** CUBA [and non]. 15730, April 12 at 1302, RHC on new frequency with its
official 2-week-delayed start of A-15 schedule. VG but some deep fades, during
Maduro anti-American speech clip from Panamá confab. So I check which other
frequencies are on air and which not:
Confirmed after 1302 also on:
15370, 15230, 13740, 11950, 11860, 9820, 9640. NOT on: 17730, 11760,
However at 1418 check, 15730 and 13740 and 11860 are off. The
latter two are now scheduled to close at 1400 but 15730 supposed to be
New A-15 schedule grid indeed no longer shows 17730 in the
mornings, so 15730 is a replacement for that. 11760 is no longer on the morning
schedule at all, not starting until 1800, toward Chicago! I`m hearing something
else on 11760 after 1300, now sked as CRI English via Kunming at 12-14. 9550 is
now scheduled for RHC at 11-13 only, via Titán site to San Francisco, so it will
still be colliding with CRI in Vietnamese during that same bihour. 9550 replaces
6000. 13740 replaces former usage of 11950, while 11950 replaces 11760.
11950, Sunday April 12 at 1502.5, RHC Esperanto starts late, but on new
scheduled single frequency. The other weekly airings are listed as 0700 on 6100
(extended from 0700* English), and 2230 on 15370 (instead of French Mon-Sat). No
change there except we know that the 0700 could appear on any one or two of the
6 MHz channels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 4790-,
April 12 at 0523, JBA carrier in heavy CODAR QRM, offset on the low side.
Recheck at 1037, still low, now a bit of talk modulation audible, sermon? and
less CODAR. I can also tell that the carrier is wobbling slightly. According to
Dave Valko, this is R. Visión, reactivated as of April 11 at 0945-1038, and
measured on 4789.79. WRTH 2015 still listed it as 24 hours with 1 kW, but it`s
been off for many months.
The new DSWCI Tropical Bands Survey issued a
few days previous, now needs to be updated, and no doubt will be the following
month, showing this was last heard in November 2014; B means Irregular. I
thought it had been off longer than that:
``B 4789.9 0.5 PRU R Visión,
Distrito José 0900-0200v S/Quechua rlg // 1350 MW, ID: "Desde Chiclayo la ciudad
Leornardo Ortiz, Chiclayo, de la mistad [sic] en 1350 kHz amplitud modulada
transmite Radio Visión, Lambayeque Radio Visión, una radio para todos"; Iglesia
Pentecostal programme NOV14`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
U S A. 1670, April 12 at 0527 UT, sports talk looping almost E/W, toward
ENE/WSW, definitely not from NNE/SSW, which would be the usual occupant WOZN
Madison WI. Besides, this IDs as Fox Sports Radio at 0530 UT and talk continues,
while Madison is CBS Sports. Therefore it is either KNRO in Redding CA or WPLA
Dry Branch (Macon) GA, both FSR affils. I must go with GA as far more likely
here; too bad there was no echo signifying them both. Meanwhile northerly
Madison is quite weakened, barely audible with this nulled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** VIETNAM. 12001.26 approx., April 12 at 1324, VOV is
even further off-frequency from nominal 12000, in Chinese for a few more
minutes. As other Frog owners will be familiar, when tuned to the upper end of
the 11-12 MHz band, the Wadley Loop birdie on 12000 makes a het with anything
like this; but when tuned to the lower end of the 12-13 MHz band, there is no
such birdie/het. On my FRG-7, however, the lowest 100+ kHz of any MHz band are
much less sensitive than the overlap up to +055 kHz when tuned at the top of the
band below; needs alignment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
report dispatched at 1613 UT April 12