giovedì 31 dicembre 2020
Some changes of BBC and FEBA Radio
U.K.(non) Some changes of BBC and FEBA Radio
1800-1830 NF 9540 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to CeAf French,x 6180 eff.from December 25
1400-1430 on 15400 ASC 250 kW / 055 deg to WeAf Hausa Sunday, eff.from December 27
1400-1430 on 17780 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sunday, eff.from December 27
1400-1430 on 21630 DHA 250 kW / 260 deg to WeAf Hausa Sunday, eff.from December 27
2000-2030 on 9545 WOF 250 kW / 160 deg to WeAf Hausa Sunday, eff.from December 27
2000-2030 on 11660 ASC 125 kW / 055 deg to WeAf Hausa Sunday, eff.from December 27
2000-2030 on 15490 ASC 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Hausa Sunday, eff.from December 27
FEBA tiil January 1
1615-1630 on 9540 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Guragena Mo-We and will be deleted
1615-1630 on 9540 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Amharic Th-Su and will be deleted
1630-1700 on 9540 ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to EaAf Amharic Daily and will be deleted
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Media Network returns January 1, 2021
Jonathan Marks has announced that Media Network returns for a second series, now to be on video posted to the Vimeo website, on January 1 2021.
Short video announcing this on the Media Network Vintage Vault website, six programmes from the first series were added to that website on December 24.
(Mike Barraclough via WOR io group)
Vatican Radio - New Year’s Eve: A special Shortwave Frequency for Southern Africa
The ‘live broadcast,’ with Pope Francis on the 31 December for the “Te Deum” prayer, on Vatican Radio’s English Africa Service gets an additional Shortwave frequency. Vatican News English Africa Service – Vatican City
Shortwave Radio listeners in Southern Africa can join Pope Francis for the live Evening Prayer (Vespers) and the thanksgiving prayer known as, Te Deum, on an additional Shortwave frequency of, 9705 kHz on the 31-metre band. The Vespers and Te Deum will begin at 5 pm local time in Rome which is 16 hours UTC.
On 31 December every year, the Pope leads the universal Church in a Solemn prayer of Thanksgiving to God for the year just ending. Usually, this Solemn prayer takes place in St. Peter’s Basilica and comes at the end of the evening First Vespers on New Year’s Eve.
The end of the year Te Deum is thus a prayer of thanking God for the year just ending. According to tradition, the Te Deum prayer has been sung (prayed) in the Church since the year 1700. This year, 2020, the end of the year Te Deum takes on special significance given the suffering brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. For most people 2020 has been a disastrous year: annus horribilis, to use the Latin term. Yet as St. Paul says, “… for all things give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
(Mike Terry via WOR io group)
Radio Emma Toc World Service
So - once again it's time for another Radio Emma Toc programme - no.9 - with a look at Numbers - No 9 No 9 No 9 No 9... Also UVB-76, a listen to Jeff White from WRMI, details of 'The Asian DX Review' from The Indian DX Club International, a snippet from 'The Radio Ham', & hellos to listeners. All in 30 minutes! Details of where & when here -
Many thanks & best wishes for 2021.
(Jim Salmon via bdxc-news io group)
Two NYE Special Simulcasts
Both Radio Channel 292 and WBCQ The Planet will have New Year’s Eve specials organized by Bill Tilford (aka Uncle Bill) featuring multiple programs:
1. On December 31, Radio Channel 292 will present a 2-hour special, Neujahrsgrüsse von Radio Channel 292 featuring segments from nine different music programs with classical, jazz, rock, Cuban and volksmusik from 2300-0100 UTC on 3955 (10kw), 6070 (100kw from Moosbrunn) and 9670 (10kw) hHz. It will repeat on all three frequencies at 10kw from 0900-1100 UTC on January 1. Time for the 10kw transmissions was donated by the station.
The broadcast at 2300 will use a directional beam towards Central and South America on 9670 kHz and might also be listenable on parts of the east coast of North America depending upon propagation.
2. On December 31 from 11pm-12am EST (0400-0500 UTC January 1), WBCQ presents Escape From 2020! with a short play from Tom Call Theater and music from Marion’s Attic, The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show, From The Isle of Music and Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot. Airtime is donated by Allan and Angela Weiner.
6160 has penetrated deep into Europe in some previous nighttime transmissions from WBCQ
(Bill Tilford via bdxc-news io group)
No changes to AIR from 1 Jan 2021
Happy New Year 2021 to all members of DX India!
It may be noted that there will no changes to All India Radio stations / programming as anticipated from 1 January 2021.
Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
Agenda DX 31/12/2020
WABC, Gran Bretagna 990-1017 Khz (1990)
Eleven Seventy, Gran Bretagna 1170 Khz (1993)
La Voz del Cinaruco, Colombia 4865 Khz (1968)
BBC Radio Solent 999 Khz (1970)
Glenn Hauser logs December 30, 2020
** BRAZIL. 11905-11910-11915, Dec 30 at 2205, RNA DRM test has resumed after Xmas break, tnx to tip via Richard Langley. S6-S7, 11 to 15 dB SNR into SJ do Campo KiwiSDR, with screechy cutouts; Better at TWR DR SDR, 16 dB but still some breakups during `A Voz do Brasil`; both read 13.06 kbps; still carrying the FM 96.1 feed? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 244-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0722 UT, dash and TH, 1000-watt ND beacon at Thompson, Manitoba, remote north-central forming the eastern point of a triangle with Flin Flon to the west, and Lynn Lake to the north. The only NDB anywhere on 244 per unlike 242 and 245; zero on 243 where I was hearing it USB at first.
274-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0725 UT, dash and YPM, 25-watt NDB at Pikangikum, Ontario, ``back on``. 1741 km = 1082 st mi = 43+ miles per watt or 0.023+ watts per mile.
284-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0726 UT, dash and QD, 500-watt NDB at The Pas, Manitoba.
300-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0727 UT, dash and YIV, 500-watt NDB at Island Lake, Manitoba.
317-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0728 UT, dash and VC, 1000-watt NDB at La Ronge, Saskatchewan. I was tuned to 316-USB.
326-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0729 UT, dash and YQK, 200-watt NDB at Kenora, Ontario. Mixing with PKZ? See U S A
332-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0731 UT, dash and YFM, 2500-watt NDB at La Grand 4, Quebec, atop my nearby 400-watt IC Wichita KS, and nothing from the usual dominator, 1000-watt QT in Thunder Bay, Ontario. LG-4 is a Hydro dam a kilomile north of Montréal, fishing/outfitter destination.
351-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0735 UT, dash and YKQ, 500-watt NDB at Fort Rupert - Waskaganish, Québec. At first tuned to 350-USB where it was overriding my nearby 400-watt RG at Will Rogers World Airport, OKC, Gally. Heard on 351 also with QRM from IN, really 353, see U S A.
355-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0738 UT, dash and YWP, 200-watt NDB at Webequie, Quebec; still waiting for a pronouncer on this one.
Quite a few other Canadians in this session, skipped over as toofamiliar/regular (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 326-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0729 UT, during mostly-Canadian beacon logging, YQK has CCI from FKZ? or JKZ? Per list must have been PKZ, 400-watt NDB at Pensacola - Pickens, Florida. F-, J- and P- all have four dits/dahs in similar configs: ..-. / .--- / .--.
329-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0730 UT, PMV, 25-watt NDB at Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
344-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0733 UT, TKH, 25-watt NDB at Tallulah, Louisiana. I was tuned to 342-USB. Tallulah is the next town west of Vicksburg, MS, trans-river. Atop mix of more signals.
353-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0736 UT, IN, 100-watt NDB at International Falls - Ray, Minnesota; heard tuned to 351-USB mixing with YKQ CANADA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: confirmed Wed Dec 30 from 2200:22 on WBCQ 7490.18v, S9/+10 via KB0FX SDR in MO, but faded to S5/S7 by 2227.
Also confirmed Wed Dec 30 at 2300 on WRMI 9955, S5 via heavy pulse jamming into TWR Bonaire SDR, faded to JBA vs PJ by 2329. Not next:
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative.
