** EAST TURKISTAN. 15590, April 4 at 1325, dramatic W&W dialog in English, something religious? No, it`s just CRI, 12-15, 308 degrees from Urumqi. Heavy flutter S7-S4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** HAWAII. 6501-USB, April 4 at 0634, S6-S8 but distorted modulation, marine weather robot with lots and lots of geo coordinates in the Pacific, i.e. NMO, USCG Honolulu; EiBi shows this broadcast at 0600-0635; frequency time-shared with USCG Kodiak, Guam and Chesapeake. (And some overlapping with XSL Fuzhou Radio, China.) Only other NMO broadcast is at 1200-1235. Mariners must hustle to copy down all the coords and then figure out what`s where. Maybe fax would be more efficient, user-friendly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA. 9835, April 4 at 1412, RTM with Qur`an recitation in suspiciously high-pitched voice; long pauses, very poor S3-S5; 1422 announcement. As Ron Howard and Timm Breyel have reported, this is the annual pre-Ramadan competition, open even to females! A TV simulcast, and maybe also on 11665 which is too weak to tell.
Ron reported yesterday: ``9835, Sarawak FM via Kajang (on the west coast of the Malaysia peninsular), 1408-1448, April 3. In vernacular; coverage of the national competition for recitations from the Qur'an (Majlis Tilawah Dan Menghafaz Al-Quran Peringkat Kebangsaan), being held this year at the Putrajaya Islamic Complex; sponsored by the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia; series of about 10 minutes of reciting, with both men and women in the competition; very rare to hear women, but they have a women's division in the competition; Being held from April 1 to 6, so there should be more days with this coverage here.``
Timm replied: ``Yes, Ron, this is an RTM TV1 audio feed. Contestants are from around the world. Quariah (women reciters) are among the contestants. This event is heard annually just before the Fasting Month (Ramadan).``
(Which this year 2018 CE starts May 16; schedule for Enid:
and N.B. the angle of Mecca from here is 41.722 degrees. How close to that do you have to aim to be within spex? If you are one degree off, are you less effective, or worse?)
As for the recitations, presumably all must be done by rote memory, but what about the musical notes? Are these also set in stone for each syllable, or is some extemporizing permitted or even possible? Are the contestants judged on their accuracy, or their performance, which implies some individuality? Just how far could they depart from the standard without getting in trouble? The poor heathen tho Abrahamist Christians can have no such equivalent contests, with multiple versions of their Bible and in multiple languages.. Can you imagine the cacophony? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MYANMAR [non]. 7530, April 4 at 1315, sounder and talk in Myanmarianese, i.e. Radio Free Asia via Tinian at 1230-1430 per EiBi. Poor with running-water QRM burst (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9540.059, April 4 at 1412, very poor S1-S3 talk, bet it`s VOT in typical plussy offfrequenciness --- yes, this hour scheduled Arabic, 500 kW at 120 degrees opposite from here. Have they deliberately misaligned all their transmitters, perhaps depending on a defective frequency meter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1924 monitoring: tho 9455 still shows on the WRMI skedgrid as System F at 1000-1100 with a variety of programming, Wolfgang Büschel was not able to hear it via remote receivers other days, and today, Chris Krug in Tulsa, who normally listens to the Wed 1030 broadcast of WOR, says ``WRMI 9455 1030 UT WOR absent --- Greetings Glenn, I tuned in to hear WOR on 9455 this morning (1030 UT) and heard nothing, not even a carrier. I rechecked at 1130 in case sked was changed for DST, WRMI is on but not a good copy, I hear a YL announcer so I don`t think it`s WOR.`` Next:
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2100 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Thu 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Fri 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0629 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1431 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2130 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0310v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 to NE, 9455 to WNW [or #1925?]
Tue 2130 WRMI 7780 to NE, 9455 to WNW [or #1925?]
Full WOR sked on all outlets, podcast access:
** U S A. 7505v, April 4 at 0630, WRNO still on with music at S9-S7 but undermodulated and rough carrier. Ivo Ivanov, Ron Howard and Dave Kenny have been reporting it on beyond the former 01-04 UT schedule, and Mauno Ritola noted the WRNO website now says:
``SHORTWAVE FREQUENCY 7505 kHz 8PM - 8AM CENTRAL`` Also linked to WRNO FB: which exclaims, ``March 28 at 7:00pm · Excited to reach China with the Good News!``
Well, certainly more possible than before 0400! But 50 kW at 20 degrees? Ron Howard confirms extension to 12 hours a day: ``April 4 - Tuned in at 1245, to hear Chinese & English religious song, then with preaching in Chinese; yes, noted 1300*``
HFCC A-18 also has WRNO registered on 15590 at 16-22, an imaginary frequency not used for many, many years, the Joe Costello era, but always in the listings. 7505 could be expanded further between 22 and 16, altho the first hour would now confront IBB Tibetan via Tajikistan and jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1651 UT April 4