giovedì 19 settembre 2019

Log of Sept 19, checked some Asian target outlets at 00.00-01.30 UT

Log of Sept 19, checked some Asian target outlets at 00.00-01.30 UT
time range on remote SDRs in Hiroshima, Akitakata, Tokyo Japan.

Highest fq of Taiwan SoH Chinese language 'veiled purpose' service today.
21799.693 kHz TWN  SOH at 23.50 UT Tuesday   Sep 17, S=6 strength in Japan
21799.706 kHz TWN  SOH at 00.27 UT Thursdays Sep 17, S=8 strength in Japan
21800even kHz CHN  CNR jamming at S=8-9 strength noted from 01.00 UT.

14369.883 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=8 at 00.30 UT.
14560even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=8 in JPN, against co-channel
          TWN  SOH Chinese, at 00.31 UT.
14600.187 TWN  SOH Chinese, poor S=4-5 at 00.41 UT.
14640.108 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=7 at 00.33 UT.
14690.104 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=7 at 00.34 UT.
14774.932 TWN  SOH Chinese, underneath at 00.35 UT, hit of co-channel
14775even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+20dB in JPN, 8 kHz wideband.
14799.892 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=7-8 at 00.37 UT.
14850even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+20dB in JPN, many echo repeats
          heard and ahead of co-channel TWN  SOH Chinese at 00.38 UT.
14980even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+20dB in JPN, 20 kHz wideband,
          heard and ahead of co-channel TWN  SOH Chinese at 00.44 UT.

15110.030 MRA  RFA Burmese sce likely via IBB BBG Saipan bcast center
          S=8 at 00.46 UT heard in remote SDR in Hiroshima Japan.
          But unfortunately distorted Burmese audio quality, like bad
          satellite feed quality towards Marianas.
15320even PHL  VoA Chinese program via US IBB BBG relay facility on
          Tinang in Philippines. NOT JAMMED at this hour. S=9+10dB 00.47UT
15340even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+5dB in JPN, 8 kHz wideband,
          heard and ahead of co-channel
15340.003 TWN  SOH Chinese at 00.49 UT.
15435.004 PHL  FEBC Manila in Tai Nua language acc Aoki Nagoya database,
          from Bocaue bcast center site, S=7-8 level, at 00.52 UT.
15565even both signals on this channel
15565even THA  US VoA Chinese program from SoEaAS US relay site at
          Udorn Thani in northeastern Thailand, but underneath - covered
          by co-channel at 00.54 UT on Sept 19
15565even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+25dB in JPN, 20 kHz wideband
          and next door adjacent
15570even CHN  CNR11 in Tibetan language via CNR Baoji-Sifangshan #724
          site at S=9+15dB channel on remote SDR's in Japan.
15590.005 THA  Radio Thailand Bangkok in English via SoEaAS US relay site
          at Udorn Thani in northeastern Thailand, at 00.56 UT on Sept 19,
          S=9+25dB signal level. At 00.56:58 UT start - seemingly - Thai
          National Anthem, sung by girls group.
15700even MRA  RFA Burmese sce via IBB BBG Tinian bcast center
          S=9+5dB at 00.59 UT heard in remote SDR unit in Hiroshima Japan.
15785even CHN  CRI English program sce via Xianyang #594 site, at 00.59 UT
          on S=9+15dB level, CRI various addresses given then.

15940even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal against TWN  SOH services, noted
          at 01.23 UT, S=8 signal strength.
15969.860 TWN  SOH Chinese, poor tiny S=4-5 signal at 01.22 UT.
16100even CHN  CNR jamming against TWN SOH services, noted at 01.21 UT
          35.8 N  97.6 E seems likely coming from Golmud/Geermu #916 site.
          S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.
16300even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal against TWN  SOH services, noted
          at 0120 UT seems likely coming from one of three sites
          close to Baoji Xinjiezhen #722 / Baoji Sifangshan #724 /
          or Xianyang #594 sites ? see direction finding comment below.
          S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.
16680even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=8-9 in JPN, against co-channel
          TWN  SOH Chinese at 01.16 UT. 10.4 kHz wideband audio block.
16789.848 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=4 poor at 00.10 UT. unstable fq 5 Hz up+down
16979.926 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=6-7 at 00.13 UT.
17150.021 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=6-7 at 00.14 UT.
17440.242 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=7 at 00.08 UT Sept 19.