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at
New WOR 2067 should be ready by early UT Friday January 1 for first broadcast on WRMI 5850, and maybe 5010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 9955, Wed Dec 30 at 1628, WRMI is still on with TOMBS = The Overcomer Ministry Brother Scare, during a caller, // > 5950 << 9395 <<< 9980 et al. One more look at the WRMI skedgrid --- yes, WRMI-3 is supposed to run this late on Sabbathdays only. Not on by 19 UT or so; yet to catch when it turn off (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13565-CW, Dec 30 at 1631, imagination-level CW in the noise, probably K6FRC 1.8-milliwatt HIFER beacon from Patterson CA, an hour or two later than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 2351 UT December 30
WBCQ’S Escape from 2020! will air at 10pm EST December 31 (0300-0400 UTC Jan 1) rather than the originally advertised 11pm EST (0400-0500 UTC) on 6160 and 7490 kHz
mercoledì 30 dicembre 2020
Glenn Hauser logs December 29-30, 2020
** CANADA. 223-MCW kHz, Dec 29 at 0743, dash and YYW, 1000 watt ND beacon at Armstrong, Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 6100, Dec 29 at 0733, RHC is S9+30 of dead air in English plus some hum, no other frequencies left. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 13571 approx., Dec 29 at 1512, the ``Cuban sound`` spurblob during `Sonido Cubano` on RHC, with F# tone, best readable in FM mode where it`s 10 kHz wide and hard to pinpoint the exact center. This is second-order, 129 kHz below source 13700-AM which is S9+20; then first-order circa 13636, 13765, weaker 13830, and S1-S2 on third-order 13894. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** EAST TURKISTAN. 9860, Dec 29 at 2226, S5-S7 fluttery Esperanto, as sked this hour from CRI via Kashgar, land of ChiCom cultural genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems. And why is it that only Commies are interested in Esperanto broadcasting, also Cuba, not even gospel huxters who employ countless tiny tongues? Its creator, Ludoviko Lazaro Zamenhof, was a Polish Jew, but pre-communism, 1859-1917y: (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NEWFOUNDLAND. 2598-USB, Dec 29 at 0737 UT, roboyl marine weather in English, S8 vs S7 noise level here. shows starting at 0737, the first early-morning broadcast = 4:07 am local, in the cycle of 6 or 7 mostly NL stations in the 2598 group, is VCP-4, Placentia, with 3000 watts, greatest of all. Nothing on 2749-USB yet, but VCO Sydney NS is to start at 0740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 9795, Dec 29 at 2304, Vietish? talk with QRM underneath sounds like Firedragon, but why bother? Aoki does not show *jamming or anything else here. This is FEBC in Mon via Iba site - not the same as Hmong, which is at other times in three different hues, Black, White, and Blue - based on traditional costumes? I wonder which one was SXMZ, see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** SPAIN [and non]. 9690, Dec 29 at 2302, REE in Sefardí, since it`s martes, rather than English on L/M/V. As matches the sked in Aoki/NDXC for Day 3; a.k.a. Ladino, also Sundays 2230-2300. Not as strong as usual, with some ACI from 9695 in Japanese with echo, i.e. CRI via Jinhua, presumably rather thisaway (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. 5960, Dec 29 at 2300, no signal from VOT English to us; should have been at least detectable despite S8-S9 HLLNL. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 9955, Tue Dec 29 at 1524, `Freedom Synergy Radio` is just ending another unscheduled airing on WRMI, 1525 into one of my favorite fill-music tunes, `Sandunga` on marimba; recheck at 1600, still on contrary to sked with TOMBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 4980, Dec 29 at 0220, WRMI apparently on here, but VP S8-S9 and undermodulated, can`t even be sure of language, SMTV? Not // 5010 which is S9/+10 and fully modulated vs Madagascar het, nor // any other WRMI frequency.
At 0228 I hasten to compare them via TWR Bonaire KiwiSDR: 5010 is closing R. Taiwán Internacional citing its Spanish sked as 01 on 5800, 02 on 5010, 22 on 7780; at S9+10, while whatever on 4980 is only S5-S7 into dead air at 0230 but still on, exciter only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 7490.18v, Tue Dec 29 at 2258, WBCQ ending one `AAAWWW` with anti-Chinese remarx, retune at 2300, *another* `AAAWWW` - or the same one? Is starting with ``William Tell Overture`` and more anti-China interjexions. It`s scheduled at 22-23, but a gap at 23-24, not even ``Available Time Slot``. Didn`t Brother Scare useta occupy that hour? I see the WBCQ Program Guide has also finally deleted 3265, which has not been on the air since early 2020? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [non]. 7530, Dec 29 at 2227, no open carrier unlike 24+ hours ago, and presumably no SXMZ either at 2230 via Taiwan, the Colorado Christian-Hmong hmissionary show of B-19; at least that gave us a chance to find out it`s apparently gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 810 kHz, Dec 29 at 2325 UT, steady S9 of dead air in presumed English, WHB Kansas City? Yes, loops thataway and 2330 finally JIP stupid sports talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (101.1), KSFR Santa Fe NM, via webcast: one of my favorite shows in its final airing, UT Tue Dec 29 at 0400-0700, `Beyond Borders`, excellent ``world music`` hostessed by Susan Ohori. In her rather droll style of speech, she has been saying the last few weeks that she is moving to Thursday mornings at 16-19 UT, apparently already starting there tho sked even for next week/year still shows, what must be a similar show with another host, `Sound Travels`. I`ve not checked that yet. Each provides playlists, but apparently no podcasts or archiving since the demise of Radio Free America. See:
I have the impression the move was not Susan`s choice, as she alluded to her longtime Monday-night slot not being what the audience would prefer; some survey? The daytime show must be a different style with e.g.. breaks for news on hour, so she makes a point of playing an extra-long piece to conclude tonight.
``Susan Ohori
Susan Ohori pioneered the programming of world music on radio from 1972 - 1977 on Pacifica station KPFA in Berkeley, with her program Last Chants. She served as Music Director there from 1976 - 1977, when she left the Bay Area to research and record Purepecha folk music in Michoacan, Mexico.
She published "An Introduction to World Music: 100 Records to Start With" in the Next Whole Earth Catalogue.
Moving to Santa Fe in 1980, she produced a weekly 6-hour program of classical music (including contemporary and world) on KUNM, Albuquerque, from 1980-1982. She was Program Director for the Explorations in Music concert series at the Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, from 1981-1985. In 1992 she began producing her weekly 3-hour program of world music, Beyond Borders, on KSFR.
In 2002 (?), along with a group of dedicated station volunteers and supporters, she was instrumental in forming the non-profit Northern New Mexico Radio Foundation which won the contract to take over the management and fiscal responsibility of KSFR from Santa Fe Community College. She served on its Board of Directors from 2002-2009 (?).
She founded Ohori's Coffee, Tea & Chocolate, a roasting and retail business in 1984 and sold in 2001. She also opened Casa, in 1996, a retail store specializing in folk art.
She was a founding Board member of the Santa Fe Film Festival which she served on for 10 years. She has recently returned to her work on clay sculpture begun in the 1970's.``
The gallery of show hosts on KSFR lacks a portrait of her, unlike the others. Her name, at least, I think be Japanese/Nisei. A cursory websearch doesn`t find her visage either, but the woman who bought her coffee shop, I think.
No info yet on KSFR site about what will replace her two sesquihours on Monday nights, and she is not saying. At least that alleviates the conflict/overlap with a similar show on New Mexico`s other prime public radio station, KUNM [89.9] Albuquerque, at 0500-0800 UT Tuesdays: which I suppose will now become my habitual listening. KUNM does have a limited on-demand archive. Years ago I did suggest to Susan that it was a shame both were on at same time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5095-USB, Dec 30 at 0215, very occasional 2-way, unseems Spanish, sandwiched between the huge 5085 WTWW signal, and its JBA spur about 5097 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report despatched at 0600 UT December 30
Agenda DX 30/12/2020
China National Radio (1940)
WAVG, Kentucky 970 Khz (1933)
FTIOM & UBMP, Jan 3-9
From the Isle of Music, January 3-9:
This week, our first episode of 2021, we present experimental music from 1980 by Arte Vivo.
The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0100-0200 on WBCQ, 7490 kHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1300-1400 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
Our Facebook page is
Our V-Kontakte page is
Our Patreon page is
Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot,January 3-9:
In episode 198, our first episode of 2021, we enjoy traditional and modern music from Laos.
The transmissions take place:
1.Sunday 2300-0000 (6:00PM -7:00PM EST) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 kHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe
2. Tuesday 2000-2100 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.
3. Saturday 0800-0900 UTC on Channel 292, 9670 kHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.
Our Facebook page is
Our V-Kontakte page is
Our Patreon page is
martedì 29 dicembre 2020
Sri Lanka to sell airtime on ex-DW relay station to Encompass Digital Media
Sri Lanka has agreed to sell airtime on a former Deutsche Welle relay station in Trincomalee in the North East of the island to UK based Encompass Digital Media Services, London.
Germany’s DW built the relay station in Sri Lanka in 1980 for mainly for international shortwave (HF) broadcasting. It also has a medium wave transmitter for South Asia.
The station was given to state-run Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation in 2012.
The rise of television and the internet had made international broadcasts more accessible, though SW retains audiences in many countries.
London based Encompass Media has proposed to transmit shortwave and mediumwave programs from the station. It has offered to pay 49,000 dollars and 16,000 dollars a month for the airtime.
The Cabinet of Ministers had approved the proposal in November 2020. (Colombo/Dec29/2020 -
Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora
Domenica 27 dicembre 2020
12.39-12.45 - 21480 kHz
BVB - Talata Volondry (Madagascar)
Indonesiano, parlato OM e IDs.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Solo la domenica.
