** ANGUILLA. 11775, Jan 6 at 1446, and still 1530, The Valley is AWOL. I assume it`s a bit warmer there than here, 1.6 degrees F at 1425 per my outside thermometer. A good day for staying inside to DX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11780+, Jan 6 at 0503, RNB is slightly on the hi side and also slightly unstable, when compared with BFO to WBBM 780. I had not paid attention to its exact frequency, normally nothing to het it obviously, but checking following Bryan Clark`s Jan 6 report from NZ that since 26 Dec it`s been varying 11780.11 to 11780.15. But my reading would be more like 11780.011+. Let`s see how it compare to the collision from Sephardic Spain, UT Tuesday only 0115-0145 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9315, Jan 6 at 1434, Firedrake with poor-fair signal, vs.?
Aoki shows nothing but V. of Tibet, Tajikistan on 9317 at 1300-1315 only. But HFCC shows IBB in bod dialect of Tibetan this hour only, 1400-1500 via Thailand. FD is good as usual, simultaneously on 6145.
Complete OOB scan from 10 to 18 MHz, Jan 6 at 1445-1457 finds zero CNR1 or FD jammers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6100, Jan 6 at 0507, no signal from RHC English here, supposed to start at 0500, just on 6000, 6060 and 6165; meanwhile, Spanish is still running on 5040, at 0507 and 0517 // 6070. 5040 in B-13 was originally supposed to be in Spanish until 0600, but mostly has been switching to English at 0500, ad hoc? By 0516, 6100 has come on during DXUL as Arnie is talking about making radios from CFL circuit boards, or is it LEDs?
5980, Jan 6 at 0510, wall-of-noise jamming, despite the fact that R. Martí does not start until 0700, except on UT Mondays, which this is, when it does not start until 1000! More Cuban SW pollution.
13780 & 15340, RHC`s best two morning frequencies, are both missing Jan 6 at 1453, 1527, while much inferior ones on 15230, 17580, 17730 remain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ETHIOPIA [non]. 17850, Jan 6 at 1619, quick check confirms that Oromo Voice made it to air again today, fair signal via FRANCE, for the Mon/Wed/Sat 1600-1630 broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. See USA: WRNO
** GREECE. 7450, Jan 6 at 0457, good signal from HR, song with guitar, crowd cheering; no 9420 audible. But at next check 0524, it`s on 7475 instead, good signal with vocal music, piano, and now 9420 is audible poorly and parallel for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5110v-CUSB, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0505, Brother Scare here contrary to WBCQ schedule which shows 00-11 UT Tue-Sat only [tho surely delayed on Sats until 0200 for AWWW //]. At 0521 check Jan 6, BS also on 7490.1, an echo apart from // 5110; scheduled to restart at 0500 daily on 7490 until 1100.
5110, Jan 6 at 0647, I time the delay on this BS to be 57 seconds! behind 5085 WTWW, whose overload one must attenuate even on 5110.
9370, Jan 6 at 1532, WWRB`s 100% BS daytime frequency is missing, so we shall have to make do with 9690, 9930, 9955, 9980, 11825, 13810, and 15420. One wonders with the advent of WRMI, whether TLDPOG will eventually drop some of the other stations if funding permit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [and non]. 7315, Jan 6 at 0451, R. Dabanga via VATICAN, usual good signal even way over here, with jammer het on hi side; beats with B5 below C6 on my keyboard, = 988 Hz, close enough to 1 kHz, i.e. on 7316. Pitch wavers very slightly. Still same at 0520 check.
15535, Jan 6 at 1526, R. Tamazuj is VG with music, also via VATICAN, and no tone jamming; but by 1536, after R. Dabanga has succeeded it at 1529, now there is tone jamming, and still at 1617. So the Sudanese regime likes Tamazuj better than Dabanga? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TUNISIA [non]. 7275, Jan 6 at 0519 and later, IWT is AWOL again from the only hour this frequency remains scheduled. 7285, Sonder Grense, RSA has a poor signal, and 7295, Algeria via France, good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1702 monitoring: confirmed at new time on Area 51 webcast, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0401; then at 0410 also confirmed with sufficient fully readable signal on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. See also USA: WBCQ.
