** CHINA. Firedrake, Jan 16 at 1437-1448 on the usual spots: 12045 good with flutter, 9315 mixing VOA Tibetan, 6145 good against Taiwan.
CNR1 jamming, Jan 16: 9450 at 1443 Jan 16, mixed with extremely distorted spurblob, same modulation but unsynchronized with it, extending 9400-9450 and peaking around 9435-9440. 6075 at 1448 Jan 16 is CNR1 jamming only, no Firedrake audible here.
At 1453 Jan 16, CNR1 jamming at G-VG levels on 9530, 9605, 9680, and with echo on 9825. At 1500 it`s stopped on 9530, allowing the VOA YDD sign-off to be heard clearly. By 1502, the CNR1 jamspots on 31m have changed to: 9435 area blob, 9495, 9680, 9790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA [and non]. 9526-, Jan 16 at 1455, best signal in a long time from VOI, not saying much, some modulation audible only with music, vs still much-stronger 9530 CNR1 jamming and VOA Tinang. I brace myself for het blast from 9525 China, but it comes on at *1458 only very weakly. It`s really CRI in English via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN to Europe. After 1500 the two are about equal, as now VOI is supposedly the one in Chinese. Now the 9530 ACI has reduced from CNR1 jamming to only VOA Philippines about to sign off. Strangely, I see that Aoki still has VOI on 9525 instead of 9526, or 9525.9v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9800, Jan 16 at 1444, IBB Tinang is again having big problems with the transmitter attempting to air VOA Korean: as I tune in, big open carrier, trace of modulation at spike peaks only, then carrier off and on without modulation; while off I can hear something else weak on frequency (presumably Iran in Hindi). 1450 VOA resuming, 1451 drops off and on again, 1456 more of same; 1457 back on but with modulation suppressed and distorted, carrier off and on yet some more; 1459 to sign-off routine from Washington, 1500 YDD playing.
I believe that earlier around 1400, 9800 was not breaking up. 9775, meanwhile, R. Free Chosun has no such problems either, just as strong and probably also from Philippines.
9530 & 9605, Tinang also playing VOA YDD sign-offs, suddenly in the clear at 1500 as the ChiCom have just turned off the jamming against VOA Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. See USA: WRMI. Also see Overcomer homepage http://www.overcomerministry.org/
where SW info is hopelessly incomplete and inaccurate, but notice the boneyard including a skull labeled Bro. Stair in the lower right. Here`s a blowup of it:
** TURKMENISTAN [non]. 12025, Jan 16 at 1437, speech in uncertain language, poor level. Aoki shows it`s R. Liberty in Turkmen at 14-16, 100 kW, 75 degrees from Biblis, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1704 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI 9955, Thursday Jan 16 starting at 1330:32. This means that our 29:00-minute program still cannot fit into the slot until WRMI Scoreboard fires at 1359:00, so only first part of the propagation outlook airs. Preceding, Prague relay introduced fill music for ``satellite listeners`` but WRMI dumps out of that for canned Andy Sennitt WRMI ID at 1330, without which the entire WOR could have aired. Cuban pulse jamming thruout, usually at lower level than WRMI even aimed south; helps a little to cover up glitches in my editing, but I would gladly do without it. Other WRMI transmitter on NW antenna tests open carrier atop our programming at *1357:14-1357:50* and does not cut back on for good until Scoreboard finishes and preacher starts at 1400.
Next WOR airings: On WTWW, Thu 2201 on 9475, UT Sun 0030 on 5085, UT Sun 0501 on 5830. On WWRB, UT Fri 0426v on 3195. On HLR, Sat & Wed 0730 & 1530 on 7265-CUSB. On Area 51 via WBCQ, UT Mon 0400v on 5110v-CUSB. On WRMI: Sat 2130 on 7730, UT Sun 0030 on 9495, Tue 1200 on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Jan 16 at 0714, WRMI is very poor but has faded up enough to tell that it is not Brother Scare, as has been scheduled at 0600-1059 UT: not // BS on VG 7570, but something else in English --- someone axually speaking in a normal tone of voice!! Could be Prague, e.g. Ivo Ivanov also noticed this at 07-09 and with remote receivers was also hearing BS on World Harvest Radio 9955, which he keeps publishing as HRI in South Carolina, rather than HBN in Palau, which is obviously the site for this `Angel 5` service. No sign of anything but WRMI here at that hour. I wonder if this was a temporary mixup or substitution at WRMI, or if they have pulled BS off during that time just because he is now on WHR 9955? It would be impossible to synchronize, so no doubt there would be an echo in some areas, probably a long-delayed one if both were BSing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1717 UT January 16
CNR1 jamming, Jan 16: 9450 at 1443 Jan 16, mixed with extremely distorted spurblob, same modulation but unsynchronized with it, extending 9400-9450 and peaking around 9435-9440. 6075 at 1448 Jan 16 is CNR1 jamming only, no Firedrake audible here.