15.00-15.15 - 9765 kHz
AWR - Kamo (Armenia)
Telugu, IDs e parlatoYL.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Luca Botto Fiora (SWL I1-0799GE)
QTH: Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
G. C. 44° 21' 15.2" N / 9° 13' 37.8" E
R7 Drake - VR5000DSP Yaesu - PL-660 Tecsun
Loop in ferrite di 75 cm ACA (modificata con LW-VLF)
Dipolo 16 metri con balun 4:1 e isolatore di linea coassiale
(per loop MW-VLF)
Preamplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION autocostruito
(per dipolo HF)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (con modifica W8JI)
Preamplificatore RF kit LX1456 NE
(macOS 10.11.6)
Audacity 2.2.0 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
HourWorld 3.5.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.6 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.3.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
(Android 9)
Daylight World Map (orologio mondiale)
Skywave Schedules (database onde corte)
Glenn Hauser logs December 28-29, 2020
** CUBA [and non]. 13571 approx., Dec 28 at 1535, spurblob of jazz from RHC 13700-AM, and then find more at 64-65 kHz intervals, better in FM than AM, and unreadable in SSB: 13636 S9 with F# tone; 13765 S9; 13830 vs victim in AM, i.e. VATICAN in Amharic; 13895; 13960 trace; 13505. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR [and non]. 2598-USB, Dec 29 at 0143 UT, roboyl with marine weather in English, VP vs high LLNL, but there is some `reverb` as from two not exactly synchronized transmitters. Only one scheduled at this time, from 0137, is VOK from somewhere in Labrador, per:
2598 is supposed to be time-shared with 5 or 6 other stations in NL and Québec, not simulcast. However, EiBi does show two simul sites for this 0137-0200 broadcast, cw and hd, which translate to
cw - Cartwright NL 53N42'30" - 57W01'17"
hd - Hopedale NL 55N27'24" - 60W12'30"
Both of which are on Labrador mainland, not island rock. Same roboyl voice on 2749-USB but not checked whether // which is sometimes deliberate as I recently logged from Québec (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Thread resulting from my Dec 27 log of KTOK:
``BTW, have not heard IBOC noise from KTOK for ages, tho still flagged as -I in 2020-2021 NRC AM Log. IBOC ``reported off Dec 2009`` here: (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)``
``Glenn et al., The listing of IBOC, as I have stated many times before, does NOT pretend to track who turned this feature on or off. It is a listing of those who are authorized to use the digital mode. 73, Wayne Heinen, Editor, NRC AM Radio Log, Aurora, CO``
``Wayne, Sorry, I did not realize that. In that case it would be helpful to have a separate symbol denoting stations which are axually in `HD` now. And full- or part-time, day and/or night?
I was under the impression that, unlike pure HD, anystation could run hybrid HD ad lib without specific permission. Has FCC ever denied it? They certainly don`t care about adjacent QRM!
Is there any way to check this thru AM Query? I don`t see anything about HD for KTOK, one way or another; nor for KFAQ which we know is running it. Could be deeply buried. 73, Glenn``
``Glenn, There is a link on the amq page that takes you to this list… I usually check it against the database each year prior to publication however this year, due to my shoulder replacement, I didn’t get all the usual proofs done. You’ll find both KTOK and KFAQ on the list
73 Wayne Heinen``
``Wayne, Tnx but that link gets: `Station Search Error --- You must specify search criteria values. Go back to the previous web page and try again.`
But, but, I am not coming from a previous web page. O, here it is:
which leads to: To obtain a list of stations authorized for "hybrid" operation (analog + digital signals), select one of the following links: [ AM |
which leads to:
which then leads to:
i.e. the exact same URL Wayne gave but it won`t work directly, of 241 stations, alfabetical order by callsign, who cares about frequency or location? which leads to KTOK info: `Digital status: hybrid` -- and that`s all --- Glenn``
``Scott Fybush Dec 27 #15519 --- It's a notification, not a permission. shows whether a station (AM or FM) has notified digital operation; the flaw, as we see, is there's no process for indicating cessation of digital operation.``
``As I'm sure you know, the FCC's Prime Directive is "please don't bother us with details" and, really, licensees aren't required to run HD in either MA3 or MA1 so why should they care? Same for C-QUAM (for the 8 stations that still use it! :-D)
I think the listings in the NRC AMRL are fine. The editor (a recently elected ARRL Life Member!) might consider fleshing out the -I and -$ code definitions to prevent this sort of complaint in future (not that you can eliminate 100% of complaints ...) -- Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!``
``[nrc-am] IBOC Listing in NRC AM Radio Log JZinOK 2:41am #15530. In the case of KTOK, digital notification was made in 2006, but we haven't used it in many years. It's rather worthless to us now, as KTOK is carried on KXXY-FM HD2. KWPN 640 Moore OK also has given notification, but dropped the HD a long time ago. Several FM's here have given digital notification, but do not use it. All of the iHeart FM's in OKC use HD. John Zondlo, Yukon, OK`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: confirmed Monday December 28 from 1900:49 on IRRS 7290 Bulgaria as heard via UTwente including any internet delay. Open carrier is on by 1855; 1859:51 cut-on IRRS sign-on; 1900:20 Feature Story News headlines, then WOR. Only my final word cut off at 1929, ``disclaimer``. As always, extremely annoying splash from both sides cannot be escaped by LSB, USB, AM Synch or narrow bandwidth: Vietnam 7280 is worse than East Turkistan 7295 despite second- vs first-adjacency. Recheck at 1949, has faded? to JBA carrier on 7290. Next:
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 [canceled; confirmed]
0230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 [canceled; reconfirmed]
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 [pre-empted for FSR this week; confirmed]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative.
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 4980, Dec 29 at 0234, WRMI-5 is poorly audible by Bonaire KiwiSDR, S6-S7 in English, bits of Xmasmx and SMTV talk including ID at 0244. Must use AM-Narrow to avoid 4985 RTTY. This is on skedgrid as SMTV for many hours including this one, on 285 antenna but no comparison to the bigsig we get on 7730 same azimuth. 4980 is the frequency supposed to be home for 5950 programming bumped off there by elimination of 9455, but supposedly long-delayed until it is up to full power, maybe exciter only so far. If that`s the azimuth, 4980 ought to be stronger closer to its aim, at the TWR RGV SDR of Brownsville TX --- but it is not, only JBA! Something is strange about all this (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Dec 28 at 0135-0142 UT, contrary to usual method, I`m tuning in 9-kHz steps downward from 1 kHz above the channels, so anycarrier making a 1 kHz het can be recognized: 1503, 1422, 1296, 1215, 1107, 1089, 1053, 936, 909, 891*, 882(2), 837(2), 774(2), 747, 711, 639, 621. *strongest. (2) = at least two carriers beating.
There would have been more below 700 kHz, but currently the local line noise level is much higher in the 700-300 kHz range, as well as many SW ranges. Earlier in the afternoon, driving around the neighborhood tuned to open 1040 kHz where traces of WHO might have been otherwise, the LLNL did not correlate with any lingering Xmas lighting, but continued buzzing over a much wider area; and it`s just as bad daytime as nighttime. Tnx a lot, OG&E (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7530, Dec 28 at 2207, S9/+10 open carrier where normally nothing; only Aoki shows nearby possibility maybe on early: ``7530 2230-2300 TWN Suab Xaa Moo Zoo(Vo.Hope) Hmo Tamsui Dist 1-7`` It`s also shown same in WRTH 2020 as religious based in Thornton, Colorado, under USA, not target/clandestine. Website leads to: where there is no info about any current broadcasts, at least not in English, and the `listen` link leads to a page to *buy* songs.
SXMZ no longer appears in the WRTH 2021, my copy just arrived, at least not under USA, in the religious broadcaster cross-ref, in the SW frequency list, nor under Target: Laos or Vietnam. On Nov 5, 2020, Ivo Ivanov included it in a multi-site roster of ``Winter B-20 frequencies, unregistered in HFCC Database (updated)`` but I find no recent logs of it. Back on April 25, 2020, Ivo had it in a list of ``missing clandestine {sic} transmissions``, some of which were subsequently reported. None of this researched until later, so I did not recheck after 2230 for any showup; QRX another day. Of course in a shared fixed band, carrier could be a ute (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13555-CW, Dec 28 at 1520, JBA traces of CW, maybe finally something besides 13565 K6FRC on the HIFER band, not now. shows ``13554.98~ WV Richwood WV EW98rf CW (h 2020/12)`` but there are 14 more between 13555 and 13556. This was really too weak to attempt an accurate measurement. I did get WV last Feb 27 at 1455 and March 4 at 1516. Richwood is in the Allegheny Mountains east of Charleston (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0437 UT December 29
Agenda DX 29/12/2020
Radio Guyra Campana, Paraguay 1420 Khz (1983)
Radio America, Perù 6010 Khz (1941)
Emisora Paraguay 6015 Khz (1952)
lunedì 28 dicembre 2020
KBS World Radio: important notice to listeners
Since we cannot rule out the possibility of packages being misplaced, KBS WORLD Radio has decided to temporarily postpone sending out packages. This means listeners who expect mail from us, including prize and small gift winners for One Fine Day with Lena Park, K-POP Connection Season 2, and K-POP Connection Season 3, should expect longer-than-usual delays in receiving their mail. We greatly appreciate your understanding during this unexpected time. Also, we've been informed from our service providers that unforeseen events may change our shortwave transmission. If you are a shortwave listener and have noticed any changes from our regular schedule, please let us know by submitting a reception report:
Thank you as always for your continued support for KBS WORLD Radio. Stay safe, everyone!