Jeff White tells me that WRMI aired WOR 1702 at two additional times Jan 4-5: Sat 2130 on 7730 toward Europe; and UT Sun 0030 on 9495 toward S America; these may or may not continue. Those two hours are on schedule as for unspecified RMI programming rather than Brother Scare. Next: Tuesday 1200 on 9955; Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7730, Sun Jan 5 at 2139, very poor signal from WRMI aimed toward Europe; not with Brother Scare who is apparently here at 18-21, then unspecified RMI programming 21-22. See also USA: WORLD OF RADIO.
15190, Jan 5 at 2142, only one fair Radio Africa signal audible, i.e. from WRMI, with lite het on hi side from presumed Brasil; so Equatorial Guinea continues off during this period, as it should be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5110v-CUSB, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0437, WBCQ is still on here after WORLD OF RADIO finished at 0430 --- `Outer Limits` opening clip, ``we control`` this & that, 0440 `Alan Maxwell` fantasy monolog, which originates with pirate KIPM. 0505 check, Brother Scare now on 5110, contrary to http://schedule.wbcq.com/main.php?fn=sked&freq=5110
which shows him at 00-11 UT Tue-Sat only, and nothing after 0400 UT Mondays. See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Anyhow, Maxwell must have been a filler anticipating continuing 5110 on air after 0500 with BS.
7490.1, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0454, WBCQ concluding `Herald of Truth` from Kingdom Identity Ministries [white supremacist], Harrison AR, as scheduled now 04-05 UT. Used to be a daily quarter-hour show. Only slightly off-frequency this time. 0521 check now with Brother Scare; see SOUTH CAROLINA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7506.6, Jan 6 at 0456, Deutsche Welle news in English, undermodulated but not too distorted, the only worthwhile programming WRNO provides. And the *only* ``North American service`` of DW remaining, tho I doubt it was their idea. These are always only brief, 5 minutes? shortly before sign-off. Yes, frequency has drifted further upward, slightly closer to 7507 than 7506 instead of licensed 7505 with a much smaller tolerance (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9975, Jan 6 at 0459, KVOH with poor signal, fading, closing English with QSL address, ``give you peace`` benedixion. Now scheduled UT Sun & Mon only at 0300-0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Jan 6 at 1529 and 1618, WTWW-2 is off. Ivo Ivanov issues schedules for this showing the days off are Wed & Thu, into UT Thu & Fri, and so does EiBi, but usage is much more sporadic. I wonder where they got that? WTWW itself does not specify and day-of-week variations:http://wtww.us/pages/schedule.php
Anyhow, opens 12105 today for the clandestine to ZIMBABWE, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM [non]. 6175, Jan 6 at 0528, commercial for World Vision in English, tacked on by WHRI to the VOV Vietnamese relay from 0430; does VOV acquiesce to this reversion to religion, or even know about it? HFCC has dual registrations: the one from FCC shows until 0530, while BaBcoCk`s has VOV accurately only until 0528, but inaccurately with nothing at 0528-0530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. 12105, Jan 6 at 1618, WTWW-2 is off this Monday as it can be unpredictably, but all I hear instead is very weak carrier with unreadable modulation. I was expecting better from R. Dialogue, clandestine via Madagascar, 250 kW, 265 degrees scheduled at 1600-1700. Is it still on daily? HFCC also has a conflicting registration for PRW, Poland via Bulgaria on 12105 at 1530-1830 thru 30 March, but that was really dropped quite a while ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5051, Jan 6 at 0447, open carrier; possibly WWRB, but not very strong, and may be a ute which once hetted 5050 WWRB. In 2011y, however, WWRB itself was modulating 5051 for a while (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11610, Jan 6 at 1448, two tones wavering a bit on poor signal, as if jamming, but only things here in HFCC at 14-15 are two registrations for CRI, in Chinese from Urumqi, and in Bengali from Kunming. Ditto in Aoki and EiBi. Perhaps some jamming-magnet has also jumped onto 11610 (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13600, Jan 6 at 1452, tone jamming like on 11610, but with propeller-noise added here. Only thing scheduled in HFCC and EiBi, but missing from Aoki, is NHK Burmese via Singapore. Again, perhaps a jamming-worthy target has jumped in here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 2003 UT January 6
** BRAZIL. 11780+, Jan 6 at 0503, RNB is slightly on the hi side and also slightly unstable, when compared with BFO to WBBM 780. I had not paid attention to its exact frequency, normally nothing to het it obviously, but checking following Bryan Clark`s Jan 6 report from NZ that since 26 Dec it`s been varying 11780.11 to 11780.15. But my reading would be more like 11780.011+. Let`s see how it compare to the collision from Sephardic Spain, UT Tuesday only 0115-0145 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9315, Jan 6 at 1434, Firedrake with poor-fair signal, vs.?
