venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

Glenn Hauser logs January 24-25, 2013

** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 25:
7390, fair at 1409 slightly atop the mix with two signals in Chinese, i.e. CNR1 jamming and VOA Cantonese via Philippines

11520, very poor at 1415, het on lo side. Neatly matches Aoki listing for V. of Tibet, 11518 at 1330-1430 via Tajikistan
No other FD found 12-18 MHz until 1424

** IRAN. 11805, Jan 25 at 1427, VIRI IS, poor signal, 1430 three rising chimes, opening in unID language, brief choral piece presumed national anthem, another quick announcement and into Qur`an, the standard opening procedure. Aoki shows this is a Bengali hour, 500 kW, 100 degrees from Kamalabad. The Urdu service was also audible earlier in the hour on 11720 // 11685 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL [non]. 9955, Jan 25 at 0530, WRMI inaudible under jamming, but Jeff White says as of tonight, WRN relay at this time has resumed after some experimentation with Vatican Radio in Arabic. Therefore, Israel Radio`s only SW broadcast in English should be back at 0530-0545 Tue-Sat. Computer was off so could not confirm yet on WRMI webstream (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5985, Jan 25 at 1342, Sea Breeze again in English on this Friday and much better reception than usual, talking about the UN and human rights in several countries, including North Korea. Still good at 1405 with news sounder, headline from Yonhap about Google trip to NK, another from Daily NK. Usual het from MYANMAR on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 9335, Jan 25 at 1413, VOK in French, modulation rather distorted. 11710, Jan 25 at 1417, French also here and somewhat distorted with additional mixture of jamming noise that VOK is unable to keep out of its adjacent broadcast transmitter. Any SW broadcaster that is obviously so intimately involved with jamming other stations is worthy of nothing but contempt, also RHC and CRI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. 9579.1, Jan 25 at 0556, Médi Un carrier, at least is back, making big het with 9580.0; having been missing 23.5 hours earlier. Only modulation audible is music from the higher frequency, i.e. presumed GABON. The het made a pitch somewhere between A5 and B-flat5, i.e. 880 and 932 Hz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 530, further observations Jan 24-25: ID occurs at random oddtimes, not just hourtop and hourbottom, such as 2004 and 1448 UT: by seemingly synthetic voice unlike the other announcements: ``You are listening to 530 AM operated by Vance Air Force Base, Enid, Oklahoma``. Many of the same old Ad Council PSAs continue in rotation, but now there is a new one apparently by a local announcer, including her flub at the end, about ``never leave candles unattached --- unattended``. I have yet to hear anything remotely connected with USAF or other military matters, but instead an emphasis on safety for civilians, also applicable to allhumans, including military (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Jan 25 at 0621, KMOX has a SAH of 192/minute = 3.2 Hz as measured some times before, but varies, presumably from KEOR carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1170, Jan 25 at 0619 UT, KFAQ Tulsa is accompanied by IBOC noise, as Bruce Winkelman had first reported it turned back on Jan 24, after some months off. However at next check 1440 in the daytime, with weaker signal, IBOC did not seem to be present (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [non]. 5980, further chex for the new R. Chaski, Cusco: not only do we have R. Martí and wall-of-noise DentroCuban jamming at 07-13 UT, but at least lite residual Cuban pulse jamming continues on 5980 at many (all?) other hours, typical incompetent overkill and disrespect for other non-hostile broadcasters: Jan 24 at 2308 check, Jan 25 at 0117, 0205 the jamming is still there, plenty to block the Peruvian if really on and testing tonight as Pedro F. Arrunátegui reports scheduled until 0300. Here is his 17-second clip of it announcing 5980 only:

** RUSSIA. 7260, Jan 25 at 1406, fair signal in English from VOR about ``Tatiana Day`` = Jan 25 in Russia. Would be sufficient if not for the SSB QRhaM on an above-normal E Asian morning. HFCC shows 500 kW, 230 degrees from Vladivostok at 10-16 but the English portion is 13-15 only. Off the back is 50 degrees, which aims right down the angled California/Nevada border (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1653 monitoring: first SW broadcast confirmed on WTWW-1 9479, Thursday Jan 24 starting early about 2159:20. Therefore, the exact hourtop interruption for legal ID occurred further into the intro minute, at second :39 just as I started to say ``Eq--`` uatorial Guinea, and finished just as the theme did.

Then the 0430 UT Friday broadcast on WWRB confirmed at 0452 check Jan 25, very good on both 5050 and 3195. Next: UT Saturday 0230v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Saturday 0630 & 1030 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 1 kW in Germany on 7265-CUSB; UT Sunday 0500 on WTWW 5830; on WRMI 9955: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, Mon 0530, Tue 1200; On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat 1830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11715, Jan 25 at 1455, KJES, off-key kidchoir with hymns in English, then switching to Spanish for ``En la Sala de Jesús``, a bit of ``Saints Go Marchin` In``, all with guitar accompaniment; 1459.5 rudely interrupted by not one but two kIDs, more music; 1504 adult starts talking about Jesus expiring. VG signal by 1455 and growing. Transmission nominally starts at 1400 but seldom audible then; at 1417 when I was checking VOK 11710, KJES was starting to fade in (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, Jan 25 at 1443 UT,, 480 AC phone and Arizona ads, i.e. KFNN Mesa. So is it 22 kW day power or 100 watt nite power? No quibble here, as FCC official sunrise in January is 1430 UT; February 1415. They also have a 4-watt PSRA in both months, i.e. from 1300 UT, but why go with that when they can already run 100 watt night-power? Limiting station is supposedly KGA Spokane. I think the entire FCC pre-sunrise authority concept is somewhat flawed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 960, Jan 25 at 0602-0605 UT in KGWA Fox-hole, dominant signal is playing low-key big-band music, maybe WABG Mississippi. If they would only ever ID during this window (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2660+, Jan 25 at 1347 UT, JBA carrier from the harmonic; 1358 a bit o` music makes it thru the noise level. As mentioned yesterday, prime suspect is KGLD in Tyler TX. Need to monitor earlier in the 13-14 UT hour. Again it`s slightly on the hi side compared to KMBZ Business Radio 1660.

In case it`s KGLD, take note of its official SR/SS times:
Jan 1330-2345;
Feb 1300-2400 UT
Day power is 1 kW, nite power only 77 watts. Also has 500-watt PSRA every month starting at 6 am local = 1200 UT during ST, 1100 UT during DST.

Also complex PSSA ranging from 36 to 176 watts, as late as 0330 UT in the summer;
in January: 2345-2400 75 watts, 0000-0015 67 watts, 0015-0045 45 watts, 0045-0145 36 watts.
In February: 0000-0030 102 watts, 0030-0100 51 watts, 0100-0200 36 watts. Does any station axually follow these rules to the minute and the watt? All this applies of course to 1330, with powers on 2660 if this is the source, presumably much less. However, if some of the accurate power level is leaking out on an harmonic, the power on the fundamental must be correspondingly reduced (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)