We've temporarily suspended sending out international mail due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please understand and bear with us!
eQSL ricevuta da LRA36 a seguito di un rapporto d'ascolto per la ricezione in remoto effettuata tramite SDR in Brasilia, si vede che il nuovo staff della stazione è piuttosto inesperto: la eQSL è stata fatta col Word e non contiene i dati che la renderebbero valida. Con molto tatto cercherò di fare presente la cosa al responsabile.
I T 9 T Z Z
Sito web> page>
Propagation outlook from SWPC Boulder
:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2020 Dec 28 0139 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
21 - 27 December 2020
Solar activity was at very low levels from 21-27 Dec. The largest
flare observed was a B7.3 from Region 2795 (S18, L=318, class/area
Dao/200 on 24 Dec) on 24 Dec. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at
moderate to high levels on 24-27 Dec due to CH HSS influence. Normal
to moderate levels were observed on 21-23 Dec.
Geomagnetic field activity reached active levels on 21 and 23 Dec,
and unsettled levels on 22, 24-25 Dec, all due to positive polarity
CH HSS influences. Quiet levels were observed on 26-27 Dec.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
28 December - 23 January 2021
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels throughout the
period with a slight chance for low levels on 28 Dec - 04 Jan, and
17-23 Jan due to the flare potential from Region 2795 (S18, L=318,
class/area Dao/200 on 24 Dec).
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to be at moderate to high levels on 28-29 Dec and 20-23 Jan
due to recurrent CH HSS influences. Normal to moderate levels are
expected for the remainder of the outlook period.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active
levels on 5-6 Jan and 18-20 Jan, and quiet to unsettled levels on 29
Dec, 3 Jan, and 21 Jan, all due to recurrent CH HSS influences.
Mostly quiet levels are expected on the remaining days in the
outlook period.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2020 Dec 28 0139 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2020-12-28
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2020 Dec 28 88 5 2
2020 Dec 29 88 8 3
2020 Dec 30 88 5 2
2020 Dec 31 88 5 2
2021 Jan 01 88 5 2
2021 Jan 02 87 5 2
2021 Jan 03 86 8 3
2021 Jan 04 85 5 2
2021 Jan 05 84 10 3
2021 Jan 06 84 10 3
2021 Jan 07 84 5 2
2021 Jan 08 84 5 2
2021 Jan 09 84 5 2
2021 Jan 10 84 5 2
2021 Jan 11 84 5 2
2021 Jan 12 84 5 2
2021 Jan 13 84 5 2
2021 Jan 14 84 5 2
2021 Jan 15 85 5 2
2021 Jan 16 86 5 2
2021 Jan 17 84 5 2
2021 Jan 18 88 10 3
2021 Jan 19 88 10 3
2021 Jan 20 88 10 3
2021 Jan 21 88 8 3
2021 Jan 22 88 5 2
2021 Jan 23 88 5 2
Glenn Hauser logs December 27-28, 2020
** CHINA. 9860, Dec 27 at 2320, Firedragon jammer of traditional instrumental-only music with lots of percussion, is S9+20/30 with victim barely audible under, i.e. RFA Mandarin via TINIAN this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** COLOMBIA. 4940, Dec 28 at 0145, usual gospel huxtering in Spanish from mystery missionary station, S7-S8 into Bonaire SDR. Here, it`s a JBA carrier vs S9+10 HLNL, while by 0505 at Bonaire during devotional of pious platitudes and then citing Lucas XVII, it`s S8/S9+ but quite sufficient. Aoki/NDXC now lists this as:
``4940 0000-2400 CLM La Montana Colombia Spa Maicao 1-7`` And this has now been copied by aggregators such as
But how were this name and location determined? Perhaps Ron Howard can find out from his Japanese DX contacts. Maicao is in NE Colombia, right on the Venezuelan border and on the main highway across the northern tier, thus a prime destination for Venezuelan refugees or at least visitors. Further north than the previous DF/guesses (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** KOREA SOUTH. 9805, Dec 27 at 2321, Chinese at S9+20/30 with K-Pop, i.e. as you would expect, KBSWR as scheduled this hour 100 kW at 205 degrees, so why is it inbooming over here? I guess this does not provoke ChiCom jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: confirmed Sunday December 27 at 2300.2 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6159.94v, S9/+20; IS & ID loop was playing already at tune-in 2257.
Missed checking 0030 UT Mon Dec 28 on WRMI 7730; anyone hear it? Confirmed no longer at 0130 UT Mon on WRMI 7780, instead Wavescan.
Confirmed UT Mon Dec 28 at 0230 on WRMI 5800, VG S9+15/20 to Bonaire SDR, and 7780, S9+5/10 to UTwente SDR; also on WRN webcast
Confirmed UT Mon Dec 28 at 0450 the 0430 on WRMI 9955, VG S7-S9 into Bonaire KiwiSDR while it`s only a JBA carrier here. Next:
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE [pre-empted for FSR]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative.
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5950, UT Mon Dec 28 at 0300-0400, `Encore` of classical music via WRMI, ex-9455, VG via Missouri SDR but somewhat distorted; direct at 0354 seems less distorted at S9+20 but not enough to overcome high local xmas noise level of S9+10. Also the transitions between music and announcements are noisy as if surging automatic volume control were engaged in produxion (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5085, Dec 28 at 0521, WTWW-2 is strongly on and modulating rock music. Wolfgang Bueschel also noted the dead air earlier: ``some logs of Dec 26 re US private broadcaster. 5085even WTWW only empty carrier signal at 0718 UT on Dec 26, and two accompanied spurious strings seen on 5072.020 and 5097.980 kHz exact. S=9+30dB powerful noted in Cape Canaveral FL, as well as on NJ and MI states. Also accompanied by 60, 120, 240, 360, and 480 Hertz spur buzz strings from the mains. wb`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 830, more replies to thread I started, ``Why is WCCO 830 echoing?`` on the IRCA iog:
Mike VE7SKA cn88/B.C. Dec 24 #15359
``I too have been noticing the echoes on WCCO the last few evenings & think Glen[n] probably has the answer that the station is testing a second, auxilliary transmitter. Often echoes on the same frequency indicate the same syndicated program is being transmitted on two different DX stations with slight offsets or lags in audio. However, in this case as others have noted, there are some differences in the fades that can be heard indicating two transmissions in very close proximity. 73 Mike, Salt Spring Island BC``
Scott Fybush Dec 25 #15381 IRCA iog:
``WCCO is one of the rare AM stations (I know of fewer than a dozen around the country) with a full-power auxiliary transmission facility at a different location. If you look on (by far the best way to parse the FCC's databases), you'll see it listed under the BXL-19991004ACA application - the "X" is the giveaway that it's an aux license:
As others have mentioned on this thread, this is a shorter tower than the main one - 127.6 degrees at 830, so it will have different skywave propagation characteristics from the big 194 degree main tower a few miles to the south in Coon Rapids. (I believe the aux site in Ramsey used to be a site for the 1470 station licensed to Brooklyn Park, which has since moved elsewhere.)
Most of the former class A "clear channel" 50 kW AMs have shorter auxiliary towers at their licensed transmitter sites, sometimes fed by a completely separate transmitter, sometimes just with RF switching to allow them to be fed by the normal transmission chain. (Which is usually more than one transmitter - typically an older transmitter will be retired to backup duty when a new transmitter arrives; sometimes big AM stations run alternate mains, with transmitter A operating for a week, then transmitter B, then back to A, which is a good way to be pretty sure you have a working standby if the on-air transmitter fails.)
In those cases, you'd almost never see the main and aux tower both on the air simultaneously; even if there's a second tower, the RF interaction between two towers both on the air at the same site would start tripping alarms immediately.
Even in the rare cases with off-site auxes, there's usually some kind of fail-safe that keeps both from running at once. Not that it *never* happened at WBZ, but when the 10 kW aux site at our studio location was on, we all knew it, because the co-located TV station started complaining about interference to its video chain. (And now that site is gone, anyway.) Here in Rochester, WHAM 1180 can't use its backup site on one tower of sister WHTK 1280 unless the engineers manually switch WHTK to non-directional operation from another tower in the four-tower array.
All of which is to say: as nearly impossible as it is for a big 50 kW AM to be operating simultaneously from two sites, WCCO appears to be one of the very few places where it actually could happen - two completely separate sites with separate transmission paths, neither shared with any other station that would be affected, both operating unstaffed most of the time, and no co-located studios where someone would immediately notice the problem.