17489.997 CHN  CRI Beijing #572 Doudian site, Cantonese language sce,
          S=8 at 00.009 UT.
17550even CHN  CNR1 Beijing #572 Doudian site, S=8 in Akitakata Japan,
          hit heavily at 00.16 UT on Sept 19
          by 20 kHz wideband CNR jamming from 17560 kHz adjacent channel.
17560even CHN  CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+15dB in JPN, against co-channel
17560 underneath, PHL  VoA Tinang Chinese lower strength at 00.19 UT.
17625even CHN  CNR2 Bussiness sce in Chinese, S=7-8 at 00.03 UT in Tokyo.
17650.042 GUM  KSDA AWR Agat Guam in Chinese 00-01 UT, heard in Japan,
          S=9+15dB strength at 00.06 UT.
17770 DRM mode from CHN  CNR1 at Dongfang, Hainan Island bcast center.
          3E8 call sign read, S=9+25dB level at 01.05 and 01.55 UT.
17820even carrier at 01.06 UT and 1000 Hertz test tone noted, likely
          test  PHL  R Pilipinas scheduled from 02.00 UT daily
          via US IBB BBG relay facility on Tinang in Philippines.

18180.319 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=8-9 at 00.21 UT.
18899.685 TWN  SOH Chinese, S=6-7 at 00.23 UT.

Checked also on KiwiNet SW worldwide at Chabarovsk Siberia, Pakistan,
Delhi India and Hong Kong SDR units
and used TDoA Extension for directing finding service too.

16100even kHz CHN  CNR jamming against TWN SOH services, noted at 01.33 UT
          35.8 N  97.6 E seems likely coming from Golmud/Geermu #916 site.
          S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.

16300even kHz CHN  CNR jamming against TWN SOH services, noted at 01.29 UT
          33.6 N  103.2 E   seems likely coming from one of three sites
          close to Baoji Xinjiezhen #722 / Baoji Sifangshan #724 /
          or Xianyang #594 sites ?
          S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.

17770 DRM mode from CHN  Dongfang, Hainan Island bcast center. S=9+25dB
          Narrowed at TDoA Kiwi direction finding at
          23.0 N  107.4 E location at 01.55 UT.

TDoA Help.

See the Kiwi forum for more information. If you are getting errors check
these common problems:

* Not zoomed-in far enough. The TDoA process will run out of memory or have
problems plotting the maps.

* Not all Kiwis used for sampling have good reception of target signal. Open
a connection to each Kiwi by double clicking on its marker to check the
reception or by clicking on the speaker icon in the sampling station list.

* Don't use Kiwis that are spaced too far apart (i.e. many thousands of km).

* Use minimum IQ-mode passband. Just enough to capture the signal. Use the
"p" and "P" keys to narrow/widen the passband.
For AM broadcast signals try a narrow passband that only passes the carrier.

Once you configure this extension, and click the "Submit" button,
information is sent to the server. The server then records 30
seconds of IQ data from the two to six sampling Kiwis specified. The
frequency and passband of this Kiwi will be used for all recording. So make
sure it is set correctly before proceeding. Always use the minimum necessary
passband and make sure it is symmetrical about the carrier. The current mode
(e.g. AM) is ignored as all recording is automatically done in IQ mode.
After sampling, the TDoA process will be run on the server. After it
finishes a result map will appear.

Additional maps may be viewed with the TDoA result menu. You can pan and
zoom the resulting maps and click submit again after making any changes.
Or use the rerun button to get new maps without resampling.
The checkboxes exclude stations during a rerun.

To begin zoom into the general area of interest on the Kiwi map (note the
"quick zoom" menu). Click on the desired blue Kiwi sampling stations. If
they are not responding or have had no recent GPS solutions an error message
will appear.

Important: the position and zooming of the Kiwi map determines the same for
the resulting TDoA maps. Double click on the blue markers (or speaker icon)
to open that Kiwi in a new tab to check if it is receiving the target signal
well. You can also manually edit the sampling station list (white fields).

You can click on the green map markers to set the frequency/passband of some
well-known reference stations. The known locations of these stations will be
shown in the result maps so you can see how well it agrees with the TDoA
solution. Practice with VLF/LF references stations as their ground-wave
signals usually give good results.

Start with only two sampling stations and check the quality of the solution
before adding more.

Of course you need three or more stations to generate a localized solution.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 19)