** BRAZIL. 9819.4, Brazilian talk, M&W mentioning Santa Maria every few seconds, fair signal above het with something on 9820.0 – only other thing scheduled is Turkey in Turkish. Rádio Nove de Julho, of course, a Catholic station rather than Pentecostal. Brazilians also audible on 9565 wailing Miranda, and 9645v Bandeirantes. By 0632, RNA open carrier on 11780, but did not catch start of modulation. 11925v Bandeirantes, 11815 RBC also audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 6: at 1412, poor on 8400, 9000 but not on 10210 or 11300; at 1453, JBA on 11300, // 9000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COSTA RICA. 2859.8, Jan 6 at 0201 check, R. San Carlos, quite good signal for a second harmonic, Spanish talk, but outside on the portable to diminish the noise level, it was too cold to stay with it, much as I wished to; probably about to sign off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 7475, Jan 6 at 0623, Greek Orthodox chanting, not on Sunday, but it`s Xmas v. 2, Epiphany (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, tune-in at 1402 Jan 6 to hear VG S9+15 open carrier, except barely audible tones over and over for 7 seconds, pause for 2 seconds, approx. and off at 1408*. This corresponds with monitoring by Atsunori Ishida, Japan; it seems the English hour is usually running at 13-14, but the Malay hour which used to follow is lost. At http://www.max.hi-ho.ne.jp/a-ishida/ins/ he says English on Jan 6 was from 1301 and 9526 went off at 1400*. But carrier was certainly back on for another 6 minutes as I heard it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 11630, Jan 6 at 1450 Arabic talk and then Qur`an recitation, fair signal but slightly off frequency to the hi side, causing het with something else. Per EiBi and WRTH, the other station here at this hour is VOR in Urdu via Tajikistan. Kuwait is aimed 230 degrees, so they may hope there is no collision in targets. Non-Qur`an Kuwait also heard on non-// 15110 in Arabic at 1505 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Another local external mixing product on 4600 with KCRC 1390 audio, Jan 6 at 0630. Fortunately these are mostly quite weak. Calculating its origin, I find that 4600 is the difference between 5 x 1390 (6950) and KGWA 960 + KCRC 1390 (2350) (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Sa`udi Arabia already on at 1459 Jan 6, very strong extending 15405 to 15455, QRMing Farda on 15410; with traces of Arabic modulation underneath // clear 15225, where at first it was a spoken sermon, 1503 very long pause with nothing but crowd noises, then recitation at 1505 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020-, Jan 6 at 1415, weak talk in English, about one second behind BBCWS Singapore 6195; could not get it to match Thailand on 5875. Have detected carrier on 5020 several mornings lately, but not any modulation until now. SIBC had some local-origination New Year programming heard by others pre-empting BBC relay. 2010y started at 1300 UT Dec 31 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. George McClintock advised that WTWW Lebanon TN was testing on the air at 0235 UT January 6, only 2.5 kW, and some arcing problems, so would probably not be on much longer that evening. I quickly checked 5755 0238-0245 and could detect a carrier, and I think some modulation but too weak vs the noise level. Anyone hearing them better? Later he said he got a report from High Point, NC where reception was OK. Only problem remaining to be worked out is some kind of overload causing transmitter to trip off if power raised above 5 kW. Antenna loads up nicely on 5755, not quite so well on 9480; may go to a higher band which would work better. Using a CRL audio processor which is better than Optimod. Still no final decision on programming. Taking necessary time to get everything right, rather than a rush-job. A 2-minute video of work on the modulator is now on the website http://wtww.us A good view of what it looks like inside the transmitter building,
with George McClintock and helpers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Very strong S9+20 open carrier again heard on 11435.0, Jan 6 at 0620 then going to some digital data noise bursts, a variety of sounds for about a minute, back to OC. 0625 more data bursts, OC; off at 0629. Then tuned to 11532 and found a similar strength carrier hetting WYFR 11530. These appear to be on a regular schedule as heard several times previously; signal levels equivalent to RHC on 11760 and strongly suspect Cuban origin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15800, open carrier of fair S9+8 strength with slow fades, Jan 6 at 1455, still same at 1502, but gone at next check 1518. Only broadcast station ever scheduled on this frequency is Egypt at 07-11. Sometimes these OCs as heard on AM are axually RTTY, at least intermittently, if you turn on the BFO, so can be dismissed as utes, but not this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###