(And now I'm kicking myself for forgetting to check 830 at 5 AM ET as I was driving in to WXXI for my airshift this morning. If you're wondering, we have just one transmitter site, but multiple redundancies there - multiple audio paths to get to the site, an emergency studio/newsroom on site that we've yet to actually use, a generator for power backup, a recent Nautel transmitter that's actually two redundant transmitters in one, and a 1955-vintage RCA transmitter that still runs like a charm and gets exercised on the air now and then.)`` -- Scott Fybush, Rochester NY (via gh, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7719.5-LSB, Dec 27 at 2308, ``over`` in English just as I get it tuned in, nothing further for a few minutes. Maybe military such as MARS, but LSB make me suspect it`s a second harmonic from ``80`` meter ham band, i.e. from 3859.75; nothing there either at a quick check (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7739.9, Dec 27 at 2308, JBA carrier S6-S7, nothing listed on 7740; maybe Sound of Hope? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
``DX Juke Box on Thursday night from Radio Nederland was a "must hear" on my schedule. I hand copied all of Glenn Hauser's tips, and marked them in WRTH and White's Radio Log for "my personal targets to chase" list. And now in 2020, I'm still chasing Glenn's tips, as well as all of the input from this great group of dedicated DXer's. Thanks to all of you, and I wish you all a Very Happy and Satisfying 2021! 73, Mike Gorniak`` (WOR iogroup)
This report dispatched at 0600 UT December 28
Wolfgang Bueschel log
some Sunday Dec 27 log, 13.00-14.30 UT,
used SDR rxs remotedly:
Cape Canaveral - Florida, and New Jersey US eastern coast line
6000even CUB OVERMODULATED CLIPPING sound, light popular mx program
of RHC La Habana, via RadioCuba site at Quivican San Felipe
TITAN 250 kW unit, S=9+40dB powerhouse at 13.10 UT on Dec 27
6100even CUB Same RHC Spanish sce via Bauta transmissions center
site, S=9+25dB in NJ US, 13.15 UT, light Overmodulated too !
20 kHz wideband audio block visible on Perseus software screen
9264.984 USA WINB, Red Lion PA private religious sermon program noted.
Fair S=6 signal in short skip zone NJ at 13.19 UT on Dec 27.
9275even PHL FEBC Manila Mandarin Chinese service via Bocaue txion
center site, signal across Alaska, western Canada to NJ US
area. S=8 at 13.22 UT.
9290even ARM TWR India, SoAsian typical {rel} singer group at 13.24 UT
S=7 much fluttery signal from Yerevan Gavar Armenia SW bcast
center across European Russia, Iceland-Greenland path into NJ
and FL east coast target.
9435.011 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang in English language, S=7-8 much
fluttery signal across Arctic area at 13.27 UT on Dec 27.
What else: 'shrill D.P.R.s Army ladies singer group outlet'
scheduled 13.00-13.57 UT.
9535.003 CUB RHC Spanish from Bejucal bcast center site, talk on
tourismo in 2020 year, poor to fair at 13.29 UT, two BUZZ
strings visible of 120 Hertz apart distance spurious of
mainpower connection. MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama target sidelobe
into CC FL and NJ US.
9605.003 USA Seldom strong short distance signals of WHRI Cypress
Creek SC, also 9839.993 kHz, at New Jersey US remote SDR rx
10 kHz wideband audio block. English sermon at 13.14 UT
and 13.37 UT on Dec 27. S=9+25dB strong armchair.
9650.003 CUB Same RHC La Habana Spanish morning program also via
50 kW former USSR relay site units at Bejucal, towards
Trinidad and Antilles sidelobe signals. S=7 at NJ and CC.
Stn ID and address given at 13.33 UT.
9839.993 USA Probably WHRI English pop mx program, Sundays 13-14 UT,
S=9+30dB strength in NY and NJ US east coast at 13.39 UT.
9900even CLN BBC London Bengali service via SLBC relay site at
Trincomalee Sri Lanka, S=8 in NJ US at 13.58 UT on Dec 27.
9979.992 slightly odd fq USA WWCR Nashville TN (not blown up, hi)
BS TOM roarer En sermon pray, S=9+15dB at 14.02 UT Dec 27.
11559.998 IND Probably from AIR Bangalore bcast center 500/250 kW
beast, Dari service scheduled on their tiny India foreign
service schedule now. S=9+15dB at 14.06 UT in eastern US
state SDR installations.
11760even CUB RHC Bauta site transmission, Spanish morning service
on non-directional fountain signal service into Caribbean
S=9+20dB at 14.08 UT.
11815.017 TUR TRT Emirler transmission, Turkish sce, S=8 14.11 UT
12035.006 TUR TRT Emirler transmission, at 13.30-14.26 UT En sce
scheduled, S=7-8, at 14.15 UT.
12025even AUT AWR Urdu service to Pakistan and Bangla Desh South
Asia target, backlobe signal of ORS Moosbrunn Autria site
14.00-14.30 UT scheduled, S=9 straight in NJ US state SDR
12050even USA WEWN#3 Catholic US radio station EWTN in Spanish,
? Vandiver AL site, lowered 100 kW power at 155degrees.
Nice 11.2 kHz wideband audio, excellent technician work
at the TXion center. Seemingly backlobe of the southerly
azimuth to Latin America direction. S=9+20dB at 14.22 UT.
12095even MDG BBC London Somali? sce via MGLOB Talata Volonondry
Madagascar relay facility, at 14.27 UT, S=7 in NJ and
NY US eastern states - remotedly.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 27)
Agenda DX 28/12/2020
Radio Nacional de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática, Western Sahara 1550 Khz (1975)
WEWN, Alabama 7520 Khz (1992)
Radio Valles del Tuy, Venezuela 1030-6120 Khz (1959)
Radio Nacional Rio Mayo, Argentina 1020 Khz (1981)
domenica 27 dicembre 2020
Glenn Hauser logs December 26-27, 2020
** BRAZIL. 9664.90 approx., Dec 27 at 0153, RVM with gospel huxter yelling in Brasuguese, S6-S7, back on minus side of 9665 after a brief while on plus side. No USA or Cuban signals on 31m now, strange propagation.
9664.926, Dec 27 at 0625, RVM music at S2-S4, with JBA LAH, probably DPRK closer to 9665.000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** BRAZIL. 9818.721, Dec 27 at 0630, JBA carrier while other ZYs are making it but little else on 31m, so presumed R. Nove de Julho on its usual way-off frequency. Maybe the one on 9819.1 I heard recently was really something else, such as China. Not that the ZYs can`t vary too, as with RVM (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** BRAZIL. 10000, Dec 27 at 0626 UT, Observatório Nacional, IDs and Brazuguese time announcements with pips every dekasecond, only S2-S3 and equal to or above WWV or WWVH, with which it is well-synchronized. Not expecting to hear PPE Rio at this hour, but why not? ZY broadcasters just below are audible but little else on 31m (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 1000 kHz: See OKLAHOMA [and non]
** CUBA. 9700, Dec 27 at 0630, RHC English at S9+30, overmodulating with splatter out to plus/minus 23 kHz = 9677-9723. Something`s always wrong at RHC.
6100, meanwhile Dec 27 at 0646 is splashing only plus/minus 13 kHz = 6087-6113. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 13567 approx. at S9, 13633 at S9+10, Dec 27 at 1410, RHC spurblobs with F# tone best readable in FM mode, out of 13700-AM which is S9+20/30; matching on plus side 13767 and 13836 approx., and a JBA trace circa 13905. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1000, Dec 27 at 0204, dead air on KTOK OKC, so I can hear some weak Spanish perhaps XEOY, and from the SE some whoop-whooping, like the defective Cuban transmitter, Artemisa, as Terry Krueger, Niceville FL, reported:
``1000 CUBA Radio Artemisa, Artemisa, 1115 7/15/20. The spastic wobbling noise source, still here after at least two-three years. You'd think by now they could have fixed this.``
0206 UT after 2+ minutes of dead Foxhole, KTOK comes to life with theme music and opening Joe Pag talkshow interviewing media critic Sharyl Attkisson.
BTW, have not heard IBOC noise from KTOK for ages, tho still flagged as -I in 2020-2021 NRC AM Log. IBOC ``reported off Dec 2009`` here: (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** ROMANIA. 6130, UT Sun Dec 27 at 0143, RRI is S9+20 with `DX Mailbag`, saying there has been a sharp rise in reception reports and letters about programming this year since more people are staying at home listening. 0144 acknowledging report from Japan hearing RRI on 6040 DRM via Sweden remote. Other frequency now is 7325 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5850, Dec 27 at 0650, caller accuses Brother Scare of ``vomiting lies out of his mouth``, played so BS may then denounce him; via WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: confirmed Saturday December 26 from 2042.7 UT on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, VG local-quality pickup via Warrenton KiwiSDR.
Also confirmed Sat Dec 26 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, S9+10 but poor with storm noise at UTwente; nearest lightning on Blitzortung is again along the west coast of Greece into central Mediterranean, about 1100 statute miles or 1800 km away. But VG S9+15 at Maine SDR.
Also confirmed UT Sun Dec 27 starting at 0414:54 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO via Warrenton SDR. Next:
2300vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW [but not last week]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE [pre-empted]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative.
