sabato 29 giugno 2019

Solomon Islands on 9545 kHz. - SIBC reactivated

SOLOMON ISLANDS  at 04.40 UT on June 29

now at remote Brisbane Queensland SDR, nice S=8 or -77dBm signal, measured against WBCQ 9330even S=8-9, WRMI 9395.000 similar and WWVH 10 MHz,  now exact / closer to

9544.998 1/2 kHz at 0453 UT on June 29.

Grayline easterly of near Samoa and Auckland NZL,

SOLOMON ISLANDS   Similar poor threshold level too, at 22.59:42 til 23.05 UT on June 28.

Used single Australian Perseus remote RX unit at Brisbane Queensland Australia.

9544.999 1/2 kHz S=6 or -86dBm poor and tiny

listen to attached mp3.format file.

some UTE QRM like high speed CW at nearby 9543.436 kHz, 'cut/notched out' the lower frequency flank range.

73 wolfie  df5sx