lunedì 2 settembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs September 1-2, 2013

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Sept 2 at 1359, BB IS is JBA with BFO, and so is the timesignal ending at 1400:11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake all-music jamming, Sept 2:
12040, fair at 1404 mixing with CNR1 jamming; vs VOA Chinese via Philippines this hour only.

The rest are CNR1 jamming only:
11500, poor at 1334
11605, 11640, 11785, 11805, 11990, 15115 all audible circa 1335
but none out-of-band in the 12s, 13s, 14s, 16s, 17s.
11615, 11990, 12040, fair at 1404; 12040 with FD too as above

** CHINA. 7430, Sept 2 at 1408, fair signal with Chinese lesson for Japanese; the only Asian signal left on 7 MHz, CRI this hour only, fortuitously aimed USward beyond Japan 59 degrees from Jinhua-Youbu 831 site with 500 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 17720, Sept 1 at 2102, open carrier blossoms to very distorted music from RHC starting late as usual.

6150, Sept 2 at 1242 and further chex before 1300, R. Australia in the clear about tainted milk in China, no CubaRM for a change, as RHC must be missing; but unlike last time, not on 6125 instead. Probably just another defect rather than permanent change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15040, Sept 2 at 1302, AIR Burmese service fair with flutter, one of the better Asian signals on 19m now, with pop music. Stronger than 15775 VOA Korean in Philippines, which often achieves a bigsig. 15040 is 100 kW, 132 degrees from Delhi/Khampur site per Aoki at 1215-1315 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Sept 2 at 1308, V. of Kurdistan is ululating, fair with flutter, presumably via PRIDNESTROVYE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15525, Sept 2 at 1402, fair signal with bits of choral music, non-Chinese talk, no doubt V. of Tibet, via MADAGASCAR. Looked up later in Aoki, shows this jumping to 15520 at 1408-1428. Or at least it did on some occasion. No jamming audible today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1684 monitoring: on WTWW-2, 9930, WOR did appear this week Sat at 2327, but not 24+ hours later unlike last week. Sept 1 at 2330, Ted Randall is playing music, 2354 says it`s a new Sunday-evening show, apparently live; takes requests, favors traditional/classic country, doesn`t like contemporary ``country`` where the music is all mashed together and you can`t make out individual instruments. 2356 warns that QSY to 5085 is coming in 5 minutes. His show continues after 0000 Sept 2 on 5085, also at further chex past 0030, 0100. At 0140 it`s dead air, 0142 cut on Brother Scare who presumably continues all night to 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 529, Sept 2 at 0539 UT, can make out ``LYQ`` in MCW beating against ``K530AM`` Vance AFB, more than vs Cuba, so Dave Frantz`s beacon at his private airstrip in TN has resumed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 640, Sept 2 at 1222 UT, ``KFI, stimulating talk radio``, PDT TC after 5 am, making slow SAH less than 1 Hz with KWPN OK, so KFI is still audible with it nulled well after sunrise 1204 UT here today. A bit surprised to hear this as there were no other significant skywave signals below 920 by this time, and no XEs at all on the lower half (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 920, Sept 2 at 1217 UT, ``right here on 920, The Game``, ads with 702-AC phones. Good thing I got the latter, as 2012 NRC AM Log shows no slogan for KBAD Las Vegas NV, but it was/is sports format with Fox SR, 5/0.5 kW. Neat, as Nevadans are rare here; city-to-city distance 953 miles. A few minutes later I was still getting KFI 640 LA CA before low-band skywave fadeout, which lasts a bit longer mid-band. Later in the hour, KYFR in IA resumed dominating 920 here, altho it could have earlier, with September sunrise at 1200 UT. It`s easy to spot with religion and lots of quasi-classical sacred music.

FCC AM Query shows KBAD is ND day, direxional at nite only, in a butterfly 4-wing pattern; we are almost due east from there, slightly northward, so somewhere between a null at 70 degrees and a peak at 102 degrees, unless: It`s non-direxional day pattern now, contrary to 2005 NRC Pattern Book which showed it with a tangent circular pattern northeastward. KBAD is not entitled to ND 5 kW day until 1315 UT in September, with no PSRA known.

You`d think a station in one Carlsbad or another would crave a call like KBAD. Did this one in LV ever call itself ``K-bad`` under some previous format? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. David ``Stretch`` Gregory, host of NBC`s `Meet the Press` keeps throwing to the first commercial break as ``back in one minute``. Not *a* minute, indefinite, but *one* minute. I`ve noticed before that the commercials run a lot longer than that, so today September 1, I am calling him on that Big Lie: timed from 1821:05 to 1824:50 UT, i.e. TWO MINUTES AND 45 SECONDS! I`m watching the MSNBC repeat, surely no different on the original NBC airing, and even if it should be, no excuse. 

Next break, ``back in just a moment``, CYA could be anylength, but timed as from 1831:15 to 1833:50, = 2:35. However, followed by only a 25-second plug for Zebox until ``back in 60 seconds``(!!) at 1834:15 after which the commercials really last 92 seconds. This total break time including the disposable teaser in between, a favorite tactic of network commercial-crammers, adds up to over three sesquiminutes. Remember that if you (or panelists) need a bathroom-break amid MTP.

Thoroly disillusioned, I did not attempt to time the rest of the breaks in the hour and how he introduced them. I think we many now safely conclude that Mr Gregory is not to be trusted with his assertions, which also damage his credibility as a ``journalist`` (studies have shown Republicans get far more time on MTP than Democrats). He may play devil`s-advocate but also be the devil.

Possibly mitigating: altho it seems live Sunday mornings, part or all of MTP may be pre-recorded more conveniently e.g. on Fridays, and the participants may not necessarily be sitting there in real time during commercial breaks, so have no idea how long they really be when aired.

I also timed the ``one minute`` commercial break toward the end of the first half hour of CBS` `Face the Nation` earlier today, and it really was 60 seconds! (But KWTV-39 failed to switch their local-news rerun reel on 9.2 to the second half of FTN this week; a holiday weekend anomaly, we hope; it took them months to start doing this after I suggested it, as they still refuse to run the whole hour on 9.1 in lieu of an infomercial) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15427.5-SSB, intruders Sept 2 at 1355-1358* Spanish 2-way, stations about equal level, calm with no swearing heard, and of course, no IDs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)