lunedì 7 novembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 7, 2011

** ALBANIA. 7425, Nov 7 at 0010, R. Tirana atop China QRM, but by 0039 China is gaining as RT stix to this frequency instead of shifting to clear 7420. Since it`s UT Monday, no check of 7420 at 0230 English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6030, Monday Nov 7 at 0403 I compare the jamming here to the other R. Martí frequency, 7365 [see IRAN]. Much lighter on 6030, but still some, mixing with another weak broadcaster, maybe Ethiopia. With BFO easily audible, and less so in AM mode: mixed with the jamming noise, or rather overriding/interrupting it, are series of beeps equally spaced, alternately 11, 12, 13 or 14 of them, with a pause in between groups. The beeps are of different pitches within each set, so could be some kind of message intelligence. Listened to this in wonderment for some five minutes. Never heard anything like it, and apparently correlating with or emanating from jamming transmitter. Please explain, Arnie (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [and non]. 7365, UT Monday Nov 7 hoping to confirm whether V. of Justice, IRIB`s English to NAm, is really here at 0330-0430. There have been signs of another signal under the DentroCuban Jamming Command`s wall of noise, and Radio Martí, and the 0400-1000 UT silent period of Martí on Mondays should give us a chance to hear it --- unfortunately the DCJC does not cooperate, keeping on jamming 7365 heavily past 0400-0415+ when I give up. There`s also a TADIL-A bonker circa 7359. See also CUBA: 6030.

The other Iran frequency, 7200: at 0358 I am hearing Arabic, 0401:27 end of very late timesignal and Omdurman ID. The TS had double/echoing pips, which might have been from a second station except another could not possibly have been equally off-hour by coincidence. Trying to hear IRIB or anything under Sudan, but not convinced it`s there at all. At 0413 it`s really nothing but Sudan on 7200. Plus some QRhaM.

Finally as last resort, can`t find any SW schedule at
or on the Voice of Justice page, tho if you click on Frequencies you get a 56(?) page PDF on satellite reception! Which the repressive government frowns upon for Iranians themselves.

Finally on the About Us page, there is a link ``Tune in our new frequency``, but that was Tuesday August 23 (such as in 2011), 11945 at 1530 to S Asia. Still no complete SW schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 6020v, Nov 7 at 0128, looking for signs of R. Victoria, which Michele d`Amico visiting Ecuador reported hearing Oct 27, but still nothing, only CRI English via Albania with no het from Perú, which used to be a nuisance all evening from 6019.3v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. Mikhail Timofeyev of the St. Petersburg site invites reception reports for their new special anniversary QSL card.  View card with complete site schedule at

The only `evening` VOR transmission from St Pete likely to be heard in NAm, altho aimed at SAm, is 00-03 Spanish/Russian/Spanish on 6135 ---despite Bolivia 6134.8v, and Nov 7 at 0040 check we were hearing mainly the het between them, while 6130, 6140, 6145 and 6150 were open (tho maybe not for all three hours.) Unfortunate that St Pete site has to use 6135 of all frequencies. Must really wipe out Radio Santa Cruz down there, but that signs off shortly after 0100. Or not: I expected the het to go away, but it`s still there, slightly wavering, at 0128, 0235. At the later time I can make out some Spanish from Russia, as they are going from talk to music, but really unreadable, SINPO 22442 at best. I`ll keep trying to get some loggable details on VOR. As a domestic station RSC is incapable of avoiding Russia or getting on-frequency, but at least they can stay on the whole time to bother the usurper.

7210, Nov 7 at 0410 as I am checking Sudan/Iran on 7200, I notice a very wobbly signal --- it`s in Spanish at 0415 but the transmitter is quite unstable putting out garbage mostly on the high side. With BFO there is no specific carrier. Listed as a VOR Moscow site at 0000-0600, 500 kW, 265 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1589 monitoring: while trying to pull Iran out of the QRM on 7200 and 7365 I am also switching back and forth to 5110v-CUSB where WBCQ Area 51 has a good signal and as usual `Radio Jennifer` whose host is not a YL, is running a bit late. WOR 1589 starts at 0402:45, new nominal winter time of 0400 UT Mondays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)