sabato 31 luglio 2010

Switzerland's global voice turns 75

Seventy-five years ago on Sunday, swissinfo's predecessor, a shortwave radio service from the Swiss Broadcasting Corp., transmitted its first signal round the world.

To celebrate the station's rich history as the "voice of Switzerland abroad", swissinfo has compiled excerpts of some of the more memorable programmes, interviews and reader pictures collected throughout the years.

"Dear Swiss men and women in South America," said Rudolf Minger, Swiss president at the time, using the first words sent over the station's first broadcast on August 1, 1935.

Over the decades, shortwave broadcasts eventually grew more obsolete, and the last radio programme of what became Swiss Radio International aired in 2004.

But the station's mission lives on. Today the multimedia platform,, has assumed a federally mandated duty to inform the Swiss abroad and an international audience about news and events in Switzerland.

To hear Minger's address, Winston Churchill's post war speech from 1946 in Bern, and an interview with Louis Armstrong from 1955, among many other excerpts, click on the 75th anniversary special link. (

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

WELCOME back to Duane Fischer - W8DBF. He is back on the road and we shall be getting notes from him.

BOTSWANA VOA Relay 17895 1722 GMT English July 26 Inquiry into Romance with OMs by a YL. //12015[333].

BOTSWANA VOA Relay 12080 1750 GMT Portuguese 333 July 26 OM with comments and pop music at times.

CANADA Chine Radio Intl-CRI Relay 6190 0545 GMT English 444 July 28 OM with comments on Haiti earthquake and how the people are moving forward.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana-REE Relay 3350 0516 GMT Spanish 333 July 28 Two OMs in a conversation. YL and OM in a conversation 0540. //6055[333]Spain.

FRANCE Radio France Intl-RFI 15300 1737 GMT French 333 July 26 Two OMs in a conversation plus a YL at times.

GABON Afrique Nunero Un 9580 0555 GMT French 333 July 28 OM with comments.

UNITED STATES, Pennsylvania WINB 13570 1745 GMT English 333 July 26 YL with comments on the value of the Bible.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWRB 3185 0506 GMT English 433 July 28 OM on upcoming World War #3!! Choir vocal music 0508.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

venerdì 30 luglio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs July 29-30, 2010

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. 15476, LRA36, Friday July 30: 1223 carrier, weaker than Chinese on 15480, but substantial het between them. (At this hour, 15480 is CNR1, Beijing 572 site, 222 degrees, per Aoki, and not a jammer!) By 1251, 15476 about equal level to 15480 and can make out YL speaking Spanish, 1301 mentions ``Base Esperanza fue denominada``.

Now Beijing is off 15480 leaving only a very weak carrier from something else: Poland in Russian via Woofferton. LRA36 is peaking at S9+8 with deep fades to S3; 1305 into music. 1330 it has weakened to S3-S5, music JBA; 1331 Spanish announcement, het with 15480 now listed as Poland in Belarussian via Woof UK. 1345-1400, LRA36 still barely audible with music. So long until Monday, we hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake July 30: nothing found between 8 and 16 MHz before 1230. Nor 17-8 MHz between 1305 and 1313. Finally at 1343 there is weak FD on 15570, ergo the frequency of the moment for V. of Tibet via Tajikistan.

The 30 July 1200 UT edition of Aoki, so the situation as of no later than 29 July, shows all this for VOT in the area, but cannot be assumed to apply identically to any subsequent specific date. The odd times for frequency jumps resemble my previous monitoring:

15521 1330-1342 Chinese VOTi a10=15527
15522 1200-1208 Chinese VOTi a10=15526
15526 1208-1230 Chinese VOTi a10
15527 1342-1400 Chinese VOTi a10=SOH

15547 1230-1235 Tibetan VOTi a10=15557
15557 1235-1307 Tibetan VOTi a10=15562
15562 1307-1337 Tibetan VOTi a10=15571
15571 1337-1419 Tibetan VOTi a10=15582
15582 1419-1430 Tibetan VOTi a10

in all cases this info also applies, * meaning jammed:
*VOICE OF TIBET 1234567 100 131 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK 06848E 3829N

Meanwhile, CNR1 jamming observation:
15255, July 30 at 1224 with echo against VOA Chinese via Tinang; nothing on 15265 vs Taiwan or 15285 vs BBC at this hour, neither of which starts until 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC 49m lineup was nominal around 0530 July 30: English on 5970, 6010, 6060, 6150; Spanish on 6120; 5040.

13680 and 13780, RHC Spanish extremely strong July 30 at 1308 during `news` and synchronized, but 13680 has a big hum on it. Wiggle that patchcord! These two are an echo apart from 12030 from other site, and no spurs or buzz audible at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, VG in English July 30 at 1315 ending Editorial on National Family Day, ``Sound of Dignity`` slogan ID, into Today in History, including National Awakening Day, the 2006 Lebanon war, something about Vanuatu/New Hebrides. 1320 Focus, on direct gubernatorial elexions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. Another frequency change from V. of Africa: July 30 at 0529 I am getting Arabic music well on 11850 where nothing used to reside; hunchly, I check 9880 and sure enough, it is //, with 9870 missing. Swiftly also heard Jamahiriyah ID and into reverent talk.

9880 and 9870 I discovered a couple weeks ago with new VOA morning transmission. In this and several other cases they were operating their two transmitters // on nearby frequencies, even 5 kHz apart --- now maybe someone has clued them in on the advantages of frequency diversity. 11850 was already in use in the evenings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sporadic E from the south was poking above 55 MHz occasionally between 2137 and 2337 UT July 29 --- weak analog video and some bits of Spanish, audio loudly modulated from one of the stations. At 2328 ad mentioned Tampico, so XHTAU, and at 2336 promo for Azteca 7 network, also XHTAU. At 2344 there was a meteor burst in Spanish too. Opening correlated with a bit Es on 6m between TX and Mexico per DX Sherlock (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, open carrier at 1207 July 30, atop some skywave; by 1331 had resumed overmodulating with sportstalk format, Stillwater ads. Around 0530 I also suspect the carrier is on and open, but harder to tell vs all the other signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Cf previous report about Live from Turkey on VOT: once the Thursday July 29 audio file was available, I checked it: at outset did not preview any programming after Question of the Month, and spot checks during the second half confirmed no Live from Turkey, just music. So is it gone forever? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. After dispatching previous report, checked WINB to find which frequency they are really on in the M-F 18-20 break between Brother Scare segments on new 9335, not 9355: Yes, on 13570 at 1620 check with androgynous anapaestic preacher/ess from Fence Lake NM.

BTW, 9335 at 15-16 and 16-18 means the harmonic lands on 18670, so look for it especially if sporadic E is assisting. Have not heard the 18530 harmonic of 9265 for a long time, however. Since 9265 has already been in use thru midday on Saturdays only, will WINB be back on that with BS Sabbath marathon July 31, or stick to 9335 now?

Lacking an accurate frequency sked from WINB itself, I construct this Alamoless tentative lineup applicable to weekdays, but presumably not Saturday, and maybe Sunday:

1045-1500 9265, including Spanish from YFR, Brother Scare
1500-1600 9335, BS
1600-1800 13570, Fence Lake
1800-2000 9335, BS
2000-2100 13570, Fence Lake
2100-0300 9265, including Brother Scare, Spanish from YFR

The current sign-on/off times have certainly not been reconfirmed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9370-, WTJC is usually audible in the nightmiddle, but nothing there amid WYFR 9355 and 9385, July 30 around 0530. Propagation? No, really missing and still absent at 1229 when I hear instead the KTWR GUAM IS and opening Chinese, not even a het from WTJC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

SDXL Special broadcast via SWR & Competition

SDXL in co-operation with Northern Dimenson DXers, Haapavesi Folk High School and King´s Village DX announced a competition for DXers in Finland and abroad !
Who will be able to pick up the broadcasts on August 6th-7th from the biggest distance (from the TX site at Virrat, Finland N 62°23' E 23°37').
Correct reports will be replied with a special QSL-Card.
Details about SDXL-Summer Meeting 2010

(Alokesh Gupta via dxld ml)

giovedì 29 luglio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs July 29, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, RNASG, LRA36, July 29 at 1256 tune-in, better than yesterday with music, including lyric ``corazón a corazón``. But for the next semihour nothing but more music segués, as signal gradually declined (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 29: again nothing audible 8-18 MHz around 1240 or 1330. High-latitude FE propagation was poor, unlike Indonesia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Did not check around 05-06 July 29 whether RHC was on 6015 again instead of 6150, but did so at 1249: back on 6150 // 6110 and 6180, no mistaken 6015 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, again VG signal but slight hum, July 29 at 1336 with ``Miscellany`` talk about gigarúpiah funding for education, aid from OECD, adhering to ISO standards 901 and 14,000. 1340 on to ``Music Corner`` featuring songs from Ambon region. Het from CRI Russian 9525.0 starts at 1357:15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. New frequency for Brother Scare via WINB, 9335: filed under U S A in this and previous report (gh)

** TURKEY. 15450, VOT, Thursday July 29 at 1256 fair signal giving contact info including phone (or fax?) number, starting ``Live From Turkey``? No, it`s the conclusion of ``Question of the Month`` promo. Would LFT follow? Unfortunately I was soon distracted by LRA36 and spent the following semihour listening to it.

