domenica 13 dicembre 2020

Glenn Hauser logs December 12-13, 2020

** CANADA. 218-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0746 UT, dash and RL, which is 980-watt NDB at Red Lake, Ontario.

223-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0747 UT, dash and YYW, 1000-watt NDB at Armstrong, Ontario. Also audible tuned to 222-USB.

233-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0748 UT, dash and QN, 500-watt NDB at Nakina, Ontario, new? here. Where`s Nakina? North of the Lake Superior hump, east of Lake Nipigon.

401-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0813 UT, I am awake later than I would like, but try to make some use of it: dash and YPO, which is 500-watt NDB at Peawanuck, Ontario.

413-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0816 UT, dash and YHD, 250-watt beacon at Dryden, Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) More under USA

** CHILE? 7610.0-AM, Dec 12 at 2308, weak continuous music, JBA S8-S9 via Pardinho, Brasil SDR with lighting crashes from a few little storms over SP state. Weaker S7, less signal but also less noisy at Santiago SDR. I`m checking this right after I hear some guy on WRMI 7780 mention Claudio Galaz` logs of RCW again = Radio Compañía Worldwide, considered to be a Chilean pirate, mainly reported by him.

Why not try to fix it with TDOA? 2312 first try puts it in the NE corner of Brasil on the coast. I doubt that. Next try using SDRs in DR, Paraguay, Chile lands at 41.20 south, 68.30 west, which is N central Argentina. I would still not rule out really Chile. 2340 finally hear an announcement, sounds like Dino Bloise, but back to music rather than `Frecuencia al Día` which CGT has also heard on this station. Reception now better tho crashier at Pardinho. 2352 briely some ``running water`` ute QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6100, UT Sun Dec 13 at 0736, no RHC English, and all other frequencies are off. Bodes ill for Esperanto at 0800. 6100 is normally at least the one staying on past 0700. Something`s always wrong at RHC. But at 0820 rousing I do find 6100 back on during Esperanto, S9+20 but undermodulated. Next Esperanto also confirmed at 1610 on 11760 & 15140 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** RUSSIA. 4625, Dec 12 at 2358, the ``Buzzer`` in well via UTwente, two-tone, lower-higher buzzy pulses continuously. Andy Reid had just reported it from Ontario to the WOR iog: ``[WOR] The Russian buzzer is propagating well as of this writing. 4625 2353 UT Dec 12``. First I try Maine SDR but no go there, so doubt it will reach OK either. Switching UTwente between USB and LSB by 0022 Dec 13, I notice that the second, higher tone is hardly audible when tuned in LSB, both of them equally, in USB. This thing has been subject of doomsday scenarios and quite a mystery as to its real purpose (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 251-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0750 UT, AM, 100-watt NDB at Amarillo, Texas.

412-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0814 UT, CMY, 30-watt NDB at Sparta - Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. I was tuned to 411-USB.

414-MCW kHz, Dec 13 at 0815 UT, SU, 40-watt NDB at Sioux City, Iowa. I was tuned to 412-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2064 monitoring: confirmed Saturday December 12 starting at 2035, ending at 2104, on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, including the clip of ``17790 IS`` not edited out; local quality pickup by nearby SDR at Warrenton.

Also confirmed Sat Dec 12 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, S9+10 via UTwente. This immediately followed the R. Tirana IS until 2300, no ID break.

Also confirmed UT Sun Dec 13 at 0414 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM via remote, already at the RCI-cuts item, so started early circa 0412. Next:

2300vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW [new, ex 0400 Mon]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Chuck Ermatinger and Keith Wyatt who sent contributions via PayPal to woradio at -- in US funds but not necessarily.

One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7490.15v, UT Sun Dec 13 at 0407, WBCQ in `Shortwave Saturday Night`, Pirate Joe, J.P. Ferraro monolog about COVID-19, Trump vs SCOTUS. I am standing by to hear what happen at 0430 when WHRI is scheduled to start 7490. Just before then, PJJP is saying he would never expect to thank the Federalist Society, but gives that credit for SCOTUS justices, even Drumpf appointees, being strict-construxionists denying his attempts to steal the elexion --- when he is chopped off the air abruptly at 0430* --- does he know WBCQ is doing this to him? Maybe pre-recorded but obviously recent/current. His show is supposed to run until 0500.

7490.0, a few seconds later before *0431, a stronger signal cuts on without ID, but obviously WHRI, now with gospel music and huxters; 0447 ``Hello, Overcomer`` but this is not TOMBS. 0459 ending RW Ministry from McHenry MD, NO ID; 0500, `Christian Worship Hour`. 0558 fill music, 0558.5 ad to support Voice of Martyrs, the persecuted Yazidi Christians in Iraq --- WHRI used to insert these between Voice of Vietnam relays on 7315, incongruously. 0559 finally `Onward Christian Soldiers` militaristic crusader theme and ``WHRI, Cypress Creek SC`` ID, itself cut off by 0600* before music can finish, how rude! All this as heard for convenience via Warrenton MO SDR still running after WOR check earlier.

