sabato 25 gennaio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs January 24-25, 2014

** BELGIUM. Not much broadcast activity from Europe on 21 MHz, so I check whether 24 MHz hamband is open: yes, it is:

24975-USB, Jan 25 at 1515, ON7USB, Geert making quick contacts with US stations including a KC0.

Geert Cottyn
Daalstraat 23
Gullegem, WV 8560

Per lookup. Says he is in western Belgium near France border. But 28 MHz is not open. Then I check 21 MHz, and among several more ham signals there, the one I pick with a sufficient signal is:

21315-USB, Jan 25 at 1521, ON7LX, calling QRZ contest. Another one from the same area! From the voice I did not realize this is an XYL:

Carine Ramon
Bruggesteenweg 77
B-8755 Ruiselede

** BRAZIL. 11783.2, Jan 25 at 0108, RNB music is way off-frequency from 11780.0 (or rather 11780.1v where it`s been lately). Modulation OK; nothing to het against, but obviously has shifted when stepping thru at 5 kHz intervals, then measured on the DX-398 40-Hz-step clicker compared to WWV, also compared to nearby RHC seemingly accurate on 11760.0, but still approximate. At 0645 next check with African-sounding music, RNB is a bit lower circa 11783.1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11815.3, Jan 25 at 0110, R. Brasil Central, presumed, with pop music, lyrix maybe in English, fair signal and way off-frequency as befits a ZY. As usual // 4985 buried under RTTY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, Jan 25 at 0657, R. Rebelde is off again, while 5040 and all the 6-MHz RHC English frequencies are still running; Rebelde was on earlier in the evening as usual now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9965, Jan 25 at 0101, R. Cairo news theme is readable on whining carrier, suppressed modulation, but better than usual; 0135 seems dead air again until Arabic starts; a lot better than 9720 Spanish/English frequency, much weaker and just barely modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, Jan 25 at 1525, very weak signals making a fast SAH, one with barely audible music. 1532 announcement. If I could recognize a single word of Spanish, that would clinch it as XEPPM on the air in the daytime, but it does have that Mexican `feel`. Monitors further south in Baja Oclajoma or dentro-México could surely confirm this.

HFCC shows only Turkey in Italian at 1500-1530, unlikely, but Aoki adds: China Huayi until 1600 with 15 kW ND from Chengdu, also unlikely. EiBi lists it too and both agree that Voice of Korea is finished with 6185 by 1500. FWIW, Firedrake from China is still audible on 6145 at 1525 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 15355, Jan 24 at 2310, M&W discussion sounds like Tagalog, good signal, really stands out, in fact the SSOB and stronger than 15370 RHC. Yes, HFCC shows it`s R. Veritas Asia in ``Fil`` at 2300-2330, 250 kW non-direxional from Palauig site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Jan 25 at 0058, R. Chaski carrier amid splash & hash until cut off at 0104:31* which is 11.5 seconds later than 48 hours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIN DIGEST)

** SLOVAKIA [non]. 9955, Jan 25 at 0135, R. Slovakia International via WRMI, VG in English, feature about positive portrayals of Gypsy life. This is scheduled UT Tue-Sat only. Loud & clear, no jamming; could easily believe it`s on a NW antenna rather than SSE, but maybe just propagational fluke; half an hour earlier it was under jamming during English religious programming, left over from the R. Libertad hour until 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [and non]. 17675-17745, Jan 25 at 1725, approx. range of splatter from WHRI 17705 with overdriven Brother Scare. HFCC shows 100 kW on 315 degree beam to the NW. Heavy QRM upon 17715 Spain, but according to EiBi, in the 17-19 UT period there is absolutely nothing else attempting to broadcast over those 70 kHz, an appalling display of lack of interest among stations in a band which is wide open for daytime propagation; so splatter away!! Quick check finds a few duplicates of Brother Scare at this time: 15420-WBCQ vs BBC, 11825-WRMI, 9980-WWCR, 9955-WRMI, 9930-WTWW, 9840-WHRI, 9370-WWRB. See also U S A: WWRB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370, Jan 24 at 2117 and at 2306, WWRB still with fill music instead of Brother Scare, apparent internet outage lasting all day from previous night. Strange that SW sites in remote places don`t rely on satellite feeds instead, or at least for backup. Mostly big band music, Dave`s favorite filler, also enjoyed by many others who ran across it, a wonderful respite from the LDPOG.

3185, Jan 25 at 0056, WWRB finally back with TOM`s alarming theme music; while 3215 WWRB is in music fill, ``As Time Goes By``, but now presumably for unsold time as often heard on this channel rather than an outage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7730, Fri Jan 24 at 2148, WRMI alternate hour with Spanish DX program talking about Buenos Aires stations, 1190 R. América. Same show is repeating on 9495, UT Saturday Jan 25 at 0052 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SLOVAKIA [non]; SOUTH CAROLINA [non]; USA [and non]: WORLD OF RADIO

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1705 monitoring: check Sat 2130 on WRMI 7730, where we aired for two weeks, but not last week. Then:
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI 9495
UT Sun 0030 on WTWW 5085
UT Sun 0505 on WTWW 5830
UT Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB. AND::::

WRMI has put up an updated program grid for 9955 only, as of Jan 23,
showing an additional time for WORLD OF RADIO: Wednesdays at 1400. That finally puts us on the 315-degree antenna back across North America, so reception should be excellent. Unfortunately, per our usual produxion schedule, that will have to be the previous week`s show repeated.

Also, as Jeff White pointed out, the WRMI webcast is no longer carrying BS when he`s on 9955, at 06-11 & 15-22 UT daily; no schedule available, but checking
a few times on Sat Jan 25, I`ve only heard other religious programming, such as at 1830, the Japo-Mississippian YL who is `Living the Bible`, at a former World of Radio time. And another preacher at 1915-1930, but:

At 1900 `Viva Miami`, Jeff & Thaïs doing mailbag in Spanish; Jeff is still a bit laryngitic. They are very pleased with all the good reception reports now from around the world. Greetings to HFCC in Kuala Lumpur, which means Jeff is too busy in Okeechobee to go over there himself. However, he and the NASB have offered along with Spaceline to host the B-14 HFCC/ASBU Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria on August 25-29. 1930: La Voz de Eslovaquia desde Bratislava (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Sat Jan 25 at 1508 check, WTWW-3 Arabible is absent again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1200, Jan 25 at 0127 UT, big open carrier most obvious with WOAI nulled, and making fast SAH with it. Best guess would be WAMB Nashville which has a 50 kW non-direxional transmitter for daytime; or maybe WRTO Chicago 20 kW reducing to 4.5 kW at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1521, Jan 25 at 0128 UT, barely audible het upon 1520 KOKC, presumably Saudi. 9 kHz steps further down the band did not uncover any other TAs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1933 UT January 25