But I should be able to check the on-demand audio to see if LFT is on it. At there is a link to news for yesterday July 28, only. You have to click on the down arrow for more audio linx, such as the full July 28 broadcast --- just one. They used to have both the 1230 and 1830 broadcasts available for 24 hours, since when there was LFT they were not always identical (and news was presumably updated/different). Lacking two is further evidence that Live from Turkey has been canceled. Will have to wait a while longer for them to put up the July 29 file.

A new program schedule should have gone into effect July 1 for the second half of the year. Unfortunately, on the website at
is still displayed programming for the ``I. Term, January-February-March``! With wrong UT as 1530 and 2130, and still showing LFT not only on Thursdays but on Tuesdays, which was canceled earlier.

Before long we should be getting in the p-mail a new printed program folder, perhaps more accurate, if that too has not been deleted to save costs.

As for Question of the Month, here it is, winners by drawing getting an unspecified gift but safe to say less than 10 days in Turkey:
apparently for July but gives wrong deadline of June 30

** U S A. See previous report about WINB with Brother Scare on new 9335 at 18-20 UT (not 9355 as TOM site claims). I check again the next day, July 29, but earlier: 9265 is still on the air at 1458, sounds like BS, but shortly gone, so I tune to 9335: yes, carrier on around *1500, sign-on at 1501 not mentioning any frequency, and JIP (joined in progress) Brother Scare. It`s squeezed by RTTY on 9340 and WBCQ on 9330, and furthermore, underneath I could hear VOK IS and opening in English. 9335 is a longtime North Korean frequency, to North America no less, at 1300-1750. Way to go, WINB frequency manager! Now we have commies vs cultists! Does WINB still go to 13570 for the 16-18 break broadcasting other huxters? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 11990 2252 GMT Spanish 433 July 24 A YL singing, YL ancr 2254.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 13710 2310 GMT Portuguese 433 July 24 YL and OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 9660 2232 GMT Spanish 433 July 24 YL and OM with comments. OM with comments 2255. //12.000[333].

CUBA Radio Venezuela Relay 11670 2246 GMT Spanish 444 July 24 YL ancr and a YL singing. OM with an ID 2227. Pop band music 2250.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 12030 2236 GMT Spanish 444 July 24 YL with comments and off the air 2258.

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana-REE Relay 9765 2234 GMT Spanish 333 July 24 YL singing. OM with comments 2237 //15110[333]Spain. 11815[433]Costa Rica.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 113640 2302 GMT Japanaese 444 July 24 YL with comments.

UNITED STATES WWCR #2 9350 2218 GMT English 433 July 24 Blue Grass music vocals OM ancr.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

mercoledì 28 luglio 2010

Le antenne di broadcast Italia a 1485 khz

(tnx Andrea Borgnino IW0HK)

New Peruvian Station

4850 Genesis Radio (Radio Genesis too), Huanta, reported past July 24 from Potrerillos, a small town in Mendoza Province (in the west of my country). Listened with religious music (christian huaynos!!!!!!) and canned ID in the local morning (1050 UTC) and the evenning and night (2230 UTC to 0130 UTC) . Off air on sunday (July 25) and monday (July 26). Excellent reception (QSA 4/5)

Glenn Hauser logs July 28, 2010

** AUSTRALIA. Probably long path, HCJB about equal F-G level July 28 at 1354 on 15400 in Chinese, and 15340 with South Asian music, talk mentioning Pakistan, but Hindi scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36, July 28 from tune-in 1256, better than yesterday with modulation making it but still too weak to copy much detail. YL in Spanish initially; 1303 music, 1312 segué to a faster beat; 1318 still music, instrumental; 1331 brief announcement, music, 1332 tentatively ID by YL, and talk segment, 1345 music, and still barely audible at 1402. Fortunately, the RHC spur [see CUBA] landed no closer than 15463. Nothing from Europe or Mideast making it on 19m this morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. Up earlier than usual July 28, so I head for 120m first. The VL8 carriers are there at 1122 on 2485, 2325 and 2310, but no Symban on 2368.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. Probably long path, HCJB about equal F-G level July 28 at 1354 in Chinese, and 15340 with South Asian music, talk mentioning Pakistan, but Hindi scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 12175, July 28 at 0546, SRDA programming quite readable; only with BFO on is the carrier obviously wishy-washy, mishy-mushy. 0546 timecheck in Portuguese for 2:45. They are in a break between preaching, at 0548 a TC for 2:47, as I am checking // 11765 whence this spur apparently originates; then back to Miranda. 12175 is just about as strong as the fundamental, but only a trace on matching 11355, 410 kHz on the other side, as heard by Brian Alexander (rather than a mistuned Globo 11805 transmitter as previously thought). 0601 heard them mention ``Deus é Amor`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 28: none at all heard 8-18 MHz between 1200 and 1235, nor some later searches by 1356. High-latitude signals were degraded.

SWPC says: ``Solar-terrestrial indices for 27 July follow. Solar flux 83 and mid-latitude A-index 18. The mid-latitude K-index at 1200 and 1500 UTC on 28 July was 2 (16 nT). Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level occurred. No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Re previous report: ``6150, RHC Spanish, just barely modulated, July 27 at 1234, while // 6110 and 6150 were sufficiently modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` I meant to say the other parallel was 6180 (gh)

6015, apparent punch-up error by lysdexic operator, jumbling digits of 6150, July 28 at 0605, RHC Spanish // 5040 and undermodulated 6120, while 6150 was missing (tho it had changed last week to nominal English at this hour). Fortunately, nothing on 6015 with which to collide, except it makes a big het with RHC English, presumably from the other transmitter site, on 6010; English // 5970 and 6060.

Next check at 1211, 6015 was STILL on the air with RHC Spanish; 6150 normally runs until 1300. Now there is a bit of N. Korean jamming underneath, Commies vs Commies! To boot, RHC is undermodulated, and 6150 is still absent, but // 6180, and under FE radiowar, 6110. 6015 still going at 1236.

This is not the first time we have caught RHC on 6015 by mistake, but probably will be back on 6150 next night. Does Arnie keep the RadioCuba operators apprised of all the mistakes I catch them making? Your complimentary yankee-imperialist monitoring service.

11970, DCJC pulse jamming at 1227 July 28, marring Fámily Radio with Foro Abierto translation of rapturous conversations with Camping. Of course, the jamming is only ``needed`` when VOA is on 11970 in the evenings. Same pulsing on 11775 vs absent Martí, but Anguilla was also absent until later in the morning.

12030, RHC still a mess, July 28 at 1228 with IS also audible on 12060 spur and weaker 12000, plus buzz in between, worst around 12020 and 12040.

The greater multiple-spur-producing transmitter was in axion on 15360, July 28 at 1313, as first noticed with // Spanish modulation and whine on 15411.4, also 15462.6, all approximately with imprecise center carriers amid mush, but roughly 51.4 kHz spacings. JBA on 15514.2, and with modulation on 15308.7. By 1353, 15360 had gone off and with it the panoply of parasites. // 15380, not involved in this mess, remained. The same thing happens some afternoons when 15370 is the originator, so the spurs are 10 kHz higher on average.

Not to be outdone, the extremely strong 13680 and 13780 transmitters were doing their leapfrogging, 13880 as usual stronger than 13580, at 1321 July 28 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HONDURAS. 3287 approx., extremely distorted FMy signal with YL talking, so bad I cannot determine language, July 28 at 1127, vs weak carrier on 3290, presumably PNG. This is very likely HRPC, Radio Luz y Vida, which did the same a few months ago and was finally IDed as the 3250 transmitter out of whack. It`s been reported absent recently; apparently struggling to come back into whack. At this time there was a very weak carrier on 3250, probably P`yongyang (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 4605-, the reactivated RRI Serui, on the north coast of Papua, surprisingly strong July 28 at 1132, S9+12 above noise level and nothing else making it from Asia, not even 4750. Seems a bit overmodulated, but how much power are they really running? Was originally only 1 kW. 1132 with island music, 1135 announcement, more music, talk, 1152 music; 1158 still audible with running-water ute QRM; 1200 SCI, timesignal about 38 sex late, and presumed warta berita from Jakarta. Slightly low compared to 9605. Ron Howard has measured Serui on 4604.90. Had been off the air since May 2009.

