** AUSTRALIA. 5045, Sept 3 at 0635, JBA carrier already detectable from presumed Ozy Radio. Fortunately altho still on, 5040 RHC is dead air. Nearby Sydney sunset not until 0739. 5045 still there but no improvement by 1031 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5040, Sept 3 at 0630, RHC open carrier/dead air still on at S9+20, after nominal 0600*
6145, Sunday Sept 3 at 0633, RHC is in undermodulated Esperanto! talk with continuous music bed. Tnx to sloppyrators, wrong frequency, wrong time. Then found // on 6100, 6060, 6000. These four are supposed to stay in English for final repeat until 0700, with Esp`o Sunday tacked on to only one of them.
11760, Sunday Sept 3 at 1501, RHC Esperanto starts properly on single frequency now as all the others have closed. Schedule announced as 1500 on 11760, 2230 on 17730 (I think; NOT: this one has shown up at various times on various frequencies); 0700 on 6000 (even tho the ``0700`` broadcast comes first) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 13720, Sept 3 at 1338, pulse jamming of the Cuban kind atop a JBA carrier, presumably only thing scheduled, AIR GOS English to SE Asia from Bengaluru. The ChiCom might be jamming this since it`s from abroad in China`s second language, so maybe their Cuban comrades are helping out? Ha. Similar sound to the senseless Cuban jamming on 13820 against non-Radio Martí. But 13720 has a regular pulse rate of 4 per second, while 13820 is irregular, with more than one jammer in use (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 540, Sept 3 at 0606, multi-verse choral NA from WSW, suspected XETX, in the UT-6 zone, yes, full ID follows at 0609 for XETX, Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. QRM nullable from Los Cuarenta music at much different angle, XEWA SLP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 650, Sept 3 at 0605, multi-verse choral NA is playing, off about 0607* after I had tuned away to 540. Timing implies midnight in the UT-6 zone, probably usual dominant XETNT Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 9630, Sept 3 at 0627 check, RNZI back on correct frequency tonight instead of 9700 last night; recheck at 1038 now on 7425, ending `Media Watch` from RNZ National at 1041. Had been interviewing Irene with a North American accent, visiting NZ about tech companies providing news:
** TIBET [non]. 15523, Sept 4 at 1342, JBA carrier and a stronger one on 15525, i.e. V. of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN on typical off-frequency but still not listed in NDXC/Aoki, and its CNR1 jammer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 870, Sept 3 at 0615 UT, talk about LSU, but it`s *not* WWL, rather in its null, from ESPN Radio; 0617 UT local break as ``Regional Radio`` promo Summer Selfie Contest, upload to website, also listen to `Trading Post`, at northwest - something.com; job opening at station, contact doug.schmitz@alphamediausa.com or P O Box, in St Joe? Extended weather forecast before rejoining ESPN.
It`s 930-watt *daytimer* KAAN Bethany MO, whose exact hours apparently depend on sunset in New Orleans, but hardly applicable in the nightmiddle. NRC AM Log says it has LPSA LSSA. The latter means limited sunset authority, i.e. limited to certain months of the year, but LPSA, another new abbr., is not explained. Radio-locator.com leads to website
or specifically
dated January 2015.
Earlier at 0557 UT, my ear was caught by an audible het on the lo side of 870, which looped about 175/355 degrees. But gone during my KAAN log above. Possibly from a local device, but bearing also fits for KFJZ daytimer in Fort Worth, never noted off-frequency; or beyond that a couple of Mexicans, in Oaxaca, XEACC or Puebla, XENG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1090, Sept 3 at 0549 UT, RCC talk dominant, from NE/SW, so 8? kW daytimer KEXS Excelsior Springs MO with EWTN is *still* cheating. When nulled a bit, makes 264/minute = 4.4 Hz SAH with presumed KAAY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1643 UT September 3