lunedì 14 gennaio 2013

Glenn Hauser logs January 13-14, 2013

** AUSTRALIA. 15515, Jan 13 at 0309, RA in its most token language, French, interrupted by clips of someone speaking OzEnglish; fair signal. This is scheduled M-F 0300-0315 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOTSWANA. 15580, Sunday Jan 13 at 2135, ``Tennessee Waltz`` by the late ``Patti Page``, outro by ``Mary Morningstar`` on `Country Hits USA` from VOA Music Mix. Really broken up signal, by trans-equatorial propagation, so bad I suspected the transmission was also defective, but not sure. Off at 2200* without ID or VOA sign-off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. Sounds like the ``elevated noise floor`` is back tonight --- not very strong yet at 2310 Jan 13. 11780 is again a blob of distorted noise instead of RNB, and the noise floor is most obvious underneath signals of a certain strength, WYFR on 11565 and NHK on 11665, sort of like QRDRM. Tuning with BFO, one can hear a constant swish and multiple carriers in the range below 11780. What do others hear?

Gilles Letourneau in Montreal was getting this too again like last night, as was Don Moman in Alberta. My recheck at 0305 UT Jan 14: still audibly higher noise level roughly 11.3-12.0 MHz, tapering off gradually, and audible under the medium RHC signal on 11680, but not under the strong RHC on 11760. And still there at 0421. And at 0513, severely QRMing, among others the weakish signal from New Zealand on 11725, but not the strong signal from Japan via Guiana French 11740.

I continue to strongly suspect source is the 11780 RNB transmitter, very out of order, since it is normally strong when nothing else is on 25m, but is not audible in AM again tonight, instead a noise peak there. While the noise stopped at 0441 UT the night before, it could well last all night just like the normal schedule of 11780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. 5960, Jan 14 at 0352, no spurs audible from the NHK Japanese relay. Had not looked for them in quite a while. They were circa 5844, 6076 = plus/minus 116 kHz; 5926 and 5994 = plus/minus 34 kHz, among others. Also checked 11740, which has put out a different spurset during some NHK relays in English at 0500, but could not hear any Jan 14, altho the wideband noise probably from Brasil might have obscured them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Channel A2 NTSC, Jan 14 at 0029 UT, brief fade-in of some weak video with antenna south, after monitoring snow for some hours. 0121, another fade-in now with two or more signals CCI, but soon gone. 6m ham Es maps showed a bit of activity over the SW quadrant of the USA into the Mexican border area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 15067.6-AM, Jan 13 at 2140 UT, weak rock music, must be pirate, very poor, peaking S8 with fades. 2143 sends in Morse code CZ over and over (first thought it was going to be a CQ, but one dit/dah different). Then quick announcement by YL voice, sounds like Japanese, can`t copy it; plays Doors` ``Touch Me``. 2147, ID by OM as ``Channel Z radio, broadcasting from North America. If you can hear us, write to us at`` and another Japanese(?) announcement; 2148 ``Frankenstein``, by Edgar Winters Group? After that faded out completely or off the air. About it at:

``Long distance DX tests were carried out on 15067 kHz using an LU8EHA transmitter design. This transmitter is a Class E design and produces 18 watts of carrier. These transmissions were heard in Europe and the USA.``

An e-mail reply was soon received in less than an hour:

``Hi Glenn, Really glad to hear that you heard the broadcast today. Yes, the YL ID was Japanese; this was a show that I created about a year ago when Hari Kujala in Finland arranged a big pirate DX weekend.  I was very lucky as a Japanese DXer did receive that broadcast (on 11428 kHz). You can see and hear the reception for yourself here:

You heard the same show, on the same transmitter, a homebrewed 18 watt Class E variant of a design by LU8EHA. Today's broadcast wasn't targeted to a specific area; it was to test out my 19 meter dipole. I have a backlog of QSL requests; I hope to have it in the mail within a week. 73's Z`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15440, Jan 13 at 2200-2210, via WYFR, RTI English with news; has lite crackling sound again like yesterday, not too disruptive and you might overlook it, but something is wrong with this frequency unlike // 6115. Dan Elyea at Okeechobee is going to check it out.

6115, however, had some weak CCI under, which per HFCC would be either R. Veritas Asia, Philippines in Chinese northward, or CRI Beijing site in French northwestward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)