9526-, seems closer to 9526.0 than to 9525.9, July 28 at 1216 VOI back on the air after missing yesterday, VG signal, some hum in Japanese talk by YL, very well enunciated syllable by syllable, as if ``special Japanese`` by a non-native speaker, or else tightly scripted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 2850, KCBS, July 28 at 1124, S9+12 slightly exceeding noise level with triumphal choral music. Haven`t heard this in months but might have if monitoring more before sunrise which was 1135 UT today. Also 3480 audible in Korean with het/jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3335 and 3325 presumed NBC with weak signals July 28 at 1126; by 1140, talk on 3335 which was best. 3325 adjacent to TADIL-A bonker around 3320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17750, July 28 at 0535 in SW Asian language, OSOB --- except for some co-channel under. Per Aoki, it`s VOA Kurdish via Madagascar at 05-06, 359 degrees. But it`s colliding with R. Australia, until 0700 at 329 degrees from Shepparton, which is likely to be an even bigger problem in Kurdistan! Tho the official CIRAF target zones do not overlap, RA intended to go no further than SE Asia. Come on, there is no need to clash (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7000, surprised to hear some music, July 28 at 1207, bits of singing. May just be a ham or pirate playing around, MHz birdie on FRG-7 demodulating SSB. Then some talk sounding more Indonesian than Spanish in intonation, not necessarily from same transmitter. Perhaps worth pursuing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell once again lost modulation, just open carrier July 28 at 2006 UT. No understations audible this time, only a sesquihour after local mean noon (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15385.2, KJES is indeed this far off-frequency as previously reported by Mark Taylor as unID on July 24 at 1914. Heard July 28 at 1937 registering S9+20 but quite undermodulated so I need to turn the volume almost up full for normal listening level. Hymn sung by OM in Spanish with gringo accent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9335, new frequency for Brother Scare: what`s he doing here? Wednesday July 28 at 1946 with usual depressing pessimism, to say the least. Runs about 10 seconds ahead of himself on WWRB 9385. 9335 is fairly steady at S9+15, poor in daytime noise level, but stronger than adjacent WBCQ 9330-CUSB with non-BS, presumed still GFRN.

A few minutes earlier I had noticed WINB missing from 13570, thought maybe due to poor propagation. It`s also missing from 9265, which normally carries BS thru midday only on Sabbathdays instead of 13570 otherdays. Then I check the 9335 carrier with BFO --- yes, it is slightly unstable, just like WINB on its known frequencies.

Keep listening and at 1958:30, 9335 cuts away from BS for WINB ID, address but no frequency mentioned, off at 1959*. I then tune one radio to 9265 and another to 13570 to cover where it may show up next. Yes: *2000:10 carrier on 13570, 2000:50 sign-on, this time giving 13570, address, and phone 717-244-5360. 2101:40 into Voice of the Spirit.

I am tempted to call them and ask what`s with 9335, but instead I check the website later. --- anything about this? Of course not! Still shows 9265/13570/9265. The program schedule still dated March 14 as of the start of EDT, still shows 5 instead of 4-hour difference from UT. Still shows Tony Alamo at 11 am-noon and 2-4 pm weekdays, which I assume means 15-16 and 18-20 UT instead of 16-17 and 19-21 as shown.

So WINB is not only on a brand-new unannounced, unlisted frequency, but also with a change in programming, finally rid of that monster sex predator a full year after his convixion. Further check needed at 1500 to be sure. I guess 9335 is for Brother Scare, who wants to be on 9 MHz instead of 13, since 9 MHz works on Saturdays.

FCC/HFCC registrations still include long-inactive WMLK on 9265 in the daytime except on Saturdays when WINB has it for BS. So in order to use 9 MHz in the day other than on a Saturday, apparently had to find another frequency, but only 5 kHz from another US station, WBCQ?!

Of course, there is no sign that WMLK is being resurrected. It was silent for years preceding the death of Elder Jacob O. Meyer, and it`s even less likely now to come back. Might as well give up the wooden frequencies for it in the registrations.

The WMLK website is still up, with all the antenna update info but apparently nothing this year, since EJOM died April 9, 2010, per the obit. They claim to be streaming 24 hours, but make lots of excuses if you don`t hear it, and I don`t, altho the embedded player launches and the clock is running.

How about the Overcomer Ministry? Website is no longer as fancy and we finally find the SW schedule page under Downloads.

It`s no more accurate than before, but it does reveal a few things:

BS is indeed on WINB instead of Alamo, M-F at 2-4 pm on ``13570``, but look at the last entry. The same hours, plus M-F 11 am-noon, on ``9355``, not attributed to any station. Besides that, the frequency is wrong, obviously meant to be 9335 where I heard it, definitely IDed as WINB. After WBCQ and WWRB times, the rest of the list, sic:

WINB 9265 8Am-11Am Mon-Fri
WINB 9265 9:30Am-4:30Pm Sat
WINB 9265 5Pm-7Pm Mon-Fri
WINB 13570 2Pm-4Pm Mon-Fri
6110 UK 10Am-12Pm
13810 Europe 10-11Am
6155 UK 1900 - 2000 UTC
7425 Israel 1900 - 2000 UTC
9895 Europe 1900 - UTC
9355 11Am-12&2Pm-4Pm

The `9355` entry neatly covers all the times previously scheduled for Alamo, so it looks like WINB has cleaned up its act by one step. It`s helpful to know that you can keep broadcasting for a full year on WINB after being convicted, leading to a sentence of 175 years.

Or, another possibility is that WINB is really supposed to be on 9355 but they got it wrong: 9355 has IBB Philippines and Saipan on it, but possibly sharable in NAm daytime, and not adjacent to other domestic US stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 690, KGGF Coffeyville KS, July 28 at 2008 UT with KC Royals baseball, not only the local commercials, but the game too! It`s // 860 KKOW not far away also in SE Kansas, plus WIBW 580, KLEY 1130, and as usual delayed several seconds on KCSP 610, presumably the flagship station; also local KFXY 1640 Enid OK, ``Faith 1640`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

martedì 27 luglio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs July 27, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 is back! Detectable for the first time since July 8: Tuesday July 27 at 1313 carrier with some modulation audible, 1316 music, 1340 YL announcement; peaking around 1355 and then quickly fading but carrier still there at 1411. Seems right on 15476 this time. Meanwhile, no signal from neighbors on 15480.

Maruits Van Driessche in Belgium was also getting it at exactly the same time and sent me a screen shot at 1339 on 15476.000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. WWCR inbooming on 15825, July 27 around 1400, so sporadic E in play. Started monitoring NTSC channel 2 with antenna toward OKC; suddenly at 1453 fades in 7-day forecast in Celsius, spoken timecheck in English at 8:53, and Global bug in LR. Therefore it can only be CICT Calgary; rotated toward them but signal had already weakened, in and out, mostly out. But bodes well for further TVDX axion later today. 1459 fade in again, ``Global Calgary Morning News`` flashed briefly on screen. 1200+ mile range.

The 6m Es map at
showed a ham contact between OK and AB among many others across the USA, also eastward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 27:
 8400, JBA at 1307, nothing 9-12 MHz
14700, poor at 1311, good at 1416
14980, good at 1418 // 14700
No others found up to 18 MHz

** CUBA [and non]. 11845, July 27 at 0542, DCJC pulse jamming with tones, far from the time it is `needed` against Radio Martí at 13-17. Collateral damage to a weak signal, presumably BBC Russian via Woofferton at 04-06.

6150, RHC Spanish, just barely modulated, July 27 at 1234, while // 6110 and 6150 were sufficiently modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI absent this Tuesday July 27 at 1239 during Japanese hour, still missing during English at 1302, 1341, so no exotic Banjarmasin hookup audible, and after 1400, CRI Russian alone on 9525, no het.

However, also from Cimanggis site, RRI domestic program on 9680 was atop the CCI, July 27 at 1241, just as I tuned in giving (first part pronounced we-we-we) and then a hymn with typically Christian harmony, speech, apparent sermon mentioning Christus Yesus. I assume this is part of official oecumenism, giving the infidels a chance in laissez-être Indonésie (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Glenn Hauser logs July 26, 2010

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. Not only is RA on 9560, 9580 and 9590, with Late Night Live ending segment about excessive US support of Israel, right or wrong, July 26 at 1235 but also three seconds later on 9965, fair signal, which is due west from PALAU at 11-13; and furthermore // 9580 on 11945, fair at 1239 which is 329 degrees from Shepparton at 07-13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 26:
10500, good at 1236; none found lower
15140, fair at 1242 // 10500; none found higher

I retuned at 1320 and found them both going, but just in time to hear 15140 cut modulation and a couple seconds later cut carrier at 1320:18*. Then 10500 did the same thing at 1320:35*. No doubt from same transmitter site and it took 17 seconds for operator to get from one unit to the next. A rather strange time to close, but monitoring HQ must have decided that #1 enemy Sound of Hope had gone off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. 11775, July 26 at 0527 Arabic with strange accent, then soft music, vs residual DentroCuban jamming against R. Martí which never is on 11775 at this hour. 0535 into Chinese music, a clue that it`s really CRI relay as scheduled via ALBANIA, 240 degrees at 05-07 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 12240, July 26 (yay!) at 0522, RHC in Spanish, poor, out and in with peaks to S9+ on this second harmonic of 6120, and matching its rough lo-fi modulation compared to other RHC channels.

