venerdì 11 gennaio 2013

Glenn Hauser logs January 9-10, 2013

** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Wed Jan 9 at 1420, fascinating show about color perception (dogs see no red; some rare humans have cones for four primary colors instead of three, and some shrimp species has 20! Why?). Turns out to be `Radio Lab` from WNYC as widely heard on public radio in the US, but for SW, we are indebted to RA (and RNZI) for worldwiding this, including back to US!

No American shortwave station, government or private, would ever condescend to broadcast such excellent non-commercial, non-religious programming for almost an hour straight. (Axually, we are just as indebted to Radio National and RNZ National which are merely being relayed by the SW stations for lack of any programming of their own, especially during summer breaks). I knew RA would cut 9580 off abruptly at 1458, so had already retuned to 11945 to get the last minute of the Radio Lab credits. This show has great produxion values, with choral musical renditions of the colors (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 9955, Jan 9 at 1510, Firedrake is atop RFA Tibetan via TINIAN, which is on 9955 during this hour only; WRMI is in weekdaily 8-hour break from SW at 15-23, but lite Cuban pulse jamming can still also be heard for good (bad) measure. Luca Botto Fiora, Italy had also heard FD on 9955 at 0709 Dec 31, and wondered if it was really transmitted from Cuba, by mistake? Surely not, altho with Cuba anything can happen and they do have a program feed line from the same SARFT building in Beijing providing both Firedrake and CRI. I`ve yet to suspect any FD via CUBA, but rarely listening at that hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11880, Jan 10 at 2132 checking whether NHK Portuguese via GUIANA FRENCH is still under RHC Portuguese --- can`t tell, but RHC is in French instead; must be running late. Recheck 2158: no, still in French, so must have mixed up the playback tapes with 2100, typical incompetence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 13960-13985, Jan 9 at 1519, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 11880, Jan 9 at 2129, NHK IS is JBA under very strong RHC, so R. Japan *still* hasn`t moved GUIANA FRENCH relay out from under the usurper, as allegedly planned for 11960. Jan 10 at 2132 I can`t hear anything under RHC, but 11960 isn`t on either, nor at 2158 recheck; see also CUBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 960, Jan 10 at 0600-0605 UT, after about a week of failing to Fox-hole, KGWA Enid does it again: dead air for five minutes, but nothing significant heard under it this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 7290, Jan 9 at 2201, no signal from Radio PMR which had announced it would resume today after OrthoXmas break; oh, oh, is it kaput? But then Stephen Cooper in UK quickly informed the DXLD yahoogroup that he had just heard 7290 closing English at 2157, and their website
when converted to UT shows it`s reduced to only one hour M-F at 2100-2200, in English/German/French/English again, with only a 2-minute music break between quarters, and no more Russian. So Radio PMR lives on, barely (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1651, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. 9395, Jan 9 at 2201, presumed VOR English to Latin (lacking North) America is presumably the JBA signal via ARMENIA, useless. Nothing at all at 2329 recheck, tho some have reported it axually cut off by 2330 instead of scheduled 2400.

7290 via PRIDNESTROVYE [see also] doesn`t start VOR until 0000, but checked at 2329, I heard Chinese instead, which must have been CNR1, 222 degrees from Beijing 572 site, per Aoki, and would continue until 0130 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1651, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA. 7300, Jan 9 at 1530, very poor signal with DW IS, can`t tell language, but listed as 250 kW non-direxional in Swahili at 15-16. Hmmm, probably long path like SOMALILAND 7120 in our mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17615, Jan 9 at 1514, BSKSA is managing to modulate today with Qur`an, unlike Jan 8 with at least a sesquihour of dead air. We often listen to this to serenade out breakfast, secure that since it`s all-Arabic, we shall not be influenced by the program content. Other Abrahamists have a more effective approach to evangelism (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1651 monitoring: confirmed first broadcast Thursday Jan 10 starting about 2159:50 on WTWW-1 9479. This shifted the interruption for houtrop canned ID ending with an explosion, to slightly later in the WOR billboard, obscuring some of the headline countries, before back to us intact for the rest of the semihour. Lately I have been completing recording only within the previous hour before this airtime, as I struggle to get caught up, plowing thru and arranging all the accumulated material, also to be in the next DX LISTENING DIGEST 13-02.

Further chances: UT Friday 0430v on WWRB 3195 (and last week 5050 was on too); UT Saturday 0230v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; UT Sunday 0500 on WTWW-1 5830.

Also on WRMI 9955: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830; Sun 0900, 1630; Mon 0530; Tue 1200. On HLR 7265-USB Germany: Sat 0630 & 1630. On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat 1830. Full schedule at

** U S A. 7348-SSB, approx. Jan 9 at 1531, as I tune in, ID as WGY908, concluding an informal MARS-like contact with someone ``until next Wednesday`` and ``back to scan``, i.e. digital noises. I didn`t have the frequency pinned exactly during the voice, and never heard any more during the next semihour, just occasional digital bursts. I had previous logs of this in 2004y and 2009y as WGY908, FEMA regional HQ, Denver CO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1550, Jan 9 at 0634 UT, ``more of your favorite music coming up on Cool (Kool?) 107.5``; loops E/W, instead of boring Branson TIS. Another AM station which doesn`t even recognize its own frequency, and to make it worse, the FM tail wagging this dog is nothing but a translator, for it must be KRKE Albuquerque, not listed as such in NRC AM Log 2012 since the swap with KIVA 1600 occurred shortly after it went to press. The ex-1600 entry for KRKE says: 24h // K298BK, 107.5, ``Real Oldies,`` ``The New Cool``, close enough (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 7250, Wed Jan 9 at 0619, VR is already on with IS between Scandinavian and Albanian, but no signals yet on 3975 or 6075. Thu Jan 10 at 0613, nothing on 7250 so put an offset BFO on a receiver to notify me when the carrier would come on this time: *0628:20, off a few sex, and then back on to stay, with 0630 Latin mass. You never know whether this will start at 0600 or not, but schedule says from 0630 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic carrier scan performed Jan 10 at 0624-0630 after hearing a tell-tale het from 909 as I tuned to 910 kHz, put in order here, not the order I heard them: 531, 684, 693, 711, 909, 945, 1044, 1053, 1089, 1206, 1215 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)