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. From disgraced FB we find explanation of FSR as temporary? But not about their doing it already the previous week:
``WRMI Radio Miami International December 24 at 5:12 PM · Freedom Synergy Radio will transmit special programs at 0300-0400 on UT Sunday-Thursday December 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 (that's Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night local time in the Americas) on 5800 kHz. Reception reports will be verified with a special Freedom Synergy Radio QSL card. Send reports via our website or by email to`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 7780, 7730, 7570, Dec 27 at 0149, all three WRMIs are JBA carriers, not just 7780; while 7490.1 WBCQ is S9/+10. It`s rare indeed for `BCQ to be stronger than southerly-advantaged `RMIs on 7 MHz band, very strange propagation, or something is amiss at Okeechobee. Meanwhile Martí is blasting in from Grimesland (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 6159.93, UT Sun Dec 27 at 0141, WBCQ Area 51 discussing movies, very poor direct. At 0150, 7490.1 is S9/+10 with music.
Contrary to other listings, the Texas Radio Shortwave Xmas show is at 0300-0400 UT Sunday on WBCQ 6160v and A51/61 webcast, starting at 0303, instead of 0200-; as `Lumpy Gravy` is wrapping up its 0200-0300 hour. Nor is TRSW the same Xmas program at all as on WRMI last night, but: ``Camel Rock `n` Roll Dance Party``, recorded in NYC 1956 when smoking was supposedly kool, er --- (Glenn Hauser, WOR iog via WOR)
** U S A. 5085, UT Sun Dec 27 at 0027, no signal from WTWW-2 into Maine SDR; usually it`s running even earlier on Saturdays. No TOUTA organ music to be heard, next check 0147 a JBA carrier much like 5935 WWCR neighbor, strange propagation or exciter only? Also vs HLNL here of S9+20, but 4840 WWCR is audible with S9+20 reading.
By 0211 now 5085 is S9+45! But air is dead! At 0651, 5085 is still dead air at S9+20/40. I wonder if the AT&T Nashville bombing have impacted Lebanon as it seem to have disrupted communications in general over central TN and adjacent states.
9475-, Dec 27 at 0637, JBA carrier, likely WTWW-1 day frequency at night, with signature offset minus measured at 9474.977; and nothing else is scheduled at this hour; 5830 night frequency is off now as it was at 0147 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 830, more about WCCO echoing for two nights, not since:
Re: WCCO Problem --- Seems the backup was kicking on so two transmitters were on at the same time causing an echo. John hasn’t heard what caused it. WEEP in Pittsburgh used to have a similar problem when the 1 KW backup would come while the 50 KW main was on air. Weird stuff always happens when staffing is thin.
One of the network shows we [KMBZ] air in KC, Ground Zero didn’t send their show to the satellite center last night. So dead air at 9 PM. I guess Radio Havana Cuba is doing their distribution. I’ll let you know when I hear more from WCCO - Alan Furst`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1954 UT December 27
Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces its latest QSL card commemorating 2021 as the Year of the Ox according to the Chinese astrology calendar. People born in ox years are considered kind, caring, logical, positive, having a great deal of common sense, and live with their feet ‘firmly planted on the ground.’ They are also considered to be hard workers in order to provide comfort and security for their families, while also highly intelligent and strong minded. The ox is one of 12 animals used in the Chinese Zodiac; the others are tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, pig and rat. This QSL card confirms all valid reception reports from January 1 – April 30, 2021 The design was created by RFA’s Brian Powell.
Ascolti AM Treviso 27 dicembre
3995 27/12 0612 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Mx Px rel. D 35533
5025 27/12 0613 Radio Rebelde, Bauta Mx Es 35533
5040 27/12 0614 Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta ID Nx Es 35533
5085 27/12 0615 WTWW Radio, Lebanon TN Px E 25522
5875 27/12 0616 BBC Radio, Ascension Nx F 45544
5935 27/12 0618 WWCR University Network, Nashville Px E 25522
5995 27/12 0619 Radio Mali, Bamako I Mx Bam 35533
6005 27/12 0620 BBC WS Radio, Ascension Px E 45544
6080 27/12 0621 Voice Of America, STP-Pinheira Mx E 35444
6155 27/12 0623 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn Mx D 45544
7780 27/12 0624 The Overcomer Ministry,USA-Okeechobee 1 Px rel. E 45544
9330 27/12 0946 WBCQ World's Last Chance, Monticello Px rel. S 35533
9510 27/12 1031 IRRS- Living The Bible, Tiganesti jingle ID Px rel. E 45544
9610 27/12 1032 AWR Europe, Nauen Px <RVS Magazine> It 55555
9610 27/12 1100 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat info ID E Px rel. M 45544
9750 27/12 1101 NHK WORLD Radio Japan, Ibaragi-Kog Nx J 45544
9910 27/12 1102 KTWR Trans World Radio, Guam-Merino Px rel. E 45544
9975 27/12 1103 KTWR GUAM Do You Know -Agana Px rel. Mon 45544
11660 27/12 1104 Voice Of America, PHL-Tinang Px M 45544
11690 27/12 1105 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat Px rel. M 45544
11725 27/12 1200 R.New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki Nx E 35533
11825 27/12 1201 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra Px rel. E 35533
11945 27/12 1202 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra Mx Px Mat 35544
12030 27/12 1203 KSDA-AWR, Guam-Agat Mx Px rel. M 35544
12095 27/12 1204 FEBC Radio Manila, Bocaue Px rel. Iu 35544
12120 27/12 1205 FEBC Radio Manila, Bocaue Px rel Raw 35544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri
Ascolto Studio Dx 913 del 27 dicembre
Buon anno felice, prospero 🎆 2021!
Ecco il seguente ascolto onde medie del 27 dicembre:
1584 27/12 1205-1233 Radio Diffusione Europea, Trieste Px "Studio Dx 913" It 15532 (db 12)
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso (IT)
Ant.: quadro DLF 1539 kHz
Log Roberto Pavanello
873 21/12 22.59 R. Zaragoza - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1017 24/12 18.05 Amica R. Veneta - Vigonza IT MX suff.
1188 25/12 21.30 R. Payam - Tehran Farsi MX suff.
1440 21/12 17.30 Z100 - Milano IT MX suff.
1449 24/12 17.30 RAI R.1 - Belluno IT NX reg. Veneto buono
1476 20/12 19.05 Muzeum R. - Bad Ischl Tedesco MX suff.
1476 26/12 17.30 TWR - Parakou EE predica suff.
1503 21/12 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - La Linea SS NX reg. Andalucia suff.
1512 20/12 22.50 R. Ardabil - Farsi MX suff.
1512 25/12 21.50 R. Zanussie - Dutch MX buono
1584 20/12 21.35 RDE - Trieste IT NX suff.
1625 26/12 16.55 R. Barones - Dutch MX suff.
1629 23/12 23.15 R. Turftrekker - Dutch MX suff.
1638 23/12 23.10 R. Bluebird - Dutch MX buono
1647 20/12 17.50 R. Witte Tornado - Dutch MX buono
1647 21/12 22.00 R. Armada - Dutch MX buono
1655 20/12 21.55 R. Witte Raaf - Dutch MX buono
1655 21/12 21.50 R. Oldtimer - Dutch MX suff.
1655 25/12 21.00 R. Yogi Beer - Dutch MX suff.
1665 20/12 21.45 R. Belladonna - Dutch MX suff.
3900 26/12 16.40 R. Borderhunter - EE MX buono
3920 20/12 22.00 R. Piepzender - Zwolle EE ID e MX buono
3935LSB 20/12 17.15 Zenith Classic Rock - EE MX suff.
3975 20/12 17.30 Shortwave R. - Wietze IT Scorribande buono
4775 26/12 23.05 R. Tarma - SS MX suff.
4875 21/12 17.15 R. Mystery 21 - EE MX buono
4885 26/12 22.40 Echo of Hope - Seoul Coreano talk buono
5140 25/12 09.30 Charleston R. Int. - EE ID e MX ott
5780 20/12 17.45 Harmony R. - EE MX suff.
5790 27/12 09.45 FRSH - EE MX suff. // a 7700 e 5810 KHz
5810 21/12 17.20 Mike R. - Heerde EE ID e MX ottimo
5830 21/12 17.10 R. Iran Int. - Farsi talk buono
5880 27/12 10.30 R. Rock Revolution - EE MX buono
5995 21/12 21.55 R. Mali - Bamako Vern. MX afro buono
6020 26/12 10.50 R. Delta Int. - Elburg EE ID e MX buono
6070 26/12 12.00 Uncle’s Bill Melting Pot - EE MX jazz ottimo
6080 25/12 21.50 KBC R. - Ede EE ID e MX buono
6130 26/12 09.30 R. Casanova EE ID e MX ottimo
6135 26/12 23.20 R. Aparecida - PP MX suff.
6180 26/12 23.25 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP calcio suff.
6205 21/12 17.45 Laser Hot Hits - EE MX buono
6210 26/12 10.25 R. King SW - EE MX buono
6240 25/12 10.25 R. Victoria - EE ID e MX buono
6250 22/12 21.30 Echo of Hope - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
6260 25/12 09.55 R. Ronalisa - EE MX suff.
6270 25/12 09.50 Misti R. - EE ID e MX suff.
6275 26/12 16.35 R. Voyager - IT MX buono
6285 25/12 10.45 R. Johnny Tobacco - EE MX buono
6285 26/12 10.30 R. Lowland - EE MX suff.
