venerdì 13 settembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs September 12-13, 2013

** CANADA. Re my logs of comedy on 650 with WSM nulled:

This is supposedly comedy radio 650 from Houston, KIKK, the former country and then sports station. If they are going 24/7 then they are likely breaking the rules, that's a daytime only, IIRC. They are listed in the affiliates list here as Houston KIKK 650:

Yes, there it is on this list, a different one than I found for 24/7 Comedy; are these totally separate networks? KIKK may be a new addition, but same list still shows KFNY 1640 OKC (Enid) as a full-format affiliate which it has not been for several years! FCC AM Query shows callsign change dates: KFNY was in effect from 02/16/2004 to 03/30/2005, then KFXY with sports, and since 01/01/13, KOAGriculture.

As for KIKK, it is indeed a 250-watt Daytimer ONLY, and owned by CBS Radio Texas! Probably the least of all their stations; CoL Pasadena (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) HOWEVER:

Comedy (if you can call it funny; I can't) on 650 is from CKOM.
73 KAZ (Neil Kazaross, IL, IRCA via DXLD)

Aha! Time fits, as on weekdays it`s only one hour 11-midnight CST = 0500-0600 UT; but weekends 2330-0600 UT. Labeled only as ``comedy``, source not given. Looking back at my two logs so far, the first one did hear a promo for 24/7 Comedy, so agreed it`s CKOM Saskatoon, not KIKK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD [and non]. 6165, Friday Sept 13 at 0059 before RHC comes on, I am getting a fair carrier but undermodulated. Slightly stronger carrier but less modulation than neighbor 6160 CKZN with CBC Radio One ID. Soon can tell it`s in French, apparent news past 0100, strongly suggesting Chad, but we did not think it ran all-night; Aoki shows *0425-2230*, weekends to 2300* and in the 0730-1030 period only on weekends too. Dreading abrupt coverage by Cuba [q.v.] any second now, but still off at 0105 when I do make out a YL ID as ``Radio Nationale Tchadienne, diffusant de N`Djamena``. So are they always on overnight now, or is this a special occasion? Or beginning of the Islamic-influenced weekend. RHC is finally on 6165 way late by 0118.

WRTH 2013 shows both 250 kW 6165 and 20 kW 840 kHz [off-channel] as irregular, but nominally 24 hours, leaving nothing but a 100-watt FM on 94.5, (and a local N`Djamena service on 94.5). The ID above I copied differs from WRTH: ``Ici N`Djamena, Office National de Radio et Télévision du Tchad``. RHC is normally on 6165 from 01 to 07, but if you hear some CCI, it seems to be Chad if not Zambia (which Bill Bingham, RSA says has been missing from both 6165 and 5915 since at least September 9) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5990, September 13 at 0056, the CRI relay is missing before usual closing. Maybe atoning for staying on at least 14 minutes late the other night.

6000, Sept 13 at 0104, RHC English is missing; finally carrier at 0106, add modulation in progress at 0108:20.

6165, Sept 13 at 0106, RHC English still missing, leaving frequency open for guess what, CHAD! q.v. RHC came on 6165 shortly before 0118 when I next noticed it.

6060 and 6100, meanwhile, RHC Spanish were going OK at 0106 check and presumably earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 7266-LSB, Sept 13 at 0109, finally got one of the US 66 special event ham stations, W6K, Mac, who is in Oklahoma City. Takes about a minute for each contact, a lot more than hard-core contesters, including at 0110, KE5IRJ, Gary in Lawton OK. Mac thought it odd the skip would be so short, only 90 miles, but I in Enid am closer to most of OKC than that, and W6K had a 5/9 very good signal here, better than any of his contacts, at 0111 being KD8ORN, Scott in Ohio; and at 0112 AE5YN, Ron in Arkansas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Sept 13 at 0103, R. Chaski carrier is JBA on the FRG-7 (yet some mosquitoes got inside the house), until cut off at 0104:00.5* which makes it 9 seconds later than two days ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1686 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1, 9479 starting only about 5 seconds after 2100 UT Thursday Sept 12. I should have kept listening longer in case there was an ID interruption as used to happen. Also confirmed on WWRB 5050 from 0329 UT Fri Sept 12, first monitored on webcast, where Dave made no announcement after stopping the preacher with only a brief pause before WOR.

Next: UT Sat 0200v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB.

Contrary to last week`s info that Hamburger Lokalradio would be off the air until early October due to storm damaging the antenna, Tom Taylor now says they will be back with a temporary antenna on the usual schedule which would include WOR Sat & Wed at 0630 & 1430 on 7265-CUSB. Europeans, please try and compare to previous reception.

Saturday 1500 on WRMI, 9955. Saturday 2327v on WTWW-2, 9930; UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW-1, 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)