mercoledì 13 gennaio 2010

Glenn Hauser logs January 12-13, 2010

** ALBANIA. 13640, R. Tirana English to NAm, tune-in Jan 13 at 1530 to find IS still playing until 1532 opening broadcast with schedule; fair signal and modulation, no QRM. Fortunately, RT can be flexible about the timing, as it`s less than a full 30 minutes long, and there is no broadcast immediately following at 1600 anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 7105, again Jan 13 at 1418 with YL talking in unMandarin-sounding language with lots of rising intonations; 1420 QRM from intermittent carrier, probably annoyed ham, also QRM from ``running water`` mode, longer pulses, 1422 with music, short beeps interfered.

I was still thinking it must be Madagascar, as reported Jan 12, but Ron Howard, CA, was also monitoring this today and says ``7105, PBS Nei Menggu, 1448, Jan 13. Indeed they have returned here again with fair to good reception; still heard at 1602 (scheduled for 1605*); // 9520. Also heard the spurs on both 7095 and 7115.``

WRTH 2010 had removed 7105 and all other ChiCom channels 7100-7200 as they were supposedly evacuating, or already had done so. Besides 9520, other Nei Menggu frequencies shown are 6040, 7270, 7420, 9750, all at 2150-1605. They have two separate networks for Chinese news and Mongolian news, but WRTH does not says which ones are on which SW frequencies.

Aoki does, already updated as of Jan 12 to show 7105 again for the Chinese net, also on 7420, 9520, while Mongolian is on 6040, 7270, 9750. So I must defer that the language heard on 7105 is Chinese, presumably meaning Mandarin rather than some other version? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9170 weak with music around 1359 Jan 13, no doubt the only station known to use this far out-of-band frequency, but missing at next check 1425. Aoki shows it as the Beijing 491 transmitter site, with CNR6 network in Chinese and Amoy, at 1100-1805 and 2055-0105.

I consistently do not hear it after 1400, suspected real closedown time. On page 150 of WRTH 2010, CNR6 is identified as ``Shenzhou Easy Radio`` in Chinese, Amoy and Hakka at 2055-0105, 0355-1805 on MW/SW, i.e. 50 kW on 9170 and 6165 night, 11905 and 15710 day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Strong OTH radar pulses 5750-5830, presumed from here, Jan 13 at 1411, peaking around 5800 and QRMing strong broadcaster on 5810, much weaker one on 5825, i.e. R. Free Asia in Cantonese via TINIAN, and YFR in Nepali via UZBEKISTAN, respectively, per Aoki, which shows no ChiCom jamming on 5825 until 1500 when RFA switches to Mandarin.

Same pitch of OTHR but much weaker at 1416 on 6910-6990 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6060, RHC still running English past 0700 as usual in reality contrary to schedule, Jan 13 at 0715 amid DXers Unlimited, Arnie talking about MOPAs, also an odd time for that show usually in the second half of whatever hour. 6140 was also still on but in Spanish along with 6150 and 6120 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9425, AIR National Channel, Wed Jan 13 at 1449 woman speaking English with considerable accent, but clearly enunciated so mostly understandable here, about NAI = non-accidental injuries (the Indians are so fond of acronyms and initialisms), i.e. battered children in the US and experimentation on animals, with lots of statistics, apparently in opposition to such conduct. Could tell 9470 was // but much weaker and uncopyable there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526v, Jan 13 at 1358, VOI still on with music, but as usual missing shortly after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. VIRI with same music/IS on 9575 and 9585 Jan 13 at 1428 as about to start Russian and Hindi services respectively, both via Sirjan site and equally poor signals but 9575 somewhat louder modulation. 1430 to anthem not quite in synch, 1431 different opening announcements. 9575 was first to get to Qur`an, shortly 9585 too but different segment. Another check at 1448 found 9575 in Russian undermodulated with hum, but no hum on 9585 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 11710, VOK in French, Jan 13 at 1435 with continuous beeps in background at the rate of 24/minute. Impression was that they emanated from same transmitter rather than QRM.

// 9335 VOK did not have the beeps but did have SAH from CCI, i.e. IBB Kuwait at 70 degrees, registered at 1130-1830 as if IBB were unaware VOK is also on 9335! With NK an outlaw nation refusing to participate in HFCC, IBB may pretend at its own peril that VOK is nowhere. Kuwait is running all the Dari/Pashto services, VOA, Radio Ashna, Radio Azadi while VOK is 27 degrees USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Wed Jan 13 at 1409 I log-noted ``JJ no JJ``, i.e. in Japanese and no Juche jamming heard, for Shiokaze via JSR JAPAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA. 5030, RTM Sarawak, Jan 13 at 1457 DJ talking over song, Cuba 5025 no problem, 1459 studio M chatting with W on phone, 1+1 timesignal at hourtop was again three seconds late as easily compared to WWV 5000 one minute later; so Sarawak remains behind the times.