At 1453 Jan 16, CNR1 jamming at G-VG levels on 9530, 9605, 9680, and with echo on 9825. At 1500 it`s stopped on 9530, allowing the VOA YDD sign-off to be heard clearly. By 1502, the CNR1 jamspots on 31m have changed to: 9435 area blob, 9495, 9680, 9790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA [and non]. 9526-, Jan 16 at 1455, best signal in a long time from VOI, not saying much, some modulation audible only with music, vs still much-stronger 9530 CNR1 jamming and VOA Tinang. I brace myself for het blast from 9525 China, but it comes on at *1458 only very weakly. It`s really CRI in English via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN to Europe. After 1500 the two are about equal, as now VOI is supposedly the one in Chinese. Now the 9530 ACI has reduced from CNR1 jamming to only VOA Philippines about to sign off. Strangely, I see that Aoki still has VOI on 9525 instead of 9526, or 9525.9v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. 9800, Jan 16 at 1444, IBB Tinang is again having big problems with the transmitter attempting to air VOA Korean: as I tune in, big open carrier, trace of modulation at spike peaks only, then carrier off and on without modulation; while off I can hear something else weak on frequency (presumably Iran in Hindi). 1450 VOA resuming, 1451 drops off and on again, 1456 more of same; 1457 back on but with modulation suppressed and distorted, carrier off and on yet some more; 1459 to sign-off routine from Washington, 1500 YDD playing.
I believe that earlier around 1400, 9800 was not breaking up. 9775, meanwhile, R. Free Chosun has no such problems either, just as strong and probably also from Philippines.
9530 & 9605, Tinang also playing VOA YDD sign-offs, suddenly in the clear at 1500 as the ChiCom have just turned off the jamming against VOA Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. See USA: WRMI. Also see Overcomer homepage http://www.overcomerministry.org/
where SW info is hopelessly incomplete and inaccurate, but notice the boneyard including a skull labeled Bro. Stair in the lower right. Here`s a blowup of it:
** TURKMENISTAN [non]. 12025, Jan 16 at 1437, speech in uncertain language, poor level. Aoki shows it`s R. Liberty in Turkmen at 14-16, 100 kW, 75 degrees from Biblis, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1704 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI 9955, Thursday Jan 16 starting at 1330:32. This means that our 29:00-minute program still cannot fit into the slot until WRMI Scoreboard fires at 1359:00, so only first part of the propagation outlook airs. Preceding, Prague relay introduced fill music for ``satellite listeners`` but WRMI dumps out of that for canned Andy Sennitt WRMI ID at 1330, without which the entire WOR could have aired. Cuban pulse jamming thruout, usually at lower level than WRMI even aimed south; helps a little to cover up glitches in my editing, but I would gladly do without it. Other WRMI transmitter on NW antenna tests open carrier atop our programming at *1357:14-1357:50* and does not cut back on for good until Scoreboard finishes and preacher starts at 1400.
Next WOR airings: On WTWW, Thu 2201 on 9475, UT Sun 0030 on 5085, UT Sun 0501 on 5830. On WWRB, UT Fri 0426v on 3195. On HLR, Sat & Wed 0730 & 1530 on 7265-CUSB. On Area 51 via WBCQ, UT Mon 0400v on 5110v-CUSB. On WRMI: Sat 2130 on 7730, UT Sun 0030 on 9495, Tue 1200 on 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, Jan 16 at 0714, WRMI is very poor but has faded up enough to tell that it is not Brother Scare, as has been scheduled at 0600-1059 UT: not // BS on VG 7570, but something else in English --- someone axually speaking in a normal tone of voice!! Could be Prague, e.g. Ivo Ivanov also noticed this at 07-09 and with remote receivers was also hearing BS on World Harvest Radio 9955, which he keeps publishing as HRI in South Carolina, rather than HBN in Palau, which is obviously the site for this `Angel 5` service. No sign of anything but WRMI here at that hour. I wonder if this was a temporary mixup or substitution at WRMI, or if they have pulled BS off during that time just because he is now on WHR 9955? It would be impossible to synchronize, so no doubt there would be an echo in some areas, probably a long-delayed one if both were BSing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 1717 UT January 16