6295 20/12 17.00 Reflection Europe - EE predica buono
6875 25/12 10.00 R. Europe - EE ID e MX buono
7590 23/12 14.55 North Korea Reform R. - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
7625 23/12 14.50 Voice of Wilderness - Seoul Coreano talk buono
9505 26/12 17.20 Voice of Africa - Omdurman EE NX suff.
9610 27/12 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
9720 26/12 17.15 R. Erena - Tigrina talk su Covid buono
11725 24/12 11.15 R. New Zeland Pacific - Wellington EE talk buono
11905 24/12 11.10 Reach Beyond - Kilsyth Giapponese talk suff.
11965 24/12 11.20 KTWR - Guam EE talk suff.
12120 21/12 17.50 R. Pilipinas - Manila Filippino talk suff.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
A cuore aperto: PIFCO "ALL IN ONE RADIOMETER" (1923)
Prima di passare a radio valvolari, ho pensato di fare un passo intermedio, ponendomi una domanda: molte radio erano fatte in casa, negli anni 20 e spesso avevano guasti... come facevano i nostri nonni e bisnonni a trovare il guasto o a fare qualche misurazione di tensione o continuità? E così, ecco che ho messo a cuore aperto il nonno dei nostri tester: il PIFCO "ALL IN ONE RADIOMETER", tester dei nostri bisnonni, tutt'ora funzionante e risalente al 1923.
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Contenuto in un elegante astuccio in legno, internamente foderato in velluto viola, il PIFCO ha le istruzioni riportate sulla parte interna del coperchio incernierato che chiude l'astuccio, dove trovano posto anche i puntali. Lo strumento è interamente in bakelite screziata e lucida, di forma rettangolare.
Sulle istruzioni c'è la raccomandazione di fare una sola misurazione per volta onde non danneggiare lo strumento, si specifica che si possono fare solo misure in tensione continua, che lo strumento ha resistenza di 500 Ohm per volt e viene riportato tutto ciò che si può fare: Voltmetro per basse ed alte tensioni, milliamperometro, prova filamenti e tester di continuità per circuiti. Un vero gioiellino.
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In alto troviamo uno zoccolo per valvole a spinotto dove si poteva inserire la valvola e provarne la continuità del filamento (ingegnoso sistema..) ma non la loro emissione, naturalmente. Negli stessi reofori potevano essere inseriti i puntali per usare lo strumento come tester di continuità (non ohmetro, ovviamente).
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Più in basso ci sono 4 morsetti che servono per le misure di tensione e corrente: un negativo comune, uno per le tensioni fino a sei volts, uno per tensioni fino a 250 volts ed un ultimo per la funzione milliamperometro, con portata massima di 40 milliampere.
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Al centro dei morsetti c'è lo strumentino a bobina mobile diviso in quattro diverse scale, con diversi colori e con lo specchio per evitare l'errore di parallasse durante la lettura. Sul retro troviamo l'alloggiamento delle pile, da 1,5 volts, messe in serie per ottenere i tre volts necessari per le misure filamento e continuità.
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All'interno, collegate ai morsetti di bassa ed alta tensione, troviamo delle protezioni contro le sovratensioni che avrebbero potuto danneggiare lo strumento ma che non ho messo alla prova per ovvi motivi. Il cablaggio e la costruzione sono di buona qualità e il nostro PIFCO, all'atto delle prove, ha mostrato una discreta precisione sia sulle tensioni che sulle correnti misurate.
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Le sue ridotte dimensioni, quasi tascabili, ne facevano un pratico strumento di misura, utile alle misure necessarie per riparazione o autocostruzione delle radio dei nostri nonni e bisnonni.
Ecco un altro piccolo pezzo di storia della radio, messo a cuore aperto per gli amici appassionati.
Paolo Pierelli
MFJ-8100 World band Receiver
Dopo aver parlato della quasi centenaria Marconiphone V2 dall'innovativo circuito a rigenerazione con 2 valvole, facciamo un salto ai giorni nostri e guardiamo in modo "Darwiniano" l'evoluzione della specie di questi semplici ricevitori REFLEX .
Con una magia passiamo dai triodi impiegati negli anni venti agli odierni FET uniti a moderni circuiti Integrati. Un eclatante esempio di evoluzione della specie è IRX "MFJ - 8100 World Receiver" costruito negli Stati Uniti dalla "MFJ ENTERPRISES, INC - MISSISSIPPI".
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La MFJ è nota ai Radioamatori per la produzione di validi apparecchi e accessori per comunicazioni in campo amatoriale, apparecchi già montati o in scatola di montaggio reperibili anche sul territorio nazionale.
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Le Istruzioni, 20 pagine, che illustrano questo piccolo RX onde corte a circuito rigenerativo, sono ben fatte; nella pagina "Tavola dei Contenuti" vi è l'elenco dei vari argomenti a supporto dei principianti, partendo dalla Storia della prime radio a CRISTALLO superate dal circuito RIGENERATIVO che a volte può anche sorpassare le prestazioni della classica SUPERETERODINA, andando poi a descrivere le prestazioni di questo moderno RX-MFJ rigenerativo, sottolineando che le ragioni del buon funzionamento rispetto ai vecchi ricevitori di identico sistema è dovuto grazie allo sviluppo della circuiteria elettronica e della attuale componentistica.
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Segue una spiegazione del funzionamento del circuito composto da 3 Transistors e da un Amplificatore Audio a circuito integrato. Il primo transistor FET funziona da amplificatore a radiofrequenza/separatore di antenna, il secondo FET è oscillatore/rivelatore con controllo di rigenerazione, il terzo Transistor è amplificatore di bassa frequenza, seguito dal finale a Circuito Integrato atto a pilotare 2 cuffie collegate in uscita. Il tutto è piccolo, ben fatto e portatile (dimensioni di una autoradio) alimentato da una pila a 9 volt interna nella piccola elegante scatola metallica di color nero con frontale in alluminio che presenta 4 comandi: Banda, Tuning, Regeneration, Volume un interruttore di accensione e un led rosso indicante l'accensione. Sul retro 2 uscite per cuffia stereo, 2 prese: antenna/terra e RF gain (piccolo potenziometro interno, comandabile con cacciavite per desensibilizzare l'RX in presenza di forti segnali).
Sul manuale l'RX MFJ-8100 è presentato con queste parole: "Per Radioamatori esperti, per Appassionati o Ingegneri"; segue descrizione d'uso: come collegare una antenna, come collegare un minibox amplificato, come sintonizzare le Stazioni nei 5 segmenti di banda disponibili in segmenti discontinui fra 3,5 e 22 Mhz, precisando che la semplicità costruttiva non consente la copertura continua e sottolineando che la precisione dell'indice di sintonia sulla scala circolare è grossolana e dell'ordine di alcune centinaia di Khz (con un circuito "BASICO" non si può di certo fare meglio). A ricevitore acceso, collegato ad una semplice antenna filare, agendo sul controllo di rigenerazione, portandolo vicino all'innesco e sintonizzando con delicatezza la Stazione che interessa, dosando piano la rigenerazione e il volume, la musica, il parlato, la telegrafia e l' SSB saltano fuori che è un piacere! Ci vuole però un po' di esperienza e di abilità, ma le soddisfazioni non mancano di certo. Il manuale riporta che in QSO Radioamatoriali con Stazioni a bassa potenza QRP si sono avuti buoni risultati con questo semplice ricevitore. Da ultimo sempre nel manuale ci sono note circa l'ascolto dì onde corte e suggerimenti di migliorie come l'alimentazione esterna o l'attenuatore di antenna con suggerimenti di applicarlo esternamente per non sforacchiare inutilmente il piccolo apparecchio. Certo va detto che fare ascolto in questo modo comporta un buon spirito pionieristico e adattativo alle caratteristiche di questo piccolo gioiello, chi desidera l'ascolto facile deve necessariamente rivolgersi a qualcosa di più complesso e naturalmente anche più costoso. E' tutto, sinceri Auguri di Buone Feste e di un Nuovo Anno decisamente migliore!
Testo descrittivo, apparecchio e foto di Lucio Bellè.
Agenda DX 26/12/2020
Radio 26, Cuba (1959)
Radio Clube do Santos, Brasile 1240 Khz (1924)
The K7RA Solar Update
Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Merry Christmas!
Sunspots went missing last Friday and Saturday, but large new sunspot group 2794 appeared on Sunday, December 21, and on Wednesday, reported new sunspot group 2795 emerging over our sun’s southeastern limb.
This disappearance depressed the average weekly sunspot number, which went from 17.4 last week to 10.3 this week, ending on Wednesday, December 23. Our reporting week runs from Thursday through Wednesday.
In spite of lower sunspot numbers, the average daily solar flux increased slightly from 82.1 to 82.8.
Average daily planetary A index increased from 4.7 to 7.3, and average daily middle latitude A index went from 3.3 to 6. These are still low numbers, indicating quiet geomagnetic conditions, so 160-meter propagation remains good, also aided by lower seasonal atmospheric noise as winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere.
