mercoledì 5 giugno 2019

Wolfgang Bueschel: logs June 5th at 00.00 to 00.45 UT

More logs this June 5th at 00.00 to 00.45 UT,
heard all remotedly on SDR in Cape Canaveral, Florida US state.

5800.017 USA  UNID, - jazz mx at 00.05 UT on June 5 in remote SDR
at Cape Canaveral Florida state, S=7 or -86dBm
\\ 5950 kHz WRMI Okeechobee.
Warm Up procedure WRMI transmitter unit parked here ?

6184.994 MEX  XEPPM Radio Educacion, Mexico City, mx program
at 00.17 UT on June 5, S=9 or -73dBm in FL.

7315.003 USA  Voice of Vietnam, English nx read by female presenter,
excellent audio quality of 10 kHz wideband, in peaks 20 kHz wide.
S=9+50db or -26dBm extreme powerhouse at 00.20 UT on June 5.
Via WHRI 250 kW TX unit, at 00.00-04.00 UT. Well done service.

7490.142 USA  From an older TX unit at WBCQ phone-in program,
talk on heavy rain and storm weather, and talked on shortwave too ...
12 kHz wide audio band tonight. 00.22 UT

3310even! BOL?  Guitar mx program, Quechua?, S=6-7 or -83dBm,
station never heard in my life before, likely Mosoj Chaski?,
Cotapachi, Quillacollo, Cochabamba_BOL. At 00.26 UT on June 5.

4747.602 kHz nothing read in Aoki Nagoya list, Andean? station?,
TBS #21 says Radio Tarma, Tarma, Junin, PRU, S=5-6  -96dBm signal
strength, at 00.28 UT on June 5.

4765even CUB  ONLY CARRIER ON AIR, R Progreso from Bejucal CUB
scheduled, noted at 00.29 - 00.31 UT. Audio feed failed this night.
S=9+20dB in Cape Canaveral_FL.

two stns co-channel each on 4775 -
4774.905 stronger Peruvian? stn S=6-7,
4774.959 Brazilian stn ? at 00.34 UT

two Brazilian stns co-channel each on 4885 -
4885.013 less strong stn S=5,
4885.024 Brazilian stn S=6-7 -88dBm, at 00.38 UT.

4924.978 BRA  Radio Educacao Rural, Tefe,
S=6 or -96dBm at 00.40 UT on June 5.

4989.983 SUR  Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, S=5 or -102dBm signal strength
noted at 00.42 UT.

5040even CUB  ONLY CARRIER on air, French program audio feed failed at
00.30-01.00 Ut on RHC Bauta Cuba transmission center.
S=9+30dB or -43dBm powerhouse in remote SDR at Cape Canaveral Florida US state.

73 wb  df5sx