12120, correlating with pipeline from Cuba even bringing in weak RHC harmonic on 12240, were cut numbers in A2, spy transmitter, July 26 (yay!) at 0524, mixed with RTTY.

In honor of el 26 de julio, I revive my parody slogan not repeated for some months: ``Cuba --- territorio esclavo en América --- Patria o Suerte, ¡Pensaremos!`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. Checking 9690 for AIR GOS, July 26: tune in at 1328 to hear pop music in some Asian language, from something else? Could that really be NIGERIA, which BTW have not heard in weeks on 15120 or 7255? Apparently not: at 1329 AIR hum begins to be audible and with no transmission break opens GOS in English at 1330. AIR had been playing that off-topic music instead of the AIR IS prior to GOS.

1330:35 newscast starts; 1344 ending commentary, program summary including 1430 mailbag Faithfully Yours, 1345 into classical music with vocal. 9690 was fair, and also audible on poor // 13710, not 11620. At 1344 I also find it strange that AIR domestic services on 9425 and 9870 are not audible. All three 31m channels are via Bengaluru, but on different headings. While 9690 is toward SE Asia, the others are northerly which ought to favor US more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, RNZI came on a few sex before 1300 UT Monday July 26 with Bell Bird, timesignal and news. Poor signal with a sesquihour of sunshine on this end of the path, and worse for Mailbox, checked at 1341 as after music break, Myra Oh was welcoming Adrian Sainsbury back from another big trip, an 8-week holiday to Europe bypassing the troubles in Bangkok, but including a Mediterranean cruise. As usual I have to go back and listen to it later online for perfect reception:
including Part II of David Ricquish`s feature on history of broadcasting in PNG.

Adrian says he had planned to retire in January, but will be staying on a while longer at RNZI. Looks like a youngfellow, far from retirement age at

And also previous show with Part I of Ricquish`s PNG feature:
As of July 26, the link for this at
is dated June 13 --- is that correct? What happened to the two intervening fortnightly shows? Apparently into black hole, as at the end of the older mailbox2 file Myra did say ``back in two weeks with DX report from Bryan Clark``, but the other, new file has Ricquish again, not Clark (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1580, KOKB Blackwell still open carrier Monday July 26 at 1305 UT, so I listen to the undersignals, mixture of several, none in Spanish, producing multiple subaudible heterodynes. Mostly talk tho heard a bit of C&W music too; sportstalk dominated at 1311, not // ESPN KCRC 1390. 1315 with phone number 419-something; 1316 ad with area code 303 heard twice, i.e. KKKK in Colorado. At 1338 promo mentioned Fox Sports Radio, but not // KOKP 1020, so there is definitely some other station with FS on 1580 now. Next check 1357, KOKB had come to life with overmodulation outblotting the rest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 15170, REE, Monday July 26 at 1242 expected to hear token news in Catalan, but music fill instead, // 5970. Wonder if COSTA RICA lost feed from Spain, but 17595 not audible yet to compare. However, at 1246 Galician was on, so the lost feed was from Barcelona to Madrid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Re my previous report of KPBI-DT 34 in Eureka Springs AR, it`s not new at all, despite FCC TV Query showing it only as a CP. So much for relying on official FCC info. Fritze H Prentice Jr in Star City AR says,

``Glenn, KPBI-DT *34* Eureka Springs AR (PSIP and actual) has been on the air for nearly a year. It went silent June 12, 2009 because it had to flash cut but did not have its DTV facility ready.

KPBI 34 Eureka Springs AR went silent on June 12, 2009 (as an analog)
and reactivated as a digital station (KPBI had no companion // DTV
channel) in early August 2009. I logged KPBI 34 as a DTV on August 25, 2009. I blogged about this via DFLCA (with a screenshot)

Interesting, although the COL for KPBI is Eureka Springs, Eureka Springs is actually in the Springfield MO TV market. Neither KNWA, nor KPBI were carried on COX cable in ES as of last November. KPBI was previously a MyNetwork TV affiliate for NW Arkansas but that service has gone over to a subchannel of KFSM-DT 18 ("5-2").

I hope this clears things up, Glenn, that was a fantastic catch from Enid (OK) --- Fritze H Prentice Jr, KC5KBV, Star City, AR`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

lunedì 26 luglio 2010

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2010 Jul 26 1856 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 499 from 2010 Jul 19 

Solar activity was very low during the week, with
very little flaring activity. NOAA AR 1089 produced
a C flare (C1.4, peak time 1345UT) on July 20th, which
represents the strongest X-ray event of the week.

Geomagnetic activity was very low during the week.
DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2010 Jul 19  039    011  80  006  B1.3  0  0
2010 Jul 20  031    019  87  009  B1.8  0  0
2010 Jul 21  037    020  89  006  B2.3  0  0
2010 Jul 22  065    021  88  004  B2.3  0  0
2010 Jul 23  058    026  86  012  B1.1  0  0
2010 Jul 24  058    029  85  007  B1.1  0  0
2010 Jul 25  ///    023  85  008  B1.1  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #
#                                                                    #
# For more information, see  Please do not reply #
# directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to    #
# ''. If you are unable to use that address, use      #
# '' instead.                                  #

Glenn Hauser logs July 24-26, 2010

** CHILE. Mark Coady in Ontario had heard CVC on 9445 July 24 at 1910-1932, so I checked for it July 25 around 1815, nothing; and around 2015 when I could barely hear it on its correct frequency 9635, // much stronger 17680 in Spanish from Miami, and still nothing on 9445. A fluke mistake, or test? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, July 25:
14700, fair at 1307. Not heard anywhere else

** CUBA. 11760, RHC managed to get English on the air this Sunday afternoon, including DXers Unlimited, when checked at 2022 July 25. Spanish on 15370 and 15380 were very strong but no spurs audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 15360, just as I tuned in good signal, July 24 at 1859 a few words of Russian, some rock music and off 1900*. I could not have dreamt what it was until uplooked: KBSWR via Rampisham UK, 500 kW, 62 degrees at 18-19 for EuRussia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, was (over)modulating Saturday July 24 when first checked around 1400 UT, so no chance for undercarrier DX this week. However, it might have been possible Sunday morning, but did not notice until 2025 July 25 that it was back to open carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Intrastate TVDX --- at 0230 UT July 25 on ch 19 analog, GCN from OKC, KUOT-CA, tropo-enhanced strong enough to see the GCN all-caps italic bug in UR, but also one in the UL, plus some tiny lettering below it I still can`t read. A strange duct, as nothing on 17, 21 or even 36 low-powers at this time. More below.

After 0300, 36 was making it again, but also getting some analog on 35, from slightly further east, // KSBI-51. Therefore it can only be K35CU in Ada OK, new for me, listed by as 43 kW ERP in analog, and with a CP for LD with 15 kW from same site. How much longer can they put off digitizing translators?

So far I have had no luck getting Ada`s KTEN, not that far away, since it is DTV only on RF 26, so I check that, and now it`s in solid, during local late news.

OETA recently ran a documentary on the history of KTEN; its original building in Ada has been abandoned, and now it originates from Baja Oclajoma, with Ada just the COL. I discovered it is running three DTV channels, as labeled:

10-2, KTEN-CW

For many years, since there were only two stations in this pocket sub-market between OKC and DFW, KTEN had dual affiliation with ABC and NBC, which caused all kinds of problems in picking which network shows to put into primetime. I think some of the dregs got delayed until after midnight. Then the other station, KXII 12 Ardmore OK, adopted some of the NBC shows along with its CBS affiliation. No more: KTEN can run both NBC and ABC fulltime.

At this time, however, the local news was // on both 10-1 and 10-3, but as I switched back and forth, the commercials were different! Cute solo anchorette, presumably a Texan, not an Okie. Later featured an interview with Ann Curry in NY about a segment involving KTEN coming up tomorrow evening on Dateline NBC. Missed it, but apparently this episode: ``America Now: Friends & Neighbors Airdate: 7/25/2010
The recession's impact on some of the country's poorest people; how Americans are taking action to improve their financial situations.``
26 faded below threshold not long after 0330 UT during SNL on NBC.

FCC TV Query and show KTEN 26 as 1000 kW, 426 meters, but only as a digital television CP; surely it no longer just a CP a year+ after the final analog turnoff. also shows virtual channels as NBC|CW|WX||| but is really ABC instead of WX on -3.

Site is considerably S of Ada, NE of Tishomingo, and W of Atoka, which gets more of its signal into Texas where desired.

Since this was in, also looked for KXII on RF 20, but not making it. It site is further south still, SSW of Tishomingo, between Ardmore and Durant OK just north of Lake Texoma, but it no longer counts as an OK station at all, rather Sherman TX. And lower powered, 425 kW, 503.5 meters. Yet its 41 dBu contour makes it to the north edge of The Metroplex, where surely no one watches it even if they could.

Locally, KXOK-32 and DTV 31 when I can get it, has been RTV, after the outages of last week. For a while the afternoon of Sunday July 25, it was back to ``No Signal`` on the screen. RTV audio is always low with a hum.

At times on 32, I have spotted a joint ID slide with KTEW 18 Ponca City, which I believe is jointly owned. Not to be confused with channel 2 in Tulsa which held those calls for a while, Casper preventing KTWO from being available. But why would a channel 18 in Ponca want them?

19, KUOT-CA, tropo enhancement with storms in the area, July 26 at 0050 has GCN in UR, but no bug in UL, which was probably program-specific previously. But now it`s a preacher in Indonesian! plus open captions in English. Closing with website

Vertical sync is jittery; not sure if their problem or mine, but I don`t see it on other analog channels. Settled down with slightly strengthening signal, a music video filler involving applying too much makeup to two young women, and then removing it.

I was on the lookout for a real local ID, and one came at 0059 in the form of a quick white-on-black-background streamer across the top of the screen, ``KUOT-CA CHANNEL 19 OKLAHOMA CITY``. And then from GCN, Christian Music Videos, but at 0101 switch to character generator:

        DUE TO

Before 0103 UT, cut back to CMV, briefly with menu screen I think showing Galaxy 32 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR with Brother Scare, Saturday July 24 at 1903 on 12160 and 13845. Both very strong; while 12160 had clear audio, 13845 had crosstalk underneath from the same audio as something else on 15825. BS was playing a noisy clip of Keith Olbermann discussing the drawbax of dispersants, but when that finished I could confirm the crosstalk source. This completely unmatches the WWCR July pdf program schedule which shows World Wide Country Radio during this hour on 12160, and The University Network on 13845.

WORLD OF RADIO reconfirmed at 2330 Sunday July 25 on 9980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. After a revival last week, ``Aló, Presidente`` gone again, Sunday July 25 at 1815 check, nothing via Cuba on 12010 (except splash from Greenville 12015), nor on 13750, and on 17750 only WYFR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


DX MIX NEWS # 635                                              26 July 2010
GERMANY(non)    Some Media Broadcast MBR changes:
New schedule of Brother Stair /TOM/ in English:
1300-1500 on  6110 WER 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu, new, but really not active
1400-1600 on 13810 NAU 100 kW / 127 deg to SEEu
1500-1600 on  6110 MOS 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu, ex 1400-1600
1500-1600 on 17485 WER 100 kW / 160 deg to CSAf
1800-2000 on  9895 WER 500 kW / non-dir to N/ME, new
1900-2000 on  7425 WER 100 kW / 120 deg to N/ME, new
1900-2100 on  6155 WER 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu, new
Frequency change of WYFR Family Radio in Romanian:
1800-1900 NF  7330 WER 100 kW / 105 deg to SEEu, ex 9895(see Brother Stair)
Last txion of Ethiopia Adera Dimts Radio in Amharic on July 31:
1700-1800 on 13820 NAU 500 kW / 140 deg Sat to EaAf, cancelled from Aug.7

LIBYA    Frequency changes of LJBC Voice of Africa from July 22 to July 26:
0700-0857 NF 11620*SAB 500 kW / 130 deg ECAf,ex 11630 // 11650/180 deg NEAf

Arabic 3h+Swahili 2h, thanks to Wolfgang Bueschel for this frequency change
0900-1357 NF 17715#SAB 500 kW / 130 deg ECAf,ex 17740!// 17735/180 deg NEAf
* co-ch 0700-0900 RUI in English/Ukrainian
# co-ch 1200-1230 ROI in German Mon-Sat + WYFR Telugu from 1300
! re-ex 21695 before July 11

RUSSIA   Additional frequency for Voice of Russia in Japanese:
1200-1400 on  7340 P.K 250 kW / 240 deg // 7235 IRK 100 kW / 115 deg

USA(non)   Frequency change of Radio Liberty in Russian from July 24:
1800-1900 NF  5990 BIB 100 kW / 063 deg, ex 6015 // 9520, 9840, 11805

USA(non)   Frequency change for Voice of America in Tibetan:
1400-1500 NF 15425 LAM 100 kW / 077 deg Mon/Wed/Fri, ex 15605, re-ex 15330
1400-1500 NF 15605 LAM 100 kW / 077 deg Tu/Th/Sa/Su, ex 15425, re-ex 15330

USA(non)   Updated summer A-10 of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Part 2/2
Persian  0000-2400 on  1575
R.Farda  0000-0030 on  7510
         0030-0100 on  5860  7280  7510
         0100-0130 on  5860  7280  7295  7510
         0130-0230 on  5860  5970  7280  7295  7510  9805
         0230-0300 on  5860  7280  7295  9805 15690
         0300-0400 on  5860  5885  7280  9805  9840 15690
         0400-0430 on  5860  5885  7280 11635 13810 13860 15690
         0430-0500 on  5860  5885  7280 11635 13810 13860 15255 15690
         0500-0530 on  5860  5885 11635 13810 13860 15255 15690
         0530-0600 on  5885  7220 11635 13810 13860 15255 15690 21715
         0600-0630 on  5885  7220 11635 13810 13860 15690 17810 17845 21715
         0630-0800 on  5885  7220 11635 13860 15690 17810 17845 21715
         0800-0830 on  5885  7220 13860 15690 17810 17845
         0830-0930 on  5885  7220 13860 15690 17695 17810 17845
         0930-1000 on  5885 13860 15610 15690 17695 17845
         1000-1100 on  5885  7435 13860 15610 15690 17695 17845
         1100-1130 on  5885  7435 13860 15610 15690 17695
         1130-1200 on  5885  7435 13860 15690 17695
         1200-1300 on  7435 13860 15690 17695 17755
         1300-1330 on  7435 13860 15680 15690 17755
         1330-1400 on  7435 13860 15680 15690 17695 17755
         1400-1430 on 11520 13860 15680 17695
         1430-1500 on 11520 13860 15650 15680 17695
         1500-1530 on 11520 15650 15680 17695
         1530-1600 on 11520 11615 15650 15680 17695
         1600-1700 on  7580  9760 11520 15650 11615 15680
         1700-1730 on  7580  9760 11520 11615 15680
         1730-1800 on  5830  7580  9760
         1800-1900 on  5830  7580
         1900-2130 on  5830  7580  9505
         2130-2200 on  7580
         2200-2400 on  7595

USA(non)   Updated summer A-10 of Radio Free Asia:
Burmese  0030-0130 on 13820 13865 17835
         1230-1330 on  7390  9335 13675
         1330-1400 on  7390  9335 12140
         1400-1430 on  7390  9335
         1630-1730 on  9945
Canto-   1400-1430 on  5835
nese     1430-1500 on  5835  7280
         2200-2300 on  9355 11715 11785
Chinese  0300-0600 on 13760 15120 15615 15635 17615 17880 21550 21690
         0600-0700 on 13760 15120 15615 15635 17615 17880 21550
         1500-1600 on  9455  9905 11540 12005 12025 13675 15495
         1600-1700 on  5820  9455  9905 11540 11795 12025 13675
         1700-1800 on  5820  7280  9355  9455  9540  9905 11540 11795 13625
         1800-1900 on  7280  7355  9355  9455  9540  9865 11540 11700 13625
         1900-2000 on  1098  7260  7355  7435  9355  9455  9865  9875  9905
                      11700 11785 13625
         2000-2100 on  1098  6140  7260  7355  7435  9355  9455  9905 11740
                      11785 13625
         2100-2200 on  1098  6140  7355  7435  9455  9905 11740 13625
         2300-0000 on  7540 11760 11785 15430 15485 15585
Khmer    1230-1330 on 12140 15160
         2230-2330 on  7480 13740
Korean   1500-1700 on  1350  5810  7210  7455
         1700-1800 on  1350  5810  9370
         1800-1900 on  1350  5810  7465
         2100-2200 on  1350  7460  9385 12075
Lao      0000-0100 on 15545 15690
         1100-1200 on  9355 15145
Tibetan  0100-0300 on  9365  9885 11695 15225 17730
         0600-0700 on 17510 17780 21500 21690
         1000-1100 on 15460 17750 21530
         1100-1200 on  7470 13830 15670 17750
         1200-1400 on  7470 11590 11605 13830 15670
         1500-1600 on  9370 11585 11595 11795
         2200-2300 on  5865  7505  9880
         2300-0000 on  7470  7505  9805  9875
Uyghur   0100-0200 on  9350  9490 11895 11945 17640
         1600-1700 on  9350  9370  9555 11750
Vietna-  1400-1430 on  1503  7520  9715  9805 11605 11680 12140
mese     1430-1500 on  7520  9715  9805 11605 11680 12140
         2330-0000 on  1359  7520 11605 13740 15560
         0000-0030 on  7445 11605 13740 15560

domenica 25 luglio 2010

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2010 Jul 21 1038 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 498 from 2010 Jul 12 


Two active regions were present during the period: NOAA AR 11086 in the Southern hemisphere
and NOAA AR 11087 in the Northern  hemisphere. The latter was the biggest of the two, it
developed a beta-gamma magnetic configuration on July 13, and produced C-class flares on
various days during the period.


The solar wind speed, as measured by the ACE spacecraft at L1, was at <350 km/s levels, except
for an episode on July 15 and 16 with a wind speed going up to 450 km/s. This disturbance was a
a consequence of a coronal hole on the solar disk and was preceded with a shock in the solar wind
on late July 14 with the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field turning southward.  As a
consequence NOAA's estimated planetary Kp index peaked briefly to Kp=5 late July 14. The Kp index
was at quiet levels (Kp < 3) otherwise during the period.
DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2010 Jul 12  040    024  80  006  B1.0  0  0
2010 Jul 13  044    017  79  003  A9.8  0  0
2010 Jul 14  018    010  78  013  A9.5  0  0
2010 Jul 15  027    011  76  011  A7.6  0  0
2010 Jul 16  015    009  77  005  A8.0  0  0
2010 Jul 17  ///    008  79  002  A9.4  0  0
2010 Jul 18  ///    008  77  002  A9.6  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #
#                                                                    #
# For more information, see  Please do not reply #
# directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to    #
# ''. If you are unable to use that address, use      #
# '' instead.                                  #

Log Roberto Pavanello

3330 24/7 02.55 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono

3902 24/7 22.20 Delta R. - EE ID e MX buono
3912 24/7 22.10 R. Skyline Int. - EE ID e MX buono
4796.4 24/7 03.05 R. Lipez - Uyuni SS MX suff.
4915 24/7 22.50 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX suff.
4950 24/7 03.10 R. Nacional - Luanda PP MX buono
5820 25/7 08.25 R. Tina - EE ID e MX buono
6035 24/7 23.00 Voz del Guaviarè - S. Josè del Guaviare SS calcio suff.
6185 24/7 23.20 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP NX buono
6220 25/7 08.30 R. Marabù - EE ID e MX ottimo
6300 25/7 09.15 R. Northpole - EE ID e MX suff.
6310 25/7 08.35 Summer Meeting R. - EE ID e MX buono
7610 25/7 09.10 R. Amica - IT ID e MX buono
9505 24/7 23.05 R. Record - Sao Paulo PP MX buono
9645 24/7 23.10 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP MX buono
9675 24/7 22.45 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP ID e MX buono
11815 24/7 22.40 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP sport suff.

Per i prossimi 4 week-end niente tips causa viaggio turistico-radiofonico in Spagna

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Last QSLs Luca Botto Fiora

RADIO BAR-KULAN Meyerton 9960 kHz, Lettera QSL in 72 giorni. No RP. QTH: Sentech Ltd. - P.O. Box 234 - Meyerton 1960 (Sud Africa). V/s: Sikander Hoosen - HF Coverage Planning - Operations & Maintenance. Inviato CD MP3.
RADIO DIALOGUE Meyerton 4895 kHz, Lettera QSL in 72 giorni. No RP. QTH: Sentech Ltd. - P.O. Box 234 - Meyerton 1960 (Sud Africa). V/s: Sikander Hoosen - HF Coverage Planning - Operations & Maintenance. Inviato CD MP3.
R.I.P. RADIO MADA INTERNATIONALE Maiac 15660 kHz, E-QSL in 35 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: GTT International - Maison des associations - 15 rue des Savoises - CH-1205 Ginevra (Svizzera). V/s: Christian Lehmann-Vice President GTT International. Inviato CD MP3.
RADIO OROMIYAA LIBERATION Nauen 13830 kHz, Cartolina QSL WRMI, depliant e scheda WRMI in 27 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: WRMI Radio Miami International - 175 Fontainebleau Blvd. - Suite 1N4 - Miami FL 33172 (USA). V/s: Jeff White. Spedito CD MP3.
VOICE OF OROMIYAA LIBERATION FRONT Wertachtal 11975 kHz, Cartolina QSL WRMI, depliant e scheda WRMI in 27 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: WRMI Radio Miami International - 175 Fontainebleau Blvd. - Suite 1N4 - Miami FL 33172 (USA). V/s: Jeff White. Spedito CD MP3.


MV BALTIC RADIO Wertachtal 6140 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 46 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: R&R Medienservice - Seestrasse 17 - DE-19089 Göhren. V/s: Roland Rohde.


DROMOS FM 89.8 MHz, E-QSL in 362 giorni. E-follow-up con ID MP3 spedito a: V/s: Stavros Boulitsakis Il rapporto con CD MP3 spedito nel 2009 a: Viltanioti 36 - GR-14564 Kifisia, non ha conseguito risposta. (ascoltata a Rapallo-GE via E-sporadico nel 2009)


ALL INDIA RADIO Shillong 4970 kHz, E-QSL in 456 giorni da RPs: 1$ a Shillong nel 2009+1$ a Delhi nel 2010. QTH: Station Engineer - North Eastern Service - Pomdngiem - Opposite GPO - Shillong 793001 Meghalaya. Inviato CDs MP3 a Shillong nel 2009 e a Delhi nel 2010, però è difficile capire se la risposta è arrivata dopo il sollecito a Delhi.


CANDELA FM Mérida 6104.7 kHz, Cartolina QSL e lettera in 57 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: Grupo Sistema RASA Comunicación - Edificio Publicentro - Calle 62 No. 508 altos x 63 y 65 - 97001 Mérida. V/s: Ariadne Gallardo. Spedito CD MP3. Come per BBC Southern Counties-BBC Wiltshire, all'emittente hanno ascoltato il CD MP3 e hanno confermato l'ascolto perché, pur ammettendo la scarsità del segnale, hanno riconosciuto la voce dello speaker in onda quella notte (ora locale del Messico). Un altro esempio del buon vecchio "true (Play) DX spirit".


RADIO NEDERLAND Kigali 9895 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 57 giorni. No RP. QTH: P.O. Box 222 - NL-1200 JG Hilversum (Olanda).


Sri Lanka
RADIO NEDERLAND Trincomalee 9895 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 57 giorni. No RP. QTH: P.O. Box 222 - NL-1200 JG Hilversum (Olanda).


BIBLE VOICE Yangi Yul 7485 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 30 giorni. E-rpt con ID MP3 spedito a:


Luca Botto Fiora)
Emittenti di
ASIA: 191
TOTALE: 1682

New on RNZI - Papua New Guinea 1950's

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation

RNZI Airs New Radio Heritage
Papua New Guinea Radio
Tension In the Air 1950's

WELLINGTON [NZ] Join us from Monday July 26 2010 when we air our second radio heritage documentary about Papua New Guinea Radio on the Mailbox program from Radio New Zealand International.
In the second of our current series exploring radio in Papua New Guinea, you'll hear about how Indonesian stations forced the Australian administration to begin opening new local stations to counter their propaganda broadcasts in the 1950's.
You can listen directly via shortwave or audio on demand [for the following month] with full details of broadcast frequencies and times for your area and audio downloads at
You'll hear about conflict between the ABC and the local colonial administration, and why for many years, the local stations all broadcast with low power and on very low shortwave frequencies.
The rush to get some stations like Radio Wewak on air was such that proper studios and offices followed some 12 years after they went to air.
Radio Kerema and Radio Daru were located just to the north of Far North Queensland in northern Australia, and you'll hear why both stations were amongst the first local stations on the air.
Just how close did the religious missions of Papua New Guinea come to establishing a strong commercial shortwave and AM radio network in the mid-1960's.
Join David Ricquish of the Radio Heritage Foundation for the fascinating story of 1950's and early 1960's radio in Papua New Guinea and some enjoyable local music.
Use our free and recently updated Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides for full details of AM and shortwave broadcasters from around the entire region including Papua New Guinea.
RNZI's Mailbox program from Monday July 26 via shortwave and audio on demand with full times and schedules for your area now at
Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the Pacific.
The global website offers free community access to Pacific Radio Guides and other valuable resources including features and photos of radio in Papua New Guinea.
Annual supporter packages start at US$10 and your donations keep this important radio heritage preservation and information project alive.

sabato 24 luglio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs July 23-24, 2010

** BRAZIL [non]. 15415, threshold signal, with excited commentary, like a football game, July 23 at 2210. Can it be in Brazilian? Initially I imagine that R. Clube de Ribeirão Preto, SP could have returned after many years. Propagation possible from RP, SP, as the Argentine het is audible on 15345v. So I strain to confirm the language at least. Fortunately, there are no RHC 15370 spurs in the area today. Unfortunately, 15415 signal gets worse instead of better. 2221 it`s music instead. 2233 back to talk, but more like information now. Just too weak, I give up at 2236.

Looked up later, it must be R. Australia, Indonesian service from Shep at 22-24. AAMOF, RA English toward Pacific was putting in much better signals on 15560, 15230.

WRTH 2010 still has this 15415 station listed, as *inactive, ZYE955, 1 kW. But it`s been gone so long that it doesn`t even appear in the `inactive` list at
which BTW never picked up our reports that LRA36 was M-F, not M/W/F.

Another colorful Brazilian place name, meaning Black Brook, or large stream. There are still a number of Brazilian stations including some on SW which are ``Clubs``, notably 4885, Pará. I assume these originated as true clubs in the early radio era, but are these now just holdovers in corporate nomenclature? Does being a `club` station imply they were, or are, noncommercial?

WRTH for SP23 station gives enviable URL where one might answer some of these questions. It looks like an extensive business, with three FM stations, two AM, and a lot about HDTV, not old-hat SW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9625, continuous tone test again, July 24 at 0510, CBCNQ transmitter not really turned off when programming finished a few minutes earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 24:
 8400, tuned in earlier than usual at 1132, NOT FD but instead CNR1 programming, M&W alternating in Chinese, confirmed as such at 1138 by // CNR1 usual jammer on 9845 when there was a bit of music. Also // 11785 but an echo apart at 1143, and also // usual CNR1 jammers on 11990, 12040. Still no trace of victim Sound of Hope on 8400, but the less cautious list-logger might have assumed that was it.
 8400, by 1224 next check, had switched back to Firedrake, `ramshorn` passage; poor-fair at 1236
10500, FD fair at 1140, gone at 1233
13060, FD poor at 1145, gone at 1233
14700, FD poor at 1151, poor-fair at 1231

** CHINA. 13590, CRI English, July 24 at 1147, M&W discussing Summer Palace, scripted rather than idle chat, VG, much better but 2 sex behind // Sackville 6040. 13590 is supposedly Beijing site at 193 degrees, English at 10-12. At 1150, CRI English also on 13720, weaker than 13590 and about one word behind it. 13720 is Xi`an at 200 degrees, also 10-12 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 12020, RHC Spanish, fair with Cuban music on late at 0502 July 24, // 6120; but gone at next check 0507 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. RFI`s Météo Marine at 1130 on 13640 via GUIANA FRENCH doesn`t need the full semihour, so at 1148 July 24 I am hearing salsa piano music fill, RFI jingle, into vocal music; good but not solid signal, despite 320 azimuth USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7360, July 24 at 1128, VG signal with RNW concluding ``Classic Dox`` show and just before 1130 opening ``Network Europe``, but goes to OC briefly during which I could barely hear CRI IS underneath, and off.

One might reasonably assume that RN has relented and reinstated an English broadcast on SW to North America from 1030 or 1100, the reception is so good. But it`s really the end of RNW`s Dutch at 1100 via IBB Tinang, PHILIPPINES, where they automatically switch to three minutes of English at 1127-1130*, just to tantalize us on the 21-degree azimuth USward. And the CRI would be Kunming southward about to start Thai at 1130 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 17510, OSOB at 1154 July 24, Carib rap music, so Farda? No, it`s RRI as revealed a minute later with sign-off in English until 1700; claims the 1100 frequencies are 15430, 17670, no mention of this one; 1156 IS. A-10 schedule at
says those two are for Central Africa, with 17510 and 15210 for W Europe. Beware; they also still link to English frequency schedules for the past three seasons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17705, BSKSA Riyadh at 1315 July 24 with interview in Arabic between studio announcer and a phoner; modulation level not commensurate with the S9+10 signal, slow fades. Is 310 degrees for Europe, also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490, WWCR is always extremely strong here, but July 24 at 1239 with gospel music, it was splattering 7460-7520, worst at 7470-7510 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 9830, VR via CANADA, July 24 at 1200 with a Jesus story running past hourtop without break in programming or transmission, but 1201 into next show, still in Spanish instead of scheduled English, ``América Latina en la voz de sus pastores`` about El Salvador. How many countries can claim to be named for a sectarian religious figure`s nickname? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

RapportoRadio n. 73 (152) ultima puntata

Settimanale Radiofonico di approfondimento,informazione e divulgazione sul mondo radio
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Siamo consapevoli di aver ancora una volta dato il nostro piccolo contributo alla radio, lei ci da tanto ogni giorno, e era giusto che anche noi dessimo a lei e a tutta la comunità degli appassionati ad essa legata.
Si, siamo arrivati veramente alla fine di questo ciclo e abbiamo voluto chiudere il sipario ospitando un amico nostro di sempre, un grande del radioascolto lasciatecelo dire, si tratta di Dario Monferini, che in questa puntata ci parlerà di come fare radioascolto in FM, prendendo spunto proprio dal suo ultimo viaggio di qualche giorno fa in terra di Spagna.
Concluderemo poi la puntata con una clip speriamo ben augurante, si tratta del momento in  cui la Spagna si è laureata campione del mondo lo scorso 11 luglio. Ascolteremo una clip audio della radio nazionale di Spagna e della radiocronaca dell'evento.
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Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CHINA China Radio Intl-CRI 9490 2340 Spanish 333 July 22 Two OMs with comments plus a Jammer in the background.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9535 2343 Spanish 333 July 22 Two OMs with comments. Strong noises in the background.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #1 7465 2310 English 333 July 21 Two OMs in a conversation on the current status of the world economy.

UNITED STATES, Pennsylvania WINB 9465 2325 Spanish 333 Jyly 21 Family Radio with an OM with comments. Also a YL at 2329.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR #2 9350 2331 English 444 July 21 Screen Actors Guild Playhouse on Lucile Ball and Desi Arnaz. Commercial by an OM 2342. Piano music 2354. WWCR ID by an OM 2358 and off the air.

UNITED STATES, North Carolina WTJC 9370 2329 English 333 July 22 Vocal singing by YLs. OM with comments 2330 on Satan is trying to control the world.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWRB 9385 2335 English 444 July 22 OM with comments on the Oil Spill damages in the Carribean areas plus jobs lost in that area.

UNITED STATES, Texas KALJ 9480 2338 English 444 July 22 OM on Mathew Chapter #5 in the Bible.

.Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

venerdì 23 luglio 2010

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BOTSWANA VOA Relay 12080 0517 English 333 July 21 Two OMs with comments.

CHINA CPBS 11960 0532 Chinese 444 July 21 YL and OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 11760 0536 Spanish 433 July 21 Two OMs in a conversation.

FRANCE Radio France Intl-RFI 11995 0527 French 333 July 21 YL with comments. OM with comments 0529. Off the air 0530.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11715 0544 Russian 444 July 21 Two OMs in a conversation. YL with comments 0545. OM with ID 0550. OM and YL in Japanese 0555. YL singing in Japanese 0558. Off the air 0600. //11760[444].

NEW ZEALAND Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 11725 0540 English 444 July 21 YL interviewing an OM on Family debts.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 12035 0518 Spanish 433 July 21 OM with comments. Two OMs in a happy conversation 0522. //11890[444].

UNKNOWN COUNTRY Unkown Station?? 13600 0510 Arabic 333 July 21 YL and OM with comments. Who are they???.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

giovedì 22 luglio 2010

"Radio Free Fiji"? New Pirate Radio Plan

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation

"Radio Free Fiji"?
New Pirate Radio Plan

WELLINGTON [NZ] - In the past few days, Usaia Waqatairewa of the Australian based Fiji Democracy & Freedom Movement has floated the idea of broadcasting uncensored news and music programs to Fijian radio listeners from a 'pirate radio' ship anchored in international waters near Fiji.

The Radio Heritage Foundation [] which maintains an extensive database of Pacific radio broadcasters believes this is the first proposed 'pirate radio' station in the South Pacific since landbased Radio Tanafo and Radio Vemerama hit the headlines from Vanuatu several decades ago.

Interviewed on Radio Australia's Pacific Beat program and also reported in The Australian newspaper this week, Mr Waqatairewa says that starting such a new radio station would help Fijians obtain a different perspective on events in Fiji where a recent media decree has tightened restrictions on media ownership and cemented ongoing censorship of news reporting and the broadcast of some banned pop songs.

Recent reports have discussions underway with the owners of a Dutch radio ship that could be repositioned to the South Pacific to broadcast on AM and FM to the scattered islands of Fiji.

Mr Waqatairewa says "Sure, the dictatorship might try to jam us, but we would certainly move frequencies. The ship need only be a floating transmitter because we could send the signal from Australia on a live stream over the net. It would not be difficult to do."

A review of Fijian news websites including Radio Fiji, Communications Fiji, Fiji Times, Fiji Sun, Fiji Daily Post and reveals no reference to the remarks by Mr Waqatairewa.

However, the personal Facebook page for Commodore Bainimarama, the Fijian government leader is more revealing on the subject.

Not only is the pirate radio proposal mentioned, there is even a direct link to Radio Australia's Pacific Beat interview with Mr.Waqatairewa.

revealing comment is also attributed to Commodore Bainimarama himself - "our favourite former resident Usaia Waqatairewa wants to set up a pirate radio station in international waters around Fiji and play banned pop music."

The Facebook page includes a range of responses from readers such as 'Just another project that will go bust'.......'We've got more than enough radio stations here in Fiji'.....'Sounds like a brilliant idea but wrong time, wrong situation'.......'What a waste of money. Any investors must be mad'....and chillingly, 'I wonder how his kin folks are feeling for they could be classified as persons of interest to our security personnel'.

Mr Waqatairewa is the former deputy director of the Fiji Human Rights Commission and now resides in Sydney where he is president of the Fiji Democracy & Freedom Movement.

He claims his organization has been in contact with News Limited which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the global media billionaire and which also owns the Fiji Times newspaper which is now for sale to comply with a recent media ownership decree.

Pro-democracy blog 'Fijitoday' has a recent headline 'When Will Murdoch Bring His Big Guns to Bear' and observes 'It's not just the media he owns. It's billions of dollars he has at his disposal and the human resources he can muster and deploy to make things happen.'

Fijian radio listeners will know in the weeks and months ahead whether Mr Murdoch will use some of those dollars and human resources to bankroll the floating pirate radio station that Mr Waqatairewa's organization is suggesting.

In the meantime, the Fijian government has since announced a new decree requiring the registration of every telephone in the country within the next 30 days or owners face fines of up to F$10,000 or six months in jail.

Many Fijians now use mobile phones for cheap local calls, phone banking, and, of course, listening to the many popular local FM radio stations currently on the air.

If a 'Radio Free Fiji' does float onto the Fijian airwaves, there may be many listeners nervous about tuning in with their mobile phone FM receivers if the state has their photo ID, date-of-birth, home address and name on a central database.

For now, Fijians wanting to know about the pirate radio plans can reportedly still listen to Radio Australia news on state run Radio Fiji, have access to local FM relays of the BBC in Suva and Nadi, can tune to many Australian and New Zealand AM signals at nighttime, and, of course, read Commodore Bainimarama's Facebook page.


Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the
You can read about early radio broadcasting in Fiji [Radio
ZJV Suva] and Vanuatu and enjoy other Pacific radio features at our
global website
Our recently updated Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides include data on
thousands of regional radio stations.
You can also become an annual supporter from as little as US$10.


Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2010

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, once again no trace of a carrier from LRA36, July 22 at 1325 tho there was one on 15480. I intend for this to be my last non-reception report of it for a while (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Propagation pretty poor July 22; Firedrake:
 8400, JBA at 1243
10500, poor at 1333, but not at earlier chex
No others found 8-18 MHz; nor any CNR1/motorboating/het jamming against V. of Tibet audible in the 15.5-15.6 range like yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Did not have a chance to check RHC 0500+ July 21 whether 6110 was colliding with NHK Sackville as implied the night before, since 6110 was still on after 0530. Nor on July 22, not tuning until 0618: then things were more or less back to previous `normal`. – No 6110; no English, no signal at all on 11760. Band was open from Africa, New Zealand, etc. 9525 Spanish also unthere.

On 49m, at 0618+, English on 5970 second best, reactivated 6010 VG, new 6150, and worst on 6060 with CCI. At 0621 the English hostess IDed herself as Eva Baraja (sp?), a newbie? As she introduced Alex Rodríguez. Spanish on 6120, 5040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, AIR GOS in English, has not been audible for several weeks at 1330, but poor signal showing July 22 at 1332 with news. Maybe conditions are picking up from that worldpart, or anomalous? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI with VG signal and modulation July 22 at 1329 ending a travelog segment about Papua; 1330 Miscellany starting with a list of eligible subjects. Could not copy them all, but included: science, technology, sport, lifestyle, health, environment, women. And this one was about a July 10 event in the RRI Jakarta auditorium for the 2010 regional children`s day festival (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. After a dry spell of a few days, Es TVDX mainly from Veracruz stations on 2, 4, 5, July 22 from 1547 past 1720 UT. Details to be compiled later (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS [and non]. 13m again active in the nightmiddle (more so than in the daymiddle, it seems!), July 22 at 0628, R. Free Asia, poor on 21550 in Mandarin, 21500 in Tibetan, both Tinian, with 21550 // 17880 Saipan which propagates much more regularly during this hour. The usual //s on 17, 15 and 13 MHz bands also audible, plus signs of the Kashgar CRI emissions to Europe on 17 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Regional tropo conditions often kick in after local midnight, so I tuned around July 22 at 0504 UT. How about Woodward OK on RF 34 and 35? Aim antenna west, and instead I get a decode on ch 34 labeled KPBI-DT.

Where`s that? Opposite direxion, from east so aimed there, perfect reception from new station in Eureka Springs AR, which is right next to MO, not far from Branson. It`s Alfred Hitchcock B&W from RTV, but NOT // Hitchcock episode on local KXOK-31/32.

FCC TV Query shows KPBI only as a CP, so did it just come on air? 1000 kW. Plus on 34-2, KXUN with Univisión. The real KXUN, is KXUN-LP, licensed to channel 43 in Ft Smith AR, with 5.8 kW. So is it still on there in analog, plus this DTV virtual channel relay further north? Gone by 0615 UT.

I am also getting Univisión on analog 25 from the same direxion, same novela but a few sex apart, which must be KUTU-CA in Tulsa OK, per, 5.06 kW ERP. It`s been there for years but seldom seen here in Enid. Full power KOKH-25 in OKC must have frequently overcome it even in Tulsa area during the analog era. I would have picked some other channel for it.

Besides the usual Tulsa DTV on RF 45, 42, 28, 22, 20, 17 and 11, I was also getting:

RF 49, KGEB-DT 53-1
RF 47, KWHB, LeSea with subchannel of little interest. And:

RF 36, KRSC Claremore OK. This is an independent public TV station, not with PBS, but lots of good programming I wish I could always get as an alternative to OETA. As DTV 35-1 KRSC-SD with Red Green, short de-commercialed show with fill from 0521; 0530 Antiques Roadshow. Bug on 35-1: LR, interlocking letters R S U, and Rogers / Television.

KRSC`s 35-2 was carrying Classic ARTS, which we also have in Enid on public access via Pegasys, but analog video often with sparklies and audio is always hissy. It was a pleasure to see it with perfect video and stereo audio for a change via KRSC. Bug on 35-2: UR, R S U interlocking, Rogers Television, KRSC-D35-2 / Claremore, OK.

Note: some years ago it upgraded from a College to a University, but kept the KRSC calls. By 0615 UT, 36 had faded out, or rather fell off the cliff (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15450, V. of Turkey English to Europe and also USward, July 22 at 1235 is poor, but much better by 1307 when I am expecting to hear Live From Turkey on this Thursday, but instead only music fill until 1322 multi-lingual ID loop starts, but we only hear a few of them before switch to English sign-off at 1323, and IS from 1324. So is LFT kaput, or just no one available to do it during summer vacations? Or could it be because its main producer is gone?

I heard from Sheref Ishler recently saying that he is leaving VOT, and with a very strange request --- that I should delete all references to his full name previously published in DXLD --- it`s a VOT rule about ex-employees, including those who leave on good terms.

He did his duty by passing on the order, and I do my duty by ignoring it, since I am not subject to VOT`s control-the-foreign-press rules, rewriting history. Hmmm, sort of like denying genocide, but on a much smaller scale. Anyhow, we wish Sheref (with sedillas on both esses) the best on his post-VOT endeavours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. Re: ``UNIDENTIFIED. 12080, VOA English at 1252 July 21, poor. I first reported this almost two months ago, May 27, but none of the online lists yet show it at this time to determine the site, just Botswana until 0700, and São Tomé starting at 1400.

Does VOA at least have the frequency, if not the site, on its schedule for English by now? O no, the page I have bookmarked for this,
now produces a 404, page cannot be found (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

Hi Glenn, Note slight difference in the URL
It just worked for me, albeit slowly. 73 (Kim Elliott, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Also outpointed by Alan Roe, UK

The e page there does show 1200-1300 on 12075 for ``English to Far East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania``. I sure thought I was getting it on 12080 but will have to recheck. 12075 IS listed elsewhere, unnecessarily switching from Iranawila to Tinang at 1230.

That part of the dial has parallax problems on the FRG-7, so I must nail down any frequencies with the YB-400. I am definitely tuned to 12075, July 22 at 1205, when there is a JBA carrier, and none on 12080. At 1229 there is a fast subaudible heterodyne, two carriers QRMing each other from slightly different frequencies, guess around 15 Hz. From 1230 I begin to hear some VOA English audio and it improves gradually, // and synchronized with Tinang on 9760; but the SAH is still there at 1236. Turn it off in Sri Lanka! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###