiales: uno para celebrar la Navidad y otro el Año Nuevo, con historias y música alusiva a la época.”

El “Mundo Sorprendente” para la Navidad se transmitirá para las Américas el jueves 24 de diciembre a las 9:00 pm hora de Miami en 5800 kHz (0200 UTC viernes 25 de diciembre). Será repetido el jueves 24 a las 11:00 pm hora de Miami en 9955 kHz (0400 UTC viernes 25 de diciembre). Y habrá una transmisión especialmente para Europa y el Noreste de Norteamérica a la 0100 UTC jueves 24 en 7780 kHz (será en la noche de miércoles 23 de diciembre en las Américas.) {that one will pre-empt a WORLD OF RADIO airing --- gh}

El “Mundo Sorprendente” para el Año Nuevo” se transmitirá para las Américas el jueves 31 de diciembre a las 9:00 pm hora de Miami en 5800 kHz (0200 UTC viernes 1 de enero). Será repetido el jueves 31 a las 11:00 pm hora de Miami en 9955 kHz (0400 UTC viernes 1 de diciembre). Y habrá una transmisión especialmente para Europa y el Noreste de Norteamérica a la 0100 UTC jueves 31 de diciembre en 7780 kHz (será en la noche de miércoles 30 de diciembre en las Américas.){likewise --- gh}

Nota que los programas en 9955 kHz serán transmitidos simultáneamente en nuestra señal de Internet en y en el servicio popular (busca “WRMI”).

No pierdas a Berny Solano y el “Mundo Sorprendente” desde Costa Rica para todo el mundo.

Amazing world

Tune in to WRMI for two very special Christmas and New Year programs. The two are called ′′Amazing World," and are produced by lawyer and judge Berny Solano in Costa Rica, Central America, home to ′′Pura Vida." says Berny: ′′Our motto is 'Not to lose the ability to wonder' And at this time we will have two special programs: one to celebrate Christmas and one to the New Year, with stories and music allusive to the time." The ′′Amazing World′′ for Christmas will air for the Americas on Thursday, December 24 at 9:00 pm Miami time on 5800 kHz (0200 UTC Friday, December 25). Will be repeated Thursday 24 at 11:00 pm Miami time in 9955 kHz (0400 UTC Friday 25 December). And there will be a broadcast especially for Europe and North America at 0100 UTC Thursday 24 at 7780 kHz (it will be on Wednesday night December 23 in the Americas. )) {this one instead of WOR!}

The ′′Amazing World′′ for the New Year will air for the Americas on Thursday, December 31 at 9:00 pm Miami time on 5800 kHz (0200 UTC Friday, January 1). Will be repeated Thursday 31 at 11:00 pm Miami time in 9955 kHz (0400 UTC Friday 1 December). And there will be a broadcast especially for Europe and the Northeast North America at 0100 UTC Thursday, December 31 on 7780 kHz (it will be on Wednesday, December 30 in the Americas. )) Note that programs on 9955 kHz will be streamed simultaneously on our internet signal at and popular service (search ′′WRMI′′). Don't lose {miss} Berny Solano and the ′′Amazing World′′ from Costa Rica to everyone. Translated - No photo description available (via gh)

** U S A. 5800, UT Sun Dec 20 at 0300, WRMI with publicized special ``pre-Xmas`` broadcast of Texas Radio Shortwave, repeating a show from last year; S9+20 peaking to +35 via KB0FX SDR in MO for convenience at the computer, tho am sure it would also be VG direct. Opens with YROT - ``Yellow Rose of Texas`` theme, this time on belly keyboard, not orchestral alla marcia. Intro by Third Mate Susan at 0302, with Merry Xmas, some songs by Texans, some not; QSL offer for detailed reports via - welcome to the party!

Most of the artists and songs, never announced, are unfamiliar to me, novelty, or if well-known carols, are jazzed-up versions. I`ll mention some lyrix copied if not the correct titles.

0304, Mom and dad got drunk at an xmas party;
0308, xmas party song;
0312, xmas in the `60s;
0317, drivin` home for xmas;
0321, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - jazzed up;
0323, Cap`n Ric speaks from the poop deck - look it up; do you know what needle skipping is? with sleigh bells in background;
0324, it may be winter outside;
0327, Winter Wonderland, Lawrence Welk style;
0329, something about December;
0334, Jingle Bells, j-u;
0337, Cap`n Ric, sleigh bells, with QSL offer, SSTV [which I am not set up to copy, ever];
0339, merry xmas with bits of music starting with Frosty the Snowman;
0340, all alone at xmas, Elvis style;
0343, xmas song, my baby`s gone;
0346, ?;
0350, I light a candle;
0353, about reindeer, everybody`s having fun;
0357, merry xmas greet with Frosty again; Susan signing off with eQSL offer again;
0358, YROT theme, same as opening on keyboard.

I should not have to, but since some places I post delete the line breaks between times, have added semicolons at end of each line so it reads better when all crammed together. New TRSW Xmas show to air exactly six days later, UT Sat Dec 26 at 0300-0400 on 5800. That means instead of the usual secret prepeat of Encore that week.

This conflicted with another oddball Xmas show with less publicity on Area 51, 6160v, which I checked briefly, and wished I could also hear, ``Planet Lavender Classic Xmas 1999``. Another followed at 0400, but then it`s time for `Weekend Radio` on KUCO-FM instead of first airing I have skipped at 0300 on WCLV (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 4980, Dec 20 at 0411 check, NO signal from WRMI here to Missouri SDR. Bob Biermann has been saying it could be weeks before this is activated, ex-5950 programming, but Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria reported at 0617 UT Dec 19: ``USA WRMI-5 on new 4980 kHz is on air, December 19. Fair signal via SDR Milford PA`` without specifying the time(s) he heard it, but then presenting its entire presumed 24-hour schedule as if in effect. So far I have not checked for it more extensively (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 6159.94V, Dec 20 at 0023, checking how well WBCQ gets into UTwente, supposedly always aimed WSW: S7-S8 with `Radio TimTron Worldwide` on Area ``51``, while 7490v with whatever is inaudible. Sounds live, call from Marion Webster, and inviting others to -9180 number in Monticello. But then TT is discussing with someone else the WBCQ antennas referring to ``7415`` as if that were their current frequency! So must be very old recording. When was 7415 abandoned? Then turns off the phone to get back to music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 1948 UT December 20