Strange, for me, religious catholic program about The Assumption of the Virgin,
15 August, in Radio Guinea Conakry, because Catholic Religion in that country
is a small minority.
GUINEA CONAKRY, 9650, Radio Guinea Conakry,
0730-0803, 15-08, French, religious catholic program commemorating today 15
August holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin, "Bonjour , nous célébrons
aujourd'hui la Assomption de Marie", "La parole du Seigneur", "La voix de
Marie, Marie est present", "Jean Baptiste", "Programme spécial de la Vierge
Marie dans la cathédrale...", at 0800: "Sept heures , programme spécial de
l'Assomption de la Vierge Marie", identification: "Vous écoutez Radio National
de Guinée emettan de Conakry", "Radio Guinée". 24322. (Méndez)
Lugo, Spain
Log in Reinante, Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters