mercoledì 30 novembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 29-30, 2011

** AFGHANISTAN [and non]. 7200, another try for R. Afghanistan`s new frequency Nov 30 at 1528: only a JBA carrier, maybe this, under QRhaM this time from W4RNZ = PRICE, CARL E, CARTERSVILLE, GA 30120, working a K5 on LSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRIA. 6155, Nov 30 at 0641 baroque music from Ö1, back-announced as from 1600y, ``Die Hexe``, 7:43 live timecheck in Austro-German. Kudos for including classical music in this remnant of SW service from Austria, 0600-0715 only. The only other broadcast is 0900-0935 on 17630 and/or 18910, unlikely to be heard here.

Altho labeled as B-11, Aoki at 6155 still lists English and French news at 0710-0714 weekdays, which really stopped sometime in A-11, unfortunately, tho it was only token, mostly foreign headlines and very brief weather intended for domestic consumption. That demographic is now better served by a fulltime non-ORF, non-SW station; see
WTFK? ``Danube International Radio (DIR) is initially being launched online with an official opening planned for 2012 after they obtain an FM licence.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake Nov 30, before 0700:
15900, fair at 0649; no others 12-19 MHz

Before 1500:
9200, JBA at 1427
No others found up to 20 MHz by 1444

After 1500:
13785, poor at 1522, with ACI de CUBA, and some CCI. A reminder that we must not search for FD only in the OOB or WOOB [way-out-of-band] ranges. Aoki explains: VOA Uzbek via Kuwait at 1500-1530 is jammed, altho CNR1 might be the usual audio? Aoki adds that VOA was off the air on a Sunday and Thursday. (And the only other occupant of 13785 is Sirjan, Iran in English from 1530) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9955, Nov 30 at 0630, R. Praga noticias via WRMI fair signal and NO jamming, unlike 48 hours earlier.

6125 undermodulated // 6060, 6050, 6010, RHC UT Wed Nov 30 at 0644-0645 Arnie wrapping up the mitweek edition of `DXers Unlimited`, so now at one dekaminute, must have started at 0635 instead of 0630 previously; varies.

6125, once again Nov 30 at 0706, RHC is still on the air on this frequency only, in unscheduled Spanish, sports segment starting as I QRT; for how long?

Latest incompetent DentroCuban Jamming Command observations:
15590, Nov 30 at 1438, pulse jamming still going here after VOA 1400*
15330, Nov 30 at 1440, R. Martí very strong with no jamming detectable, altho RHC also strong on 15380

** FRANCE. 9805, Nov 30 at 0628 I tuned in early enough to check whether RFI is in Hausa or English on the // frequency 7220 which has been in English instead of Hausa recently: no, 9805 is fair in non-English, sounds like Hausa, and concludes at 0630* sharp after jingle and ``RFI`` ID in French; while 7220 was playing musique as strike filler. So the wrong language on 7220 apparently has nothing to do with the strike, Hausa continuing on the other one. Current complete schedule of RFI Hausa per HFCC is:
0600-0630  7220 9805
0700-0730 11830 13685 15315
1600-1700 17615
So the Hausa service is not on strike at the moment. Andy Sennitt says that programming is axually produced in Lagos, not Paris. I`m not likely to hear the 0700 broadcast, but at 1620 Nov 30, I can hear 17615, and it is in non-French, non-English, presumably Hausa.

I have a very hard time recognizing Hausa for sure, despite its nomenclatural affinity to yours truly, just ``African tonal language``. We need some key words often heard on SW to recognize, such as ``this is``, ``news``, ``republic``, ``president``, etc. No Hausa (yet?) on Google Translate.

Consulting RFI`s Hausa page,
we see that Hausa is written without any tonal diacritix, which must make it that much harder to learn, unlike Vietnamese; in the lower right corner there is a list of RFI languages linked as expressed in Hausa, ending with what passes for vietnamien:

Harsunan kasashen ketare

** KOREA NORTH. When we`re up as late as 0700, we hear various NK frequencies opening, even on the lower bands propagating now in winter at 1600 local time, such as 7220. (Is 2850 still active? Mikhail Timofeyev in Russia wonders, and so do I, not heard lately before sunrise, but it fights a high local noise level here and there.)

6600, already at 0639 Nov 30, weak Korean is audible, without jamming, which means it`s clandestine V. of the People, from the South. Then I check // 6518 and it seems to be cutting on the air right then. Recheck at 0655, now both are noise jammed. Aoki shows VOP really starts at 0500, but the jamming doesn`t begin until 0650, 250 kW vs 50 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [and non]. 21540, Nov 30 at 1450, huge collision between R. Kuwait and REE Spain continues in almost-vacant 13m band, Kuwait atop with music and Arabic talk. Spain goes off at 1456 leaving Kabd in the clear for a few minutes until it cut off at 1500:24* just after ID and beginning the news, how rude! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Nov 30 at 0635 check, IGIM is still not inactive, with usual soporific wake-up chanting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MYANMAR [non?]. 7110, Nov 30 at 1416, very weak and fluttery music on AM, clear for a bit, then at 1421 lite CW QRM from a WA4 calling CQ automatically, switching to hand-keying for contact. New OOB 7110 has been reported the last few days from further east and west, by Jose Jacob in India, Victor Goonetilleke in Sri Lanka, and Martien Groot in Netherlands as definitely in Burmese, at 1230-1430v but not // any known Myanmar frequencies, so what is it, from or to Burma? One heard jamming after 1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESTE)

** OKLAHOMA. 1140, Nov 29 around 2225 UT, KRMP OKC daytimer was billing itself as ``The Touch``, which is ``all-new``; rarely listen, so not sure how new that really is, but updates NRC AM Log 2011-2012 which had it as ``The Old School Station``. It`s mostly talk format now, including Tom Joyner weekday mornings, with gospel-huxters all-day Sundays; (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 9625-9630-9635, Nov 29 at 2241, jarring DRM noise with big signal here at unscheduled time, blotting out 9625 CBCNQ, fortunately cut off at 2243; at 2255-2300+ an AM open carrier back on 9630. Assume REE playing around, as this is their DRM frequency via COSTA RICA at 0000-0200 (but normally turned on a few minutes earlier), and also HFCC registered as AM from Noblejas at 1900-2300, 302 degrees to C&ENAm, Mexico, CAm, Caribbean, but the latter NOT on this version of schedule:
So it`s yet another wooden/alternate frequency from REE.

From 2256 past 2300 I also checked 11810-11815-11820, where REE has a new DRM transmission via Cariari CR to NW SAm supposedly at 23-24, but it`s not on, fortunately for poor R. Brasil Central, Goiânia, which can`t change frequency on 25m and must put up with whatever the Spaniards throw at them; RBC poorly audible in AM with M&W in Brazilian. The REE sked above shows 11815 DRM instead of 23-24, at 00-01 which is when we did hear it on Nov 11 as in DXLD 11-46, and means that Cariari now has two DRM transmitters, but making quite limited use of them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 30 at 0637, RTI via WYFR completes the month in wrong language German instead of Spanish. Usual huge signal toward Mexico (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: surprise, there I am on WBCQ 7490, Tuesday Nov 29 at 2235, and without much BBC QRM underneath. This was once a WOR time, but ceded to `Frecuencia al Día`, heard as recently as a week or two ago, so I have no idea whether this is a permanent rechange, a fill-in, or what, but try again next Tuesday as well as our normal airing on Thursdays at 2230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. After finding Firedrake on 15900 at 0649 Nov 30, I try to hear any signals on the 19m band, and come up with only two weakies:

15250 in Russian at 0650, which Aoki and HFCC show is R. Liberty during this hour only, 250 kW, 21 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES, so on its USward antenna. And at 0652 something very poor talking on 15440, must be DW Hausa via RWANDA. That`s all; no Nigeria 15120 tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 7341-SSB, Nov 30 at 1412, formal net taking signal reports on frequencies secretly designated NCC and NCA; among the calls was ``Iowa CAP 4``, until QSY to another channel at 1414. So I Google on that, and find at
that Iowa CAP 4 is Richardson, Mercer, Lt. Col., IOWA CAP 4 and IOWA CAP 176, ham call K0VIF, e-mail to Cedar Rapids.

CAP = Civil Air Patrol, more about which on same ex-geocities page. Unfortunately the frequency-management link is dead. 7341 had lite QRM from a very weak AM carrier on 7340 which Aoki points to Mumbai (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11714.8, Nov 30 at 1434, KJES in English with robotic responses to catechisms, e.g. ``the just will be glad: the just will be glad``; S9+22 but somewhat undermodulated. I haven`t bothered to log this for weeks, and in future might conclude it was inactive, so here it is just to reaffirm its viability, however in a horrible rut (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Elettrosmog, Roma: denuncia-querela di 4000 cittadini contro Radio Vaticana

Oltre 4mila persone hanno sottoscritto un esposto presentato in procura a Roma in relazione alla vicenda dell'inquinamento elettromagnetico che sarebbe causato dall'impianto di radiotrasmissione di Radio Vaticana di Santa Maria Galeria, nella zona Nord di Roma. Con l'iniziativa, che è stata sostenuta dal comitato Bambini senza onde, si chiede "che le indagini in corso giungano a una conclusione, in modo da poter dare risposta ai residenti" che rischiano a causa "della prolungata esposizione alle onde elettromagnetiche" gravi forme tumorali. Il documento è stato mandato anche ai presidenti di Regione e Provincia oltre che al sindaco di Roma. "Il rischio di ammalarsi di tumore - ha spiegato Fabio Rollo del comitato Bambini senza onde - è concreto anche per chi abita a 12 km da dove sorge l'antenna. In un solo mese abbiamo raccolto 4mila e 400 firme e abbiamo avuto conferme su altri decessi per neoplasie e di almeno 15 nuovi casi. Ci auguriamo che l'inchiesta giunga a una conclusione rapida". I firmatari dell'esposto chiedono alla procura che "siano messe in atto le dovute iniziative al fine di impedire che le onde elettromagnetiche possano continuare a rappresentare un pericolo per i cittadini, affiancando un'adeguata e puntuale opera di informazione sui rischi per la salute, derivati dall'intensità dei campi elettromagnetici attualmente rilevati". (TM News via Newslinet)

martedì 29 novembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 28-29, 2011

** AFGHANISTAN [and non]. 7200, looking for R. Afghanistan on new frequency ex-6102, Nov 29 at 1528: a JBA carrier, slightly on the hi side compared to 15200 KTWR or RRI. Altho 7 MHz is slightly more feasible propagationally, QRhaM is a big problem in NAm, as besides nearby SSB, K0TPP in Missouri was right on 7200-LSB concluding a contact, then QRZ and CQ, apparently blissfully unaware of what he is blocking as he has a perfect right to do.

7200 was first reported Nov 27 by Uli Bihlmayer, DJ9KR, of the DARC
INTRUDERALERT mailing list via Wolfgang Büschel, with English at 1530, but on Nov 28 the first half hour was in Pashto instead of English, then usual Urdu from 1558 to 1630, say S. Hasegawa in Japan and Alan Pennington, UK. Mike Barraclough got the word out first on the DXLD yg (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 29, before 1400:
9200, poor at 1357, none higher, and not 9200 either when tuned by earlier in this semihour

Before 1500:
None at all, not even 9200, in complete scan 19-7 MHz between 1450 and 1457. Hi latitude paths certainly suppressed by geomag conditions, but wonder if operations have also diminished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9540, Nov 29 at 1340, congrats to RHC for getting this transmitter back on frequency from the blob on 9518 yesterday; but it`s still humbuzzy, and also with CCI under, only Kunming listed, Commies vs Commies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. 7220, Nov 29 at 0623, wanting to check whether RFI is still in English instead of scheduled Hausa, but stymied by strike --- RFI Musique fill instead. Since Hausa was missing before the latest strike, maybe the Hausa service was already closed or strike-ridden? Altho website remains, just try to find a Hausa SW sked here:

21690, Nov 29 at 1344, more musique // 17620, 15300, and 21690 is stronger than Spain 21610; 21690 gone after 1400 tho supposedly scheduled until 1600, after a switch from GUF to ISS at 1330. I hate to say it, but the musique mixe is really quite enjoyable.

17690, Nov 29 at 1410, salsa musique fill et al. instead of news in Spanish via GUIANA FRENCH, at least a Spanish ID at 1413, off without any further announcements at 1429:30* as the huelgrève continues, to save RFI from having its funding merged into France 24 TV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 15630, Nov 29 at 1455 open carrier, presumably V. of Greece testing, past 1502, off at 1504. Official sign on is at 1600, usually several minutes earlier in SW service cut to only 12 hours a day. BTW, whenever this frequency and 9420 are both on, a mixing product is possible on 6210 (15630 minus 9420), occasionally reported as an unID or possible pirate, harmonic; Kahuzi? --- do compare to the fundamentals, especially if 6210 is in Greek (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 13635, Nov 29 at 1354, ME music, good with flutter, 1400 timesignal a few sex late, headlines in Persian with news sounders. HFCC shows this is a new frequency starting Nov 25 for IBB (i.e. Radio Farda), 250 kW, 105 degrees via Wertachtal, GERMANY at 1230-1430; meanwhile also listing MBR Wertachtal with Sat/Sun 1400-1500 broadcasts on same 13635, gospel huxters presumably scrapped altho dated for entire B-11 season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL. 15760, Nov 29 at 1454, 1000 Hz tone on S9+15 carrier, 1455 tone off, pause, and IBA trumpet IS starts; after 1500 in Persian, its only SW service left. But not for long: Doni Rosenzweig tells DXLD that on Dec 5, 9985 will replace 15760. That of course will abut Brother Scare on 9980 WWCR, and eventually, something on 9990 WTWW-2. Tho never on more than two frequencies, I see in HFCC that Kol Israel has registered plenty of alternatives for this 1500-1630 broadcast: 6990, 9390, 9985, 11595, 13850, 15760 --- so which will the other one be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA [and non]. 7245, Nov 29 at 0624, IGIM still on during chanty hour, unusually fluttery following latest CME. No signal at all on 7250 from 10 kW Vatican, q.v., until 0628 when switched to 250 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. 15349.1v, Nov 29 at 1349, IMM is nowhere to be found here or nearby, so TURKEY 15350.0 is in the clear with music and Turkish talk, no het for a few more minutes until its closing. 15349 still vacant at 1408. Has Rabat come to its senses? No! By 1450, it`s back on in Arabic plus its own whine/tone, during the clear hour, and at 1503 big het again with RVA via VATICAN 15350.0.

Earlier Nov 29, at 1010, Wolfgang Büschel in Germany was getting a ``terrible mess mixture`` among Turkey 15350.045, Morocco 15349.140, and also CRI Kashgar 15350.00 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [non]. 15435, Nov 29 at 1452, RVA Urdu via VATICAN has JBA het from 15434, I guess V. of Tibet jumparound via Tajikistan. Aoki shows 15433, 15437 at different times. See also MOROCCO, still het-colliding with RVA Filipino 15350 via Vatican after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 15160, Nov 29 at 1449, Russian from RRI Tiganeshti, fair signal with continuous 1000 Hz tone QRM underneath. Maybe the mystery tester? Surely not jamming. Or maybe Abis warming up for the 1500 Uzbek service of R. Cairo on 15160 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 11830, fair Nov 29 at 1456 Bow Bells, 1459 BBCWS opening in English, incomplete Lilliburlero, timesignal and news. This is 15-17, 300 kW, 105 degrees from BaBcoCk, Woofferton. Other transmissions are preceded by B-B-C- chime notes. What`s the difference, why some one way and some the other way? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 580, Nov 28 at 2048 UT, on the caradio driving thru half of Enid, I am hearing when the ambient noise level allows an almost continuous ringing sound, not when tuned to WIBW Topeka, which is in a talk show, but when I step 10 kHz to either side, i.e. a beat against 570 KLIF Dallas, and stronger against 590 KXSP Omaha, whose own signal is weaker than KLIF. WIBW must be putting out matching spurs!

Continuing to listen mostly on 590, the ringing sound sometimes stops for a second or so, and sometimes for a minute or two. It`s not a pure tone, but two slightly different pitches rapidly alternating, a lot like those annoying Salvation Army ringers outside every store. The pitches heard on 590 are ever so slightly higher than on 570, so the three stations must not all be on exact .0000 frequencies.

Tuning back across WIBW itself at 2129 UT, I hear them mention that they are amid a ``Red Kettle Campaign``. OMG, here`s what must be happening: WIBW is airing this continuous annoying ringing in the background of its own talkshow modulation, and the pitch is too high to come thru the bandwidth my caradio when tuned to 580. But it`s *not* too high when tuned to an adjacent frequency, i.e. over 5 kHz on the originator, less than 5 kHz beat on the neighbors.

Sure `nuff, when I get home and try it on the portable DX-398 with 1-kHz steps and finer 40-Hz steps in the SSB mode, I can approximately pinpoint the jingly `carriers` around 574 and 586. If WIBW keeps doing this, and we`ve got almost a month until Xmas, others should be able to pick these up at a skywave distance; I get them all by groundwave. But I pity the poor Topekans with wider bandwidth on their cheap AM radios. Extent of hours this may be happening is unknown. But not just during brief commercials for SA. WIBW spurs Sally`s.

{This is rather like KSPI`s spurs from 780 Stillwater OK, on 784 and 776 kHz, which are more audible as beats against the adjacents than when listening to strong KSPI itself. These are only 4 kHz off the fundamental, but relatively weak and more audible against the weak adjacent 770 and 790 signals. They really are spurs and not part of the program modulation, however misguided.} (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 660, Tuesday Nov 29 at 1321 UT, ads still mentioning Black Friday as if it`s pending or current, including one for an unpronounceable trading post in Gallup NM, so not only is Tuesday still Friday, but KTNN is pretending night is day and continuing to pump 50 kW nondirexional eastward; tough luck, WFAN (as if anyone in NYC cared at 8:21 am what`s going on in Navajoland). Maybe such casual awareness of time in Anglo terms is a Dineh cultural thing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1490, Nov 29 at 1337 UT, program promo on ``1490 AM KQTY``, i.e. Borger TX in the panhandle, briefly atop the graveyard pileup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 7250, Nov 29 at 0624, zero signal from 10 kW VR in the Gardens, no ACI to MAURITANIA [q.v.], until 0628 switched to the 250 kW SMG, English outro of Swedish service preceding, which was off-topic for this transmitter, ``Laudetur Jesus Christus``, etc. Fluttery, unusually, following latest CME.

Then compared to VR 7360 already on air to Africa at 0630, and found it not fluttery. Difference is: 234 degrees azimuth vs. 4 degrees on 7250, aiming right into the disturbed auroral zone, tho both should mainly arrive from the same site in the same direxion to here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15380, Nov 29 at 1503, strong 1 kHz tone over RHC, but quickly off the air. HFCC has nothing to explain this (no RHC either), but Aoki shows the next occupant of 15380 is R. Ashna, a.k.a. VOA Dari service, 1530-1630, 250 kW, 105 degrees via Wertachtal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Tips onde medie e corte 28 novembre

6055 28/11 600 BBC Afrique, Skelton - ID TS Px Nx F 44554
873 28/11 607 AFN Power Network, Oberursel-Weißkirchen Px "Sport" ID QRM
SER Zaragoza E 32433
873 28/11 609 SER R. Zaragoza, Casablanca (Z) Px "Noticias" QRM AFN Es
5950 28/11 1459 Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki Px Ts Nx QRM
unid Mx E 22322
Nino Marabello
QTH: Treviso, Italy
ANT: VHF esterna a 230 gradi

Forti segnali dall'Europa in onde madie

Tornando a casa oggi pomeriggio e scanalando sulle onde medie con l'autoradio mi sono accorto che c'erano parecchie stazioni europee che arrivavano con buoni segnali, nonostante l'orario non proprio favorevole per la propagazione su questa banda.
Alcuni esempi d'ascolto fra le 13:30 e le 14:30 utc:
- 1485 kHz AFN Europe che sovrastava spesso Broadcast Italia
- 1548 kHz Gold con un buon segnale
- 1458 khz Sunrise Radio a manetta!
- 1179 kHz Romania a manetta!

Questi i valori solari attuali:
SFI: 139 - SN: 90 - A-Index: 5 - K-Index: 2

Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N43 - Long 11E12 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
Antennas: 15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Indoor self-made single-turn Loop
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Skype: robybenjy

lunedì 28 novembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 27-28, 2011

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 28, before 1500:
9200, poor at 1457; NO others audible 7-19 MHz, 1453-1500

Before 1600:
None at all audible 19-7 MHz, 1535-1542!

** CHINA. Much like RHC, but even more so, CNR1 overkills with multiple strong frequencies on the same band: Nov 28 at 1402, I am hearing // hyperChinese programming on 6105, 6125, 6145 and 6175.

Studying HFCC and Aoki, we find what`s really going on:
6105 is jamming VOA Chinese via Tajikistan.
6125 is legit CNR1, registered both from Beijing 572 and Shijiazhuang 723 sites
6145 is jamming RTI in Chinese, but also jamming PBS Qinghai, Xining
6175 is legit CNR1, Beijing 572 site

** CUBA [and non]. It was hardly a night off for the DentroCuban Jamming Command, UT Monday Nov 28 after 0400, when there is no Radio Martí to jam, and many other frequencies continued to be incompetently jammed in absence of their former victims or current victims only at other dayparts:

5955, at 0646 noise v long-gone R. República, instead v R. Nederland
6030, at 0638 wall of noise, no Martí and ruining chances for other DX
7365, at 0647 residual jamming vs non-Martí
7405, at 0647 heavier jamming vs non-Martí
9955, at 0644 heavy 2-tone pulsing and noise, no WRMI audible, which is running R. Praga in Spanish seven days a week during this semihour
9490, at 0647 residual jamming vs R. República via RMI via Sackville now scheduled UT Sun & Mon only 00-03
9565, at 0647 residual jamming vs non-Martí
9825, at 0647 residual jamming vs non-Martí

** CUBA. 9517-9518 approx. center of extremely distorted blob with buzz, Nov 28 at 1500, easily identified by RHC IS at 1502; it`s the 9540 transmitter which has landed here instead, after previous buzzy problems while it stayed on 9540. Could hear it from 9514 to 9522 on 1-kHz steps. Still the same at 1541 check.

9850, OK frequency at 1502 is amid frequency announcement, now with bands in disorder: presumably missed 19m first, then 31m including ``9540`` not 9518, then 22m, then 25m. Repeated at 1530 as heard on 13670, which at 1506 was having problems, open carrier, cutting off and on. At 1531 into `Formalmente Informal` show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 6270, Nov 27 at 2307, R. Cairo just barely modulated in English, mixed with Qur`anbits, usual pious programming before getting down to business with the news at 2315. This transmission to ENAm was missing 24 hours earlier. I see that it`s 325 degrees to CIRAF 8 and 9, while the 0200 English broadcast on 9315 goes slightly further west, 330 degrees to CIRAF 6 and 7. So Cairo has unmixed these two transmissions, in previous seasons designated and aimed at first to the west, second to the east (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. Mike Cooper reported another strike by RFI workers:

``Unions at RFI voted Thursday to begin a strike of undetermined length beginning at 2300 UT Sunday November 27. The vote was unanimous with one abstention, according to a statement posted at RFI Riposte, which adds: "No to the death of RFI. No to the merger of RFI and France 24 [TV]. Maintain editorial independence. No to the "siphoning" of resources from RFI to France 24. Keep the quality of the programs and the broadcast methods (shortwave, FM stations, satellite networks)."

RFI unions are calling for all merger efforts to stop until an appeals court renders its judgements. An assembly of RFI workers has been called for 11 am Paris time [1000 UT] on Monday on the 7th floor of the Maison de la Radio (Mike Cooper, 2322 UT Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

However, at 0636 UT Monday Nov 28, 9765 RFI English was still working, news of Africa and Mideast during `Paris Live` with current timecheck.

However2, at 1410 UT Nov 28, on 17690 via GUIANA FRENCH, no Spanish news but instead `RFI Musique` fill, rappy songs, one mixing French and English, // an echo apart from 17620 direct. At 1443, 17620 inserted backward Russian ID as `International French Radio` and again at 1451, amid English/French chansons, also on weaker 15300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Nov 28 at 0407, good signal with music, so IGIM is running all-night, at least this date, and could also just barely detect a carrier on MW 783 [not KSPI 784 spur], likely its parallel. Next check at 0639 on 7245 during monotonous chanting session; 0700 at a program change, a 4(?)-pip timesignal came by about 30 seconds late when I was not expecting it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 15120, Nov 28 at 0650, VON is the OSOB [only station on band], peaking only S9+5 during music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 17540, Nov 28 at 1533, good signal with YL repeating alky words slowly such as ``cognac``, ``whisky/whiskey``, ``liqueur``. Heard some other words in Romanian, language lesson? More like a recipe. This is supposed to be Arabic service of RRI, so trying to corrupt the Islamic teetotalers? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21610, Monday Nov 28 at 1532, echoey REE with `Paso a Paso` Monday gastronomic segment: still no quadrilingual news headlines which were M-F 1530-1545 in B-10, 1430-1445 in A-11. Have they dropped this in at some other unknown time in B-11?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 28 at 0631, RTI still in German; also heard a very weak similar signal on 6750, probably just receiver overload, as whatever its other defects, WYFR is usually spur-free (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: UT Monday Nov 28 at 0407, VG on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110+CUSB. Europeans please check Tuesday 1030 on Hamburger Lokalradio 5980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

domenica 27 novembre 2011

Glenn Hauser logs November 26-27, 2011 [more]

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 27, before 1400:
 9200, poor at 1343; none in the 7s, 8s, 10s
11500, fair at 1343
12230, good at 1344
12300, fair at 1344 --- new frequency! Never before reported by me or anyone in DXLD, and not in Steve Handler`s Nov 15 chart either
15900, fair at 1348; none in the 13s, 14s; 16s, 17s, 18s by 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 13690, Nov 27 at 1346, RHC on this unscheduled frequency, during `Cuba Campesina` folk music show, obviously instead of the nonsensical Sunday-only usage of 13750 because that frequency is occupied by the DentroCuban Jamming Command and VOA Spanish with seditious programming such as the CB song ``Breaker, Breaker`` at 1349, better audible on less jammed // 15590! 13690 is a handy frequency but scheduled only in the evenings 22-05 to South America. At 1401 recheck, 13690 is off, and at 1402 after VOA is finished, RHC carrier comes on 13750, but jamming is still running underneath: Cuban Commies vs Cuban Commies! RHC kept dumping off and on, so no modulation applied until later. While three big transmitters were running on 13 MHz, at 1356 on 13670, 13690, 13780, the big `un on 9 MHz was still on too, 9850 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Nov 27 at 0633, IGIM is back! Arabic talk over music, frequently mentioning Allah, crescendo to 0659, then 0700 break for ID, seems heavily accented French, or Arabish with a few French words mixed in, such as `Mauritanie`, `dimanche`, into strumming with more talk. Frarabe? Arabench? Last heard here November 2. It was also reported Nov 26 at 1803 by Martien Groot, Netherlands. I assume the chanting segment is still around 0600. Will its activity again be highly irregular, sometimes even all-night, helping out MW DXers to // 783? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 21540, Nov 27 at 1353, almost a month after B-11 began, REE and Kuwait haven`t done anything about their collision here on the almost-vacant 13m band; to make matters worse, the clear REE // on 21610 has problems, open carrier cutting off and on past 1354 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 27 at 0630, RTI still in German instead of Spanish via WYFR. One of these nights, surely it`ll be back in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 5980, Nov 26 at 2118, Turkish music is the SSOB but not for long as other signals come up; TRT, 250 kW, 310 degrees from Emirler to Europe at 17-22, and onward to NAm. Same parameters apply except doubled to 500 kW for English to NAm at 23-24 on 5960 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: UT Sunday Nov 27 after 0500, confirmed on WTWW 5755 webcast. Next: UT Monday Nov 28 after 0400 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 13845, Nov 27 at 1504, just crackle from WWCR, worse than Saudi Arabia on 15435 (and 21505 before 1500); but clears up quickly on WWCR, so it was just an input program feed breakup. On BSKSA it will probably go on forever (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. MW TP carrier search Nov 27 around sunrise 1321 UT: At 1324, JBA carriers from NW/SE on 774, 882. I must be very careful, as at 1327 there was a stronger carrier on 693, just the right pitch on my BFO 9-kHz-offset steps, but more NNW/SSE and then tone shifted, so from some local source (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, Nov 27 at 1300 straining to hear the CW marker as R. Rossii, Pet/Kam signs off 6075. Nothing at 1300, after RR carrier is off, but BFO is on so I listen a while longer, then at 1301 barely make out a V and then an L; unfortunately, L is the only common character to the two possible IDs, 8GAL and 2MTL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Prima una considerazione, OT o meno a seconda dei punti di vista.
Spesso leggo che alcuni dei miei ascolti anomali o non identificati, nei
giorni immediatamente precedenti sono stati già riconosciuti o, in inglese,
"alredy discussed", in prevalenza all'estero. Il fatto è che io ho da
assistere un padre di 88 anni invalido e, per fortuna (o purtroppo), un
lavoro part-time in una comunità per malati psichici, quindi qualche volta
sono stanco e non riesco - pur avendo una connessione ADSL senza limiti - a
seguire tutte le notizie in tempo reale, scarico soltanto posta e bollettini
tra il sabato e la domenica. Da sempre, tuttavia, mi piace accendere le
radio e andare proprio a cercare (o scoprire) emissioni anomale, come ad
esempio quelle di Wertachtal che producono segnali su frequenze diverse da
quelle ufficiali.
Tante sono le stazioni (per me) nuove captate con detta modalità di ascolto,
perciò credo che il radioascolto continuerò a praticarlo così, anche se a
qualcuno verrà il pensiero (fra i tanti 'buoni' rivoltimi in questi miei 28
anni di radioascolto *attivo*) che prima vado a leggere le notizie e poi le
faccio soltanto *apparire* come se le avessi scovate io. Si sa come vanno
certe cose: non vengono dette, ma può capitare che vengano pensate.


Legenda segnale (Signal)
IN - Insufficiente (Poor)
SF - Sufficiente (Fair)
BN - Buono (Good)
MB - Molto Buono (Very Good)

Mercoledì 23 novembre 2011
1025 10000 WWV - Boulder-CO (USA) SF
1027 11500 FIREDRAKE vs? - SF/IN
1032 11885 XINJIANG PBS - Urumqi (Cina) - SF/IN
1034 12230 FIREDRAKE vs. SOH (not heard) - SF/IN
1035 12980 FIREDRAKE vs. SOH (not heard) - SF/IN
1036 9955 JAMMING CUBANO vs. WRMI (not heard) - SF/IN
1039 9765 R. NEW ZEALAND INT. - EE - Jazz - SF
1040 9745 VO HAN - Taiwan - CC - tk YLs - SF/IN
1043 9560 XINJIANG PBS // 11885 - SF/IN
1045 9330 WBCQ - USA - Musica country - SF/IN


Domenica 27 novembre 2011
0845 6960.00 R. GERONIMO - ID tnx Achim's FRD - SF/IN
0909 6200.00 R. ORANG UTAN - Mx 70s - IN/SF
0915 5865.00 XVRB (6045-180 kHz) - SF
0916 5820.00 ORION R. - Musica NL - SF/IN
0925 6135.00 KBC sotto ad RNW (5955+180 kHz) - SF
1110 6302.88 Musica non stop e s/off alle 11.20 - SF/IN
Radio Free Sarawak 17560 noted off the air. Closed? Moved? Problems at Yangi
Yul? Already discussed???

Luca Botto Fiora (max. 30 MB)
(ADSL max. 7 MB)

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
R7 Drake
VR5000DSP Yaesu
Satellit 500 Grundig
E5 Etón
ATS909 Sangean
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico 150x100 cm su finestra (@2-5,5 MHz)
Dipolo aperto esterno 30 m (@5.5-30 MHz)
Controllate regolarmente i vostri collegamenti d'antenna.

Amplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION per loop in ferrite
Amplificatore RF LX1456 NE per loop magnetico e dipolo aperto
Balun a choke coassiali 1:1 di RG174 (dal sito di IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (modificato W8JI)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie
Check regularly your antenna connections.
ICD-BX112 Sony (R7 Drake)
ICD-BX800 Sony (Satellit 500 Grundig)
ICD-B500 Sony (E5 Etón - VR5000DSP Yaesu)
TRC-1149 Sanyo (ATS909 Sangean)
Audacity 1.3.13 beta (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 3.7 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 5.8.1 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
Marble 1.1 (atlante)
Multimode 6.2.3 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.0.6 demo (orologio mondiale)

Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Prima una considerazione, OT o meno a seconda dei punti di vista. Spesso leggo che alcuni dei miei ascolti anomali o non identificati, nei giorni immediatamente precedenti sono stati già riconosciuti o, in inglese, "alredy discussed", in prevalenza all'estero. Il fatto è che io ho da assistere un padre di 88 anni invalido e, per fortuna (o purtroppo), un lavoro part-time in una comunità per malati psichici, quindi qualche volta sono stanco e non riesco - pur avendo una connessione ADSL senza limiti - a seguire tutte le notizie in tempo reale, scarico soltanto posta e bollettini tra il sabato e la domenica. Da sempre, tuttavia, mi piace accendere le radio e andare proprio a cercare (o scoprire) emissioni anomale, come ad esempio quelle di Wertachtal che producono segnali su frequenze diverse da quelle ufficiali. Tante sono le stazioni (per me) nuove captate con detta modalità di ascolto, perciò credo che il radioascolto continuerò a praticarlo così, anche se a qualcuno verrà il pensiero (fra i tanti 'buoni' rivoltimi in questi miei 28 anni di radioascolto *attivo*) che prima vado a leggere le notizie e poi le faccio soltanto *apparire* come se le avessi scovate io. Si sa come vanno certe cose: non vengono dette, ma può capitare che vengano pensate.


Legenda segnale (Signal)
IN - Insufficiente (Poor)
SF - Sufficiente (Fair)
BN - Buono (Good)
MB - Molto Buono (Very Good)

Mercoledì 23 novembre 2011
1025 10000 WWV - Boulder-CO (USA) SF
1027 11500 FIREDRAKE vs? - SF/IN
1032 11885 XINJIANG PBS - Urumqi (Cina) - SF/IN
1034 12230 FIREDRAKE vs. SOH (not heard) - SF/IN
1035 12980 FIREDRAKE vs. SOH (not heard) - SF/IN
1036 9955 JAMMING CUBANO vs. WRMI (not heard) - SF/IN
1039 9765 R. NEW ZEALAND INT. - EE - Jazz - SF
1040 9745 VO HAN - Taiwan - CC - tk YLs - SF/IN
1043 9560 XINJIANG PBS // 11885 - SF/IN
1045 9330 WBCQ - USA - Musica country - SF/IN


Domenica 27 novembre 2011
0845 6960.00 R. GERONIMO - ID tnx Achim's FRD - SF/IN
0909 6200.00 R. ORANG UTAN - Mx 70s - IN/SF
0915 5865.00 XVRB (6045-180 kHz) - SF
0916 5820.00 ORION R. - Musica NL - SF/IN
0925 6135.00 KBC sotto ad RNW (5955+180 kHz) - SF
1110 6302.88 Musica non stop e s/off alle 11.20 - SF/IN
Radio Free Sarawak 17560 noted off the air. Closed? Moved? Problems at Yangi Yul? Already discussed???

Luca Botto Fiora

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) - Italia
R7 Drake
VR5000DSP Yaesu
Satellit 500 Grundig
E5 Etón
ATS909 Sangean
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico 150x100 cm su finestra (@2-5,5 MHz)
Dipolo aperto esterno 30 m (@5.5-30 MHz)
Controllate regolarmente i vostri collegamenti d'antenna.

Amplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION per loop in ferrite
Amplificatore RF LX1456 NE per loop magnetico e dipolo aperto
Balun a choke coassiali 1:1 di RG174 (dal sito di IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (modificato W8JI)
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie
Check regularly your antenna connections.
ICD-BX112 Sony (R7 Drake)
ICD-BX800 Sony (Satellit 500 Grundig)
ICD-B500 Sony (E5 Etón - VR5000DSP Yaesu)
TRC-1149 Sanyo (ATS909 Sangean)
Audacity 1.3.13 beta (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 3.7 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 5.8.1 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.1 demo (orologio mondiale)
Marble 1.1 (atlante)
Multimode 6.2.3 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.0.6 demo (orologio mondiale)

Log Roberto Pavanello

 1368 27/11 01.00 Manx R. - Douglas EE ID suff.
 4765 26/11 23.30 Tajik R. - Dushanbè Tagico MX buono
 4895 26/11 23.35 R. Mongolia - Ulan Baatar Mongolo MX buono
 4976 26/11 20.05 R. Uganda - Kampala Swahili NX buono
 5025 26/11 23.05 R. Rebelde - Habana SS MX buono
 5040 26/11 22.30 RHC - Habana SS propaganda buono
 5820 27/11 10.00 Orion R. - EE ID e MX buono
 6090 26/11 23.20 Caribbean Beacom - Anguilla EE predica buono
 6450 27/11 10.10 R. Universe - EE ID e MX suff.
 6960 27/11 09.40 Geronimo Shortwave - EE ID e MX buono
 7105 26/11 22.20 Sound of Hope - Taipei Cinese talk buono
 7175 26/11 17.00 V.O.B.M.E. - Asmara Amarico NX suff.
 7570 26/11 19.40 Voz de Korea - Pyongyang SS MX buono
 7811USB 26/11 22.15 AFRTS - Key West EE MX suff.
 7850 26/11 22.10 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
 9235 26/11 00.50 R. Galei Tzahal - Jerusalem Ebraico MX buono
 9520 26/11 13.30 R. Veritas - Manila Tamil ID e gospel buono
 9525 26/11 17.35 Voz de Indonesia - Jakarta SS NX suff.
 9535 26/11 22.05 R. Thailand - Bangkok Thai NX buono
 9580 26/11 17.30 R. Africa 1 - Libreville FF MX afro buono
 9625 26/11 22.50 CBC North Quebec - Monreal EE MX buono
 9645 26/11 23.10 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP talk OM suff.
 9705 26/11 16.45 R. Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Amarico MX buono
 9820 23/11 19.35 R. 9 de Julho - Sao Paulo PP giaculatorie buono
 9835 26/11 17.10 Sarawak FM - Kuching Malese MX suff.
 9955 26/11 05.10 WRMI - Miami SS NX buono
11640 26/11 13.40 R. Free North Korea - Seoul Coreano talk YL suff.
11665 26/11 23.55 Wai FM - Kuching Iban MX suff.
11725 23/11 19.30 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE NX buono
11750 26/11 17.20 Sri Lanka BC - Colombo Cingalese live phone buono
11765 23/11 19.20 R. Deus è Amor - Curitiba PP predica buono
11780 26/11 21.00 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP ID buono
11815 26/11 20.15 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP sport buono
11925 23/11 19.25 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP NX suff.
11935 26/11 13.25 KSDA - Agat Cambogiano MX buono
15190 23/11 19.40 R. Inconfidencia - Belo Horizonte PP NX  buono
15345 26/11 20.45 R. Nacional - Buenos Aires SS talk su mujer buono
25000 27/11 11.10 MIKES - Espoo pip pip suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Glenn Hauser logs November 26-27, 2011

** ALBANIA [and non]. 7530, Nov 26 at 2115, S9+22 signal from R. Tirana, which ought to be plenty, but it`s undermodulated, and already in the music-fill portion of the semi-hour broadcast in English to Europe, with North America onward now working as winter sets in, daily except Sundays. Comparing to India 7550, slightly weaker at S9+20 and less solid, but quite louder with its music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11765, Nov 26 at 2302, Súper Rádio Deus é Amor [the accent on the e is absolutely required, so if it`s missing where you read this, don`t blame me], full ID for MW, SW on 6060, 9565, 11765, ``24 horas no ar``. Poor signal with flutter, much weaker than 11780 RNA of course; so I checked the rest of 25m for other listed Brazilians: something on 11815, maybe 11925 squeezed by HCJB/Chile 11920 and remnant jamming 11930, very weak 11750 maybe ZY, nothing on 11735 or the others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. C-SPAN cable in the US aired the third (of how many?) episode about USG international broadcasting, Nov 26 at 2330 UT; usual repeats are Monday 1300 and UT Tuesday 0100 on C-SPAN 2. Or on demand:

The Communicators with Carlos García
Nov 22, 2011 C-SPAN | Communicators

Carlos García-Pérez talked about U.S. government-sponsored broadcasts to Cuba. Radio broadcasts into the communist-ruled country began in 1985, television broadcasts in 1990, and they are known as Radio and TV Martí. The broadcasts are jammed by the Cuban government and some in Congress argue that the future of TV Marti in particular is in question because viewership is small, compared with U.S. broadcasts to other countries, and news from other Western-based news operations appears to be available.

This week "The Communicators" airs the third in a series about U.S. Government-sponsored broadcasts to other countries. These broadcasts are services of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. . .

In case you are wondering, CGP said he was born in Miami of Cuban parents, grew up in Puerto Rico, moved his family back to Miami for this job. Paints a picture of an effective RTV Martí, successful lately by sending DVDs of programs to Cubans; and vows that the station will continue to be a major media source in post-Castro Cuba

** EGYPT. 6270, Nov 26 at 2152, I thought that R. Cairo`s English to Europe was here at 2115-2245, but nothing audible now, nor on listed alternate 5770; is it really on and not propagating? How about the 2300-2430 English to NAm? Nothing either at 2309 on 6270. At that time, 9305 Arabic was audible, and an open/low modulated carrier on 9250, maybe for the Central American Arabic/Spanish beam starting at 2330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. 17605, UT Saturday Nov 26 at 2305, NHK Japanese good despite southward beam via BONAIRE ending news, into weekly western classical music appreciation show with 3-minute introduxion before music; // weaker 11665 direct which is ahead of 17605 by about one second (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [non]. 6090, Nov 27 at 0140 I check this frequency just in case ANGUILLA is off --- no, DGS lives on! If it were off we might have a chance of hearing the new Peruvian, Radio Universal testing, as Dario Monferini heard Nov 19 from Carlos Gamarra Moscoso of the station that they were testing between 0130 and 0300, running less than rated 5 kW. We suggested they should also try at 1000 UT just after Anguilla signs off. Full details including address in:
BTW, on WORLD OF RADIO 1592, I misspoke, calling this on second reference, Radio Universo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. 15260, Sat Nov 26 from 2200, I settle down to listen to the very good signal from PRES via Sackville, CANADA, which on UT Saturdays is nothing but a Polish mass. Obviously no concern about separation of church and state in either country! It would be nice to hear a Jewish service now and then, fat chance of that. During the first two-thirds, sounds like the same guy is speaking, alternately singing, and he has a good voice for the Catholic tunes.

Nary a word of Latin to be heard, except ``caritas`` at 2249 in some kind of PS by another speaker, also mentioning ``solidarnosc`` with acutes on the last two letters, equivalent to shch, one letter in Cyrillic Russian. Now and then a cognate with the more familiar Russian could be understood, but not much else, meaning I can appreciate this as an art form without the baggage of belief or axually understanding what is being said.

It is hard to believe any deity would mandate that followers have to go thru this routine at least once a week in order to remain on his good side. But hey, all deities are made up by human beings as a form of projexion. The music is nice, accompanied by organ, but overall rather sad and slow, suitable for dozing or napping. This ain`t no ``Great Gettin`-Up Mornin```! It is a good substitute for `Marion`s Attic`, a rather different music show, which is no longer to be heard during the same hour, via WBCQ now silent on Saturdays.

It`s not a midnite mass either, as local time is 23:00+ unless Poland has unexpectedly stayed on summer time. Transmission outro started already at 2252 mentioning Hotbird parameters, and now I check // 7330 `direct` from Woofferton, which by now is also arriving sufficiently, about one second before closer Sackville, delayed by satellite feed. Back to 15260 at 2259 to find it already gone, while 7330 lasts until 2259.5* without any further announcements (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 6075, Nov 26 at 2150, something in Arabic, stronger than adjacent 6070 CFRX. Yes, it`s Vatican Radio which has inherited this frequency from defunct Deutsche Welle; HFCC shows 2140-2200 in Arabic, 100 kW, 326 degrees from SMG, not toward any majority-Arab country but western Europe, and consequently also USward. Besides extensive morning transmissions, VR has 6075 on all the way from 1500 to 2310 UT, with frequent power changes (100/250 kW), and beam changes (10/4/26/326/266/326/330 degrees) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Log Utility di Bruno Casula

490,00  EAL A Las Palmas CNR RADIO NAVTEX 23-nov 0000 NW/WX -
1.704,00  OYE - Lyngby/Roenne DNK RADIO J3E/USB 25-nov 0535 NW/WX //1758,0
1.755,00  EAO - Palma de Mallorca E RADIO J3E/USB 24-nov 1950 NW/WX -
1.758,00  OYE - Lyngby/Roenne DNK RADIO J3E/USB 24-nov 1954 NW/WX 0530 NW/WX
1.767,00  EA.. - Cabo de Gata E RADIO J3E/USB 24-nov 1950 NW/WX -
1.855,00  IQP - San Benedetto del Tronto I RADIO J3E/USB 25-nov 0540 NW/WX -
2.000,20    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/5N1/USB 25-nov 0544 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
2.932,00  RFFE - ..... RUS MIL CW 24-nov 2010 CLG/WKG RFFR -
2.932,00  RFFN - ..... RUS MIL CW 24-nov 2002 CLG/WKG RFFR -
2.932,00  RFFR - ..... RUS MIL CW 24-nov 2005 CLG/WKG RFFR -
2.932,00  RFFU - ..... RUS MIL CW 24-nov 2007 CLG/WKG RFFN -
3.155,50  ..... PT4 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 26-nov 0443 SOUND -
3.175,00  R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/500 25-nov 0549 N-D -
3.322,00  R... - ..... RUS CISAF CW 24-nov 2107 COUNTINT STRINGS -
3.341,00  WGY901 FC1FEM Maynard,MA USA FEMA ALE/USB 26-nov 0211 SOUND -
3.341,00  WGY908 FC8FEM Denver,CO USA FEMA ALE/USB 26-nov 0010 SOUND -
3.341,00  WGY9.. FR4FEM ..... USA FEMA ALE/USB 26-nov 0411 SOUND -
3.450,00  ZA.. BORA Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 0559 CLG "DRINI" -
3.450,00  ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 0558 CLG "BORA" -
3.850,00  7U.. GS01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 25-nov 2350 CLG "UD01" -
3.850,00  7U.. JE01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 25-nov 2334 CLG "UN01" -
3.850,00  7U.. UD01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 25-nov 2350 CLG "GS01" -
3.850,00  7U.. UN01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 25-nov 2341 CLG "ZT01" -
3.850,00  7U.. XA01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 25-nov 2342 CLG "UN01" -
3.850,00  7U.. ZT01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 25-nov 2341 CLG "UN01" -
3.850,00  DBGX BP24  - SHIP  Bad Bramstedt - D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 25-nov 2246 CLG "BPLEZS" -
3.850,00  DBGY BP25  - SHIP  Bayreuth - D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 25-nov 2355 CLG "BPLEZS" -
3.850,00  DBGZ BP26 - SHIP Escwege - D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 25-nov 2255 CLG "BPLEZS" -
3.850,00  DBIG BP23 - SHIP  Bad Dueben - D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 25-nov 2332 CLG "BPLEZS" -
3.850,00  DH.. BPLEZS Cuxhaven D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 25-nov 2356 CLG "BP25" -
3.850,00  DLGZ BP21  - SHIP  Bredstedt - D BUNDESPOLIZEI SEE ALE/USB 26-nov 0007 CLG "BPLEZS" -
4.156,20    - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/600L/S5/USB 24-nov 0856 SEND KG84 MSGS  -
4.477,00  FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 21-nov 0616 GR(A) 'NR 40 N 22 07:47:35 1983 BT XPCNU RFHLD LZRDX ULYOS '
4.588,00  DEK.. 49112 ..... D DRK ALE/USB 22-nov 2316 SOUND 0417 SOUND
4.603,00  WGY904 FC4FEM Thomasville,GA USA FEMA ALE/USB 26-nov 0145 SOUND 0345 SOUND
4.636,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS  75/200 21-nov 0610 N-D -
4.694,50  TC.. 103001 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0252 SOUND -
4.694,50  TC.. 130001 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0346 SOUND -
4.694,50  TC.. 162002 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0334 SOUND -
4.694,50  TC.. 165001 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0229 SOUND -
4.694,50  TC.. 181001 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0229 SOUND -
4.694,50  TC.. 206102 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0318 SOUND -
4.825,00  7U.. CB40 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 21-nov 0618 VOCODER TFC -
4.825,00  7U.. CB43 ..... ALG ANG J3E/USB 21-nov 0618 VOCODER TFC -
4.981,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 21-nov 0622 N-D -
5.095,60  I... CHARLY - NAVE .... - I IN J3E/USB 24-nov 0904 CLG/WKG "VICTOR" -
5.095,60  I... ECHO - NAVE .... - I IN J3E/USB 24-nov 0905 WKG "CHARLY" -
5.095,60  I... HOTEL - NAVE .... - I IN J3E/USB 24-nov 0904 WKG "CHARLY" -
5.095,60  I... PAPA - NAVE .... - I IN J3E/USB 24-nov 0905 WKG "CHARLY" -
5.095,60  I... VICTOR - NAVE .... - I IN J3E/USB 24-nov 0904 WKG "CHARLY" -
5.095,60  I... ZULU - NAVE .... - I IN J3E/USB 24-nov 0905 WKG "CHARLY" -
5.122,50  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 21-nov 0624 N-D -
5.126,00  TC.. 1771 ..... TUR CD ALE/USB 26-nov 0004 SOUND -
5.136,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 21-nov 0626 N-D -
5.151,00  YI.. 10D Camp Ur IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 1737 CLG "4BED" -
5.151,00  YI.. 3BED ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 1940 CLG "10D" -
5.151,00  YI.. 4BED ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 1715 CLG "10D" -
5.151,00  YI.. 5D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 2057 CLG "IGF" -
5.180,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 25-nov 0610 N-D -
5.203,00  U... K4MT ..... CIS MIL CW 24-nov 1951 CLG/WKG "NT9P" 'NT9P NT9P NT9P DE K4MT K4MT QSA1 QSY 8991 QSY 8991 K'
5.258,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 25-nov 0614 TFC ' AS AS RPT AL K '
5.285,00  ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 0618 CLG "DRINI" -
5.285,00  ZA.. BORA Bora ALB POLICE MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 25-nov 0619 SEND MSGS TO "DRINI" -
5.285,00  ZA.. DIAMANTI Tirana ? ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 0634 CLG "DRINI" -
5.285,00  ZA.. DIAMANTI Tirana ? ALB POLICE MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 25-nov 0636 SEND MSGS TO "DRINI" -
5.285,00  ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 25-nov 0621 SEND MSGS TO "BORA" -
5.286,00  EHD5 TWVO Soria E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 1301 CLG "TWBZ2" -
5.286,00  EHD8 TYMR2 Ciudad Real E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 1135 CLG "TWBE2" -
5.286,00  EHD9 TYMT2 Toledo E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 1135 CLG "TWMR2" -
5.286,00  EHG9 TWVS2 Salamanca E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 0724 CLG "TWVA2" -
5.286,00  EHJ TWVV1 Valladolid E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 1309 CLG "TWVB2" -
5.286,00  EHM3 TWVZ2 Zaragoza E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 1323 CLG "TWVB2" -
5.286,00  EHP5 TWVA2 Avila E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 0633 CLG "TWVS2" -
5.286,00  EHP9 TWVB2 Burgos E GC ALE/USB 21-nov 1310 CLG "TWVV2" -
5.286,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 25-nov 0703 TFC/GR(A) -
5.362,80  TC.. - Atlas Mountain MRC METEO PACTOR 25-nov 0621 CLG "CIMEL1" 0657 CLG "CIMEL1"
5.385,00  R... 56272 ..... RUS RNAT BAUDOT 50/500 25-nov 0623 GR(N) '202 20 25 0511 3454= FM 56272 FOR S63802==U       '
5.385,00  R... 56272 ..... RUS RNAT CW 25-nov 0627 TFC -
5.551,00  TC.. 207101 ..... TUR TEN ALE/USB 25-nov 0539 SOUND -
5.712,00  IKI CHARLY46 Pisa I IAF ALE/USB 24-nov 1000 CLG "4000" -
5.712,00  IK.. 4000 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 24-nov 1000 CLG "CHARLY46" -
6.449,00  RIT - Severomorsk RUS CISN CW 24-nov 0704 CLG/WKG RNK93 -
6.647,50  YI.. COMMNET ..... IRQ POLICE ALE/USB 22-nov 2027 CLG "BGD" -
6.647,50  YI.. KRK ..... IRQ POLICE ALE/USB 22-nov 2026 CLG "BGD" -
6.690,00  EB.. 64FRL ..... E SN J3E/USB 24-nov 0929 CLG/WKG "66WQA" -
6.690,00  EB.. 66WQA ..... E SN J3E/USB 24-nov 0929 WKG "64FRL" -
6.690,00  EB.. ACCION PRIMERO ..... E SN J3E/USB 24-nov 0931 CLG/WKG "66WQA" -
6.748,00  IKI CHARLY46 Pisa I IAF ALE/USB 24-nov 0959 CLG "4000" -
6.748,00  IK.. 4000 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 24-nov 0959 CLG "CHARLY46" 1120 CLG "CHARLY46"
6.876,00  ..... DZNI ..... - [...] CW 22-nov 1748 CLG/WKG "CI2K" 'CI2K CI2K CI2K DE DZNI QRJ 3 QYT 6 K'
6.886,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL CW 24-nov 0706 TFC/GR(A) -
6.988,00  U... WT1T ..... CIS MIL CW 25-nov 0644 CLG/WKG "DUV7"/GR(A) 'DUV7 DE WT1T QTC K '
7.421,50  ..... 2SHET ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-nov 0722 CLG "140SHP" -
7.449,75  RAN71 - Moskva RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 23-nov 1056 N-D -
7.570,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 100/500 23-nov 1100 N-D -
7.589,75  R... - ..... RUS GOVERNATIVE RUS-ARQ 100/1000 23-nov 1102 N-D -
7.732,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL FSK 50/500 25-nov 0645 N-D -
7.811,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 23-nov 1104 N-D -
7.832,00  YA.. 9001 ..... AFG GOVERNATIVE ALE/USB 22-nov 2354 SOUND -
7.843,50  ..... STK ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-nov 0744 CLG "TM1" 0746,0807 CLG "TM1"
7.843,50  ..... STK ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 0812 SEND MSGS TO "TM1" -
7.843,50  ..... TM1 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-nov 0741 CLG "STK" 0746,0749,0807,0821 CLG "STK"
7.843,50  ..... TM1 ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 0808 SEND MSGS TO "STK" -
7.890,00  ..... RS0017B ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-nov 0919 CLG "CS001B" -
7.890,00  ..... RS0017B ..... - [...] MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 0920 SEND MSGS TO  "CS001B" -
8.020,00  ..... KA7 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-nov 0900 CLG "PI8" -
8.020,00  ..... PI8 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 24-nov 0858 CLG "KA7" -
8.190,00  IER... INZERILLI - SHIP - I IFG ALE/USB 24-nov 0905 CLG "PALERMO" -
8.190,00  ..... - ..... - [...] MFSK-8 125/USB 24-nov 0750 N-D ALE SOUND LIKE
8.991,00  U... K4MT ..... CIS MIL CW 24-nov 1954 CLG/WKG "NT9P" 'NT9P NT9P NT9P DE K4MT K4MT QSA3 QSA K'
9.079,00  ..... - ..... - INTEL J3E/USB 24-nov 0937 GR(N) ING 'FIVER TWO NINER SEVEN ....'
9.080,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL CW-FSK 24-nov 0938 TFC -
9.120,00  ..... 400007 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-nov 1813 SOUND -
9.241,00  ZA.. BORA Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 0735 CLG "DRINI" -
9.241,00  ZA.. BORA Drini ALB POLICE MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 25-nov 0724 SEND MSGS TO  "DRINI" -
9.241,00  ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 0736 CLG "BORA" -
9.241,00  ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 25-nov 0722 SEND MSGS TO  "BORA" -
9.316,00  ZA.. BORA Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 1034 CLG "DRINI" -
9.316,00  ZA.. DIAMANTI Tirana ? ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 1152 CLG "DRINI" -
9.316,00  ZA.. DRINI Drini ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 1033 CLG "BORA" -
9.316,00  ZA.. MALI Maliqui ALB POLICE ALE/USB 25-nov 1057 CLG "DRINI" -
9.423,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 23-nov 1105 N-D -
9.454,00  U... - ..... CIS MIL MPSK-12/USB 24-nov 0804 N-D -
9.650,00  ..... - ..... - [...] MFSK-8 125/USB 23-nov 1109 N-D SOUND ALE LIKE
10.024,00  HRDX CENAMER RADIO Tegucigalpa/Toncontin HND ACC/FIC (SAM) J3E/USB 24-nov 0809 WKG "311" -
10.260,00    - ..... - [...] STANAG-4285/1200L/5N1/USB 21-nov 1644 KRYPTO BROADCAST -
10.896,00  ..... - ..... - [...] A3A 25-nov 0723 PIPS -
11.130,00  CN.. G2 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0837 SOUND -
11.130,00  CN.. GS5 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0939 SOUND -
11.130,00  CN.. O8 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0730 SOUND -
11.130,00  CN.. R3 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0937 CLG "R5" 0941 CLG "R6"
11.130,00  CN.. R33 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0738 SOUND -
11.130,00  CN.. R5 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0937 SOUND -
11.130,00  CN.. X2 ..... MRC GENDARMERIE ALE/USB 25-nov 0757 SOUND 0859 CLG "G2"
11.137,00  R... BZL26 ..... RUS INTEL FSK 50/500 25-nov 0738 N-D -
11.182,00    - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 23-nov 2015 N-D -
11.235,00  IKI CHARLY46 Pisa I IAF ALE/USB 24-nov 0958 CLG "4000" -
11.235,00  IK.. 4000 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 24-nov 0959 CLG "CHARLY46" -
11.494,00  N... F12 - HU-25 - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 2107 CLG "RDC" -
12.089,00  R... BZL26 ..... RUS INTEL FSK 50/500 25-nov 0741 N-D -
12.197,00  7U.. CM2 ..... ALG AlgAF ALE/USB 25-nov 0742 CLG "COF" -
12.197,00  7U.. CM5 ..... ALG AlgAF ALE/USB 25-nov 0925 CLG "COF" -
12.197,00  7U.. COF ..... ALG AlgAF ALE/USB 25-nov 0805 CLG "CM2" -
13.312,00  K... I96CPB - CESSNA 550  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-nov 2123 SOUND  ????????
13.312,00  NCBE CBE - USCGC TAHOMA - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 2105 SOUND -
13.312,00  N... 704 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 1837 SOUND -
13.312,00  N... J42 - MH-60J -  USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 1806 SOUND -
13.312,00  N... K15 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 2158 SOUND -
13.312,00  N... K93 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 2213 SOUND -
13.907,00  K... I96CPB - CESSNA 550  - USA CPB ALE/USB 22-nov 2019 SOUND  ????????
13.907,00  N... 704 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 1837 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... 712 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 23-nov 0110 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... J42 - MH-60J -  USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 1807 SOUND -
13.907,00  N... K07 - MH-65C - USA USCG ALE/USB 22-nov 1748 SOUND -
13.927,00  AA.. REACH-048 -AIRCRAFT - USA USAF J3E/USB 21-nov 1633 CLG ... ' ANY MARS STATION'
14.365,00  YI.. 12D ..... IRQ IrqA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 1205 SEND MSGS TO "IGF" -
14.365,00  YI.. 14D ..... IRQ IrqA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 0948 SEND MSGS TO "4BED" -
14.365,00  YI.. 2D ..... IRQ IrqA MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 1015 SEND MSGS TO "IGF" -
14.365,00  YI.. 3D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 0959 CLG "IGF" -
14.365,00  YI.. 3D ..... IRQ IrqF MIL-STD 188-110A/S8/USB 24-nov 1000 SEND MSGS  "IGF" -
14.365,00  YI.. 8D ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 0958 CLG "IGF" -
14.365,00  YI.. IS2 ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 24-nov 1113 CLG "DAA" -
14.582,00  K... A21 - UH-60 - USA CPB ALE/USB 21-nov 2130 SOUND -
14.582,00  N... N12 -  HC-144A - USA USCG ALE/USB 21-nov 1844 SOUND -
14.692,25  ZSC D2 CapeTown AFS GW RADIO GW-FSK 23-nov 2004 CH MARKER -
15.978,50  R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 21-nov 1558 TFC KRY -
16.168,00  R... BZL26 ..... RUS INTEL FSK 50/500 21-nov 1530 N-D -
16.226,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170/ATU-80 21-nov 1531 TFC ARA -
16.240,00  CN.. 2002 ..... MRC MDC J3E/USB 23-nov 1020 CLG/WKG "2514" @VOCODER
16.240,00  CN.. 2514 ..... MRC MDC J3E/USB 23-nov 1020 WKG "2002" @VOCODER
16.240,00  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 24-nov 1640 SEND MSGS TO  Praha -
16.240,00  ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 23-nov 1023 TFC TED -
17.428,00  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 24-nov 0836 N-D -
17.428,00  ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 200/1000 23-nov 1025 N-D -
17.429,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 24-nov 0857 TFC ARA
18.667,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA  FEC 100/170/ATU-80 25-nov 0830 TFC ARA -
18.667,70  SSE - Cairo EGY MFA  SITOR 100/170/ATU-80 25-nov 0826 CLG/WKG Kampala -
18.713,50  R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 25-nov 0947 TFC KRY -
18.966,00  ..... B01 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 23-nov 1031 CLG "B05" -
18.966,00  ..... B02 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 23-nov 1031 CLG "B01" -
18.966,00  ..... B03 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 25-nov 0718 CLG "B01" -
18.966,00  ..... B04 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 25-nov 0718 CLG "B01" -
18.966,00  ..... B05 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 23-nov 1146 CLG "B20" -
19.042,00  ..... 1410 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 25-nov 1029 SOUND -
19.042,00  ..... 1542 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 25-nov 0937 WKG "1547" BEEP AT END
19.042,00  ..... 1547 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 25-nov 0939 CLG "1542" -
19.042,00  ..... 1547 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 25-nov 0937 CLG/WKG "1542"/TFC ARA BEEP AT END
19.042,00  ..... 1577 ..... - [...] J3E/USB 25-nov 1041 SOUND -
19.602,00  4X.. AA1 ..... ISR IsAF ALE/USB 23-nov 1121 SOUND SOUND EVERY HOURS
19.602,00  4X.. AAA Tel Aviv ISR IsAF ALE/USB 23-nov 1202 SOUND SOUND EVERY HOURS
20.096,00  RDL - Smolensk RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/200 23-nov 1030 TFC KRY -
20.096,00  RDL - Smolensk RUS CISN CW-FSK 23-nov 1034 GR(N) 'UUU RDL RDL RDL 49471 34732 49471 47324 94513 47328 K'
20.890,00  K... I4J - CESSNA 550  - USA CPB ALE/USB 21-nov 1657 SOUND -
22.158,50  P7.. - ..... - DIPLO DPKR FSK 600/600 24-nov 0843 N-D -
22.931,50  IE.. - ..... - IA J3E/USB 23-nov 1048 TFC ITA DUPLEX
22.931,50  IE.. - ..... - IA STANAG-4285/1200L/8N1/USB 23-nov 1039 TFC KRY DUPLEX
23.367,00  U... VSEI ..... CIS MIL CW 25-nov 0858 CLG/WKG "NN4V" 'NN4V NN4V DE VSEI VSEI QTC K '
24.851,60  ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 250/170 25-nov 0910 N-D -
25.203,00  PWAR GWPWAR - SHIP - B BN ALE/USB 25-nov 1020 CLG "GWPWZ33" -
25.203,00  PWAR GWPWAR - SHIP - B BN ALE/USB 25-nov 1006 CLG "GWPWZ33" -
25.203,00  PWZ33 GWPWZ33 Rio de Janeiro B BN ALE/USB 25-nov 1005 CLG "GWPWAR" 1012 CLG "GWPWPM"

sabato 26 novembre 2011

Radio Argentina al Exterior

15345   26/11  2100  Radio Argentina al Exterior, General Pacheco  Px Nx  Es 23433
Nino Marabello
QTH: Treviso, Italy
ANT:  VHF esterna  a 230 gradi

Glenn Hauser logs November 26, 2011

** CANADA. 9625, Nov 26 at 0648, S9+18 open carrier from CBCNQ; no 398 Hz tone at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9540, Nov 26 at 1346, RHC isn`t always active on this minor frequency, and now it might as well turn it off, since the hum is louder than the program modulation. Hardly any better at 1511. Wiggle that patchcord! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9895, Nov 26 at 0700, RNW with 3-pip timesignal about 7 seconds late! And news in Dutch. This is right after a site switch from ``KCH, MDA`` = Grigoriopol, PRIDNESTROVYE to Nauen, GERMANY. HFCC shows a 3-minute gap 0657-0700, but this was definitely on before 0700, and doubt the gap was anywhere near two sesquiminutes.

I am NOT nitpicking: timesignal pips denote precision to at least a fraxion of one second. When this cannot be accomplished for whatever reason of feed/digital delays, they should be eliminated/suppressed. This kind of slopperation is all too common nowadays, but it`s sad that even RNW does it. Don`t rely on it for any clock-setting or purpose requiring precision.

One version of news about the 21480 tests from MADAGASCAR said Nov 26 would be the last date, but already missing Nov 26 at 1402, 1450 chex, clearing the band for VCR radiations on 21477.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9880, Nov 26 at 1523, here`s another audible frequency in our mornings from VOR in English: discussion of Russian national interests, fair signal. HFCC shows 15-19, 250 kW, 247 degrees from Pet/Kam to CIRAF 49 = SE Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 26 at 0652, RTI still in German instead of correct Spanish via WYFR toward Mexico (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non?]. 29620-NBFM, Nov 26 at 1557, large signal from a repeater relaying British hams, an M1, and G1KJB; also KA2UAY, Greg(g) in NYC. Code ID went by at 1559 but they just kept talking and I couldn`t copy it. Relayed signals were rather distorted with vox and sounded like the input was from VHF, 2m? but u.o.s. 10m repeater inputs are 100 kHz below output, per
which lists about 42 of them on this frequency in North America! When the band is wide open, this ought to cause quite a cacophony, also on many other frequencies in this part of 10m, but I was not hearing any others at the moment; mostly inactive? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: 9955, Sat Nov 26 at 1601, barely audible to somewhat audible; at least lucking out this hour without jamming or CCI.

Unlike most other entries, Aoki B-11
attempts to show many of the individual programs on WRMI, but much of it is wrong, still including defunct DX Partyline even tho labeled B-11; most remaining WORLD OF RADIO times missing, including this one; fails to realize that WRMI is not even on the SW air M-F between 15 and 23, and not using the 317 degree antenna for almost two years.

Remaining SW airings of WOR 1592 this week:
Sat 1830 WRMI 9955
Sun 0500 WTWW 5755
Sun 0900 WRMI 9955
Sun 1630 WRMI 9955
Sun 1830 WRMI 9955
Mon 0400 WBCQ 5110-CUSB [time and frequency variable, Area 51]
Mon 1230 WRMI 9955
Tue 1030 HLR  5980
Thu 0430 WRMI 9955 [or preferably new 1593 if ready by then]


EMR / R Gloria is on this Sunday

Radio Gloria is on this Sunday


Date        27th of Novemberber 2011

Time       10.00 to 1100 utc

Channel   9480 khz  via Göhren     + 

Channel   6005 khz  via Radio 700 +


Time       14.00 to 1500 utc

Channel   6140 khz  via Issoudun / Nauen


Time       16-17 UTC via


EMR is on 9480 khz this Sunday


Date          27th of November 2011

Time          0900 to 1000utc

Channels    9480 khz   


09.00 Tom Taylor programme

09.30  Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)


EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday

Programme repeats are at the following times:

09.00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00,  21:00 utc


Please visit and click on the "EMR internet radio" button

which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).


Please send all reception reports to: Good Listening

73s Tom

Glenn Hauser logs November 25, 2011

** CANADA. 9625, Nov 25 at 0623, CBC NQ again on after 0606 sign-off with carrier, and tone. Wolfgang Büschel has measured it at 398 Hz; why not 440? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 25, circa 0630:
13850, fair at 0627; along with other Asian signals on band
15900, same as 13850 at 0627
16100, fair at 0631
17100, poor at 0631

The CRI Wulumuchi, EAST TURKISTAN site was also audible with CRI French on 15220, German on 15245.

BTW, as I tuned up the bands at 0626, 11 MHz was almost dead, above the MUF from Eurafrica, below the LUHF from Asia, then more signals showed up as I kept going up to 13, 15, 17 MHz.

Before 1500: no FD found 12-17 MHz bandscanning from 1455

** EGYPT. 9305, Nov 25 at 0622, now R. Cairo General Service in Arabic is just putting out a tone on S9+15 carrier; then some distorted talk modulation appears at peaks as tone continues (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 7220, Nov 25 at 0617, RFI again in English, sports report, not Hausa as listed in HFCC for 0600-0630; lite hum.

This is all that RFI itself gives for shortwave at
``latest update Saturday 29 Oct 2011`` meaning effective 30 Oct B-11?

``On shortwave our 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 shows can be picked up in East Africa, the 6.00 and 7.00 in West Africa.
East Africa
400-500    31m     9805
           41m     7425
500-600    25m    11995
600-700    19m    15160
Central & West Africa
600-700    31m     9765
700-800    19m    15615``

** JAPAN. 6135, Nov 25 at 1350, YL heavily accented English about Korea; tho no sad piano music now, it`s obviously JSR Tokyo with Sea Breeze, after another periodic frequency jump, ex-5910, now vacant for this 1330-1430 broadcast, reliably in English only on Fridays. No het audible from Madagascar or Yemen, which are really long shots by long path here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, Nov 25 at 1812, only a JBA carrier from presumed R. Kuwait in English concluding the daily Sunni show. Some days it`s in well, others inaudible, as it rides the MUF, often above it but sometimes below it near the OWF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 21480, Nov 25 at 1441, RNW with stories in English about Africa, 1456 music, good signal but still some Doppler wobble on carrier. One more day and these tests will be over? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 17630, Nov 25 at 1427, S9+10 peaks, but just barely modulated talk, then music rising to barely modulated, 1430 CRI promo in English running ahead of very strong // 13675 via Canada.

The obscure CRI Bamako relay is seldom any better than this, easily missed in NAm. I checked HFCC B-11 for the complete schedule, finding that besides non-direxional on 7295, there are only three antenna headings, 20 degrees for Arabic, 85 or 111 for the other languages:

 7295, 08-09 Hausa, 23-24 Chinese
11640, 18-2130 Hausa, Arabic, Portuguese, English
11975, 2130-2400 French, Chinese [23-24 Chinese also from IBB Saipan, which probably means the ChiCom are jamming themselves]
13630, 1930-2230 Portuguese, English, French
13645, 17-1830 unknown, Hausa
13685, 13-16 French, English; 1830-1930 Arabic
15125, 16-18 Arabic, unknown
15505, 2230-2300 Chinese
17630, 14-16 English
17860, 13-14 French, 16-17 Arabic
Aoki says the secret language at 17-18 on 13645, 15125 is Kiswahili

** NIGERIA [and non]. 15120, Nov 25 at 0628, VON English with hum is somewhat atop the CCCCI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 15620, Nov 25 at 1501, preacher in English on the first epistle of Peter, translated consecutively into Indonesian, fair signal but squishy spur QRM from WEWN on 15619. It`s FEBC, 100 kW, 200 degrees from Bocaue, another station suffering from the defective WEWN transmitter on 15610, which is now on 12 hours a day, 12-24. Like Bulgaria on 15600, versus 15601 spur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 17820, Nov 25 at 1435, RRI rock music gives way to discussion in Romanian of domestic violence; about a semi-hour earlier, R. Martí was also talking about this and how The Revolution denies there is any such thing in Cuba. Yes, Nov 25, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Why not make it every day? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9575, Nov 25 at 1359, VOR still playing ``Great Gate of Kiev`` IS chimes, what next? Nothing, off at 1400 after brief OC. Aoki shows 12-14 is the Pashto/Dari service, 250 kW, 140 degrees from Samara (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15190, Nov 25 at 1409, reminiscences of UC Berkeley in 1992y, with musical background. Convinced that IRRS had again lost feed from Brother Scare and was playing another KQED archive show instead, so did not even check 9385 WWRB for //, but BS faked me out: he started talking at 1416 referring to what we had just heard; rather echoey, maybe backscatter if not long/short path from ROMANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 25 at 0620, RTI in German not Spanish, via WYFR, playing ``Money`` by Pink Floyd to introduce financial segment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 9955, Nov 25 at 1539, R. Free Asia, Tibetan via TINIAN, no longer has to worry about QRMiami, as WRMI has ceded the frequency after 1500 UT (except Sat, Sun) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Further WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB 3195/5051 webcast, UT Friday Nov 25 after 0430; also on WRMI webcast after 0600, but inaudible on 9955. Remaining repeats on SW:
WRMI: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830; Sun 0900, 1630, 1830; Mon 1230; Wed 0430
WTWW 5755: UT Sunday 0500
WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51: UT Monday 0400
Hamburger Lokalradio 5980: Tuesday 1030
Also on WRN via SitriusXM 120 satellite: Sat & Sun 1830, Sun 0930

venerdì 25 novembre 2011

Ascolti DRM Giovanni Lorenzi

Ascolti DRM di Giovanni Lorenzi – IT9TZZ
QTH : Messina - Tortorici ( ME )

KBC   19.11.11    1800     7590 kHz    E- ANN-MX      Buono
DRM RUVR 1A VOICE OF RUSSIA 20.11.11   0902   7325 kHz   E - PARL  Buono
AIR KHAMPUR   19.11.11     1810    9950 kHz    MX   Ottimo
RRI Galbeni TX1  19.11.11    2145   6030 kHz    E- Ottimo
RADIO VATICANA  19.11.11    2236    1611 kHz   I – parl   Ottimo  
REE  20.11.11   0840       9780 kHz       S-parl    Ottimo 
TDP Radio 20.11.11   1310   6015 kHz    Insuff
BBC WS    20.11.11   1410    5845 kHz   E – Parl – Suff
The Disco Palace   20.11.11     1540    12115 kHz    mx  - Ottimo
Voice of Russia   20.11.11     1800  7300 kHz    E- Parl- Insuff
RFI     20.11.11   1935     3965    F- InsuffRadio
Vaticana    23.11.11   1520   7320 kHz     Parl - Insuff

Per info tecniche circa l'ascolto delle trasmissioni in DRM  con ricevitori convenzionali:


XXII Meeting nazionale scambio adesivi radio-tv 10 & 11 dicembre 2011

                          10 & 11 DICEMBRE 2011

Telefono: 0577 920078

Qui la MAPPA di GOOGLE per localizzarla.'Elsa)





Grazie se potrete diffondere e dare spazio a questo comunicato nelle vostre programmazioni.


Per l'organizzazione:
Marco Salvi & Dario Monferini

Glenn Hauser logs November 23-24, 2011

`Thanksgiving` activities disrupted my usual routine so some of the items herein are from dayparts I don`t often monitor.

** ALBANIA [and non]. I had not checked 7420/7425 at 00-01 UT Albanian for a few nights as I had already done so several times. UT Nov 24, I did check at 0033 and found R. Tirana on top of 7425, but still plenty of interference from China underneath marring the music. This is not likely to improve until spring, as there will continue to be a darkness path from China at this hour. 7420 remained clear of any signal, also 7415. The amount of QRM from China does vary from night to night.

While it would be nice if ALR could hold onto 7425 as a traditional frequency, and if China would move off during that hour at least, but under current conditions, it would be best for ALR to move to 7420 as I have been suggesting. There is also that Russian signal on 7430 which would be avoided by doing so. And ALR has already gone to 7420 for the 0230 English broadcast, when it was less necessary to do so than at 00-01, altho still a good idea to have a frequency lacking co- or adjacent-channel interference whenever possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Nov 24 at 1338, still nothing from LRA36 despite a Thursday scheduled bihour, last we heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ASCENSION. 17545, Nov 24 at 1628, gospel huxter in English citing Jeremiah about Babylon, with hum, leading me to conclude immediately it is YFR via Ascension which suffers from such generator hum, unable to fix, or don`t care? And I am right: 16-18, 85 degrees per HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 7850, CHU`s chosen frequency to avoid the broadcasters on 7335, has worked out well with no interference problems --- until now, Nov 24 at 1222 when I hear Spanish 2-way SSB underneath, and CHU serves as exact BFO; also some hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 24, before 1400:
15900, very good at 1347; none in the 16s, 17s, 18s
14900, very good at 1348, not very fluttery
13920, very good at 1348
12670, very good at 1351, none in the 11s, 10s, 9s, 8s, 7s, 6s
12500, very good at 1350
12230, very good at 1350, more fluttery than 14900

Before 1630:
11920, poor at 1619 with CCI; none higher before 1630. Not a typo here, maybe typo at site? No, blocking VOA Tibetan via Tinang at 16-17

** FRANCE. 17605, Nov 24 at 1629, good signal in Luso Portuguese, 1630 ID as R. França Internacional, and continues. HFCC shows this as one of the few megawatt SW broadcasts: 2 x 500 kW, one at 160 degrees, the other at 210 degrees from Issoudun, yet both to exact same CIRAFs: 37W and 46W, i.e. the part of Iberia and Africa west of the Greenwich Meridian. Not including offshore islands, ergo, the only Portuguese speaking countries in the target are Portugal and Guinea-Bissau.

17 MHz is too high for France-to-Portugal, ergo, this megawatt is really supposed to serve nothing but Guinea-Bissau (not Angola, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Cabo Verde, or Açores). Yet the 160 beam misses all of this CIRAF, instead aimed at the first three of those countries. Something is amiss here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 11620, Nov 24 at 1613, fluttery open carrier at S9+22, 1614 AIR IS, nice to hear since they won`t play it before English broadcasts, ``Govorit Delhi`` opening Russian hour, undermodulated. ALL India listings are still missing from the 24 Nov edition of HFCC. So we look it up in the B-11 AIR schedule folder Ron Howard sent on to us by P-mail: Russian is 1615-1715 on 9595, 11620 and DRM on 15140 --- bad news for Oman.

See also PAKISTAN [and non]: collision on 9470

13640, Nov 24 at 2010, RHCuba in Portuguese news, but musical QRM is audible way under from AIR; propagation from Asia is poor on this band at this time, and even tho allegedly aimed NE toward Europe, RHC easily overcomes it, less so on good days. But AIR is also targeting to Europe, where I expect there to be a large collision, if not domination by India. Is this so?

As an outlaw nation, Cuba never participates in HFCC, and India has also failed to participate in B-11 HFCC, so how could they know each other`s plans? By turning on a radio, maybe? A pox on both their houses. India also refused to cooperate with Albania, taking over 13640 in A-11 despite Tirana being there first. And Cuba has refused to cooperate with Albania in the past on 49m frequencies.

Aoki has B-11 info for both:
13640, AIR 1730-1945 Arabic, 1945-2030 French, both 500 kW, 300 degrees from Bangaluru
13640, RHC 1930-2000 French ND [really?], 2000-2030 Portuguese, 53 degrees, both 100 kW (and on until 2400 in Arabic and Spanish)

11670, Nov 24 at 2012, AIR Hindi to Europe, fair with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525, Nov 24 at 1359, cannot detect even a carrier from VOI between the 9520 and huge 9530 ACI signals, while RRI domestic relay 9680 has good signal with music plus usual CCI. Atsunori Ishida at says ``Nov 24 9525 kHz *1401-1410- IN (No signal at 1455)`` so I might have heard 9525 by listening two more minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 9965, Nov 24 at 1945, great Persian music, good signal but flutter, which in a way adds to its mystique, 1950 R. Farda ID; 2000, 4-pip timesignal even tho it`s hourbottom in Iran, and news for at least 5 minutes. Site is Iranawila, SRI LANKA, 1900-2130, 250 kW, 332 degrees so also circumpolar USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, Nov 24 missed checking at 1800 opening of English with the Sunni Caliph show, which has been coming in well lately, but after TG dinner, at 1935 there is zero signal on 15540. Presumably faded completely out if it was there to start today. At 2009, still no signal audible either for Arabic service on 17550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Pre-sunrise MW DX monitoring now Nov 24 produces some of the same things we were getting an hour earlier in Oct before unDST timechanges.

650, Nov 24 at 1301 UT, `Panorama Agropecuario`, 6:01 TC, heard many times before when it was at 1200, on XETNT, Los Mochis, Sinaloa. Gets out very well, surely the 10 kW claimed rather than previously listed 2 kW.

870, Nov 24 at 1304, XETAR ID immediately heard, but in native language, not Spanish, rustic music, then mixing Spanish announcements; atop some CCI. In A-season it signed on at 1200, from Guachochi, Chihuahua.

900, Nov 24 at 1311, R. Vida ID in `Café de la Mañana` show, phone numbers for call-ins. Previously concluded this is XEDT in Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, a name change from listings as La Reina. Has Cantú cuaught up with this yet since we last checked in our almost-daily Mexican DX sessions in October when we heard it multiply?
No! Will it be corrected in WRTH 2012, now probably at the press? In the new IRCA Mexican Log which we have not yet seen? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

1030, Nov 24 at 1306, lengthy promo for Tele-Fórmula and its wide coverage not only in México but across the US by satellite, good here with KTWO nulled. Says this show started at 5:30 am HCM [1130 UT]: XEYC, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Was also getting Spanish in KTOK 1000 null, presumably usual XEFV from same ciudad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. 15349.1+, Nov 23 at 2200, IMM Arabic modulation stops at 2200 sharp, no timesignal, cuts off the air at 2200:25*; unlike previous days when ran to 2215 or even 2235+; thus removing 4+ kHz het from RAE ARGENTINA 15345.0+, which was still playing its ethereal IS, transitioning from German to Spanish on weekdays.

I`m still waiting for anyone east of the sunrise terminator to say whether IMM is also on 15349.1 as early as their listed *0800 on (ex?)-15341. But I fear it is, despite TRT Turkish already on 15350 from *0700. Nov 24 I awaken early enough to check at 1213, and the two are already making their unacceptable het while 19m signals are just starting to build up an hour before sunrise here.

On WORLD OF RADIO 1592, I mistakenly refer to HCJB Australia using 15340 until 1300, a clash now avoided, but that`s the sign-off of their other frequency, 15400, the last semihour in English, while 15340 in S Asian languages stays on until 1530; anyhow, neither one propagating much here for weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Nov 24 at 1257, heavy rock music, quickly IDing as Radio Ga-Ga; good signal from pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAKISTAN [and non]. 9470, Nov 24 at 1643 I tune in early for R. Pakistan`s news in English at 1700, as reminded by a log from Rich D`Angelo in the NASWA Flashsheet. Nice sitar concert underway, so PBC does that like AIR? Wait a minute, 9470 is also AIR`s National Channel frequency, and this music is // the other one, 9425! Fortunately, strong WTWW on 9479 is far enough away, no problem. At 1658 I start to hear co-channel on 9470, sounds like Qur`an briefly and talk. Sitar music continues past hourtop mixed with news presumed to be in English, very poor, too weak to tell.

So bad neighbours Pakistan and India are colliding on 9470, which is duly registered in B-11 HFCC by Pak at 1700-1900, 250 kW, 313 degrees from Islamabad to Europe; and nothing whatsoever registered by India yet in HFCC, but 9470 used by them for many years, currently in their schedule folder as all-night, 6:50 pm to 6:10 am = 1320-0040 UT; and Aoki reminds us that 9470 is 250 kW, 188 degrees from Aligarh.

Pakistan was on 9350 for this service in the A-season, but how were they to know India is always on 9470, but turning on a radio maybe? Certainly not by consulting advance HFCC registrations. Rich`s log Nov 19 from Pennsylvania did not say anything about interference from India (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also INDIA

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 7290, Nov 24 at 1948 poor signal with song in Russian(?), Radio PMR as scheduled on weekdays. Can`t hear any sign of Brother Scare via EGR via NEXUS-IBA via IRRS via Romania, allegedly colliding during this hour. How is it in Europe, or have IRRS moved? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 15460, Nov 24 at 1251, RRI with the US ambassador talking in English about 29K Romanians visiting the US last year, and tips on how to expedite getting a visa (start with the embassy`s website). Good signal except some scratchiness sounds like SSB QRM on the side --- but really on both sides and could not pinpoint it with BFO, seems instead to be defect in RRI`s own modulation, perhaps crosstalk in mistuned studio-transmitter link. Clinched when I heard the same problem on // 17530, both of which are 307 degrees to W Europe, also USward.

15460 // 17530 again at 1339 during piano concerto excerpt, still same crosstalk on both Tiganeshti frequencies, 1345 German announcement of several composers. This also leads to spurious signal peaks a few kHz on each side of each frequency; waveform must look strange on scope. Meanwhile the Romanian service on 17820 via Galbeni is clean (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 6075, Nov 24 at 1259, R. Rossii ID, timesignal 1300 and off a few sex later. No sign of 8GAL or 2MTL V/CQ marker on 6074 this time, not surprising since RR Pet/Kam itself was much weaker than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 17595, Thu Nov 24 at 1345, REE back in Basque as scheduled during this weekday semihour, having been missing 48 hours earlier, replaced by an `En 5 minutos` Castilian evergreen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [and non]. 15535, Nov 24 at 1623, R. Dabanga jingle with multiple singing IDs as soon as I intune, and also with continuous 1000 Hz tone jamming; recheck at 1707, RD is over, scheduled 1530-1627, 500 kW, 150 degrees via Wertachtal, GERMANY --- but the tone jammer is still running with a considerable carrier of its own. Whence is this really, inside or outside Sudan by a co-conspirator? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9410, Nov 24 at 1355, VOT IS with flutter over some CCI; 1346 a bad edit as the IS doubles up without a pause, 1357 inserting Russian ID. This is 250 kW, 20 degrees from Emirler, so I check the English broadcast supposedly in progress on 12035, which is 500 kW, 290 from Emirler --- but somesignal there is JBA, like it has been all B-season, unlike previous winters. Something seems amiss. How is 12035 in Europe? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 17895, Nov 24 at 1633, African English talk about football, fair signal, 1634 American accent plugs ``Sunny Side of Sports`` on VOA`s Facebook. Latest HFCC shows VOA usage of this frequency in English is: 15-16 São Tomé, 16-17 Wertachtal, GERMANY, 17-18 Vatican. Is it really necessary to change site every hour?

That`s right after Riyadh at 12-15 in Arabic; don`t you believe the colliding B-11 registration for ERA Greece at 0700-1500 via `GR` = Greenville which never was used on this frequency and has not been used for VOG on any frequency for many years now. Why does ERA clog up HFCC with these obviously phony long-outdated listings? There are several others for GR and even DL, the Delano site which no longer exists!

17650, Nov 24 at 1723, VOA in Portuguese but with lo het? As I listen more, it seems more like a whine coming out of the Greenville transmitter itself. This service to Africa (who cares about Brasil or Portugal?) is 1700-1830 Mon-Thu, 1630-1830 Fri, and 1700-1800 Sat & Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, Nov 24 at 0704, WBCQ in open carrier except for hum, as the feed from Good Friends Radio Network has again crashed. I suspect it lasts all night, and this time my next check is at 1207 when it`s again, more likely still, dead air with bigger hum. Next2 check 1352, GFRN had resumed with music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: first airing confirmed with usual excellent signal from WTWW 9479, Thursday Nov 24 at 2200. Second airing 2230 on WBCQ 7490 started as WOR #1591 from last week. I phoned and found out their internet was down so could not download new show, but they agreed to switch to phone feed of #1592 as soon as I could get it set up, and delay start of next show, so it did air completely at 2243-2312, thanks. Rumble QRM from BBC Thailand underneath at 2230 gradually lessened, instead of moving to clear 7505.

Further SW airings of WOR 1592, UT days and times:
Friday 0430v on WWRB 3195, 5051
Friday 0600 on WRMI 9955
Saturday 0900, 1600, 1830 on WRMI 9955
Sunday 0500 on WTWW 5755
Sunday 0900, 1630, 1830 on WRMI 9955
Monday 0400v on WBCQ Area 51 5110v-CUSB
Monday 1230 on WRMI 9955
Tuesday 1030 on Hamburger Lokalradio 5980
Wednesday 0430 on WRMI 9955 [or maybe new 1593]

Also on WRN via Sirius/XM channel 120: Sat & Sun 1830, Sun 0930
Full schedule including many more webcasts:

** U S A. 660, Nov 24 at 1302 UT, VG signal from E/W with national ads for Home Depot, Geico. Do they operate on the Res? Must have been end of very brief network newcast, 1303 ID as ``KTNN AM 660, Window Rock – Bird Springs``, right into chanting. The latter isn`t in Rand McNally`s Arizona, but Google finds it between Dilkon and Leupp north of Winslow. I assume KTNN just adds other faraway Navajo towns at random to their city of license IDs. The point is, here they are, long before local sunrise without null toward New York.

I compared it to 770 for KKOB Albuquerque, which adheres to official sunrise times before going non-direxional --- a quite weak signal in English may have been that or its non-direxional 230-watt co-channel relay in Santa Fe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 17553-USB, Nov 24 at 1626, 2-way intruder in Spanish; still/again there at 1939 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)