6160v, what`s on the other WBCQ? At 0422 UT Sunday December 13, A ``pagan`` show from Wisconsin, claiming to be on WBCQ Friday nights, see the sked --- ?? NOT there or now for either frequency. By 0431, 6160 in song, 0437 an off-key parody of ``Also Sprach Zarathustra``; 0438 musing that may start a new transmitter on ``5100`` weekends, and call it ``Area 51`` --- so decades-old recording referring to its original frequency, later 5110, 5130, and gone; 0441 as a `countdown` program dated Dec 10, 2001; ``Seldom Heard Radio`` with Frederick Moe, 36 West Main[e?] St., Warner NH, unclear website. One I find: Lotsa stuff but dating from 2005 to 2010y only, not before or since.

The Area 51 sked merely names this hour ``Listener`s Choice``:

On all other days of week, 6160v has been carrying a far-right wacko live? conspiracy talkshow at 0400-0600 except for UT Mondays the weekly white racist `Herald of Truth` at 0400-0500, both of which were originally on WBCQ 7490v, but had to move and bump other programs off 6160v due to WHRI on 7490 from 0430. Once WBCQ buys WHRI, presumably this can be rearranged more equitably. Or everything but World`s Last Chance flat-earthiness gets blown off, like 9330.

The talkshow is *still* shown on the WBCQ skedgrid as on 7490, not 6160! Don`t blame listeners if confused about which station they are really hearing on 7490, especially since WHRI suppresses any ID until sign-off! Meanwhile I have been looking at the WBCQ websked to try to figure out what is going on. At first it is very strange with spurious words replacing some entries in the days-of-week columns: On, You, Know. Header says something about New Year programs. Also popping up is an offer to translate this page from Italian! Now, or always? How about never possibly. Maybe it is being edited or hacked. It`s back to normal by 0519 altho still incorrect (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Via Lubbock SDR, still tuned to last night`s unsuccessful 9975 check for KVOH, Sat Dec 12 from 2020, I am hearing some S5-S7 music hard to place, but VOA Korean via Thailand is listed 1900-2100. Oh oh, 2033, Spanish ``Ésta es --`` algo and then recognizable praise music in Spanish, so looks like KVOH is on long before 0000, a time not authorized, testing instead of 17775? No sign of VOA which is 250 kW at 38 degrees thisaway.

LSB needed to avoid VG 9980 WWCR, which is why KVOH is not supposed to start until WWCR off at 0000. Maybe it`s still there somewhere, but on website I haven`t found any KVOH program schedule for the 24h streaming, or the former 17775 which would not be in Spanish midday Saturday; just the new 00-07 SW segment.

[BTW, believe it or not, during this I am multi-tasking to the fifth degree: KVOH panned to mostly one earphone from one SDR; WOR via WA0RCR via another SDR, panned to the other earphone, including the ``17790 IS`` at 2050 which is not clipped out for ham radio, so does not qualify as music? Plenty of ham modes employ tones in a similar way and that`s obviously kosher; also two PBS TV channels, one of them muted with captions; and continuing interjexions from my neighbor who knows more about medieval Spain than the TV scholars. I, anyway, once visited Córdoba well into the last century --- the one in Spain, not the lesser copies in Argentina or México, or almost Alaska. That is: ``The Ornament of the World tells the story of a remarkable time in history when the Muslims, Christians and Jews forged a common cultural identity that frequently transcended their religious differences.`` Make that six, also writing this.]

9975: At 2049 into Spanish sermon about ``delitos`` = sins, 2051 mentions Los Ángeles``, 2054 ID La Voz de la Esperanza, carol ``El Tamborilero``.

Ray Robinson only replies that it`s a ``Low power test.`` How low?

Still at 2214 with music. So is KVOH now all set for a real full-power broadcast after 0000 UT Sunday December 13 as scheduled? NO! Check at 0048, nothing there via Lubbock SDR, nor at 0103 direct. 0300 when `Wavescan` scheduled: still not via Lubbock; 0600 still nothing direct. So it seems KVOH has not one, but two broken transmitters. Maybe they should try broadcasting to Americas via Zambia. Hmmm, wasn`t that originally part of the plan, at least S America? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5085, UT Sun Dec 13 at 0124, WTWW-2 still ham news, but 0128 recheck, now `TOUTA` has started, so I switch to $tereo webcast. Xmasmx of course, and Bob Heil says it will be nothing-but, for rest of year, finishing at 0157 and back to inorganic rock (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9260-9265-9270, Sunday December 13 at 0738, DRM noise above 9265, but something else digital below 9265, surely WINB hybrid which supposedly does this M-F only, and on 7315 from 0700, not 9265 until 1000! What`s going on? I have yet to get around to listening to what programming they put on half a DRM signal, likely little but gospel huxters, when I am conveniently on computer to access a DRM-capable SDR, M-F 12-17 UT on 13655-13660. Here`s one DRM sked: (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1947 UT December 13