giovedì 17 dicembre 2020

Glenn Hauser logs December 16, 2020

** CUBA. 15700, Dec 16 at 1603, S9+20 of dead air, as CRI English relay hour from 1500 has not yet turned off, wasting precious watts. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13740, Dec 16 at 1603, RHC Spanish still going here, but only at S7-S9, which is supposed to end at 1500, let alone 1600; something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ERITREA [non]. See FRANCE

** FRANCE. 17545V, Wed Dec 16 at 1541, JBA music, no doubt clandestine for Eritrea, Bayto Yaikl, on apparent twice-weekly emission Wed & Sat. As always, frequency offset+plus and wobbling, attributed to an Issoudun transmitter. I try to measure it, cycling somewhere between 17545.050 and 17545.065. Surely same ISS transmitter is used elsewhere than just this 30+30 minutes per week, but I have seen no other reports of such behaviour.

Guess what: a few minutes later, bandscanning the 19mb, I encounter another fluttery JBA carrier behaving exactly the same way! Circa 15285V, or 15285.052 at one point. HFCC shows them both, and BTW, both brokered by RMI:

``17545 1500 1600 48 ISS 150 120 0
227 1234567 251020 270321 D 17400 Mul F RMI TDF
15285 1600 1700 46S,47N,47SW,52NW ISS 150 170 0
227 1234567 251020 270321 D 17400 Mul F RMI TDF 377``

We already know that the first half of the 15-16 hour is no longer in use, nor any of it the other days of week, but what languages of the Multitude? 15285 is not in EiBi, but in Aoki:
``15285 1600-1700 F Radio Manara International Hausa Issoudun 1-7``/

As for 17545, this time EiBi and Aoki agree it`s ``TIG/Tig``, so is that Tigre or Tigrinya?
``17545 1530-1559 We,Sa CLA Bayto Yiakl TIG ERI /F
17545 1530-1600 F Voice of Yiakl/Bayto Tig Issoudun 7 [= Sat only]``

EiBi readme.txt clarifies?:
``TGR Tigre/Tigré/Tigrawit: Eritrea (1m) [tig]
TIG Tigrinya/Tigray: Ethiopia (4m), Eritrea (3m) [tir]``
Apparently we have two distinct dialects if not languages, but note the confusion as to how they are spelt, abbr`d in Roman/English.

I`ll bet the waterfalls of both are snaky. I expect there are further instances of this off-frequency/wobbling transmitter before and after 1530/1700. I wish others would pay more attention to such clues. KiwiSDRs with `SAM` capability display frequency offsets numerically and their variations. Even invisibly, they are easy to observe by ear and by precise frequency readouts to the Hz, with the right receiver such as my R75, which should be employed to its fullest capabilities. I further wish that our references would specify individual transmitters by number at each site; especially HFCC. Or even their *true* powers. Dream on (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA [non]. See FRANCE

** SPAIN. 9690 > 11940 > 12030 > 11685, Wed Dec 16 at 2313 quick check, all four frequencies of REE English in expected decreasing signal strength and quality via TWR Bonaire SDR, as Alison Hughes is narrating something (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Dec 16 at 2314, VOT English, good via Bonaire I have up, another Wednesday so another hopeful check for `Letterbox` to be revived: NO; `Review of Foreign Press` in progress, nothing but a few headlines but wide-ranging; the same old COVID-19 PSA of basic advice --- but hey, it may save a few lives. Can we think of any other SW station, even American, which does so on a continuing basis?? 2320, `Today in History` for December 16, then nothing but music and some IDs. Their letter box must be overflowing by now, or maybe the lack of response is killing listener contact (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. Holiday Specials on WUOT Knoxville TN, my ex-station:

Already underway. Times are EST = UT -5. A good selexion. Remember when I used to round up many more such pages? I`m sure lots of other webcasting public radio stations continue doing that. Check home pages for linx.

Unfortunately, I was reminded to check this with news of the shooter killed outside the Cathedral of St John the [allegedly] Divine in NYC at an Xmas concert. I hope it was not the annual Paul Winter Solstice celebration, which on WUOT will be broad/webcast UT Tue Dec 22 at 0000 --- but however live they may sound, these are typically from the previous year with plenty of post-produxion. Maybe the real thing was tonight [UT Dec 14] in advance. Plenty of social-distancing available in there, I suppose, but how is the central air circulation?

Later research: no, it was a `Christmas carol` concert and you-know-what prevents a new Solstice concert this year, from the COSJT[A]D calendar:

``Friday, December 18 --- Paul Winter’s 41st Annual Winter Solstice Celebration 7 PM --- While we're unable to host the Winter Solstice performance in the Cathedral this year, the celebration will continue online! Visit for more information...``

Well, that website goes nowhere with or without www. NPR admits that this year`s broadcast is really from last year, which they would have been doing anyway; question is, what year will play in 2021?

This explains how to purchase online access to this year`s concert: I didn`t realize they also do Summer Solstice concerts, maybe not widely broadcast.

NOTE: Alan Roe has compiled and is updating a calendar of Holiday broadcasts on SW starting Dec 19, notably BBC, but also US stations and various German relays. This is being posted to the WOR iog and other major SWL sites (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also USA: WBCQ

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2064 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday December
16 from 2100:20 on WBCQ 7490.190v, S7/S9.

Also confirmed Wed Dec 16 at 2300 on WRMI 9955, S9/+10 into Bonaire SDR, but Cuban pulse jamming gaining as WRMI fades gradually, S7-S9 total by 2312. Next:

0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

NEW WORLD OF RADIO 2065 should be ready for download and first SW airings UT Friday December 18 at 0130 on WRMI 5850 & 5010.

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Chuck Ermatinger and Keith Wyatt who sent contributions via PayPal to woradio at -- in US funds but not necessarily.

One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 6159.93v, replies to my report about anomalies on this WBCQ:

``Hi Glenn, I monitored 6160 last night [UT Wed Dec 16] on and off. It was on with Area 61 by 0040 UT. At 0200 Hal Turner Show was on. Then at 0300 there was an hour of rock music (maybe the show called Rock Wave); Just music, no announcements. From 0400 to 0600 was Late Nite in the Heartland. Peter W Hansen``

``Checked 6160 just before 0500 UT December 16, WBCQ with a very poor signal into Houston. Readable on peaks, but overall unlistenable. CFRX 6070 does better with its 1 kW here. Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas``

Also note that Jean Shepherd shows on `Area 61` old-time-radio block starting nominally at 0000 UT havr Xmas-themed episodes from exact same local dates in the `60s and `70s, at least on UT Dec 18 and 19. Keep an eye on the weekly Area 61 previews without exact timings in 2-hour blox, at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5985, Dec 16 at 0717, open carrier at S9/+10. Nothing scheduled but unless something totally out of left-field, most likely WRMI which is really here until 0600; altho this signal is a lot stronger than normally into OK off the side of the 222-degree beam.

WRMI skedgrid shows 5985 as XMTR #2 at 0330-0600 only, the only one on a 222-degree antenna, for Central America. EiBi and Aoki agree that is its total timespan, but not all of it is 7 dpw. HFCC too at 0300-0600, but also imaginary entries at 05-07 for CRI Arabic via defunct Albania; a hole at 07-08; and 08-13 1 kW in English from RRI BIA[k?], Indonesia. It seems the numerous wooden entries for RRI long-gone regionals default to language English, which is ludicrous! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0045 UT December 17