** ANGUILLA. 11775, Feb 10 at 1525, no signal from CB/TUN/DGS/PMS. Have not heard this for a few days now, nor 6090 at night; but you never know if and when it will pop on next (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 4774.887, Feb 10 at 0727, poor signal with talk, Spanish from Perú or Brazuguese from Brasil? More like the latter. Music playing in background. Both are very close to 4774.9. WRTH shows R. Congonhas at 0800-0100, but during DST for one more week only in Minas Gerais, it could be starting one UT hour earlier. This is confirmed by Brandon Jordan`s
``LA Bandscan for s/off and s/on times Jan 23 2018 0145-1220 UT:
4774.9 B R. Congonhas, Congonhas-MG *0707
4774.9 PRU R. Tarma, Tarma 0207* *0946``
** CUBA. 6100, Feb 10 at 0725, RHC English is OFF this frequency; while 6165 & 6000 are undermodulated, 6060 good but with het (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** JAPAN. 9680, Sat Feb 10 at 1507, nice piano recital of Clair de Lune, then Liebestraum, whence? At first I was thinking Voice of Hope Africa which is on now weekends; after all, they have a jazz show, so why not classical? But no proselytizing interrupts and schedule shows Jack van Impe, certainly not this unless default fill for missing program.
Could be CNR1/jammer? No, that`s echo-talking on 6180 at 1514. I try to // 13680 for Zambia but JBA carrier there. 1523 still piano on 9680 but fading and fluttery; 1529 announcement seems Japanesely intoned. Aoki/NDXC has the answer, at 1455-1700, NHK Japanese due west from Yamata. VOHA could have chosen a clear frequency but instead confronts, China, Taiwan, Japan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NIGERIA [non]. 11530, Fri Feb 9 at 1953 check, R. Herwa International via WRMI; and seems // 9580 FRANCE but just too weak on direct reception. Question is whether these will be off Sat & Sun like 11530 was last weekend (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 530, Feb 10 at 0735, quick check of K530AM, Vance AFB, as I am about to do a TA carrier bandscan, finds it is still running the hurricane-preparedness PSA despite Enid being 500 miles inland (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5129.82, Feb 10 at 0027, this WBCQ is on with music; by 0032 it`s Brother Scare giving phone numbers to listen in America and Europe and website for online hearage. And then says that his 24-hour SW broadcast has changed to 5130. Recheck 5129.84 at 0733, same announcement, claiming thrice that 5130 is ``24-hours``!
Possibly an exaggeration, as that would mean the end of Area 51, and Larry Will seems confident that will really continue. Maybe the deal is, BS will fill in all other available time on 5130v.
At 0753 Feb 10 a similar announcement except this time instead of SW info he refers to Global Star satellite. Is any of this on the website by now? The homepage now says that *most* SW has been discontinued, while the radio schedule page has nothing about what still exists, and refers only to four other satellites and streaming [and phoning!], and ``will not be broadcasting on AM/FM radio and Shortwave.``
This is a LIE, as Overcomer was never off WWCR or WBCQ; after his Dec 18 arrest, Brother Lester`s WHRI dropped him immediately, followed shortly by Brother Jeff`s WRMI, Spaceline Bulgaria, and eventually in January by Brother Dave`s WWRB. But the cash flow from psychophants eager to forgive his tribulations must be picking up, at least for all that satellite time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 15390, Feb 9 at 1958, REE is very distorted as usual, weaker but clear on // 15500. Why in the world do they keep running a transmitter so defective? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1916 monitoring: not confirmed UT Sat Feb 10 at 0030 on WBCQ 9330: JBA carrier. Brother Scare has switched to 5130 due to problems with the 9330 transmitter, so it may remain iffy whether WOR airs audibly or at all. See SOUTH CAROLINA [non] and USA: WBCQ.
Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, reports: GERMANY, Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 6190 CUSB, Feb 10
0730-0800 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, fair/good
WOR 1916 not confirmed, the Sat 1531 on HLR Germany 6190-USB, not checked on UTwente SDR until 1555 Feb 10, hearing only Vietnamese from CRI Beijing and mixing Mongolian from PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, not a bit of English from gh or anyone. 1556 CRI theme and off leaving Mongolian alone; *1558 hit by ACI from 6195 BBC chimes, for 1600 Farsi via Oman (and obviously the extension to *1500, same parameters registered in HFCC effective 1 Feb has not really taken place, a slight benefit for HLR would-be listeners). Before 1600, 6190 is back on with Chinese song and 2+1 timesignal. Next:
Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300 WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE, 9455 to WNW
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 0030 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 to NE, 9455 to WNW [or #1917?]