Then M starting news mentioning ``R-T-M`` letters as in English. WRTH 2010 page 263 indicates Wai FM is mostly in the Iban language rather than Malay. At 1511 Cuban 5025 signal had resurged, again problematic for 5030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 5995, RTM, Jan 13 at 0705 discussion in French, mentioning ``dans les rues de Bamako,`` ``Agence Nationale de Securité``, good signal as usual. Thorsten Hallman, Germany as of Jan 7 said 7285v and 11960 were inactive, only heard on 9635 at 08-18; but apparently 5995 is the corresponding near/night frequency from same transmitter still active (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Unlike the day before, TRT got 12035 Çakirlar turned off after English until 1422, no signal at 1432 check Jan 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. Checking 9480 Jan 12 at 2100 in case WTWW were on for another test, it was not, but instead heard weak signal with 800 number, Harold Camping, so it`s a YFR relay. In fact, B-09 hours for ``BWW``, the imaginary callsign still in the updated FCC schedule as of Jan 7
are 12-24, except for a break at 19-22, to accommodate YFR registered in HFCC at 19-22 via Nauen, GERMANY, due south. So we shouldn`t expect WTWW to be on 9480 during those two sesquihours aside from testing. WTWW was so strong on Jan 11 around 2100 that there was no trace of YFR under it here. Have yet to hear WTWW testing evenings on 5755, as of Jan 13 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1495, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13570, WINB with Global Spirit Proclamation, the anapaestic preacher from Fence Lake NM also heard for hours on WBCQ 15420-CUSB, Jan 12 at 2123 with fundamental more unstable and distorted than usual, also putting out spiky spur on 13535, really covering 10 kHz, and a weaker one 35 kHz further down on 13500, and traces of yet another around 13465. But no matches on the hi side of 13570, rather just splattering up to 13585. The least stations should do is make their spurs match on each side, fairly balanced (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. We can say goodbye to R. Cultura do Pará, 5045, as VG big signal from WWRB was rampant from 5050, Jan 13 at 0709 with ``Wonderful Words of Life`` hymn, 0710 ``Treasure of Truth Broadcasts`` from Church of Christ in Altamont TN.

FCC updated sked Jan 7 shows WWRB on 5050 only between 21 and 05, but what do they know? Also on 3185 as usual with Brother Scare, but not registered on any other frequency after 0500, so was this a mistake or a new schedule?

It`s rather pointless to consult the WWRB website where online schedules are obviously outdated, but ``Global 2`` shows ``leased to Churches of Christ`` daily 9 pm only until local midnight on 5050, and still shows long-abandoned 12180 as day frequency for that transmitter!

** U S A. 11855, Jan 13 at 1438 was clear of Camping, who had been camping on this frequency a few minutes earlier with his WYFR English broadcast supposedly 1300-1600; meanwhile WYFR in Spanish as usual on 11830. But it`s not the end of the world, due to multiple redundancy Family Radio employs from countless frequencies, times and sites (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI still absent from 9955, no jamming audible either, around 1515 Jan 13; I fear they are totally off the air at present. Yes: Jeff White replies at 1814 UT Jan 13:

Glenn: We found out that the problem you noted the other night with audio switching off briefly was due to the high-power relay going bad.  It's been sporadic, and finally went out altogether. We can turn the transmitter on, but it turns itself off after several seconds. We're trying to find a replacement relay somewhere, but no luck so far. That particular relay isn't made anymore, and we haven't been able to find used ones anywhere either. So we're looking at trying to make something ourselves to replace it. They are working on this right now, but I don't know exactly how long it will take. Fingers are crossed. Jeff`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Navy MARS net on 5004.5-USB, intruding into the worldwide exclusive standard frequency band 4995-5005, and indeed first noted as QRM to WWV, Jan 13 at 1501, NCS NNN0ENS opening a net, calling Oklahoma stations, then East Texas, et al., with many check-ins, usually mentioning local temperatures.

Group or net callsign/designator frequently mentioned is 6X2B, always with proper military fonetix. I could have copied countless station calls, but a few of them were NNN0AHH, NNN0WKH at 1509; NNN0HZN, NNN0FPA a few minutes later, no reply heard from the last one. After informal comments, at 1520 NNN0ENS started to close the net, and had NNN0AHH echo the closure, until 1521*

Google searching on calls: NNN0ENS got two hits including
showing he is Hal, somewhere in OK. NNN0AHH is revealed as KD5ILA, JACK R CLEAVENGER, JR, BARLING, AR 72923 on his listing.

Search on 6X2B leads to this neat and complex grid
updated in December 2009. Trouble is, it does not show any frequencies! Just many alfanumerix cryptically designating them like 6X2B, and deals with the Northeast Area, not including OK and AR. But the only two entries for 6X2B are under 1500Z.

Getting back to the point, we insist that Navy MARS QSY out of the Standard Frequency band! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 11850, VR in Hindi audible with mass, Jan 13 after 1430, but WYFR dumped off 11855 removing its adjacent-channel QRM, so VR in the clear at 1439 by which time it had shifted to S Asian music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. It`s always a tough decision over what to monitor at 1400, but Jan 13 it was back to 6074 to see if I could detect 8GAL`s V/CQ marker on CW. Russia 6075 carrier still on and motorboating worse than usual, and could barely make out 8GAL already in progress, just barely audible. By the time it finished, Pet/Kam had gone off leaving a much weaker carrier from something else (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9735-9745, big buzz covering this range, Jan 12 at 2103. Not quite like BSKSA 15435, 11785, not quite like OTH radar either, and not quite like DRM. If it originates from a 9740 transmitter severely malfunxioning, that would be Kamalabad, Iran with the VIRI Albanian service, only thing scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###