** CANADA. Some more LW NDB logs after TA carriers: seems I get more from Canada
than the US! in random tuning; IDs per dxinfocentre.com:
284, Feb 8 at 0656,
QD and dash: The Pas, Manitoba
317, Feb 8 at 0659, VC and dash: La Ronge,
351, Feb 8 at 0700, YKQ and dash: QC FORT RUPERT - WASKAGANISH
--- where is that? At the SE corner of James Bay not far from Ontario
** CUBA. 15085, 15155, 15230, 15300;
15440, 15510, 15555, Feb 8 at 1502, RHC spurblobs out of 15370 are extremely
distorted and wider than usual, will not even decode in FM mode tuning.
Frequencies very approximate, the outer ones JBA. Something`s always wrong at
9330v-CUSB, Feb 7 at 2151, Brother Scare is still here on WBCQ, as heard earlier
this morning (but nothing audible from neighbor 9265 WINB). AND he is *still*
going UT Feb 8 at 0030 when I check for WORLD OF RADIO. Poorly audible, but I
think he says at this opportune moment that he is now on 9330, 24 hours a day!
By 1600 UT Feb 8, there is nothing about this on The Overcomer website, still
claiming no SWBC at all, tho he never left WBCQ or WWCR; nor anything on the
WBCQ website.
9330, Feb 8 at 1456, JBA signal with hardly any carrier;
by 1531 there is enough reduced carrier to measure it on 9330.179 (Glenn Hauser,
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1916
monitoring: confirmed Wednesday February 7, S9+10 at 2200 starting on WBCQ
7489.992v --- BUT recheck 2206, it`s dead air! I keep monitoring and no
modulation past 2230 so `Goddess Irina` is also affected. There was also a break
in transmission of about a sesquiminute until resumed at *2221. (Recheck at 0027
Feb 8, still/again? DA on 7490; must be a serious problem).
9330, UT Thu
Feb 8 at 0030, VP signal when WOR is supposed to air, but instead am still
hearing reactivated sex molester Brother Scare, who has been on 9330 all day,
say that he is now on 9330, 24 hours a day! There is nothing about this on the
TOM or WBCQ websites. Awaiting confirmation from Allan. If correct, thus ends a
2-year span of daily WOR broadcasts on 9330 WBCQ, which Allan surprisingly gave
us in Feb 2016. Easy come, easy go. I can only hope there is some spare time for
us on the other transmitters now. Next:
Thu 2230.5 WRMI 5850 to NW
0729 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531 HLR 6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v
Sat 2300 WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0200 WRMI 7780 to
Sun 0410v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130 HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
0400v WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE, 9455 to
Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 to NE, 9455 to WNW
[or #1917?]
** U S A. 7490
& 9330, WBCQ: drastic problems and programming changes: See SOUTH CAROLINA
[non]. USA [and non] WORLD OF RADIO monitoring.
7490, Feb 7 at 2205-2230+
and Feb 8 at 0027 recheck, dead air from WBCQ; by 0057 it`s faded to a JBA
carrier so can`t be sure if air is still dead or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 7780 // 9395, Wed Feb 7 at 2203, WRMI playing
Oldies: ``One Night in Bangkok``, 2205, ``I Get Around``, instead of `The Power
Hour` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9475, Feb 8 at
1456, WTWW-1 is still rapidly cutting off and on, roughly 8 times per second,
but I can tell the rate itself is varying slightly. On BFO it seems the carrier
is shifting rather than cutting off completely. At this fast clip, it`s hard to
tell which. For several days now, and Ted is apparently oblivious to this
serious defect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1710,
Feb 8 at 0611 UT, seems Spanish talk, then soft song; 0651 UT screaming gospel
huxter, so Retén lo que Tienes, persistent Bâton Rouge pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK,
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search.
Lots of reports from even the west coast of carriers earlier this evening, UT
Feb 8, so I make an effort to do my bandscan an hour earlier than I usually do;
on the R75 with E-W longwire.
First in USB mode, 9 kHz steps, 1 kHz below
the Eurafrican frequencies to hear the 1 kHz het they produce, Feb 8 at
0552-0600: 531, 558(2), 585, 603, 612, 621*, 639, 666, 684 (vs IBOC), 693(2),
711, 729(2), 747, 774*, 837, 855, 873, 882, 909, 836, 972, 999, 1008, 1017,
1026, 1044*, 1053, 1089, 1098, 1152, 1179, 1197, 1215*, 1296, 1341, 1413, 1521,
1539, 1575, 1584. *the stronger ones but still no audio
Then I do it
again in LSB mode, stepping 1 kHz above the carrier frequencies, Feb 8 at
0606-0610: 531, 549, 567, 612, 621, 639, 666, 684, 693, 711, 747, 774, 801,
846?, 855, 882, 936, 954, 1044, 1053, 1089, 1098, 1116, 1125, 1152, 1215, 1305,
1503, 1521, 1575, 1584, 1602.
Looking at others` reports, I think that a
lot of these are coming from the UK or Spain, on the frequencies they occupy. I
am being especially observant for the known off-frequency stations circa 595,
711, 917, 1053, but no luck yet (except for 711+ Western Sahara recently).
(Local spur circa 595 from KZLS-1640 I had such fun tracking down a couple years
ago is not heard lately even in daytime, just rechecked Feb 8 at 1659 UT.)
This report dispatched at 1706 UT
February 8