CUBA 5025even nice audio quality signal of R Rebelde from Bauta site on the island. S=9+25dB and stronger on the various SDR rxs at MA, NJ, and Detroit MI US states at 07.40 UT on Sunday Febr 9. Bossa Nova like Cuban music rhythm played. 20 kHz wide audioband block visible on screen.
6145even RHC English via Bauta site, the only RadioCuba transmission in this 07-08 UT hour this Febr 9th morning. Scheduled at 340 degr azimuth like CA and MI states, and Enid OK of course too main lobe target.
At 07.48 UT S=9+10dB in MA and NJ. Surprisingly at 07.56:40 UT crash cut-off the feeder midst on the sentence from the bc house in Habana, only S=9+10 carrier seen on screen til 07.59:04 TX Bauta switch-OFF exactly.
NIGERIA 7254.941 Voice of Nigera Abuja, scheduled English at 08-09 UT, JBA signal level, poor S=4 -110dBm in MA, fair S=7 -87dBm in NJ, S=6-7 -84dBm in Detroit MI, and poor tiny S=5 -95dBm in Cape Canaveral Florida state, level depends on the local rx antenna performance in the West Africa direction.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 9)