Full WOR schedule via all media, podcast access:
** U S A. 9395, Fri Feb 9 at 2112, WRMI is axually broadcasting `The Power Hour`, instead of Oldies music, and continues to do so for rest of this hour at least, at further chex: 2129.5 announcing a 5-minute break for commercials (tnx, I`ll go away during; not that I will really resume listening at 2134.5 except to confirm it still runs), and still2 past 2157 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5130v, Feb 10 at 1453, maybe a JBA carrier, as WBCQ is allegedly running Brother Scare now 24 hours on this frequency. Of course it will be useless here so far away in the daytime. See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Is he aware or does he ever mention that he is still on WWCR bigsigs, not curtailed at all?
7490 webcast, Feb 10 from 0100, `Allan Weiner Worldwide` says he is not going to be political and proceeds to praise acting president Drumpf ``who is actually doing something``. I cannot listen any further, but John Carver provides his weekly summary of what ensued:
``Show started approximately on time on 5130. Allan and Angela in the studio in FLA. Talk opened with a defense of Trump and confusion about why people dislike Trump so much. Believes that we should cease construction of new roads and simply maintain what we have.
Touched on the loss of Fred Flintstone and Ramsey by the station. Said he'd received several emails asking about them. Said he's not sure what happened unless it was burnout. Said they both got flaky on him and were really upset about transmitter fire as if it was his fault. Said that Fred had gotten just plain nasty to him in emails and posts and that he has been nothing but supportive of Fred and his illness, even giving him free airtime at times. He said that Ramsey also got very upset about being moved to another transmitter after the fire and made a big scene about it. Says he has no idea what the real problem is.
Allan announced that Jeff White of WRMI had donated a fifty thousand watt transmitter to the station. It's sitting on a trailer at Allan's house in FLA and he will be taking it to the station in the spring. Says the transmitter will have to be completely rebuilt so it will still be a while before it is ready to go after he gets it to the station. [Would that be WRMI`s original Wilkinson inherited from Radio Clarín, Dominican Republic, the one moved to Okee from Hialeah? ---gh]
Stated that most of the money donated so far had gone for clean up and repairs of transmitter building and paying his electrician, so wants people to continue to donate so they can buy the parts to rebuild the transmitter.
He announced that Brother Stair is moving to 5130 as the transmitter on 9330 went down this morning and needs some major repair. Stated that Brother Stair should have the charges against him dropped after the way the government conducted the raid on the compound, saying that he has suffered enough already. Said this is no way to treat a prophet of God.
Then read an email that was a joke about the tax system in this country. Phone call at 0141 from Mr. Transistor, Norm, interrupting the reading of an article from Kim Andrew Elliot about CRTs and analog TV. Signal dropped to S5 with a fair bit of noise making some parts of the discussion hard to copy. Talk with Norm was mostly about difficulty of receiving a good digital TV signal over the air, especially in rural areas.
Reading of emails began at 0152. One emailer took Allan to task for promoting hate with some of the programs that air on his station and also for his defense of Brother Stair. Allan again explained the free speech policy of the station and assured the writer that he did not agree with everything that everyone said on the broadcasts. He also pointed out that until Brother Stair is convicted by a jury of his peers he is innocent and he is appalled by the rush to judgement that is so popular in this country at the moment. Show was off the air at 0200 and 5130 went into Brother Stair. While I didn't listen to much of it, it did sound like something recent. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic? JBA MW carrier search, Feb 10 at 0735-0744 UT, R75 in USB mode 1 kHz below, pre-amps off: 585, 612, 621, 675, 693, 702, 882, 909, 972, 999, 1044, 1062, 1089, 1098, 1215, 1413, 1422, 1503, 1512*, 1584. The sun is upping over Europe, but all these haven`t quite faded out yet. OTOH, by now the sun is just setting upon Wellington, so NZers could propagate, tho most of them are lower-powered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6135, Feb 10 at 1456, quite a carrier amid heavy North Korean noise, but no program modulation at all detectable; carrier continues past 1502+. We were wondering if this could be Madagascar via longpath, in the absence of a Juche jamming target, Voice of Freedom on some other frequency.. Nothing else is known on 6135 at this time. Maybe the carrier is part of the jamming in this case?
There are remnant traces now of much weaker LP signals from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan on 7237, 7140, 7181.55, 7205. Madagascar used to turn 6135 off at 1500 sharp (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9968.9-USB, Feb 10 at 1506, 2-way in colloquial Spanish, intruders? The first words I recognize being ``c*ño`` and ``p*ta``. One is tempted to think that most mejicanos are foul-mouthed, if they can`t even clean it up for public transmissions, but bathe in anonymity. QRM from splatter out of the BS Sabbath service clapping on 9980 WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 12105, Feb 9 at 1955, JBA carrier as I am checking whether WTWW-3 be on the air again like yesterday. Surely it would be stronger if on, as neighbor 12160 WWCR is S7-S9. Or maybe it`s WTWW exciter only? Per Aoki/NDXC, the only other user of 12105 is RFA Tinian in Burmese at 1230-1430. And it still shows the long-gone language rotation for WTWW when it was `Bible Worldwide`. HFCC and EiBi agree about Tinian, and EiBi has eliminated WTWW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1836 UT February 10