Aoki shows nothing but V. of Tibet, Tajikistan on 9317 at 1300-1315 only. But HFCC shows IBB in bod dialect of Tibetan this hour only, 1400-1500 via Thailand. FD is good as usual, simultaneously on 6145.
Complete OOB scan from 10 to 18 MHz, Jan 6 at 1445-1457 finds zero CNR1 or FD jammers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6100, Jan 6 at 0507, no signal from RHC English here, supposed to start at 0500, just on 6000, 6060 and 6165; meanwhile, Spanish is still running on 5040, at 0507 and 0517 // 6070. 5040 in B-13 was originally supposed to be in Spanish until 0600, but mostly has been switching to English at 0500, ad hoc? By 0516, 6100 has come on during DXUL as Arnie is talking about making radios from CFL circuit boards, or is it LEDs?
5980, Jan 6 at 0510, wall-of-noise jamming, despite the fact that R. Martí does not start until 0700, except on UT Mondays, which this is, when it does not start until 1000! More Cuban SW pollution.
13780 & 15340, RHC`s best two morning frequencies, are both missing Jan 6 at 1453, 1527, while much inferior ones on 15230, 17580, 17730 remain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ETHIOPIA [non]. 17850, Jan 6 at 1619, quick check confirms that Oromo Voice made it to air again today, fair signal via FRANCE, for the Mon/Wed/Sat 1600-1630 broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. See USA: WRNO
** GREECE. 7450, Jan 6 at 0457, good signal from HR, song with guitar, crowd cheering; no 9420 audible. But at next check 0524, it`s on 7475 instead, good signal with vocal music, piano, and now 9420 is audible poorly and parallel for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5110v-CUSB, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0505, Brother Scare here contrary to WBCQ schedule which shows 00-11 UT Tue-Sat only [tho surely delayed on Sats until 0200 for AWWW //]. At 0521 check Jan 6, BS also on 7490.1, an echo apart from // 5110; scheduled to restart at 0500 daily on 7490 until 1100.
5110, Jan 6 at 0647, I time the delay on this BS to be 57 seconds! behind 5085 WTWW, whose overload one must attenuate even on 5110.
9370, Jan 6 at 1532, WWRB`s 100% BS daytime frequency is missing, so we shall have to make do with 9690, 9930, 9955, 9980, 11825, 13810, and 15420. One wonders with the advent of WRMI, whether TLDPOG will eventually drop some of the other stations if funding permit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SUDAN [and non]. 7315, Jan 6 at 0451, R. Dabanga via VATICAN, usual good signal even way over here, with jammer het on hi side; beats with B5 below C6 on my keyboard, = 988 Hz, close enough to 1 kHz, i.e. on 7316. Pitch wavers very slightly. Still same at 0520 check.
15535, Jan 6 at 1526, R. Tamazuj is VG with music, also via VATICAN, and no tone jamming; but by 1536, after R. Dabanga has succeeded it at 1529, now there is tone jamming, and still at 1617. So the Sudanese regime likes Tamazuj better than Dabanga? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TUNISIA [non]. 7275, Jan 6 at 0519 and later, IWT is AWOL again from the only hour this frequency remains scheduled. 7285, Sonder Grense, RSA has a poor signal, and 7295, Algeria via France, good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1702 monitoring: confirmed at new time on Area 51 webcast, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0401; then at 0410 also confirmed with sufficient fully readable signal on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. See also USA: WBCQ.
