ARMENIA (Or Uzbekistan?), 5845, Radio Menschen Geschichten, via Short Wave
Service, Gavar (Or Tashkent), 1730-1800*, 25-02, German, id. "Radio Menschen
Geschichten", comments in German and some comments in English, some pop songs.
On its web site announces via Tashkent: "1700-1800 UTC (18-19 Uhr MEZ) auf 5845
kHz (Wiederholung, via Sender Taschkent)". 44444.
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1908-1917, 25-02, French, news and
comments. 13321.
4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0445-0455, 25-02, Cuban songs.
5025, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0645-0810, 25-02, songs in English, Caribbean
songs and other songs in Spanish, at 0659 news, "Estas fueron las últimas
noticias, program "Todo Música", "Música para todos", "Radio Rebelde, la emisora
de la revolución", at 0800: "Son las tres de la mañana, comienza el programa
Presencia". 45444.
DENMARK, 5840, World Music Radio, 1803-1854, 25-02, pop songs, id. 1811:
"World Music Radio", at 1819, at 1827 Latin American song in Spanish, cumbia
"La pollera colorá", Brazilian songs, other songs, various identification.
EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 0545-0612, 25-02, songs, at
0600 news in Spanish. Very weak in Lugo. 15321.
6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, *0759-0820, 25-02, pop songs, id. "Radio
Mi Amigo", comments, English, German. 35433.
6150, Radio Marabu, Datteln, 0803-0820, 25-02, pop songs, German, comments,
id. "Radio Marabu". 35333.
6180, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg, 0605-0612, 25-02, German, weather
report. 45444.
7365, HCJB Germany, Weenermoor, 1005-1012, 25-02, German, religious
comments. 24332.
9485, Hamburger Lokalradio, Ghoren, 1100-1200, 25-02, English, id.
"Hamburger Lokalradio, at 1130 Glenn Hauser's program "World of Radio".
GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, *0657-0815, 25-02, open with African
songs, French, comments, id. "Radio Guinée", at 0830 religious program "Le Jour
du Seigneur". 34433.
INDIA, extended program with cricket coverage:
4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1803-1845, 25-02, Hindi and English, cricket and other
comments. 15321.
5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1800-1910, 25-02, Hindi and English, cricket
and other comments. 25432.
5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1802-1912, 25-02, Hindi and English, cricket and other
comments. 15421.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de Mexico, 0446-0503, 25-02, songs in
Spanish. 15321.
MOGOLIA, 12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaan Baatar, 0910-0930, 24-02, program
in English, Mongolian songs, comments, tuning music at the end. 34433.
USA, 9265, WINB, Red Lion, 1445-1556, 24-02, English, religious comments
and songs. 35433.
ZAMBIA, 13680, Voice of Hope, Lusaka, 1457-1530, 24-02, English, religious
comments, id. "From Zambia, this is the Voice of Hope". 35443.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Lugo
Tecsun P-880, XHDATA D-808, cable antenna, 8 meters