Dear FRS/ E.M.R.Friends,
It doesn't happen that often that I forward two
messages on the same evening.
But no need to will all know the
I have just uploaded my personal Tom Taylor/ E.M.R. memories.
Special thanks goes out to Ian Biggar!
Just for your information:
There will be a Tribute on SW late
February. Many radio people who know Tom from past and present will
Of course you will be informed about time and
Apart from that (and before I heard about this great initiative
from Herbert Visser) I had already decided there will be
a tribute from us
at FRS as well. Hopefully in February.
Soon I hope to publish a number of
reactions I have been receiving in recent days from both radio people as well as
Feel free to share your personal Tom Taylor/ Barry Stephens/
E.M.R. memories. We appreciate any contribution!
For now...have a good
73s from all at FRSH,