Predicted solar flux for the next 30 days is
88 on December 25 – 30; 86 on December 31; 84 on January 1 – 6; 82 on January 7 – 12; 84 on January 13 – 20, and 86 on January 21 – 23.
Predicted geomagnetic indicators for the same period have the planetary A index at 15 and 8 on December 25 – 26; 5 on December 27 – January 4; 10 on January 5 – 6; 5 on January 7 – 12; 8 on January 13; 5 on January 14 – 16; 12, 8, and 18 on January 17 – 19, and 15, 10, 8, and 3 on January 20 – 23.
Here’s the geomagnetic activity forecast for December 25 – January 19 from OK1HH. Geomagnetic field will be:
quiet on January 4, 12 – 14
quiet to unsettled on December 28 – 31, January 1 – 3, 15
quiet to active on December 25 – 27, January 6, 8, 10 – 11, 16
unsettled to active January 2, 5, 7, 9, 17, 19
active to disturbed January 18
Solar wind will intensify on December (25,) 27 (28 – 29), (January 1 – 3, 7 – 9, 18,) 19
-Parentheses mean lower probability of activity enhancement.
-The predictability of changes is lower again, as there are ambiguous and changing indications.
I wish you a blessed Christmas, positive thinking, and negative tests! — F. K. Janda, OK1HH, Czech Propagation Interest Group, compiling these geomagnetic activity weekly forecasts since January 1978.
Steve, NN4X, reported working a VK and a ZL via 15-meter long path around 1915 UTC on December 23 using FT8. NN4X is in Florida, southeast of Orlando. His antenna (two stacked six-element Yagis) is highly directional, so he has no doubt this was long path. He was also heard at 3D2 and KH6. He writes, “I’ve been a ham since 1977, and this stuff never gets boring!”
Check out his impressive array of antennas listed on his profile. He sent a PSK reporter screenshot showing he was copied all over the world, except Asia.
Jeff, N8II, wrote on December 19.
“Today, we had two contests — the RAC and 9A CW (Croatia, everybody works everybody). 15 was a bit marginal into western Canada, but I worked MB, SK, AB, and BC plus several VE3s on backscatter. 15 meters was open to southern and central EU at the 1400 UTC 9A CW start, but with few loud signals. By 1500 UTC most activity disappeared. 20 meter signals were loud from both eastern and western Canada and Europe, with the band starting to close around 1615 UTC. My last EU QSOs were with Geoff, GM8OFQ, in the Orkney Islands (S-9 + 10dB) and Tom, G1IZQ, (S-9 with QSB) just after 1700 UTC.
“Signals from EU have been weaker and openings much shorter on 15 meters in general this past week due to the drop in solar activity. One day I had a QSO with a loud Norwegian who was S-9 around 1400 UTC, but in general most signals have been from southern EU.
“Our sunsets are already later here by 3 minutes, but sunrises will get later until about December 31 due to the elliptical orbit of the Earth, so openings to the east will get later.”
Here’s the latest from Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW.
Sunspot numbers for December 17 – 23 were 12, 0, 0, 11, 11, 11, and 27, with a mean of 10.3. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 81.6, 80.5, 81.7, 83.8, 79.6, 85.8, and 86.4, with a mean of 82.8. Estimated planetary A indices were 2, 3, 5, 4, 12, 13, and 12, with a mean of 7.3. Middle latitude A index was 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 11, and 11, with a mean of 6.
For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read “What the Numbers Mean…,” and check out K9LA’s Propagation Page.
A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.
Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL bulletins are on the ARRL website.
Share your reports and observations. (
sabato 26 dicembre 2020
Glenn Hauser logs December 26, 2020
** CUBA. 9700, Dec 26 at 0557, RHC English is back here, after switch back to 6145 last night, // much weaker 6000. Something`s not wrong at RHC.
Also about 9700, Kenneth Vito Zichi, Williamston MI reports in the MARE Tipsheet: ``9700 RHC *SPANISH* (yes, something is always wrong, but really, not so horrible with this mistake) mostly EZL Cuban music w/brief SS announcements -- which was a good listen! 444+43+ decent modulation as this channel usually has, 0405-0420 19/Dec RSPdx +SDRuno +ANC-4 +randomwire --Zichi MI`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** GERMANY. Re my report of 9670, 0400+ UT Dec 26, Channel 292 with RNEI, or ``OSR``?
``Hi Glenn, merry Xmas and happy New Year 2021! That's OHR, Offshore History Radio. Often used by Channel 292 as a 'filler' between hours booked by scheduled broadcasters. Heard here with a very weak signal on 9670 at 0410-0420 this morning, Dec 26. Looks like RNEI either was aired an hour earlier (current Channel 292 sked shows 0300 today) or was cancelled for some reason. 73, Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, RUS``
And from Roger Thauer, Germany:
I had seen the 0300z entry in the schedule for ch292 beforehand. So I had already checked the situation at 0300z / 04.00 CET on the 9670 kHz. But, since there was no signal on various KIWI SDRs between Moscow and Kamschatka, not a trace of a transmitter carrier.
2.) An hour later, the situation as described by Glenn. I was i.a. also back on the Novosibirsk SDR and saw another user from the USA, probably him.
3.) The midday broadcast from RNEI via ch292 also on 9670 kHz (on ordered 293° ===> UK/IRL/US) on yesterday, December 25th, at least worked. The DRM QAM16 SNR (at the end of the show) reached a peak value of 17 dB in Carlow [IRL]. roger`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: at first not confirmed Sat Dec 26 at 1300-1306 on WRMI 15770, JBA carrier only; but by recheck at 1326 has surged to S9+10/20! Next:
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2300 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0500]
2300vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW [but not last week]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 to SSE [but not last week]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100]
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative.
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA
One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Re my report of TRSW Xmas special on WRMI, 5800, UT Sat Dec 26 at 0300-0400:
``Ahoy Glenn - Thank you for your reception report, which was correct. Attached is your limited edition eQSL.
[via now #105]
Here's the program's playlist:
TRSW - 2020 Texas Christmas Music Special - Playlist
The Yellow Rose of Texas - Mitch Miller & His Orchestra (Part)
Nosotros 3 Kings - Beto y Los Fairlanes (Live)
Please Come Home for Christmas - Marcia Ball (Live)
Pretty Paper - Roy Orbison (With the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra)
Silent Night - Destiny’s Child (Feat. Beyonce)
What’s This - Flyleaf
When It’s Christmas Time in Texas - George Strait
Cowboy Christmas Ball - Michael Martin Murphey (Live)
What Child is This? - Eric Johnson and Van Wilks (Live)
You, Me and a Christmas Tree - Asleep at the Wheel (Feat. Ray Benson)
West Texas Christmas - Spur 327 Band
Boogie Woogie Santa Claus - Angela Strehli
Santa Bring My Baby Back (to Me) - Charlie Sexton
Blue Christmas - Willie Nelson
I Hear Jingle Bells - Freedy King
Santa! Don’t Pass Me By - Freddy Fender
Gonna Wrap My Heart in Ribbons - Hank Thompson (Feat. The Brazos Valley Boys)
Christmas in Harlem - Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra (Feat. Jack Teagarden)
The Yellow Rose of Texas - Mitch Miller & His Orchestra (Part).
Aired December 25, 2020 (Channel 292) and December 26 (WRMI and WBCQ)
Runtime = 59:40.
Cap'n Ric and the Crew hope you had a Merry Christmas and that you'll have s safe New Year. 73 and Arrgghh. Always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate.
Texas Radio Shortwave
Sailing into your ears from the Lone Star State``
Same program is further scheduled on WBCQ 6159.93v, UT Sun Dec 27 at 0200-0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 830, Dec 26 circa 0600 UT, no more echoing heard on WCCO. Replying to my previous reports, Scott Blixt, Minnesota DX Club:
``Re: [MDXC] Why is WCCO 830 echoing? I live here in MN near the Twin Cities. I did not listen when you did so I`m not sure of any echo that`s going on. But I will listen more carefully to see if I do hear it.
WCCO does indeed have a back up transmitter site located just North of Anoka MN. They own the old KTWN/KANO tower that was 1470 back in the day. I know a fellow DXer who lives a few blocks away. He mentions to me that they overload the front end of his radio out when they are using this transmitter
It is only miles from the Coon Rapids site they use on a day to day basis. Perhaps someone else in the MDXC will have more info to share`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. RF 15, Dec 26 at 1643, marginal tropo blob from here into S and SE Kansas visiblizes KSNW-DT ``3`` Wichita. The only DX decoding via my broken antenna; and despite my ``local`` KTBOOKC on RF 15. Only Wichita station making it, not even Bad signals on open others. First time I think since repacked from RF 45 altho many times KOPX has been QRMed out by something, probably this. Subchannels:
3-1, KSNW-DT [NBC]
3-2, T`Mundo --- yes, apparently apostrophied in tiny font PSIP, not Telemun as in
3-3, ION
3-4, TCN --- True Crime Network, a.k.a. Justice but no such ID seen.
I also got some good freeze-frame breakup shots, all-red & white
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1952 UT December 26