Jeff White tells me that WRMI aired WOR 1702 at two additional times Jan 4-5: Sat 2130 on 7730 toward Europe; and UT Sun 0030 on 9495 toward S America; these may or may not continue. Those two hours are on schedule as for unspecified RMI programming rather than Brother Scare. Next: Tuesday 1200 on 9955; Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7730, Sun Jan 5 at 2139, very poor signal from WRMI aimed toward Europe; not with Brother Scare who is apparently here at 18-21, then unspecified RMI programming 21-22. See also USA: WORLD OF RADIO.
15190, Jan 5 at 2142, only one fair Radio Africa signal audible, i.e. from WRMI, with lite het on hi side from presumed Brasil; so Equatorial Guinea continues off during this period, as it should be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5110v-CUSB, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0437, WBCQ is still on here after WORLD OF RADIO finished at 0430 --- `Outer Limits` opening clip, ``we control`` this & that, 0440 `Alan Maxwell` fantasy monolog, which originates with pirate KIPM. 0505 check, Brother Scare now on 5110, contrary to http://schedule.wbcq.com/main.php?fn=sked&freq=5110
which shows him at 00-11 UT Tue-Sat only, and nothing after 0400 UT Mondays. See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Anyhow, Maxwell must have been a filler anticipating continuing 5110 on air after 0500 with BS.
7490.1, UT Monday Jan 6 at 0454, WBCQ concluding `Herald of Truth` from Kingdom Identity Ministries [white supremacist], Harrison AR, as scheduled now 04-05 UT. Used to be a daily quarter-hour show. Only slightly off-frequency this time. 0521 check now with Brother Scare; see SOUTH CAROLINA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7506.6, Jan 6 at 0456, Deutsche Welle news in English, undermodulated but not too distorted, the only worthwhile programming WRNO provides. And the *only* ``North American service`` of DW remaining, tho I doubt it was their idea. These are always only brief, 5 minutes? shortly before sign-off. Yes, frequency has drifted further upward, slightly closer to 7507 than 7506 instead of licensed 7505 with a much smaller tolerance (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9975, Jan 6 at 0459, KVOH with poor signal, fading, closing English with QSL address, ``give you peace`` benedixion. Now scheduled UT Sun & Mon only at 0300-0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Jan 6 at 1529 and 1618, WTWW-2 is off. Ivo Ivanov issues schedules for this showing the days off are Wed & Thu, into UT Thu & Fri, and so does EiBi, but usage is much more sporadic. I wonder where they got that? WTWW itself does not specify and day-of-week variations:http://wtww.us/pages/schedule.php
Anyhow, opens 12105 today for the clandestine to ZIMBABWE, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM [non]. 6175, Jan 6 at 0528, commercial for World Vision in English, tacked on by WHRI to the VOV Vietnamese relay from 0430; does VOV acquiesce to this reversion to religion, or even know about it? HFCC has dual registrations: the one from FCC shows until 0530, while BaBcoCk`s has VOV accurately only until 0528, but inaccurately with nothing at 0528-0530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. 12105, Jan 6 at 1618, WTWW-2 is off this Monday as it can be unpredictably, but all I hear instead is very weak carrier with unreadable modulation. I was expecting better from R. Dialogue, clandestine via Madagascar, 250 kW, 265 degrees scheduled at 1600-1700. Is it still on daily? HFCC also has a conflicting registration for PRW, Poland via Bulgaria on 12105 at 1530-1830 thru 30 March, but that was really dropped quite a while ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5051, Jan 6 at 0447, open carrier; possibly WWRB, but not very strong, and may be a ute which once hetted 5050 WWRB. In 2011y, however, WWRB itself was modulating 5051 for a while (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11610, Jan 6 at 1448, two tones wavering a bit on poor signal, as if jamming, but only things here in HFCC at 14-15 are two registrations for CRI, in Chinese from Urumqi, and in Bengali from Kunming. Ditto in Aoki and EiBi. Perhaps some jamming-magnet has also jumped onto 11610 (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13600, Jan 6 at 1452, tone jamming like on 11610, but with propeller-noise added here. Only thing scheduled in HFCC and EiBi, but missing from Aoki, is NHK Burmese via Singapore. Again, perhaps a jamming-worthy target has jumped in here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 2003 UT January 6